958 resultados para Seca


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Introdução:.O cultivo de plantas medicinais é uma prática essencial para a conservação das espécies e para garantir a oferta de matéria-prima com padrão de qualidade constante. Para que a terapia com plantas medicinais tenha eficácia e segurança, é imprescindível ao longo do cultivo, a execução de práticas fitotécnicas adequadas a cada espécie vegetal, visto que o desenvolvimento desta está sob a influencia das variações climáticas, dos cuidados com a irrigação, adubação, etc. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos de diferentes doses de vermicomposto na produção de matéria seca e óleo essencial de Foeniculum vulgare Mill., cultivado em vasos em condições de estufa agrícola. Material e métodos: Sementes de F. vulgare foram colhidas no Horto de Plantas Medicinais e Tóxicas da FCF-UNESP e semeadas em vasos de 300 mL. Após 40 dias da semeadura as mudas foram transplantadas para vasos de 4L contendo solo tratado com vermicomposto nas doses de 0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 t ha-1. Ao final de 90 dias de cultivo as partes aéreas (folhas e caules) foram colhidas, secadas e analisadas quanto ao teor de óleo essencial. A identificação do anetol no óleo essencial foi realizada por CCD. Resultados: Os tratamentos durante o período de cultivo analisado influenciaram a produção de biomassa das plantas e também a produção do óleo essencial, porém sem uma correspondência diretamente proporcional. As plantas tenderam a produzir mais biomassa do que óleos essenciais em relação ao tratamento testemunha. Conclusão: Houve influência das doses de vermicomposto no cultivo de funcho (durante 90 dias, em vasos, em casa de vegetação), porém não correlacionada à produção de óleo essencial das folhas.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Nutrient accumulation curves help us understand the nutritional demands of a crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and accumulation of macronutrients by the sweet sorghum cultivars CVSW80007, CVSW80147, CVSW82028, CVSW82158. The experiment was conducted in a renewal sugarcane ratoon area at Uchoa county, SP, being deployed in January 2012. The plants were collected in 15 days intervals from the 10th after emergence (DAE). The greatest content of dry matter, N, P, Mg and S, was due to by the CVSW82028 cultivar, while the CVSW82158 extract the greatest amount of K and the CVSW80147 of Ca. The stalks represented the highs percentage of dry matter and nutrient content, except nitrogen and phosphorus, in which grains corresponded to the higher percentage of total absorption. The CVSW80007, CVSW82028 and CVSW82158 cultivars showed the following decreasing nutrient extraction N>K>Ca>Mg>P>S and the CVSW80147, K>N>Ca>Mg>P>S. Considering only the stalks harvest, the decreasing nutrient exportation is the same for all cultivars: K>N>Ca>Mg>S>P. Whereas the decreasing nutrient exportation sequence considering stalks and grain harvest is the following for the CVSW80007, CVSW80147 and CVSW82158 cultivars: K>N>Ca>Mg>P>S and K>N>Ca>Mg>P>S for the CVSW82028.


