374 resultados para Serino peptidase
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es gelungen, ein besseres Verständnis der beiden Metalloproteasen Meprin α und β in ihrem proteolytischen Netzwerk hinsichtlich ihrer physiologischen Regulation durch endogene Inhibitoren, wie auch der biologischen Funktion von Meprin α für den Prozess der Angiogenese, zu erlangen. rnMit der Analyse des ersten identifizierten endogenen Meprin-Inhibitors Fetuin-A gelang die Bestimmung der Ki-Werte für Meprin α mit 4,2 x 10-5 M und 1,1 x 10-6 M für Meprin β. Des Weiteren konnte für Meprin β eine Schnittstelle im Fetuin-A validiert werden. Mit der Identifizierung von Cystatin C, einem Cystein-Protease-Inhibitor als endogener Inhibitor der Metalloprotease Meprin α, mit einem Ki-Wert von 8,5 x 10-6 M, wurden erstmals Proteasefamilie-übergreifende Inhibitionsmechanismen für Metalloproteasen offenbart.rnDie Analyse von drei potentiellen Meprin-Inhibitoren, identifiziert als Substrate in einem neuen Proteomics-Analyse-Verfahren terminal amine isotopic labeling of substrates (TAILS), ermöglichte die Charakterisierung von Elafin als spezifischen Meprin α-Inhibitor. Für Elafin ist es außerdem gelungen, die durch TAILS ermittelte Schnittstelle für Meprin α mittels Edman Sequenzierung zu validieren. Der secretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor (SLPI), ein Elafin-Homolog, konnte als weiteres Meprin α-Substrat bestätigt werden. Außerdem gelang es, die Meprin α-Schnittstelle im SLPI zu validieren.rnEin weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war, ein besseres Verständnis der biologischen Funktion der Metalloprotease Meprin α zu erlangen. Hier konnte in vivo eine stark pro-angiogene Wirkung von Meprin α gezeigt werden und erstmals die Expression von Meprin α, jedoch nicht von Meprin β, in Endothelzellen nachgewiesen werden. Zugleich konnte mit der Analyse der durch die TAILS-Methode identifizierten pro-angiogenen Substrate vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) und connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) der Regulationsmechanismus von Meprin α in der Angiogenese identifiziert werden. So ist Meprin α durch die Spaltung von CTGF in der Lage VEGF-A – gebunden und inhibiert im Komplex mit CTGF – durch proteolytische Spaltung von CTGF wieder freizusetzen. Somit wird die inhibierte VEGF-A-Aktivität wieder vollständig hergestellt. rnMit der Charakterisierung der ersten endogenen Meprin-Inhibitoren ist es gelungen, zu einem besseren Verständnis der endogenen Regulation der Meprine beizutragen und eine Proteasefamilie-übergreifende endogene Regulation aufzuzeigen. Mit der Entdeckung von Meprin α als pro-angiogene Protease und der Entschlüsselung des angiogenen Regulationsmechanismus konnte eine essentielle biologische Bedeutung dieser Protease beschrieben werden.rn
Die effiziente Generierung von Peptid-Epitopen aus zelleigenen oder viralen Proteinen für die Präsentation auf „Major Histocompatibility Complex I“ (MHC I) Molekülen ist essentiell für die Aktivierung des adaptiven Immunsystems und die Effektorfunktion der CD8+ zytotoxischen T-Zellen (CTLs). CTLs erkennen diese Peptide in Kontext mit MHC I Molekülen über ihren spezifischen T-Zellrezeptor (TCR). Die Generierung dieser Epitope ist das Resultat eines komplexen proteolytischen Prozesses, der im Zytosol und im endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) stattfindet. Im Zytosol generiert das Proteasom N-terminal verlängerte Epitop-Vorläufer. Diese werden durch weitere zytosolische Proteasen abgebaut, es sei denn, sie werden durch den „transporter associated with antigen processing“ (TAP) in das ER transportiert. Dort werden sie durch Aminopeptidasen getrimmt, um den Bindungsvoraussetzungen der MHC I Moleküle zu genügen. Im murinen System ist die „ER aminopeptidase associated with antigen processing“ (ERAAP) die bislang einzige beschriebene Aminopeptidase, die dieses N-terminale Trimming von CTL Epitopen vermitteln kann. Das Profil der proteolytischen Aktivität in angereichertem murinen ER kann jedoch nicht allein durch die Aktivität von ERAAP erklärt werden, was auf die Anwesenheit weiterer Aminopeptidasen mit einer potentiellen Funktion in der Antigenprozessierung hinweist. In dieser Arbeit konnte die immunologisch bislang noch nicht beschriebene