842 resultados para Software-based techniques
Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) offers a huge potential for designing trade-offs involving energy, power, temperature and performance of computing systems. In this paper, we evaluate three different DVFS schemes - our enhancement of a Petri net performance model based DVFS method for sequential programs to stream programs, a simple profile based Linear Scaling method, and an existing hardware based DVFS method for multithreaded applications - using multithreaded stream applications, in a full system Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) simulator. From our evaluation, we find that the software based methods achieve significant Energy/Throughput2(ET−2) improvements. The hardware based scheme degrades performance heavily and suffers ET−2 loss. Our results indicate that the simple profile based scheme achieves the benefits of the complex Petri net based scheme for stream programs, and present a strong case for the need for independent voltage/frequency control for different cores of CMPs, which is lacking in most of the state-of-the-art CMPs. This is in contrast to the conclusions of a recent evaluation of per-core DVFS schemes for multithreaded applications for CMPs.
The nature of the stress and electric field driven structural and microstructural transformations in the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositions of the high Curie point piezoelectric system BiScO3-PbTiO3 has been examined by ex situ based techniques. Using a powder poling technique, which is based on the concept of exploiting the irreversible structural change that occurs after the application of a strong electric field and stress independently, it was possible to ascertain that both moderate stress and electric field induce identical structural transformation-a fraction of the monoclinic phase transforms irreversibly to the tetragonal phase. Moreover, analysis of the dielectric response before and after poling revealed a counterintuitive phenomenon of poling induced decrease in the spatial coherence of polarization for compositions around the MPB and not so for compositions far away from the MPB range. Exploiting the greater sensitivity of this technique, we demonstrate that the criticality associated with the interferroelectric transition spans a wider composition range than what is conventionally reported in the literature based on bulk x-ray/neutron powder diffraction techniques.
Distributed system has quite a lot of servers to attain increased availability of service and for fault tolerance. Balancing the load among these servers is an important task to achieve better performance. There are various hardware and software based load balancing solutions available. However there is always an overhead on Servers and the Load Balancer while communicating with each other and sharing their availability and the current load status information. Load balancer is always busy in listening to clients' request and redirecting them. It also needs to collect the servers' availability status frequently, to keep itself up-to-date. Servers are busy in not only providing service to clients but also sharing their current load information with load balancing algorithms. In this paper we have proposed and discussed the concept and system model for software based load balancer along with Availability-Checker and Load Reporters (LB-ACLRs) which reduces the overhead on server and the load balancer. We have also described the architectural components with their roles and responsibilities. We have presented a detailed analysis to show how our proposed Availability Checker significantly increases the performance of the system.
Two-dimensional magnetic recording 2-D (TDMR) is a promising technology for next generation magnetic storage systems based on a systems-level framework involving sophisticated signal processing at the core. The TDMR channel suffers from severe jitter noise along with electronic noise that needs to be mitigated during signal detection and recovery. Recently, we developed noise prediction-based techniques coupled with advanced signal detectors to work with these systems. However, it is important to understand the role of harmful patterns that can be avoided during the encoding process. In this paper, we investigate the Voronoi-based media model to study the harmful patterns over multitrack shingled recording systems. Through realistic quasi-micromagnetic simulation studies, we identify 2-D data patterns that contribute to high media noise. We look into the generic Voronoi model and present our analysis on multitrack detection with constrained coded data. We show that the 2-D constraints imposed on input patterns result in an order of magnitude improvement in the bit-error rate for the TDMR systems. The use of constrained codes can reduce the complexity of 2-D intersymbol interference (ISI) signal detection, since the lesser 2-D ISI span can be accommodated at the cost of a nominal code rate loss. However, a system must be designed carefully so that the rate loss incurred by a 2-D constraint does not offset the detector performance gain due to more distinguishable readback signals.
