855 resultados para Sight


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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Resumen: A simple vista, la zoología monstruosa podría verse como una fauna de carácter real, en oposición a otros seres que evidencian su monstruosidad. Sin embargo, bajo ese manto aparente de realismo, se esconde el principio mágico que ha movido a esos animales a un desplazamiento de la más pura realidad a la otredad monstruosa, sea a causa de la metamorfosis, de las profecías o de cualquier otro elemento que no se corresponda directamente con su naturaleza animal, sino que provenga de un principio exterior —la magia— o interior —su propia naturaleza monstruosa/prodigiosa—. Es el caso de los leones del Palmerín de Olivia (Salamanca, Juan de Porras, 1511), que debe enfrentar el héroe en tierras de moros


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Resumen: Las resoluciones de un comité de Bioética influyen directamente en la vida de las personas pero son superadoras de la instancia particular. Tal vez por causa de su misma importancia social, el debate bioético contemporáneo se ha escapado del dominio de los especialistas y ha llegado a comprometer y apasionar al público en general. Éste intuye que en esa discusión se juega la sociabilidad humana y aun la misma noción de Hombre. La sola reunión del comité experto no procura una respuesta. Para el comité de Bioética, la verdad no es evidente a primera vista, sino que debe descubrirla. Para ello es necesario el método para seguir tras la verdad de las cosas y, aunque nada asegura la infalibilidad, contribuye a evitar errores morales.


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Whenever human beings have looked out on the sea, they have seen whales. First from the shore and later from ships when humanity entered the ocean realm as seafarers, we have responded to seeing these creatures with awe and wonder. Even when we hunted whales, a period well chronicled both in history and in literature, the sight of a whale brought an adrenaline rush that was not totally linked to potential economic gain. The first trips on boats specifically to watch, rather than hunt, whales began around 45 years ago in Southern California where the migrating gray whales, seen in the distance from land, drew vessels out for a closer look. Since that time whalewatching has boomed, currently conducted in over 40 countries around the world, including Antarctica, and estimated by economists at the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society to have a 1999 worldwide economic value of around $800 million USD. The economic contribution to local coastal communities is particularly significant in developing countries and those where declining fish populations (and in some cases like the Japanese, international bans on whaling) have driven harvesters to look for viable alternatives. Clearly, whalewatching is now, in many places around the world, a small but thriving part of the regional economy. Like in the days of whaling, we still get the rush, but for some, money is back contributing to the physiological response. (PDF contains 90 pages.)


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The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The present assessment of the situation is given here for stocks of higher importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: the stock is still relatively high, this, however, will not last very long, due to too intense fishing. Cod in Kattegat: stock is outside safe biological limits. No immediate recovery in sight. Cod in 22–24 (Baltic): stock is inside save biological limits. F, however, is above the recommendation of the IBSFC. Greenland Halibut: state of the stock not quite clear. The present fishing intensity seems to be sustainable. Herring (Atlanto- scandian, Norwegian spring spawner): stock is within safe biological limits, weak recruitment of the recent years will lead to a reduction of biomass. Herring: for Baltic spring spawner in 22–24 and IIIa still no increasing tendency detectable. North Sea Herring: further increasing tendency, with 900 000 t over B lim, good recruitment. Herring in VIa: stable. Redfish: generally decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended. Signs of recovery, however, visible for some units


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The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The situation is given here for stocks of higher importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: A short term upwards trend is observed, which, however, will not last very long, due to too intense fishing. Cod in Kattegat: Stock is outside safe biological limits. No immediate recovery in sight. Cod in Sub. Div. 22– 24 (Baltic): Stock is outside safe biological limits. Due to weak recruitment not immediate recovery in prospect. Greenland Halibut: Stock outside safe biological limits and still in downward trend. Herring (atlanto-scandian, Norw. spring spawner): Stock inside safe biological limits, weak recruitment of the past 5 years will, however, lead to a reduction of the biomass. Redfish: Generally decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended.


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Blazars are active galaxies with a jet closely oriented to our line of sight. They are powerful, variable emitters from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths. Although the general picture of synchrotron emission at low energies and inverse Compton at high energies is well established, important aspects of blazars are not well understood. In particular, the location of the gamma-ray emission region is not clearly established, with some theories favoring a location close to the central engine, while others place it at parsec scales in the radio jet.

We developed a program to locate the gamma-ray emission site in blazars, through the study of correlated variations between their gamma-ray and radio-wave emission. Correlated variations are expected when there is a relation between emission processes at both bands, while delays tell us about the relative location of their energy generation zones. Monitoring at 15 GHz using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40 meter telescope started in mid-2007. The program monitors 1593 blazars twice per week, including all blazars detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) north of -20 degrees declination. This program complements the continuous monitoring of gamma-rays by Fermi.