Aminopeptidase ERMP1 (endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1) im murinen ER identifiziert werden. Nach Aufreinigung muriner Mikrosomen und anschließender Anionenaustausch-Chromatographie wurden die gesammelten Fraktionen mit fluorogenen Substraten auf Aminopeptidase-Aktivität getestet. Durch massenspektrometrische Analyse konnten in den beobachteten Peaks die schon beschriebenen Aminopeptidasen ERAAP, die „insulin regulated aminopeptidase“ IRAP und die immunologisch bislang nicht beschriebene Aminopeptidase ERMP1 identifiziert werden. Durch Fluoreszenzmikroskopie konnte die intrazelluläre Lokalisation von ERMP1 im ER durch Kolokalisation mit TAP verifiziert werden. Wie viele Komponenten des MHC I Prozessierungsweges wird auch die Expression von ERMP1 durch IFN-γ stimuliert. Dies macht ERMP1 zu einer potentiellen zweiten trimmenden Aminopeptidase im murinen ER. Überexpression von ERMP1 hat einen allelspezifischen Einfluss auf die globale MHC I Präsentation auf der Zelloberfläche und durch Überexpression und shRNA vermitteltes gene silencing konnte außerdem ein epitopspezifischer Effekt nachgewiesen werden. Da N-terminales Trimming durch ERAAP mit der Evasion von Tumoren und veränderter Immundominanz assoziiert wird, ist die detaillierte Charakterisierung der Aminopeptidase ERMP1 ein wichtiger Schritt zum Verständnis der MHC I Antigen-Prozessierung und der Generierung von CTL Epitopen im ER.
First both life stages of Leishmania major (L. major) FEBNI parasites, promastigotes as well as amastigotes, were characterized. We found that the virulence marker GP63 and cysteine peptidase b (Cpb) were higher expressed by axenic amastigotes as compared to promastigotes. In addition to the L. major FEBNI strain, we applied and successfully modified our novel in vitro method to generate axenic amastigotes of the L. major Friedlin and 5ASKH strains. Interestingly, these L. major strains needed another temperature to be transferred into amastigotes in the axenic culture system. Investigating apoptosis mechanisms in both parasite life stages of L. major FEBNI we found both ROS dependent and independent cell death mechanisms. Focusing on promastigote and amastigote interaction with pro-inflammatory (MF I) and anti-inflammatory (MF II) macrophages we found amastigotes to be more infective as compared to promastigotes. Moreover, we could demonstrate that pro-inflammatory MF I were less susceptible to infection than anti-inflammatory MF II. Finally we investigated parasite stage-specific responses of MF I + II and their defense mechanisms against L. major. Using knockdown techniques for primary human macrophages we identified a new mechanism enabling intracellular killing of promastigotes inside MF I. This mechanism depends on the antimicrobial molecule cathelicidin (LL-37).
The cysteine peptidase cathepsin B is important in thyroid physiology by being involved in thyroid prohormone processing initiated in the follicular lumen and completed in endo-lysosomal compartments. However, cathepsin B has also been localized to the extrafollicular space and is therefore suggested to promote invasiveness and metastasis in thyroid carcinomas through, e.g., ECM degradation. In this study, immunofluorescence and biochemical data from subcellular fractionation revealed that cathepsin B, in its single- and two-chain forms, is localized to endo-lysosomes in the papillary thyroid carcinoma cell line KTC-1 and in the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cell lines HTh7 and HTh74. This distribution is not affected by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) incubation of HTh74, the only cell line that expresses a functional TSH-receptor. Immunofluorescence data disclosed an additional nuclear localization of cathepsin B immunoreactivity. This was supported by biochemical data showing a proteolytically active variant slightly smaller than the cathepsin B proform in nuclear fractions. We also demonstrate that immunoreactions specific for cathepsin V, but not cathepsin L, are localized to the nucleus in HTh74 in peri-nucleolar patterns. As deduced from co-localization studies and in vitro degradation assays, we suggest that nuclear variants of cathepsins are involved in the development of thyroid malignancies through modification of DNA-associated proteins.
