1000 resultados para Savart, Nic.-Pierre-Ant.
A diet which does not desiccate was developed for rearing various ant species. this diet was found to be very attractive forIridomyrmex humilis. Monomorium pharaonis andWasmannia auropunctata in which species it permitted the rearing of colonies for long periods and the regular production of sexuals. Nous présentons la recette d'une nourriture artificielle élaborée pour élever des fourmis en laboratoire. Cette nourriture ne se dessèche pas et s'est avérée adéquate pour l'élevage de plusieur espèces telles queIridomyrmex humilis, Monomorium pharaonis etWasmannia auropunctata. Des sexués mâles et femelles ont été régulièrement produits dans ces sociétés.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57103
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57735
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57731
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57353
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57352
The influence of various social factors on the production of males was investigated in the Argentine ant, Iridomyrmex humilis. In this polygynous species, the workers which are monomorphic are unable to lay reproductive eggs, so all the males are the progeny of the queens. Although male eggs appear to be laid by mated queens throughout the year, in large stock colonies males are reared periodically (every 3 or 4 months); males develop from brood taken from these colonies at any point in the cycle and given queenless or queenright (1 to 5 queens) units. This is in striking contrast to many other species of ants where it is generally assumed that male eggs are laid seasonnally. Comparative experiments suggest that several related factors influence the rearing of males as far as the pupal stage. Worker/larva ratio: The proportion of male larvae developing in standardized units in which the worker/larva ratio was varied from 0.25 to 25 demonstrated that low ratios inhibit male production. Queen influence: In standardized units where the worker/larva ratio was high the presence of queens did not inhibit the rearing of males suggesting that there is no queen inhibitory pheromone controlling male experimental production. Data suggest evidence that queens prevent male production by means of appropriation of food. Diet: Male larvae failed to pupate in experimental societies deprived of protein. Thus, the production of males appears to be controlled by the amount of food available to larvae. This depends on foraging activity, the quantity of brood in relation to the number of workers and the number of queens in the society.
The ability of workers to produce male individuals is reported here for the first time in a species of the formicine ant genus Prolasius. We show that Prolasius advenus workers possess ovaries and demonstrate that they are able to produce adult males in queenless colonies. We also experimentally tested the influence of queen volatiles on the level of worker reproduction. Workers produced fewer eggs in treatments where they could perceive odors from queens. Some volatile compounds emitted by queens may thus have a signaling or inhibitory effect on worker reproduction. This effect of queen presence did not entirely stop worker reproduction, however, as adult males still emerged under these conditions. Worker-produced males were absent only in treatments with the physical presence of queens. Dissections of workers collected from queenright nests in the field revealed signs of egg-laying activity in more than half of individuals. Together, these results suggest that in nature P. advenus workers produce males at least in orphaned colonies or in situations where the physical presence of queens is limited.
To investigate the influence of the number of queens per colony on nestmate recognition in Iridomyrmex humilis, comparative assays were performed to study the attraction of workers to queens. These assays demonstrated that a phenomenon of recognition is superimposed on the attraction of workers to queens. Workers could discriminate non-nestmate queens from their nestmate queen to which they were significantly more attracted. This discrimination is probably based on the learning by workers of queen and colony odour. The level of attraction of workers to non-nestmate queens was similar in monogynous and polygynous colonies, whereas the level of attraction of workers to nestmate queens was significantly lower in polygynous colonies. This difference in the level of attraction of workers to nestmate queens almost certainly resulted from a lower efficiency in nestmate recognition in polygynous colonies. It is hypothesized that the mixture of several pheromonal sources produced by less related individuals in polygynous colonies may result in a less distinct colony odour than in monogynous colonies. The results are discussed with regard to some implications of polygyny and particularly to the loss of intercolonial aggression in I. humilis as well as in other polygynous ant species