In this paper, the real-time deformation fields are observed in two different kinds of hole-excavated dog-bone samples loaded by an SHTB, including single hole sample and dual holes sample with the aperture size of 0.8mm. The testing system consists of a high-speed camera, a He-Ne laser, a frame grabber and a synchronization device with the controlling accuracy of I microsecond. Both the single hole expanding process and the interaction of the two holes are recorded with the time interval of 10 mu s. The observed images on the sample surface are analyzed by newly developed software based on digital correlation theory and a modified image processing method. The 2-D displacement fields in plane are obtained with a resolution of 50 mu m and an accuracy of 0.5 mu m. Experimental results obtained in this paper are proofed, by compared with FEM numerical simulations.
The physical vapor transport (PVT) method is being widely used to grow large-size single SiC crystals. The growth process is associated with heat and mass transport in the growth chamber, chemical reactions among multiple species as well as phase change at the crystal/gas interface. The current paper aims at studying and verifying the transport mechanism and growth kinetics model by demonstrating the flow field and species concentration distribution in the growth system. We have developed a coupled model, which takes into account the mass transport and growth kinetics. Numerical simulation is carried out by employing an in-house developed software based on finite volume method. The results calculated are in good agreement with the experimental observation.
In this paper, a real-time and in situ optical measuring system is reported to observe high-velocity deformations of samples subjected to impact loading. The system consists of a high-speed camera, a He-Ne laser, a frame grabber, a synchronization device and analysis software based on digital correlation theory. The optical system has been adapted to investigate the dynamic deformation field and its evolution in notched samples loaded by an split Hopkinson tension bar, with a resolution of 50 pin and an accuracy of 0.5 mum. Results obtained in experiments are discussed and compared with numerical simulations. It is shown that the measuring system is effective and valid.
In this paper, the real-time deformation fields are observed in two different kinds of hole-excavated dog-bone samples loaded by an SHTB, including single hole sample and dual holes sample with the aperture size of 0.8mm. The testing system consists of a high-speed camera, a He-Ne laser, a frame grabber and a synchronization device with the controlling accuracy of I microsecond. Both the single hole expanding process and the interaction of the two holes are recorded with the time interval of 10 mu s. The observed images on the sample surface are analyzed by newly developed software based on digital correlation theory and a modified image processing method. The 2-D displacement fields in plane are obtained with a resolution of 50 mu m and an accuracy of 0.5 mu m. Experimental results obtained in this paper are proofed, by compared with FEM numerical simulations.
The physical vapor transport (PVT) method is being widely used to grow large-size single SiC crystals. The growth process is associated with heat and mass transport in the growth chamber, chemical reactions among multiple species as well as phase change at the crystal/gas interface. The current paper aims at studying and verifying the transport mechanism and growth kinetics model by demonstrating the flow field and species concentration distribution in the growth system. We have developed a coupled model, which takes into account the mass transport and growth kinetics. Numerical simulation is carried out by employing an in-house developed software based on finite volume method. The results calculated are in good agreement with the experimental observation.
The connections between convexity and submodularity are explored, for purposes of minimizing and learning submodular set functions.
First, we develop a novel method for minimizing a particular class of submodular functions, which can be expressed as a sum of concave functions composed with modular functions. The basic algorithm uses an accelerated first order method applied to a smoothed version of its convex extension. The smoothing algorithm is particularly novel as it allows us to treat general concave potentials without needing to construct a piecewise linear approximation as with graph-based techniques.
Second, we derive the general conditions under which it is possible to find a minimizer of a submodular function via a convex problem. This provides a framework for developing submodular minimization algorithms. The framework is then used to develop several algorithms that can be run in a distributed fashion. This is particularly useful for applications where the submodular objective function consists of a sum of many terms, each term dependent on a small part of a large data set.
Lastly, we approach the problem of learning set functions from an unorthodox perspective---sparse reconstruction. We demonstrate an explicit connection between the problem of learning set functions from random evaluations and that of sparse signals. Based on the observation that the Fourier transform for set functions satisfies exactly the conditions needed for sparse reconstruction algorithms to work, we examine some different function classes under which uniform reconstruction is possible.
