782 resultados para Self-medication, Self-care, Medication, Prescriptions, Bibliometrics
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Dentistry is nowadays open to new ideas about the constructions of meanings for oral health. This openness tallies with the social production of health and shows the need to contextualize the social, historical and sundry knowledge in the development of oral health for different communities. The scope of this research is to build meanings for oral health with a group of elderly people. With this in mind, we propose an approximation between the discourses of the elderly on oral health and the Social Constructionist discourse. Thus, we interviewed 14 elderly people registered with a Family Health Unit in Ribeirao Preto in the State of Sao Paulo in the first semester of 2010. This enabled us to identify two Interpretative Repertoires with the use of Discourse Analysis, which showed the relationship between: 1 Lack of dental information and assistance in childhood; and 2 - Primary Healthcare constructing meaning for oral health. We concluded that Social Constructionism assists epistemologically for the construction of meaning for oral health and that Primary Healthcare is essential for valuing healthcare for the construction of meaning for oral health on the part of the elderly by fostering conditions for self care and healthy attitudes.
Dentistry currently reveals itself to be open to new ideas about the construction of meanings for oral health. This openness leads to the social production of health revealing the contextualization of the social and historical aspects of the sundry knowledge in the development of oral health for different communities. With this research, we seek to build meanings for oral health with a group of elderly people. With this objective in mind, we propose an approximation between discourses on oral health mentioned by the elderly and the Social Constructionist discourse. We interviewed 14 elderly people enrolled in a Family Health Unit in Ribeirao Preto, State of Sao Paulo, in the first semester of 2010, and identified two interpretative repertoires through Discourse Analysis, which showed the relationship between 1 Lack of information and dental assistance in childhood, and 2 - Primary Health Care building the meaning of oral health. We concluded that Social Constructionism works epistemologically for the construction of meanings for oral health and that primary health is essential for appreciation and health care that enables the construction of meanings in oral health by the elderly that create conditions for self-care and healthy attitudes.
The aim of this research was to test the hypothesis that treatment with intra-oral appliances with different occlusal designs was beneficial in the management of pain of masticatory muscles compared with a control group. A total of 51 patients were analysed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) to obtain the diagnosis of masticatory myofascial pain (MMP). The sample was then randomly divided into three groups: group I (n = 21) wore a full coverage acrylic stabilisation occlusal splint; group II (n = 16) wore an anterior device nociceptive trigeminal inhibitory (NTI) system; and group III (n = 14) only received counselling for behavioural changes and self-care (the control group). The first two groups also received counselling. Follow-ups were performed after 2 and 6 weeks and 3 months. In these sessions, patients were evaluated by means of a visual analogue scale (VAS) and pressure pain threshold (PPT) of the masticatory muscles. Possible adverse effects were also recorded, such as discomfort while using the appliance and occlusal changes. The results were analysed with KruskalWallis, anova, Tukeys and Friedman tests, with a significance level of 5%. Group I showed improvement in the reported pain at the first follow-up (2 weeks), whereas for groups II and III, this progress was detected only after 6 weeks and 3 months, respectively. The PPT values did not change significantly. It was concluded that behavioural changes are effective in the management of pain in MMP patients. However, the simultaneous use of occlusal devices appears to produce an earlier improvement.
Abstract Background Cerebral Palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires multiprofessional clinical treatments during children’s habilitation or rehabilitation. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use evaluation systems to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and their families in their daily lives. We aimed to investigate the functional capacity of individuals with CP and the amount of assistance required by the caregiver in day-to-day activities. Methods Twenty patients with CP, six-year-old on average, were evaluated. The Pediatric Evaluation Inventory of Incapacities was used (PEDI - Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory), a system adapted for Brazil that evaluates child's dysfunction in three 3 dimensions: self-care, mobility and social function. To compare the three areas, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. Results We found the following results regarding the functional capacity of children: self-care, 27.4%, ±17.5; mobility, 25.8%, ±33.3 and social function, 36.3%, ±27.7. The results of the demand of aid from the caregiver according to each dimension were: self-care, 9.7%, ±19.9; mobility, 14.1%, ± 20.9 and social function, 19.8%, ±26.1. Conclusion We indicated that there was no difference between the performance of the subjects in areas of self-care, mobility and social function considering the functional skills and assistance required by the caregiver.
