740 resultados para Screw propeller.


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Although Brazil is a country of tradition in both the production and consumption of coffee, the most of the coffee is consumed as a beverage, which reduces greatly the competitiveness on international market, for reducing the chances of supplying the product under other forms of consumption. Owing to that, the aim of this study was developing a precooked mixed flour containing coffee powder and rice for use in coffee flavored products. Mixtures of rice and coffee in the proportions of 900:100, 850:150 and 800:200 g, respectively, were processed in a single screw extruder (Brabender DS-20, Duisburg, German) and the effect of the extrusion process on the variables moisture content (16%, 18% and 20%) and temperature in the third extruding zone (140 °C, 160 °C and 180 °C) was studied. The results for expansion index ranged from 2.91 to 11.11 mm in diameter; the water absorption index from 4.59 to 6.33 g gel/g sample and the water solubility index varied from 4.05% to 8.57%. These results showed that, despite coffee powder influenced the variables studied, the expanded product after milling resulted in a extruded mixture with good absorption and water solubility indices, which favors the use of the precooked mixed flour for human consumption.


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The objective of this study was to develop a pre-gelatinized flour using a mixture of broken rice and split beans by thermoplastic extrusion, and to evaluate the physicochemical, nutritional, and technological quality of the final product. The extrusion parameters were maintained using three heating zones with temperatures of 30 ºC, 40 ºC, and 70 ºC; screw speed of 177 rpm; feed rate of 257 g/m, and circular matrix of 3.85 mm. The following characterization analyses were performed: physicochemical, nutritional, water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), and paste viscosity. The pre-gelatinized rice and bean flour had an intermediate value of WAI, 7.51 g/g, and high WSI value, 24.61%. Regarding proteins, it was verified an average content of 12.9% in the final product. The amino acid contents found in the pre-gelatinized flour indicate that the mixture has the essential amino acids. It was also found that the pre-gelatinized flour supplies more than 60% of the essential amino acids recommended for children aged one to three years old. The gelatinized flour composed of broken rice and split beans is an alternative to the use of these by-products of the manufacture process of rice and beans to obtain a product with viable technological characteristics and high nutritional value.


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The opportunity to supplement common cassava biscuits with a product of higher nutritional value meets consumer expectations. In this work it was studied the effects of process parameters and flaxseed addition on physical properties of expanded snacks. Extrusion process was carried out using a single screw extruder in a factorial central composite rotatable design with four factors: flaxseed flour percentage (0-20%), moisture (12-20%), extrusion temperature (90-130 °C) and screw speed (190-270). The effect of extrusion variables was investigated in terms of expansion index, specific volume, water absorption index, water solubility index, color parameters (L*, a* ,b*) and hardness. The data analysis showed that variable parameters of the extrusion process and flaxseed flour affected physical properties of puffed snacks. Among the experimental conditions used in the present study, expanded snack products with good physical properties can be obtained under the conditions of 10% flaxseed flour, 230 rpm screw speed, temperature of 90 °C and moisture of 12%.


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A cassava-based puffed snack was produced using a single screw extruder to determine the effect of the raw material composition (cassava leaf flour and moisture) and the process parameters (extrusion temperature and screw speed) on the physical characteristics of an extruded-expanded snack. A central composite rotational design, including four factors with 30 treatments, was used with the following as dependent variables: expansion index, specific volume, water solubility index, water absorption index, color (L*, a*, b*), and hardness. Under conditions of low moisture content (12 to 14%), low percentage of cassava leaf flour (2 to 4%), and intermediate conditions of extrusion temperature (100°C) and screw speed (230rpm), it was possible to obtain puffed snack products with desirable characteristics.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tehdä elinkaariarviointi (LCA) prosessiteollisuuden sekoittimelle Helmix HF-80 ja analysoida LCA-tulokset, vaikutus ilmaston lämpenemisen potentiaalin (GWP) suhteen, sekä tutkia GWP-vaikutuksen pienentämisen mahdollisuuksia. Tutkittavan sekoittimen mahdolliset käyttökohteet ovat sellu- ja paperiteollisuus, raskaiden jätenesteiden käsittely, sekä muut teollisuusalueet, joissa käytetään tämän tyyppisiä laitteita. Työssä on muun muassa käsitelty sekoitusprosessit, sekoituslaitteiden tyypit, niiden rakenteiden ominaisuudet, käyttötarkoitus, toimintaperiaatteet, sekä sellu- ja paperi-teollisuudessa käytettävien sekoittimien yleiskatsaus. Työssä on myös kuvattu elinkaariarviointi (LCA) -menetelmä ja sen käyttötarkoitus. Tärkeimmistä tuloksista voi mainita sen, että sekoittimen (ilman säiliötä, sähkömoottoria ja vaihteistoa) kokoelinkaaren ilmastonlämpenemisen potentiaali (GWP) on noin 750 000 kg CO2-Equiv. Sekoittimen tuotanto- ja kierrätysaikana syntyy vain 1200 kg CO2-Equiv. ja suurin osa 748 000 kg CO2-Equiv. johtuu sähköenergian kulutuksesta käytön aikana. Käyttöajan vaikutusta voisi pienentää arvoksi 0 kg CO2-Equiv. käyttämällä pelkästään uusiutuvaa energiaa. Jos tuotantoaikana käytetty energia myös korvataan uusiutuvalla energialla, niin GWP-arvo koko elinkaaren aikana laskee arvoon 1006 kg CO2eqv., mikä on vain 0,13 % saaduista tuloksista. Suurin osa tästä arvosta liittyy sekoittimen materiaalin, tässä tapauksessa ruostumattoman teräksen tuotantoon.