Three year long gamma-ray light curves for bright Fermi blazars are cross-correlated with four years of radio monitoring. The significance of cross-correlation peaks is investigated using simulations that account for the uneven sampling and noise properties of the light curves, which are modeled as red-noise processes with a simple power-law power spectral density. We found that out of 86 sources with high quality data, only three show significant correlations (AO 0235+164, B2 2308+34 and PKS 1502+106). Additionally, we find a significant correlation for Mrk 421 when including the strong gamma-ray/radio flare of late 2012. In all four cases radio variations lag gamma-ray variations, suggesting that the gamma-ray emission originates upstream of the radio emission. For PKS 1502+106 we locate the gamma-ray emission site parsecs away from the central engine, thus disfavoring the model of Blandford and Levinson (1995), while other cases are inconclusive. These findings show that continuous monitoring over long time periods is required to understand the cross-correlation between gamma-ray and radio-wave variability in most blazars.


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LABURPENA: Aurrerapen zientifikoek aurrera egin ahala, lehen haurtzarorako begirada eraldatu egin da, bereziki garapen motorraren alorrean. Haurtxoa izaki pasibo bezala ikusten zuten ikuskerek, subjektuaren konpetentzia goiztiarren aurrean begiruneko jarrerak gartu dituzte. Lan honetan kalitatezko hezkuntza eredu instituzionalizatua garatu zuen Emmi Pikler-en ekarpenak aztertuko ditugu. Eredu honek printzipio pedagogiko zehatz batzuen arabera jaioberria eta haurtxo txikia ikusteko beste era bat eta hezitzaile bezala zaintzen dugun ume bakoitzarekiko betetzen dugun rolaren eraldaketa proposatzen du. Honek hezitzailearen jardunbide tradizionala birplanteatzera bultzatzen gaitu, haurrenganako maitasuna eta begirunea oinarritzat duen hezkuntza sistema bat eraiki ahal izateko.


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As reflexões acerca desta pesquisa iniciaram-se tendo como ponto de partida o interesse pelas questões relacionadas às experiências mais primitivas que estão na base da constituição da subjetividade. Pensa-se, tal como alguns autores, que as vivências iniciais de um bebê são bastante importantes para a formação de seu aparato psíquico, sobretudo, as que dizem respeito ao conjunto de sensações nas quais o mesmo está imerso. Mas, então, o que se passa quando o bebê nasce com alguma deficiência em seu aparato sensório-motor, como no caso de bebês cegos de nascença? Sabe-se que as pessoas cegas precisam utilizar outros meios para estabelecer relações com o mundo dos objetos, pessoas e coisas que as cercam, implicando um processo de profunda reorganização perceptiva no qual os estímulos proporcionados pelo ambiente desempenharão um papel fundamental. No entanto, vários estudos apontam que muitas destas crianças cegas desde o nascimento não conseguem se desenvolver de modo harmônico manifestando distúrbios freqüentemente semelhantes ao autismo em crianças videntes, entre outros. Parece que, nestes casos, a incapacidade visual do bebê afetou profundamente as capacidades de vínculo com as figuras de apego e este fato originou seqüelas importantes na evolução da criança. No outro extremo, bebês que conseguiram um nível de desenvolvimento adequado, mostraram vínculos saudáveis com a família, em especial com a mãe. Assim, a finalidade da presente pesquisa prende-se, por um lado, à compreensão do caminho percorrido por crianças que não contam com o auxílio do sentido da visão e, por outro, ao entendimento do papel dos primeiros vínculos tanto para os casos de saúde quanto para os casos em que a patologia e o sofrimento psíquico surgem.


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We analyze mutual alignment errors due to wave-front aberrations. To solve the central obscured problem, we introduce modified Zernike polynomials, which are a set of complete orthogonal polynomials. It is found that different aberrations have different effects on mutual alignment errors. Some aberrations influence only the line of sight, while some aberrations influence both the line of sight and the intensity distributions. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America


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As the worldwide prevalence of diabetes mellitus continues to increase, diabetic retinopathy remains the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness in many developed countries. Between 32 to 40 percent of about 246 million people with diabetes develop diabetic retinopathy. Approximately 4.1 million American adults 40 years and older are affected by diabetic retinopathy. This glucose-induced microvascular disease progressively damages the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, leading to retinal ischemia (i.e., inadequate blood flow), retinal hypoxia (i.e., oxygen deprivation), and retinal nerve cell degeneration or death. It is a most serious sight-threatening complication of diabetes, resulting in significant irreversible vision loss, and even total blindness.

Unfortunately, although current treatments of diabetic retinopathy (i.e., laser therapy, vitrectomy surgery and anti-VEGF therapy) can reduce vision loss, they only slow down but cannot stop the degradation of the retina. Patients require repeated treatment to protect their sight. The current treatments also have significant drawbacks. Laser therapy is focused on preserving the macula, the area of the retina that is responsible for sharp, clear, central vision, by sacrificing the peripheral retina since there is only limited oxygen supply. Therefore, laser therapy results in a constricted peripheral visual field, reduced color vision, delayed dark adaptation, and weakened night vision. Vitrectomy surgery increases the risk of neovascular glaucoma, another devastating ocular disease, characterized by the proliferation of fibrovascular tissue in the anterior chamber angle. Anti-VEGF agents have potential adverse effects, and currently there is insufficient evidence to recommend their routine use.