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The foliar fertilization with silicon has promoted several actions beneficial to plants, among them is greater drought tolerance, however, for the soybean, there is little information on these benefits in this condition. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of silicon on leaf, the dry matter accumulation of soybean in their reproductive stages, where the crop water stress suffered during the same. The experiment was carried out at the Plant Science Unit Aquidauana University - State University of Mato Grosso do Sul. The statistical design was a randomized block split plot with four replications. The plots were represented by cultivar 5DR615, the subplots consisted of the application (with or without) silicon, whose source was used KSi. Was measured the height and identified the development stage of all plants, separating them into stem + branches, leaves + petioles, pods capsules and seed. Foliar applications of silicon increased dry matter accumulation during the reproductive stage of soybean, where the highest values occurred in the R6 stage. Under conditions of water deficit, foliar application of silicon on soybean provided normal plant development, generating greater dry mass of stem + branches, leaves + petioles, pods capsules and seeds throughout their reproductive phase, with the highest values obtained at R6 stage (35 days after R2).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar diferentes métodos de secagem de folhas para três diferentes frutíferas (maracujá, pêssego e abacate), com relação à determinação da matéria seca e os teores foliares de macronutrientes. Foram coletadas amostras de folhas recém expandida de três culturas, do pomar da fazenda de ensino e pesquisa da FCAV-UNESP, câmpus de Jaboticabal, no mês de janeiro de 2010, coletando-se para cada cultura 12 amostras com 25 folhas cada. Os tratamentos constituíram-se por dois métodos de secagem, estufa de circulação de ar forçada regulada a uma temperatura de 70°C e o forno microondas (FMO). Avaliou-se a massa da matéria seca e os teores foliares de macronutrientes. Os resultados sugerem que os dois métodos de secagem testados se assemelham na determinação de matéria seca e nos teores foliares de macronutrientes para as culturas análisadas, exceto os teores de cálcio na cultura do pêssego.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of processing two corn hybrids conserved, dry and humid grains, the dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) degradability in situ. The particle size was determined and difference was verified in MGD (Medium Geometric Diameter) of processed ingredients. Three sheep were used with rumen canulated, in a completely randomized design, using a factorial outline 2 x 2 x 3, being two corn hybrid, two conservation methods and three processing forms (whole, coarsely and finely ground), with five times of incubation (3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours). The fraction A in SDC (silage of dent corn) of DM was superior to GDC (grain of dent corn) in all of the particles size. The ensiling process increased the DM solubility, reducing the fraction B in comparison to dry grain. The values regarding the fractions DP and DE the 5% per hour of the protein, were larger for SDC and GDC, it presents a decreasing when the incubation time advances. The fermentation rate was superior for SDC and GDC. The ensiling process has positive effect in the decreasing of DM and CP in comparison to GDC.


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The permanence of the corn grain in the field, after physiological maturity, is an important cause of crop losses, both in quantitative and qualitative aspect. By ceasing the supply of assimilated substances to grains, due to physiological maturity, the synthesis reactions are overcome by breathing, responsible for the maintenance of the living tissues of the grains, which occur at the expense of reserves accumulated during grain formation. In addition, there are losses from fungus and insects attack due to adverse weather conditions. Technological advances in recent decades, the develop of grain dryers with different capacities and efficiencies, has led to the early withdrawal of the product from the field, still damp, reducing spoilage. Moreover, the use of artificial drying systems can represent a significant cost to the producer. Thus, the present work aimed to study the effect of natural and artificial methods of drying on maize dry matter losses, for Botucatu, city of Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The cornfield production was conducted at the Experimental Farm “Lageado” and the experimental treatments were conducted in the Laboratory of Agricultural Products Processing, in the Department of Rural Engineering, where the drying systems were tested. The treatments were: shade (control), artificial with heated air, artificial unheated air and, drying attached to the plant. The following analyzes for quality monitoring were performed: weight test, thousand-grain weight test and, grain dry weight. The results showed significant loss in quality of drying beans attached to the plant, by assessing the dry matter loss and by the variation of the grain weight. The weight test showed that the worst performance was the artificial with heated air treatment. We used mathematical modeling techniques to describe the dry matter loss and adjusted the mathematical model to the experimental data analyzed. From the experimental data obtained during drying the grain attached to the plant, it was still possible to fit a regression model that estimates the loss of grain dry matter under the climate from Botucatu during the 2011/2012 harvest period.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar ambientes homogêneos com base na ocorrência de eventos de seca/umidade na Região Centro-Norte do Brasil, compreendendo os Estados de Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Goiás e Tocantins. Para esse fim, utilizou-se o índice quantitativo de seca denominado Anomalia de Umidade de Palmer (Z-index). Os dados climáticos de entrada utilizados por esse índice para quantificar os eventos de seca/umidade foram simulados pelo modelo regional climático RegCM3 ("Regional ClimateModel - version3"), para o período de 1975 a 1989. Por meio de análise de agrupamento foram identificados 13 ambientes homogêneos. Esses ambientes homogêneos foram caracterizados por meio da probabilidade de ocorrência de eventos de seca/umidade, densidade relativa destes eventos, variabilidade da precipitação pluvial anual e a probabilidade de ocorrência de seca na época das águas (outubro a maio). No Estado do Mato Grosso observou-se o maior número de ambientes homogêneos e na Região Sudoeste desse Estado, o ambiente 11, obteve a maior probabilidade de ocorrência de eventos extremamente seco, 9%. O ambiente 10, localizado no extremo leste de Goiás, teve a menor mediana para a precipitação pluvial anual. O evento climático com maior probabilidade de ocorrência na região de estudo é o próximo ao normal ou normalidade de umidade.