957 resultados para Shakespeare in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.


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This dissertation is structured around five Australian mystical poets: Ada Cambridge, John Shaw Neilson, Francis Webb, Judith Wright and Kevin Hart. It examines the varieties of Western Christian mysticism upon which these poets draw, or with which they exhibit affinities. A short prelude section to each chapter considers the thematic parallels of their contemporaries, while the final chapter critically investigates constructions of Indigeneity in Australian mystical poetry and the renegotiated mystical poetics of Indigenous poets and theologians. The central argument of this dissertation is that an understanding of Western Christian mysticism is essential to the study of Australian poetry. There are three sub-arguments: firstly, that Australian literary criticism regarding the mystical largely avoids the concept of mysticism as a shifting notion both historically and in the present; secondly, that what passes for mysticism is recurringly subject to poorly defined constructions of mysticism as well as individual poets’ use of the mystical for personal, creative or ideological purposes; thirdly, that in avoiding the concept of a shifting notion critics have ignored the increasing contribution of Australian poets to national and international discourses of mysticism.


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A passion for food that is understood in certain ways – slow, organic, not industrialised – plays a central role in the drama of the successful and popular Jamie’s Kitchen (2002) and Jamie’s Kitchen Australia (2006). Large parts of the drama in these shows revolve around an apparent lack of passion that is displayed by the marginalised, unemployed young people that are the central characters in this story. In this paper I examine the ways in which these accounts of food, passion, and the training of marginalised young people expose some of the challenges and opportunities faced by marginalised young people as they seek to transition into the uncertain and risky labour markets of 21st century capitalism. I argue that Michel Foucault’s (1988) concept of technologies of the self enables us to understand passion, and its particular manifestations in Jamie’s Kitchen, and in the training of marginalised young people, as a powerful technology of self transformation. The drama of Jamie’s Kitchen suggests that as a technology of the self passion for food promises to provide precarious, possibly temporary, forms of salvation, meaning and purpose for the young people engaged in the Fifteen Foundation’s social enterprise transitional labour market program.


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This essay proposes the term ‘poetry soundtrack’ for a form of sounded poetry that I have been practising for some years (examples of which can be found in this issue of Axon). The poetry soundtrack is a sonic object made up of original poetry, music, and sound design. Such a form is now being produced—under various names—by numerous poets, thanks to the development of the Digital Audio Workstation (or DAW). In my essay, I argue that the poetry soundtrack has occupied an aesthetic no man’s land between avant-garde ‘sound poetry’ and documentary-style recordings of poetry readings. I propose that a general ‘fear of music’ has led critics to favour such forms, and concomitantly to ignore musico-poetic forms of sounded poetry. In addition, I analyse the ‘digital poetics’ that can be found in producing sounded poetry with a DAW, especially with regard to the ‘vocal staging’ that such technology can produce in the poetry soundtrack.


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Dorothy Heathcote understood teaching and learning to take place in a kind of ‘crucible’ in which participants, who are both teachers and learners, contribute to the mix sometimes resulting in a radical transformation. This paper reports the ways Heathcote’s ideas have influenced both research and practice in the Teaching for Diversity workshop - a drama workshop that brings together pre-service teachers, teacher educators and actors from Fusion Theatre, a community-based theatre company for people with intellectual disabilities.

In a reversal of the usual relationship, actors with disabilities are positioned as experts leading student teachers and lecturers in the drama workshop. This paper describes their transformation through a kind of mantle of the expert – the expert in the antechamber. Within this space all participants, as if in Heathcote’s crucible, are stirred into new understandings and pre-service teachers are challenged into new ways of thinking about disability and inclusive education.


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Trata-se de uma análise do consagrado conto Uma Rosa para Emily, de William Faulkner, voltada para alguns dos principais aspectos de sua estrutura. Após considerarmos o enredo, discutimos a construção das personagens, com destaque para a protagonista, fazendo um levantamento e comentários sobre possíveis fontes de inspiração, destacando, entre outras, aspectos da biografia da poeta Emily Dickinson, a ficção e a poesia de E. A. Poe, romances de Charles Dickens e Henry James, o conto de Sherwood Anderson e a poesia de William Blake, Emily Dickinson, Robert Browning e John Crowe Ransom, acrescentando paralelos com o conto Bartleby, o escrivão, de Herman Melville. Analisamos, então, o foco narrativo, os símbolos e o significado, ressaltando aqui o desenvolvimento temático da narrativa.