As part of the European research consortium IBDase, we addressed the role of proteases and protease inhibitors (P/PIs) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), characterized by chronic mucosal inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects 2.2 million people in Europe and 1.4 million people in North America. We systematically reviewed all published genetic studies on populations of European ancestry (67 studies on Crohn's disease [CD] and 37 studies on ulcerative colitis [UC]) to identify critical genomic regions associated with IBD. We developed a computer algorithm to map the 807 P/PI genes with exact genomic locations listed in the MEROPS database of peptidases onto these critical regions and to rank P/PI genes according to the accumulated evidence for their association with CD and UC. 82 P/PI genes (75 coding for proteases and 7 coding for protease inhibitors) were retained for CD based on the accumulated evidence. The cylindromatosis/turban tumor syndrome gene (CYLD) on chromosome 16 ranked highest, followed by acylaminoacyl-peptidase (APEH), dystroglycan (DAG1), macrophage-stimulating protein (MST1) and ubiquitin-specific peptidase 4 (USP4), all located on chromosome 3. For UC, 18 P/PI genes were retained (14 proteases and 4 protease inhibitors), with a considerably lower amount of accumulated evidence. The ranking of P/PI genes as established in this systematic review is currently used to guide validation studies of candidate P/PI genes, and their functional characterization in interdisciplinary mechanistic studies in vitro and in vivo as part of IBDase. The approach used here overcomes some of the problems encountered when subjectively selecting genes for further evaluation and could be applied to any complex disease and gene family.
The role of glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1-based treatment approaches for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing. Although self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) has been performed in numerous studies on GLP-1 analogs and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, the potential role of SMBG in GLP-1-based treatment strategies has not been elaborated. The expert recommendation suggests individualized SMBG strategies in GLP-1-based treatment approaches and suggests simple and clinically applicable SMBG schemes. Potential benefits of SMBG in GLP-1-based treatment approaches are early assessment of treatment success or failure, timely modification of treatment, detection of hypoglycemic episodes, assessment of glucose excursions, and support of diabetes management and diabetes education. Its length and frequency should depend on the clinical setting and the quality of metabolic control. It is considered to play an important role for the optimization of diabetes management in T2DM patients treated with GLP-1-based approaches.
Chemokines are small, secreted proteins that orchestrate the migration of cells, which are involved in immune defence, immune surveillance and haematopoiesis. However, chemokines are also implicated in the pathology of various inflammatory diseases, cancers and HIV. The chemokine system is considerably large and has a redundancy in the repertoire of its inflammatory mediators. Therefore, strict regulation of chemokine activity is crucial. Chemokines are the substrate for various proteases including the serine protease CD26/dipeptidyl-peptidase IV and matrix metalloproteinases. Regulation by proteolytic cleavage controls and fine-tunes chemokine function by either enhancing or reducing its chemotactic activity or receptor selectivity. Often chemokines and the proteases that regulate them are produced in the same microenvironment and expression of both may be simultaneously induced by a common stimulus enabling the rapid regulation of chemokine activity. The overall impact of cleaved chemokines in cellular responses is very complex. In this review, we will give an overview on chemokine modification and the respective chemokine modifying proteases. Furthermore, we will summarize the emerging literature describing the consequences in inflammation, haematopoiesis, cancer and HIV infection upon proteolytic chemokine processing.