In this work, for the first time, a paradigm shift in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy is proposed: providing localized, supplemental oxygen to the ischemic tissue via an implantable MEMS device. The retinal architecture (e.g., thickness, cell densities, layered structure, etc.) of the rabbit eye exposed to ischemic hypoxic injuries was well preserved after targeted oxygen delivery to the hypoxic tissue, showing that the use of an external source of oxygen could improve the retinal oxygenation and prevent the progression of the ischemic cascade.

The proposed MEMS device transports oxygen from an oxygen-rich space to the oxygen-deficient vitreous, the gel-like fluid that fills the inside of the eye, and then to the ischemic retina. This oxygen transport process is purely passive and completely driven by the gradient of oxygen partial pressure (pO2). Two types of devices were designed. For the first type, the oxygen-rich space is underneath the conjunctiva, a membrane covering the sclera (white part of the eye), beneath the eyelids and highly permeable to oxygen in the atmosphere when the eye is open. Therefore, sub-conjunctival pO2 is very high during the daytime. For the second type, the oxygen-rich space is inside the device since pure oxygen is needle-injected into the device on a regular basis.

To prevent too fast or too slow permeation of oxygen through the device that is made of parylene and silicone (two widely used biocompatible polymers in medical devices), the material properties of the hybrid parylene/silicone were investigated, including mechanical behaviors, permeation rates, and adhesive forces. Then the thicknesses of parylene and silicone became important design parameters that were fine-tuned to reach the optimal oxygen permeation rate.

The passive MEMS oxygen transporter devices were designed, built, and tested in both bench-top artificial eye models and in-vitro porcine cadaver eyes. The 3D unsteady saccade-induced laminar flow of water inside the eye model was modeled by computational fluid dynamics to study the convective transport of oxygen inside the eye induced by saccade (rapid eye movement). The saccade-enhanced transport effect was also demonstrated experimentally. Acute in-vivo animal experiments were performed in rabbits and dogs to verify the surgical procedure and the device functionality. Various hypotheses were confirmed both experimentally and computationally, suggesting that both the two types of devices are very promising to cure diabetic retinopathy. The chronic implantation of devices in ischemic dog eyes is still underway.

The proposed MEMS oxygen transporter devices can be also applied to treat other ocular and systemic diseases accompanied by retinal ischemia, such as central retinal artery occlusion, carotid artery disease, and some form of glaucoma.


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Esta tese destina-se a desenvolver estudo semiótico de propagandas impressas em que a pessoa negra é posta em presença. Investiga-se como a propaganda veiculada em revista, mediante seleção e combinação sígnicas, efetiva a construção da imagem verbo-visual do negro, tendo em vista o produto anunciado e os projetos comunicativos do enunciador e, assim, como finda por ratificar ou (re)elaborar significados sociais acerca desse sujeito. Pautando-se na Semiótica de Charles Sanders Peirce e tendo por suporte, fundamentalmente, a Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal de Simões (2009), a pesquisa aborda todos os signos verbais e não verbais em diálogo, como dotados de potencial icônico, não só revelador dos projetos de texto, como também ativador de interpretações/leituras e, ainda, delineador de sentidos, posteriormente cristalizados e convertidos em significados imanentes aos signos e aos objetos reportados. Por ter, como material constitutivo do corpus, textos elaborados em linguagem mista, a pesquisa propõe a aplicação da Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal ao universo dos signos lato sensu. O debate apresenta o texto de propaganda como excelente material, não só para implementar os estudos de História e Cultura Afro-brasileiras, como prevê a Lei 10.639/03, como também para subsidiar o ensino de língua portuguesa, com ênfase para os estudos sobre leitura e produção textual, para que se forme sujeito dotado de habilidades que lhe permitam reconhecer no verbal e no não verbal a revelação e a geração de sentidos sociais


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Estudo do texto teatral O Mambembe, a partir dos contextos em que foi criado, em 1904, e depois reabilitado, para o público e para a crítica, 55 anos depois. A ótica da recepção destaca esta peça do conjunto da obra de Artur Azevedo, deixando entrever, principalmente a partir de uma possível ideologia de um teatro educador dos sentidos, as contradições do texto com o mundo da diversão teatral na entrada do século XX carioca, sua tentativa de certa forma de escapar a sua massificação, apelando ao passado e à promessa de um futuro mais artístico para o teatro. Na primeira parte se discutem as ideias inaugurais para o teatro de formação na modernidade, e como estas são catalisadas no Brasil em torno de um teatro que civiliza pela formação de almas, até a época de Artur Azevedo. Depois de explorar alguns aspectos históricos da época de O Mambembe, expõe-se um pequeno painel e algumas considerações teóricas sobre a indústria e a estrutura do teatro ligeiro da entrada para o século XX.Na segunda parte do trabalho, ligadas às questões teóricas sobre recepção teatral, são discutidas as noções de teatro e cultura de cada época, através de comentários e críticas de jornais. Depois de uma pequena exposição das mudanças ideológicas e culturais que se passaram no intervalo dos 55 anos entre uma montagem e outra, o trabalho termina com uma proposta de metaforologia do texto a partir das informações colhidas e resultados experimentados