OBJETIVO: investigar e comparar o desempenho nas habilidades relacionadas ao desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo, linguístico, de socialização e autocuidados de indivíduos com holoprosencefalia e com holoprosencefalia-like. MÉTODO: participaram deste estudo 20 indivíduos com diagnóstico de holoprosencefalia, na faixa etária de 18 a 72 meses, de ambos os sexos, divididos em 2 grupos. O grupo 1 (G1) composto por 12 indivíduos com sinais clínicos do espectro da holoprosencefalia, e o grupo 2 (G2) com holoprosencefalia-like composto por 8 indivíduos com sinais clínicos do espectro da holoprosencefalia-like. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da aplicação do Inventário Portage Operacionalizado que avalia as áreas alvos deste estudo. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se análise descritiva da mediana e dos valores mínimos e máximos e foi aplicado o teste estatístico de Mann Whitney (< 0,05% para significância). RESULTADOS: os grupos 1 e 2 apresentaram alterações em todas as áreas do desenvolvimento avaliadas. Entretanto, os indivíduos do G1, com holoprosencefalia apresentaram maiores comprometimentos nas habilidades: motora, cognitiva, de linguagem, de socialização e autocuidados, quanto comparados aos indivíduos do G2, com holoprosencefalia-like. CONCLUSÃO: o desempenho nas áreas motoras, cognitivas, de linguagem, de socialização e autocuidados de indivíduos com holoprosencefalia e holoprosencefalia-like foi aquém do esperado, principalmente naqueles indivíduos com holoprosencefalia, que se justifica pelo maior comprometimento no sistema nervoso central. A natureza destas alterações pode estar associada ao universo de alterações neurológicas e craniofaciais descritas nestes quadros clínicos e também à influência do ambiente social.
Idosos que atendem a determinados critérios demográficos, sociais e econômicos estão especialmente vulneráveis a adoecimento, incapacidades e morte. Desenvolveu-se estudo com o objetivo de identificar idosos vulneráveis segundo critérios determinados e comparar idosos vulneráveis e não-vulneráveis em relação à necessidade de ajuda para atividades. O estudo, de corte transversal, compreendeu coleta de dados com 190 idosos usuários de um Centro de Saúde Escola, em seus domicílios, entre 2006 e 2008, por meio de aplicação do Instrumento para Classificação de Idosos quanto à Capacidade para o Autocuidado. Cento e quarenta e cinco idosos (80%) estão submetidos a pelo menos um critério de risco; 99 (52,1%) referem uma ou mais dificuldades para atividades básicas, sendo que 29 (29,3%) requerem ajuda; 92 (48,4%) idosos mencionam dificuldades para atividades instrumentais e destes, 67 (72,8%) requerem ajuda. Somente 16 (8,4%) adotam práticas de autocuidado para minimizar suas dificuldades e 38 (20%) as adotam para compensar parte delas. O grupo de idosos que atende pelo menos a um critério de risco apresenta proporção maior de indivíduos que requer ajuda para atividades básicas e instrumentais de vida diária. Outras análises possibilitarão verificar a influência de cada critério sobre a funcionalidade. A realização de pesquisa sobre práticas de autocuidado com um maior número de indivíduos possibilitará comparação entre grupos que empregam ou não essas práticas e critérios de risco. Apesar das limitações do estudo, ele suscita planejamento de ações aos idosos com dificuldades e que requeiram ou não ajuda para suas atividades.
La formazione, in ambito sanitario, è considerata una grande leva di orientamento dei comportamenti, ma la metodologia tradizionale di formazione frontale non è la più efficace, in particolare nella formazione continua o “long-life education”. L’obiettivo primario della tesi è verificare se l’utilizzo della metodologia dello “studio di caso”, di norma utilizzata nella ricerca empirica, può favorire, nel personale sanitario, l’apprendimento di metodi e strumenti di tipo organizzativo-gestionale, partendo dalla descrizione di processi, decisioni, risultati conseguiti in contesti reali. Sono stati progettati e realizzati 4 studi di caso con metodologia descrittiva, tre nell’Azienda USL di Piacenza e uno nell’Azienda USL di Bologna, con oggetti di studio differenti: la continuità di cura in una coorte di pazienti con stroke e l’utilizzo di strumenti di monitoraggio delle condizioni di autonomia; l’adozione di un approccio “patient-centred” nella presa in carico domiciliare di una persona con BPCO e il suo caregiver; la percezione che caregiver e Medici di Medicina Generale o altri professionisti hanno della rete aziendale Demenze e Alzheimer; la ricaduta della formazione di Pediatri di Libera Scelta sull’attività clinica. I casi di studio sono stati corredati da note di indirizzo per i docenti e sono stati sottoposti a quattro referee per la valutazione dei contenuti e della metodologia. Il secondo caso è stato somministrato a 130 professionisti sanitari all’interno di percorso di valutazione delle competenze e dei potenziali realizzato nell’AUSL di Bologna. I referee hanno commentato i casi e gli strumenti di lettura organizzativa, sottolineando la fruibilità, approvando la metodologia utilizzata, la coniugazione tra ambiti clinico-assistenziali e organizzativi, e le teaching note. Alla fine di ogni caso è presente la valutazione di ogni referee.