[ES]Este proyecto comprende la realización de un estudio de optimización mediante análisis técnico-económico del sistema de refrigeración de una planta termosolar de colectores cilindroparabólicos. Se incluye una exposición descriptiva de la planta y el sistema de agua de circulación y condensado. El estudio técnico-económico se apoya en la realización de los balances térmicos variando los parámetros dimensionantes relativos a dicho sistema mediante el software Thermoflex, partiendo del valor de estos que proporciona la potencia nominal de la planta. Se calcula la producción eléctrica diferencial e inversión diferencial de cada alternativa de dimensionamiento del sistema, calculándose la rentabilidad económica para cada caso. Se refleja también el cambio legislativo sucedido en cuanto al precio de venta de la electricidad y como afecta éste en la rentabilidad de cada caso. De esta forma se seleccionará la solución óptima y se extraerán las conclusiones.
Since the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC, its use as a probe to search for beyond the standard model physics, such as supersymmetry, has become important, as seen in a recent search by the CMS experiment using razor variables in the diphoton final state. Motivated by this search, this thesis examines the LHC discovery potential of a SUSY scenario involving bottom squark pair production with a Higgs boson in the final state. We design and implement a software-based trigger using the razor variables for the CMS experiment to record events with a bottom quark-antiquark pair from a Higgs boson. We characterize the full range of signatures at the LHC from this Higgs-aware SUSY scenario and demonstrate the sensitivity of the CMS data to this model.
Os recentes desastres ocorridos no país, como o rompimento da adutora em Campo Grande e os desastres relacionados às enchentes urbanas, mostram a necessidade de desenvolvimento de pesquisas científicas que auxiliem na compreensão e no dimensionamento das estruturas projetadas para atender a demanda da população. Os métodos analíticos e experimentais mais utilizados possuem algumas limitações de ordem teórica ou prática. Por outro lado, os métodos numéricos, capazes de simular etapas construtivas e envolver materiais com diferentes modelos constitutivos numa mesma análise, buscam atender às necessidades práticas dos projetos de geotecnia e, ao mesmo tempo, complementam os modelos analíticos e experimentais. Nesse trabalho foram realizadas comparações entre resultados obtidos em ensaios experimentais e resultados extraídos do modelo computacional, buscando aumentar a compreensão sobre a interação solo-estrutura em relação à distribuição de tensões mobilizadas e aos deslocamentos e deformações provocados. A simulação numérica foi feita com a utilização do PLAXIS/3D, software de análise geotécnica baseado no método dos elementos finitos. Os ensaios foram confeccionados na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos/USP por Costa (2005) e envolveram dutos enterrados submetidos à perda de apoio ou elevação localizada. O estudo experimental foi realizado através de modelos físicos compostos por um maciço de areia pura, contendo um tubo repousando sobre um alçapão no centro do vão. Os modelos físicos foram equipados com instrumental capaz de medir as deflexões e as deformações específicas ao longo do duto, além das tensões totais no maciço de solo circundante e na base do equipamento.
An account is given of the fabrication and deployment of artificial reefs used in the SEAFDEC/AQD's Community Fishery Resource Management project, which focused on Malalison Island located in west Central Philippines. The project aimed to apply community-based techniques of fishery resource management through the collaboration of community organizations, biologists and social scientists. The 3 types of reefs (building blocks, concrete pipe culvert, and modified concrete pipe culvert) were deployed at Gui-ob reef covering an area of less than 1 ha.
Most of the existing automated machine vision-based techniques for as-built documentation of civil infrastructure utilize only point features to recover the 3D structure of a scene. However it is often the case in man-made structures that not enough point features can be reliably detected (e.g. buildings and roofs); this can potentially lead to the failure of these techniques. To address the problem, this paper utilizes the prominence of straight lines in infrastructure scenes. It presents a hybrid approach that benefits from both point and line features. A calibrated stereo set of video cameras is used to collect data. Point and line features are then detected and matched across video frames. Finally, the 3D structure of the scene is recovered by finding 3D coordinates of the matched features. The proposed approach has been tested on realistic outdoor environments and preliminary results indicate its capability to deal with a variety of scenes.