991 resultados para Segunda circular


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar a força e os limites do nacionalismo na trajetória de Marc Bloch. A partir da problematização de sua memória post-mortem, construída por seus amigos e familiares, procura-se entender como a imagem de Bloch se consagrou na França como a de alguém que sacrificou sua vida em nome desta comunidade imaginada. A partir daí, busca-se compreender que elementos de sua trajetória foram responsáveis por dar espaço a essa construção. É aí que se apresentam as múltiplas identidades de Marc Bloch soldado, judeu, resistente, historiador, cidadão. Por fim, buscar-se-á, a partir da análise de seu livro Létrange défaite, analisar como o próprio historiador construiu a imagem de si mesmo e da França de sua época.


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Lan honekin historiako garai ezberdinek, batez ere XX. mendeko bigarren erdikoa, enpresa publikoaren gain izandako eragina ikusi nahi izan da. Horrez gain, sektore batzuetan enpresa publikoaren jarduera eta horietan lortu zituen emaitzak aztertu nahi izan dira. Beraz, helburua Espainiako enpresa publikoaren historia ikustea izan da. Horregatik, lehenengo enpresa publikoaren definizioa eta aurrekariak (XVIII. eta XIX. mendeak) azaldu dira eta, horren ondoren, XX. mendea aztertu da. Horretarako, XVIII. errege fabrikak eta pribilegiodun merkatal konpainia batzuk eta XIX. mendeko liberalismoak horien gain izandako eragina ikusi da. XX. mendeari dagokionez, ikusi denez, gutxienez bigarren erdian, INI-a izan zen garrantzia gehien izan zuen erakundea eta horregatik, bere jarduera eta politiken bilakaera aztertu da batez ere. Horrez gain, INI-a desagertu arte sortutako beste bi erakunde ikusi dira INH eta TENEO. Azkenik, INI-a ordezkatu zuten AIE eta SEPI erakundeak ikusi dira.


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Mediante el análisis de la balanza comercial española desde la época posterior a la Guerra Civil hasta el Plan de Estabilización y Liberalización, se intenta explicar la evolución de la economía española. La evolución del comercio exterior fue la pieza clave para el estancamiento de la economía en su conjunto debido a las políticas autárquicas del gobierno de Franco, que poco a poco se fueron flexibilizando hasta lograr una total apertura hacia el exterior. Esta apertura vino como consecuencia del Plan de Estabilización y supuso el saneamiento de todos los sectores de la economía (agricultura, industria, hacienda pública, sector crediticio…), así como un cambio en las pautas del consumo de la sociedad española. Se crean nuevas necesidades que es preciso cubrir, y frecuentemente hay que acudir al comercio internacional para abastecerlas. Tras las medidas liberalizadoras de 1959, nace un sector que se convierte en el engranaje de la economía española: el turismo, ya que gracias a él se obtienen divisas que permiten a la economía entrar en el libre juego de mercado en el terreno internacional. El turismo, junto con las remesas de los emigrantes a sus familias, son los elementos que tiran de una economía desabastecida en muchos casos de productos básicos, y que contaba con una industria arcaica y desestructurada.


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A new type of wave-front analysis method for the collimation testing of laser beams is proposed. A concept of wave-front height is defined, and, on this basis, the wave-front analysis method of circular aperture sampling is introduced. The wave-front height of the tested noncollimated wave can be estimated from the distance between two identical fiducial diffraction planes of the sampled wave, and then the divergence is determined. The design is detailed, and the experiment is demonstrated. The principle and experiment results of the method are presented. Owing to the simplicity of the method and its low cost, it is a promising method for checking the collimation of a laser beam with a large divergence. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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An experimental method combined with boundary layer theory is given for evaluating the added mass of a sphere moving along the axis of a circular cylinder filled with water or oil. The real fluid effects are separated from ideal fluid effects.

The experimental method consists essentially of a magnetic steel sphere propelled from rest by an electromagnetic coil in which the current is accurately controlled so that it only supplies force for a short time interval which is within the laminar flow regime of the fluid. The motion of the sphere as a function of time is recorded on single frame photographs using a short-arc multiple flash lamp with accurately controlled time intervals between flashes.