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O conceito de prática recobriria o de sistema de ação, não fosse a existência de sistemas de ação sem prática. Resta que uma prática é um sistema de ação. Como conseqüência, suposta a reciprocação de sistema com teoria e uma atenta inspeção nos termos da proposição, há equivalência semântica entre prática teóricae sistema de ação prático. Num e noutro caso, a contradição interna aos pares de conceitos se resolve dialeticamente. Graças à dialética, são fundidos numa unidade de sentido, síntese de tensões opostas. Daí a proposta de uma dialética da prática global, conjuntamente abstrata e histórica. Destotalizada ou à margem dessa dialética, pode ser destacada a ação sem prática, exemplificada no drama. Dramática é precisamente uma ação que não é prática. O tempo e o lugar da prática são a história e o mundo do homem; o tempo e o lugar do drama são a ficção cultural e a substância simbólica. Mimese da prática, o drama, reproduz, não os traços do modelo, mas a sua produção, tornando-se por sua vez modelo do modelo. Mimese não é cópia, é forma autônoma de eficiência, paradoxalmente sem prática mas especular.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Nós determinamos os fatores de risco à infecção pelo HCV em doadores de sangue no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Foram analisados 256 doadores de sangue atendidos na Fundação HEMOPA de 2004 a 2006, sendo divididos em dois grupos: infectados e não-infectados. O diagnóstico foi realizado por PCR em tempo real. Todos os participantes responderam a questionário sobre possíveis fatores de risco, sendo a modelagem estatística feita por regressão logística simples e múltipla. Os fatores de risco à infecção foram: uso de agulhas e seringas de vidros esterilizadas em casa (OR = 4,55), realização de tratamento dentário invasivo (OR = 3,08), compartilhamento de lâminas em domicílio (OR = 1,99), compartilhamento de lâminas descartáveis em barbearias, salões de beleza (OR = 2,34), e compartilhamento de material de manicure e pedicure (OR = 3,45). As autoridades de saúde devem conscientizar a população sobre o compartilhamento de materiais perfuro-cortantes em domicílio, salões de beleza e consultórios dentários como fatores de risco à infecção.


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The quality of astronomical sites is the first step to be considered to have the best performances from the telescopes. In particular, the efficiency of large telescopes in UV, IR, radio etc. is critically dependent on atmospheric transparency. It is well known that the random optical effects induced on the light propagation by turbulent atmosphere also limit telescope’s performances. Nowadays, clear appears the importance to correlate the main atmospheric physical parameters with the optical quality reachable by large aperture telescopes. The sky quality evaluation improved with the introduction of new techniques, new instrumentations and with the understanding of the link between the meteorological (or synoptical parameters and the observational conditions thanks to the application of the theories of electromagnetic waves propagation in turbulent medias: what we actually call astroclimatology. At the present the site campaigns are evolved and are performed using the classical scheme of optical seeing properties, meteorological parameters, sky transparency, sky darkness and cloudiness. New concept are added and are related to the geophysical properties such as seismicity, microseismicity, local variability of the climate, atmospheric conditions related to the ground optical turbulence and ground wind regimes, aerosol presence, use of satellite data. The purpose of this project is to provide reliable methods to analyze the atmospheric properties that affect ground-based optical astronomical observations and to correlate them with the main atmospheric parameters generating turbulence and affecting the photometric accuracy. The first part of the research concerns the analysis and interpretation of longand short-time scale meteorological data at two of the most important astronomical sites located in very different environments: the Paranal Observatory in the Atacama Desert (Chile), and the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos(ORM) located in La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain). The optical properties of airborne dust at ORM have been investigated collecting outdoor data using a ground-based dust monitor. Because of its dryness, Paranal is a suitable observatory for near-IR observations, thus the extinction properties in the spectral range 1.00-2.30 um have been investigated using an empirical method. Furthermore, this PhD research has been developed using several turbulence profilers in the selection of the site for the European Extremely Large Telescope(E-ELT). During the campaigns the properties of the turbulence at different heights at Paranal and in the sites located in northern Chile and Argentina have been studied. This given the possibility to characterize the surface layer turbulence at Paranal and its connection with local meteorological conditions.