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The Steel Company of Canada (Stelco) was formed in 1910 with the incorporation of the Canada Screw Co. Ltd., the Montreal Rolling Mills Co., the Dominion Wire Manufacturing Co. Ltd., the Hamilton Steel and Iron Co. Ltd., and the Canada Bolt and Nut Co. Ltd. By the 1920s, the company was the largest producer of steel ingots in Canada. The 1930s saw continued success and expansion of the company as Stelco increased its iron and steel capacity by 50 percent. The company continued to prosper throughout the next several decades, with sales revenues exceeding one billion dollars in 1974. In 1980, the company officially changed its name to Stelco, in order to simplify its name in both the French and English language. The company began to experience financial difficulties beginning with the recession in 1982. The troubles persisted for the next 25 years as a result of a decreased demand for steel, labour disputes, and high steel imports. In 2004, Stelco entered bankruptcy protection. By 2007, Stelco had lost $240 million in its first four quarters after emerging from bankruptcy protection. That same year Stelco was purchased by the United States Steel Corp. Despite efforts to restructure the company, bankruptcy was again declared in 2014.


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A "Navy League, Keep Watch" pin with a screw-on backing.


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This is a 16 cm x 8 cm 19th century pewter flask which has 3 pieces including the flask, the screw-on cap and a cover/drinking cup. There is a W inscribed within the cap. This is well-worn and dented.


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Introduction : L’expansion palatine rapide assistée chirurgicalement (EPRAC) est une option de traitement privilégiée chez les patients ayant atteint la maturité squelettique et présentant une déficience transverse du maxillaire. L’effet bénéfique de l’EPRAC sur la fonction respiratoire est régulièrement mentionné, toutefois, encore peu d’études ont évalué son impact sur les voies aériennes supérieures. L’objectif de cette étude clinique prospective comparative consistait à évaluer les effets tridimensionnels de l’EPRAC sur la cavité nasale, le nasopharynx et l’oropharynx à l’aide de la tomodensitométrie. Méthodologie : L’échantillon était constitué de 14 patients (5 hommes, 9 femmes) dont l’âge moyen était de 23,0 ± 1,9 ans (16 ans 4 mois à 39 ans 7 mois). Tous ont été traités avec un appareil d’expansion de type Hyrax collé et l’expansion moyenne a été de 9,82 mm (7,5 - 12,0 mm). Tous ont eu une période de contention d’une année avant le début de tout autre traitement orthodontique. Une évaluation par tomodensitométrie volumique à faisceau conique a été réalisée aux temps T0 (initial), T1 (6 mois post-expansion) et T2 (1an post-expansion) et le volume des fosses nasales, du nasopharynx et de l’oropharynx ainsi que les dimensions de la zone de constriction maximale de l’oropharynx ont été mesurés sur les volumes tridimensionnels obtenus. Résultats : Les résultats radiologiques ont démontré une augmentation significative du volume des fosses nasales et du nasopharynx ainsi qu’une augmentation de la zone de constriction maximale de l’oropharynx à 6 mois post-expansion. Par la suite, une portion du gain enregistré pour ces trois paramètres était perdue à un an post-EPRAC sans toutefois retourner aux valeurs initiales. Aucun effet significatif sur le volume de l’oropharynx n’a été observé. De plus, aucune corrélation significative entre la quantité d’expansion réalisée et l’ensemble des données radiologiques n’a été observée. L’analyse de la corrélation intra-classe a démontré une excellente fiabilité intra-examinateur. Conclusions : L’EPRAC entraîne un changement significatif du volume de la cavité nasale et du nasopharynx. L’EPRAC ne modifie pas le volume de l’oropharynx, par contre, un effet significatif sur la zone de constriction maximale de l’oropharynx est noté. Les effets observés n’ont pas de corrélation avec le montant d’activation de la vis d’expansion.