INTRODUCTION: This investigation was designed to compare the histomorphometric results from sinus floor augmentation with anorganic bovine bone (ABB) and a new biphasic calcium phosphate, Straumann Bone Ceramic (BCP). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-eight maxillary sinuses were treated in 37 patients. Residual bone width was > or =6 mm and height was > or =3 mm and <8 mm. Lateral sinus augmentation was used, with grafting using either ABB (control group; 23 sinuses) or BCP (test group; 25 sinuses); sites were randomly assigned to the control or test groups. After 180-240 days of healing, implant sites were created and biopsies taken for histological and histomorphometric analyses. The parameters assessed were (1) area fraction of new bone, soft tissue, and graft substitute material in the grafted region; (2) area fraction of bone and soft tissue components in the residual alveolar ridge compartment; and (3) the percentage of surface contact between the graft substitute material and new bone. RESULTS: Measurable biopsies were available from 56% of the test and 81.8% of the control sites. Histology showed close contact between new bone and graft particles for both groups, with no significant differences in the amount of mineralized bone (21.6+/-10.0% for BCP vs. 19.8+/-7.9% for ABB; P=0.53) in the biopsy treatment compartment of test and control site. The bone-to-graft contact was found to be significantly greater for ABB (48.2+/-12.9% vs. 34.0+/-14.0% for BCP). Significantly less remaining percentage of graft substitute material was found in the BCP group (26.6+/-5.2% vs. 37.7+/-8.5% for ABB; P=0.001), with more soft tissue components (46.4+/-7.7% vs. 40.4+/-7.3% for ABB; P=0.07). However, the amount of soft tissue components for both groups was found not to be greater than in the residual alveolar ridge. DISCUSSION: Both ABB and BCP produced similar amounts of newly formed bone, with similar histologic appearance, indicating that both materials are suitable for sinus augmentation for the placement of dental implants. The potential clinical relevance of more soft tissue components and different resorption characteristics of BCP requires further investigation.
Cellular uptake of di- and tripeptides has been characterized in numerous organisms, and various transporters have been identified. In contrast, structural information on peptide transporters is very sparse. Here, we have cloned, overexpressed, purified, and biochemically characterized DtpD (YbgH) from Escherichia coli, a prokaryotic member of the peptide transporter family. Its homologues in mammals, PEPT1 (SLC15A1) and PEPT2 (SLC15A2), not only transport peptides but also are of relevance for uptake of drugs as they accept a large spectrum of peptidomimetics such as beta-lactam antibiotics, antivirals, peptidase inhibitors, and others as substrates. Uptake experiments indicated that DtpD functions as a canonical peptide transporter and is, therefore, a valid model for structural studies of this family of proteins. Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, gel filtration, and transmission electron microscopy of single-DtpD particles suggest that the transporter exists in a monomeric form when solubilized in detergent. Two-dimensional crystallization of DtpD yielded first tubular crystals that allowed the determination of a projection structure at better than 19 A resolution. This structure of DtpD represents the first structural view of a member of the peptide transporter family.
Various new oral hypoglycaemic agents have been developed recently and have changed the therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Six different classes of agents are available: Biguanides, sulfonylureas, glinides, glitazones, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. The increasing number of these drugs does not facilitate the choice of the best medication for an individual patient. In the article we describe the specific mechanisms of action, side effects, advantages and disadvantages of the different agents. Every drug therapy should be supported by lifestyle changes. Despite all the new drugs type 2 diabetes is still a chronic and slowly progressive disease without chance of cure. Therefore, it is important to prevent type 2 diabetes by normalizing body weight and increasing physical exercise.
BACKGROUND Streptococcus spp. and other Gram-positive, catalase-negative cocci (PNC) form a large group of microorganisms which can be found in the milk of cows with intramammary infection. The most frequently observed PNC mastitis pathogens (major pathogens) are Streptococcus uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae, and Strep. agalactiae. The remaining PNC include a few minor pathogens and a large nonpathogenic group. Improved methods are needed for the accurate identification and differentiation of PNC. A total of 151 PNC were collected from cows with intramammary infection and conclusively identified by 16S rRNA sequencing as reference method. Nine phenotypic microbiological tests (alpha-hemolysis, CAMP reaction, esculin hydrolysis, growth on kanamycin esculin azide agar and on sodium chloride agar, inulin fermentation, hippurate hydrolysis, leucine aminopeptidase and pyrrolidonyl peptidase activity), multiplex PCR for the three major pathogens (target genes for Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. agalactiae: pauA, 16S rRNA, and sklA3, respectively), and mass spectroscopy using the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF MS) were evaluated for the diagnosis and discrimination of the three clinically most relevant PNC. RESULTS The probability that a strain of Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. agalactiae was correctly identified by combining the results of the 9 phenotypic tests was 92%, 90%, and 100%, respectively. Applying the multiplex PCR, all strains of the three major pathogens were correctly identified and no false positive results occurred. Correct identification was observed for all strains of Strep. uberis and Strep. agalactiae using MALDI-TOF MS. In the case of Strep. dysgalactiae, some variability was observed at the subspecies level, but all strains were allocated to one single cluster. CONCLUSIONS The results of the present study show that reliable identification of the clinically most relevant PNC (Strep. uberis, Strep. agalactiae and Strep. dysgalactiae) can be obtained by use of a combination of colony morphology, hemolysis type and catalase reaction, and a multiplex PCR with specific primers restricted to these 3 pathogens. The MALDI-TOF MS is a fast method that shows promising results, although identification of Strep. dysgalactiae at the subspecies level is not yet satisfactory.