A concept of the effect of boundary layer displacement on the fluid flow around a sphere is introduced to evaluate the real fluid effects on the added mass. Surprisingly accurate agreement between experiment and theory is achieved.


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Recurring to the characteristic of Bessel function, we give the analytic expression or the Fresnel diffraction by a circular aperture, thus the diffractions on the propagation axis and along the boundary of the geometrical shadow are discussed conveniently. Since it is difficult to embody intuitively the physical meaning from this series expression of the Fresnel diffraction, after weighing the diffractions on the axis and along the boundary of the geometrical shadow, we propose a simple approximate expression of the circular diffraction, which is equivalent to the rigorous solution in the further propagation distance. It is important for the measurement of the parameter or the beam, such as the quantitative analysis of the relationship of the wave error and the divergence of the beam, In this paper, the relationship of the fluctuation of the transverse diffraction profile and the position of the axial point is discussed too. (c) 2005 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.


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The numerical simulation of the wavefronts diffracted by apertures with circular symmetry is realized by a numerical method. It is based on the angular spectrum of plane waves, which ignored the vector nature of light. The on-axial irradiance distributions of plane wavefront and Gauss wavefront diffracted by the circular aperture have been calculated along the propagation direction. Comparisons of the simulation results with the analytical results and the experimental results tell us that it is a feasible method to calculate the diffraction of apertures. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier GmbH.


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The paper comprehensively analyzes the distortions of a circular wedge prism with 400 mm diameter in a scanner by method of optical-mechanical-thermal integrating analysis. The structure and intensity of the prism assembly is verified and checked, and the surface deformations of the prism under gravity load, as well as the thermo-elastic distortions of the prism, are analyzed in detail and evaluated, which is finally contrasted with the measured values of Zygo Mark interferometer. The results show: the maximal distortion of the prism assembly is 10 nm magnitude and the maximal stress is 0.441 Mpa, which has much tolerance to the precision requirement of structure and the admissible stress of material; the influence of heat effect on the surface deformations of prism is proved to be far greater than the influence of gravity load, so some strict temperature-controlled measures are to be considered when the scanner is used. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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El presente estudio toma como marco cronológico de investigación la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, época de la Ilustración, de la fundación de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País y del florecimiento de las compañías comerciales y navieras de San Sebastián y Bilbao. Época de desarrollo y esplendor durante el reinado de Carlos III, pero también de inicio de una profunda crisis y decadencia de las industrias naval y siderúrgica en las postrimerías del siglo, como en repetidas ocasiones lo ha hecho ver D. Julio Caro Baroja. Moviéndonos dentro de este ámbito temporal, nuestro propósito ha sido el de intentar reconstruir el desenvolvimiento de las actividades comerciales de Bilbao y de sus hombres de negocios, tomando como objeto principal de nuestra investigación las fluctuaciones de su comercio activo de exportación, sometido a las variaciones de la demanda externa.


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I. The binding of the intercalating dye ethidium bromide to closed circular SV 40 DNA causes an unwinding of the duplex structure and a simultaneous and quantitatively equivalent unwinding of the superhelices. The buoyant densities and sedimentation velocities of both intact (I) and singly nicked (II) SV 40 DNAs were measured as a function of free dye concentration. The buoyant density data were used to determine the binding isotherms over a dye concentration range extending from 0 to 600 µg/m1 in 5.8 M CsCl. At high dye concentrations all of the binding sites in II, but not in I, are saturated. At free dye concentrations less than 5.4 µg/ml, I has a greater affinity for dye than II. At a critical amount of dye bound I and II have equal affinities, and at higher dye concentration I has a lower affinity than II. The number of superhelical turns, τ, present in I is calculated at each dye concentration using Fuller and Waring's (1964) estimate of the angle of duplex unwinding per intercalation. The results reveal that SV 40 DNA I contains about -13 superhelical turns in concentrated salt solutions.