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Gum and filled compounds of styrene-butadiene rubber are extruded through a laboratory extruder by varying the feeding rase at different temperatures and screw speed (rpm). The extruded compounds are vulcanized up4o their optimum cure times and the mechanical properties of the vulcanizates are determined. From the properties data obtained it Is concluded that there is a specific feeding rate wit in the starved fed region, which results In maximum Improved mechanical properties . The enhancement In properties is found to be due to better thermal and shear homogeneity.


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Reactive extrusion is an attractive means of polymer processing since the shaping and reaction take place in a single operation. In this paper we report the silane grafting of polyethylenes in a single screw extruder. The optimum conditions for silane grafting, viz. temperature, shear rate, silane and DCP concentrations, were determined on a torque rheometer and then actual extrusion was performed using these conditions. The study shows that an optimum low level of grafting/ crosslinking can be introduced into polyethylene during its extrusion for better mechanical behavior and=or thermal stability without affecting the processability.


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The main aim of the study was to optimise the reactive extrusion conditions in the conventional modification processes of polyethylenes in a single screw extruder.The optimum conditions for peroxide crosslinking of low density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and their blend were determined in a torque rheometer. The actual reactive extrusion was performed in a laboratory single screw extruder using the optimum parameters. The influence of the coagent, triaUyl cyanurate (TAC), on the cross linking of low density polyethylene in the presence of peroxide was also investigated. The peroxide crosslinking was found to improve the mechanical properties and the thermal stability of the polyethylenes. The efficiency of crosslinking was found to be improved by the addition of coagent such as TAC.The optimum conditions for silane grafting viz temperature, shear rate, silane and DCP concentrations were determined on a torque rheometer in the case of LDPE, LLDPE and their blend. Silane grafting of LDPE in the presence of peroxide was performed with and without addition of water. Compounding of such mixtures in the melt at high temperatures caused decomposition of the peroxide and grafting of alkoxy silyl groups to the polyethylene chains.The optimum parameters for maleic anhydride modification of LDPE, LLDPE and their blend were determined. The grafting reaction was confinned by FTIR spectroscopy. Modification of polyethylenes with maleic anhydride in the presence of dicumyl peroxide was found to be useful in improving mechanical properties. The improvement was found to be mainly due to the grafting of carboxyl group and formation of crosslinks between the chains. The cross linking initiated improvements indicate extended property profiles and new application fields for polyethylenes.On the whole the study shows that the optimum conditions for modifying polyethylenes can be determined on a torque rheometer and actual modification can be performed in a single screw extruder by employing the optimum parameters for improved mechanical! thermal behaviour without seriously affecting their processing behaviour.


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This study mainly deals with the structure of the motorised and mechanised trawl fishing fleet of Kerala, and assess the availability of resources and its extent of exploitation. The study is conducted by observing the performance of small motorised boats operating trawl nets from selected centers along the Kerala coast. The Study also deals with the type and material of construction of the propellers used in selected crafts and the efficiency of the propeller. The fuel consumption pattern of selected medium sized trawlers economics of operation of selected fishing crafts are analyzed through this study. The thesis also Suggest methods for reducing fuel consumption in trawling


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Starve feeding of single screw extruder was described as an important means of improving the performance characteristics of the extruder. In addition to such improvement with versatility, the starve feeding technique also may affect the mechanical properties of the extrudate since the heat transfer an(l mixing characteristics in the starve fed and Hood fed extruders are not the same. Since the material is more loosely packed in the channels of the starve fed extruder, there may be greater bed mobility and uniformity. Further, the. thermal an(l shear induced degradation are also less since possibilities of developing local high temperatures are less compared to a densely compacted extruder bed. This study has been undertaken mainly to explore the effect of feeding rate on the mechanical properties of rubber and plastic extrudates since the effect of feeding rate has not been analysed from this angle so far.


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Pedicle screw insertion technique has made revolution in the surgical treatment of spinal fractures and spinal disorders. Although X- ray fluoroscopy based navigation is popular, there is risk of prolonged exposure to X- ray radiation. Systems that have lower radiation risk are generally quite expensive. The position and orientation of the drill is clinically very important in pedicle screw fixation. In this paper, the position and orientation of the marker on the drill is determined using pattern recognition based methods, using geometric features, obtained from the input video sequence taken from CCD camera. A search is then performed on the video frames after preprocessing, to obtain the exact position and orientation of the drill. An animated graphics, showing the instantaneous position and orientation of the drill is then overlaid on the processed video for real time drill control and navigation