The heart is a remarkable organ. In order to maintain its function, it remodels in response to a variety of environmental stresses, including pressure overload, volume overload, mechanical or pharmacological unloading and hormonal or metabolic disturbances. All these responses are linked to the inherent capacity of the heart to rebuild itself. Particularly, cardiac pressure overload activates signaling pathways of both protein synthesis and degradation. While much is known about regulators of protein synthesis, little is known about regulators of protein degradation in hypertrophy. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) selectively degrades unused and abnormal intracellular proteins. I speculated that the UPS may play an important role in both qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of heart muscle during hypertrophic remodeling. My study hypothesized that cardiac remodeling in response to hypertrophic stimuli is a dynamic process that requires activation of highly regulated mechanisms of protein degradation as much as it requires protein synthesis. My first aim was to adopt a model of left ventricular hypertrophy and determine its gene expression and structural changes. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were submitted to ascending aortic banding and sacrificed at 7 and 14 days after surgery. Sham operated animals served as controls. Effective aortic banding was confirmed by hemodynamic assessment by Doppler flow measurements in vivo. Banded rats showed a four-fold increase in peak stenotic jet velocities. Histomorphometric analysis revealed a significant increase in myocyte size as well as fibrosis in the banded animals. Transcript analysis showed that banded animals had reverted to the fetal gene program. My second aim was to assess if the UPS is increased and transcriptionally regulated in hypertrophic left ventricular remodeling. Protein extracts from the left ventricles of the banded and control animals were used to perform an in vitro peptidase assay to assess the overall catalytic activity of the UPS. The results showed no difference between hypertrophied and control animals. Transcript analysis revealed decreases in transcript levels of candidate UPS genes in the hypertrophied hearts at 7 days post-banding but not at 14 days. However, protein expression analysis showed no difference at either time point compared to controls. These findings indicate that elements of the UPS are downregulated in the early phase of hypertrophic remodeling and normalizes in a later phase. The results provide evidence in support of a dynamic transcriptional regulation of a major pathway of intracellular protein degradation in the heart. The discrepancy between transcript levels on the one hand and protein levels on the other hand supports post-transcriptional regulation of the UPS pathway in the hypertrophied heart. The exact mechanisms and the functional consequences remain to be elucidated.
With the aim of characterizing specific immunogenic proteins of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony (SC) type, the aetiological agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, a gene encoding a major immunogenic protein of 72 kDa named P72 was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein was of the same apparent molecular mass as that produced by the parent strain. The predicted molecular mass of P72, based on the DNA-deduced amino acid sequence, was 61.118 kDa, significantly lower than the apparent molecular mass of endogenous or recombinant P72 on SDS-PAGE. Analysis of the amino acid sequence revealed a typical prokaryotic signal peptidase II-membrane lipoprotein lipid attachment site and a transmembrane structure domain in the leader sequence at the amino-terminal end of the protein. P72 was shown to be a lipoprotein and its surface location was confirmed by trypsin treatment of whole cells. An unassigned gene encoding a peptide with some similarity to P72 was found on the genome sequence of M. capricolum subsp. capricolum but not on that of Mycoplasma genitalium. The P72 gene was detected in 11/11 M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC strains. Antiserum against recombinant P72 reacted strongly with 12/12 strains of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC, weakly with Mycoplasma bovine group 7 strain PG50, but not with other members of the 'mycoides cluster' or closely related mycoplasmas. Cows experimentally contact-infected with M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC developed a humoral response against P72 within 35 d. P72 is a specific antigenic membrane lipoprotein of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC with potential for use in development of diagnostic reagents. It seems to belong to a family of lipoproteins of the "mycoides cluster'.