This report outlines the development, validity, and reliability of Part A of the OARS Multidimensional Functional Assessment Questionnaire. Part A permits assessment of individuals' functioning on each of five dimensions (social, economic, mental health, physical health and self-care capacity), the detailed information in each area being summarized on a 6-point rating scale by a rater. Content and consensual validity were ensured by the manner of construction. Information on criterion validity was obtained for all dimensions except social. The criterion used and their associated Kendall's Tau values were: an objective economic scale (.62); ratings based on personal interviews by geropsychiatrists (.60); physician's associates (.82); and physical therapists (.89). For 11 geographically dispersed raters from research and clinic settings, intraclass correlational coefficients, based on 30 subjects, ranged from .66 on physical health to .87 in self-care capacity; 74% of the ratings were in complete agreement, 24% differed by one point.
Recent legislative and regulatory developments have focused attention on older adults' capacity for involvement in health care decision-making. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA 87) focused attention on the rights of nursing home residents to be involved in health care decision-making to the fullest extent possible. This article uses data from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES) to examine rates of incapacity for health care decision-making among nursing home residents. Elements of the Oklahoma statute were used to operationalize decision-making incapacity: disability or disorder, difficulty in decision-making or communicating decisions, and functional disability. Fifty-three percent of nursing home residents had a combination of either physical or mental impairment and an impairment in either self-care or money management. The discussion focuses on the policy and practice implications of significant rates of incapacity among nursing home residents.
OBJECTIVES: The incidence distribution of triage advice in the medical call centre Medi24 and the pattern of service utilisation were analysed with respect to two groups of callers with different insurance schemes. Individuals having contracted insurance of the Medi24 model could use the telephone consultation service of the medical call centre Medi24 (mainly part of the mandatory basic health insurance) voluntarily and free of charge whereas individuals holding an insurance policy of the Telmed model (special contract within the mandatory basic health insurance with a premium discount ranging from 8% to 12%) were obliged to have a telephone consultation before arranging an appointment with a medical doctor. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in the medical call centre Medi24 based on all triage datasets of the Medi24 and Telmed groups collected during the one year period from July 1st 2005 to June 30th 2006. The distribution of the six different urgency levels within the two groups and their respective pattern of service utilisation was determined. In a multivariable logistic regression model the Odds Ratio for every enquiry originating from the Telmed group versus those originating from the Medi24 group was calculated. RESULTS: During a one-year period 48 388 triage requests reached the medical call centre Medi24, 56% derived from the Telmed group and 44% from the Medi24 group. Within the Medi24 group more than 25% of the individuals received self-care advice, within the Telmed group, on the other hand, only about 18% received such advice. In contrast, 27% of the Telmed triage requests but only 18% of the Medi24 triage requests resulted in the advice to make a routine appointment with a medical doctor. The probability that an individual of the Telmed group obtained the advice to go to the accident and emergency department was lower than for an individual of the Medi24 group (OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.60-0.99). Likewise, the probability of self-care advice was decreased in regard to the Medi24 group (OR 0.80, 95% CI 0.75-0.85). However, regarding the advice to make a routine appointment with a medical doctor, the Telmed group was represented more frequently than the Medi24 group (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.28-1.44). CONCLUSION: In respect of the triage advice, the Telmed group differed significantly from the Medi24 group within all urgency levels. The differences between the two groups in respect of the advice given were still less pronounced than expected against the background of their different contract conditions and the disparate temporal pattern of utilisation. We interprete this finding with the fact that appraising the urgency of health problems appropriately seems to be very difficult for the majority of people seeking advice.