The free energy of superhelix formation is calculated as a function of τ from a consideration of the effect of the superhelical turns upon the binding isotherm of ethidium bromide to SV 40 DNA I. The value of the free energy is about 100 kcal/mole DNA in the native molecule. The free energy estimates are used to calculate the pitch and radius of the superhelix as a function of the number of superhelical turns. The pitch and radius of the native I superhelix are 430 Å and 135 Å, respectively.

A buoyant density method for the isolation and detection of closed circular DNA is described. The method is based upon the reduced binding of the intercalating dye, ethidium bromide, by closed circular DNA. In an application of this method it is found that HeLa cells contain in addition to closed circular mitochondrial DNA of mean length 4.81 microns, a heterogeneous group of smaller DNA molecules which vary in size from 0.2 to 3.5 microns and a paucidisperse group of multiples of the mitochondrial length.

II. The general theory is presented for the sedimentation equilibrium of a macromolecule in a concentrated binary solvent in the presence of an additional reacting small molecule. Equations are derived for the calculation of the buoyant density of the complex and for the determination of the binding isotherm of the reagent to the macrospecies. The standard buoyant density, a thermodynamic function, is defined and the density gradients which characterize the four component system are derived. The theory is applied to the specific cases of the binding of ethidium bromide to SV 40 DNA and of the binding of mercury and silver to DNA.


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We investigate analytically and numerically nonlinear vortex spin torque oscillator dynamics in a circular magnetic nanodot induced by a spin-polarized current perpendicular to the dot plane. We use a generalized nonlinear Thiele equation including spin-torque term by Slonczewski for describing the nanosize vortex core transient and steady orbit motions and analyze nonlinear contributions to all forces in this equation. Blue shift of the nano-oscillator frequency increasing the current is explained by a combination of the exchange, magnetostatic, and Zeeman energy contributions to the frequency nonlinear coefficient. Applicability and limitations of the standard nonlinear nano-oscillator model are discussed.


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Magnetic vortex that consists of an in-plane curling magnetization configuration and a needle-like core region with out-of-plane magnetization is known to be the ground state of geometrically confined submicron soft magnetic elements. Here magnetodynamics of relatively thick (50-100 nm) circular Ni80Fe20 dots were probed by broadband ferromagnetic resonance in the absence of external magnetic field. Spin excitation modes related to the thickness dependent vortex core gyrotropic dynamics were detected experimentally in the gigahertz frequency range. Both analytical theory and micromagnetic simulations revealed that these exchange dominated modes are flexure oscillations of the vortex core string with n = 0,1,2 nodes along the dot thickness. The intensity of the mode with n = 1 depends significantly on both dot thickness and diameter and in some cases is higher than the one of the uniform mode with n = 0. This opens promising perspectives in the area of spin transfer torque oscillators.


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Nesta Tese desenvolvemos várias abordagens "Darbouxianas"para buscar integrais primeiras (elementares e Liouvillianas) de equações diferenciais ordinárias de segunda ordem (2EDOs) racionais. Os algoritmos (semi-algoritmos) que desenvolvemos seguem a linha do trabalho de Prelle e Singer. Basicamente, os métodos que buscam integrais primeiras elementares são uma extensão da técnica desenvolvida por Prelle e Singer para encontrar soluções elementares de equações diferenciais ordinárias de primeira ordem (1EDOs) racionais. O procedimento que lida com 2EDOs racionais que apresentam integrais primeiras Liouvillianas é baseado em uma extensão ao nosso método para encontrar soluções Liouvillianas de 1EDOs racionais. A ideia fundamental por tras do nosso trabalho consiste em que os fatores integrantes para 1-formas polinomiais geradas pela diferenciação de funções elementares e Liouvillianas são formados por certos polinômios denominados polinômios de Darboux. Vamos mostrar como combinar esses polinômios de Darboux para construir fatores integrantes e, de posse deles, determinar integrais primeiras. Vamos ainda discutir algumas implementações computacionais dos semi-algoritmos.


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V.1. 219 p.; V. 2. 589 p.