A 14-kDa outer membrane protein (OMP) was purified from Actinobacillus pleuro-pneumoniae serotype 2. The protein strongly reacts with sera from pigs experimentally or naturally infected with any of the 12 serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae. The gene encoding this protein was isolated from a gene library of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 reference strain by immunoscreening. Expression of the cloned gene in Escherichia coli revealed that the protein is also located in the outer membrane fraction of the recombinant host. DNA sequence analysis of the gene reveals high similarity of the protein's amino acid sequence to that of the E. coli peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein PAL, to the Haemophilus influenzae OMP P6 and to related proteins of several other Gram-negative bacteria. We have therefore named the 14-kDa protein PalA, and its corresponding gene, palA. The 20 amino-terminal amino acid residues of PalA constitute a signal sequence characteristic of membrane lipoproteins of prokaryotes with a recognition site for the signal sequence peptidase II and a sorting signal for the final localization of the mature protein in the outer membrane. The DNA sequence upstream of palA contains an open reading frame which is highly similar to the E. coli tolB gene, indicating a gene cluster in A. pleuropneumoniae which is very similar to the E. coli tol locus. The palA gene is conserved and expressed in all A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes and in A. lignieresii. A very similar palA gene is present in A. suis and A. equuli.
A new family of peptide receptors, the incretin receptor family, overexpressed on many neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) is of great importance because it may enable the in vivo peptide-based receptor targeting of a category of NETs that does not express the somatostatin receptor. Impressive in vivo diagnostic data were published for glucagonlike peptide 1 receptor-targeting radiopeptides. Recently, promising in vitro data have appeared for the second member of the incretin family, the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor. This prompted us to develop and evaluate a new class of radioligands with the potential to be used for the in vivo targeting of GIP receptor-positive tumors. METHODS GIP(1-42) was modified C-terminally, and the truncated peptides [Lys(30)(aminohexanoic acid [Ahx]-DOTA)]GIP(1-30)NH2 (EG1), [Lys(16)(Ahx-DOTA)]GIP(1-30)NH2 (EG2), and [Nle(14), Lys(30)(Ahx-DOTA)]GIP(1-30)NH2 (EG4) were conjugated with Ahx-DOTA via the Lys(16) and Lys(30) side chains. Their inhibitory concentration of 50% (IC50) was determined using [(125)I-Tyr(10)]GIP(1-30) as radioligand and GIP(1-30) as control peptide. The DOTA conjugates were labeled with (111)In and (68)Ga. In vitro evaluation included saturation and internalization studies using the pancreatic endocrine cell line INR1G9 transfected with the human GIP receptor (INR1G9-hGIPr). The in vivo evaluation consisted of biodistribution and PET imaging studies on nude mice bearing INR1G9-hGIPr tumors. RESULTS Binding studies (IC50 and saturation studies) showed high affinity toward GIP receptor for the GIP conjugates. Specific in vitro internalization was found, and almost the entire cell-associated activity was internalized (>90% of the cell-bound activity), supporting the agonist potency of the (111)In-vectors. (111)In-EG4 and (68)Ga-EG4 were shown to specifically target INR1G9-hGIPr xenografts, with tumor uptake of 10.4% ± 2.2% and 17.0% ± 4.4% injected activity/g, 1 h after injection, respectively. Kidneys showed the highest uptake, which could be reduced by approximately 40%-50% with a modified-fluid-gelatin plasma substitute or an inhibitor of the serine protease dipeptidyl peptidase 4. The PET images clearly visualized the tumor. CONCLUSION The evaluation of EG4 as a proof-of-principle radioligand indicated the feasibility of imaging GIP receptor-positive tumors. These results prompt us to continue the development of this family of radioligands for imaging of a broad spectrum of NETs.