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Große Dramendichtung kann nur in historischen Umbruchszeiten wie der Antike, der Reformationszeit und im 19. Jahrhundert, also zu Lebzeiten Friedrich Hebbels, entstehen. Das schreibt Hebbel im Vorwort zu seinem bürgerlichen Trauerspiel „Maria Magdalena“. Die großen Zeiten der Tragödien sind Zeiten umwälzender Veränderungen. Im langen 19. Jahrhundert, zwischen Revolution und Restauration, zwischen Reformen und Reaktion, zwischen Hoffnungen auf Demokratie, Nationalstaatlichkeit, zwischen Josephinismus und Ära Metternich, waren die Voraussetzungen für ein Jahrhundert der Tragödie gegeben. Zwei der bedeutendsten Dramatiker des 19. Jahrhunderts, Franz Grillparzer und Friedrich Hebbel, sind Thema der Dissertation. Dabei hat die Arbeit mit der Diskursivierung von Fremdheit und Fremde eine Neuperspektivierung ausgewählter Dramen geleistet, die so in der Forschung noch nicht existiert, wobei diese Perspektive in der Forschung bereits angelegt war. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit hat das „Phänomen der Fremde“, wie Günther Häntzschel es in einem Aufsatz nennt, in den Dramen „Judith“, „Gyges und sein Ring“ und „Die Nibelungen“ von Hebbel und in den Dramen „Das goldene Vließ“, „Die Jüdin von Toledo“ und „Libussa“ von Grillparzer untersucht. Die zentralen Begriffe „Fremde“ und „Fremdheit“ wurden dabei als literarische Topoi, um methodisch besser mit ihnen operieren zu können, in verschiedene Dimensionen der Fremdheit unterteilt: Dabei wurde neben der „Fremdheit der Kulturen“ und der „Fremdheit zwischen den Geschlechtern“ auch die Fremdheit zwischen dem „mythischen Rand der Welt“ und dem „Horizont der Vernunft“ untersucht. Ferner widmete sich ein Kapitel dem Thema Entfremdung und Selbstentfremdung, eine Dimension der Fremdheit, die ebenfalls für die Dramenanalyse relevant ist.


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Compared to Europe's mean immigrant contingent of 7.3 to 8.6 % Switzerland holds the highest contingent of foreign population with 23.5 %. Therefore it is of utmost importance that physicians have a knowledge of the specific characteristics of immigrant patients. The influence of personality factors (experience, behavior) is not independent from the influence of culturally-related environmental factors (regional differences in diet, pollutants, meanings, etc.). In addition, different cultural groups rate their quality of life differently. Psychological reasons for recurrent abdominal pain are stress (life events), effects of self-medication (laxatives, cocaine) and sexual abuse but also rare infectious diseases are more common among immigrants (e.g. tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, etc.). Migration-specific characteristics are mainly to find in the semiotics of the symptoms: not every abdominal pain is real pain in the abdomen. Finally, it is crucial to make the distinction between organic, functional and psychological-related pain. This can, however, usually only be accomplished in the context of the entire situation of a patient and, depending on the situation, with the support of a colleague from the appropriate cultural group or an experienced interpreter. In this review we limit ourselves to the presentation of the working population of the migrants, because these represent the largest group of all migrants. The specific situation of asylum seekers will also be refrained to where appropriate.


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When stereo images are captured under less than ideal conditions, there may be inconsistencies between the two images in brightness, contrast, blurring, etc. When stereo matching is performed between the images, these variations can greatly reduce the quality of the resulting depth map. In this paper we propose a method for correcting sharpness variations in stereo image pairs which is performed as a pre-processing step to stereo matching. Our method is based on scaling the 2D discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients of both images so that the two images have the same amount of energy in each of a set of frequency bands. Experiments show that applying the proposed correction method can greatly improve the disparity map quality when one image in a stereo pair is more blurred than the other.