944 resultados para Salmonella-typhimurium


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Aim: To assess the effect of the growth promoter avilamycin on emergence and persistence of resistance in enteric bacteria in the pig. Methods and Results: Pigs ( treated with avilamycin for 3 months and controls) were challenged with multiresistant Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 and faecal counts were performed for enterococci, Escherichia coli, S. Typhimurium and Campylobacter ( before, during and 5 weeks post-treatment). Representative isolates were tested for antibiotic resistance and for the presence of resistance genes. Avilamycin-resistant Enterococci faecalis (speciated by PCR) were isolated from the treated pigs and continued to be detected for the first week after treatment had ceased. The avilamycin- resistance gene was characterized by PCR as the emtA gene and speciation by PCR. MIC profiling confirmed that more than one strain of Ent. faecalis carried this gene. There was no evidence of increased antimicrobial resistance in the E. coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter populations, although there was a higher incidence of tetB positive E. coli in the treated pigs than the controls. Conclusion: Although avilamycin selects for resistance in the native enterococci population of the pig, no resistant isolates were detected beyond 1 week post-treatment. This suggests that resistant isolates were unable to persist once selective pressure was removed and were out-competed by the sensitive microflora. Significance and Impact of the Study: Our data suggest the risk of resistant isolates becoming carcass contaminants and infecting humans could be minimized by introducing a withdrawal period after using avilamycin and prior to slaughter.


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Gastrointestinal (GI) models that mimic physiological conditions in vitro are important tools for developing and optimizing biopharmaceutical formulations. Oral administration of live attenuated bacterial vaccines (LBV) can safely and effectively promote mucosal immunity but new formulations are required that provide controlled release of optimal numbers of viable bacterial cells, which must survive gastrointestinal transit overcoming various antimicrobial barriers. Here, we use a gastro-small intestine gut model of human GI conditions to study the survival and release kinetics of two oral LBV formulations: the licensed typhoid fever vaccine Vivotif comprising enteric coated capsules; and an experimental formulation of the model vaccine Salmonella Typhimurium SL3261 dried directly onto cast enteric polymer films and laminated to form a polymer film laminate (PFL). Neither formulation released significant numbers of viable cells when tested in the complete gastro-small intestine model. The poor performance in delivering viable cells could be attributed to a combination of acid and bile toxicity plus incomplete release of cells for Vivotif capsules, and to bile toxicity alone for PFL. To achieve effective protection from intestinal bile in addition to effective acid resistance, bile adsorbent resins were incorporated into the PFL to produce a new formulation, termed BR-PFL. Efficient and complete release of 4.4x107 live cells per dose was achieved from BR-PFL at distal intestinal pH, with release kinetics controlled by the composition of the enteric polymer film, and no loss in viability observed in any stage of the GI model. Use of this in vitro GI model thereby allowed rational design of an oral LBV formulation to maximize viable cell release.


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This study determines the inhibitory effect of Stevia rebaudiana leaf extracts and its purified bioactive compound ‘stevioside’ against food-related pathogens. The S. rebaudiana solvent extracts (1000 μg/mL) displayed antibacterial activity to Serratia marcescens, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B. subtilis, Alcaligenes denitrificans and Salmonella typhimurium. Of the six solvents, ethanol and acetone extracts displayed the highest zone of inhibition. The bioactive compound from S. rebaudiana was purified by solvent extraction, thin-layer chromatography followed by structural characterization by spectroscopy evidence. Purified stevioside prevented the growth of tested bacterial species, i.e. B. subtilis, K. pneumoniae and S. typhimurium. Significant zone of inhibition (12 mm) was observed against B. cereus which proposes potential application of stevioside in foods to increase their shelf life.


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Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the potential antimicrobial efficacy of alginate gel-encapsulated ceramic nanocarriers loaded with iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin (Fe-bLf) nanocarriers/nanocapsules (AEC-CP-Fe-bLf NCs). Materials & methods: The antimicrobial activities of non-nanoformulated apo (iron free), Fe-bLf and native forms of Australian bLf against pathogenic Salmonella typhimurium (wild strain) were studied in vitro. The efficacy of AEC-CP-Fe-bLf NCs were checked in vivo using Balb/c mice model. Results: The study revealed that native bLf is more effective in combating infection than the conventional drug ciprofloxacin (0.4 mg/ml). The efficacy of the drug was also revealed in vivo when BALB/c mice that, after being challenged with S. typhimurium (200 μl of 10(8) CFU/ml suspension), were fed orally with a nanoformulated bLf diet and the infection was observed to be eliminated. However, chronic infection developed in the group of infected mice that did not receive any drug treatment, as well as the mice treated with ciprofloxacin. The immune response to bacterial infection and to various drug treatments thereafter was studied in the mice. Conclusion: The study concludes that bLf and nanoformulated Fe-bLf are more effective in the treatment of Salmonella-infected mice than ciprofloxacin.


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As variáveis físicas, químicas e microbiológicas de um sistema de lagoas interligadas para o tratamento de dejetos suínos foram avaliadas. O sistema, composto por sete lagoas em séries (duas anaeróbias, uma facultativa, uma com aeração mecânica e três aeróbias), está localizado no sul do Brasil e recebe dejetos de cerca de 4.000 matrizes e 30.000 suínos em crescimento e terminação. Foram realizadas 20 coletas quinzenais, em sete pontos ao longo do sistema de tratamento. Verificou-se a existência de diferença significativa (p<0,05) na quantidade de fosfato (PO4), nitrato (NO3), fósforo total (PT), sólidos totais (ST) e sólidos voláteis (SV) entre os pontos iniciais do sistema, os quais são anteriores ao tratamento propriamente dito, e as demais fases do processo. A maior redução dos parâmetros analisados ocorreu após as lagoas anaeróbias, havendo uma contínua diminuição dos mesmos no decorrer do processo (p<0,05). As reduções observadas foram de 97,5% para Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO), 97,2% para Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DQO), 74,8% PO4, 91,2% NO3, 70% PT, 77,4% ST, 86,7% SV, 99% de Coliformes Totais (CT) e 99% de Coliformes Fecais (CF) comparando-se os valores médios no início e no final do sistema. O sistema demostrou, ainda, ser eficaz no controle de Salmonella sp. Das 20 coletas realizadas, foi possível isolar Salmonella sp. em 13 coletas no ponto correspondente ao início do sistema de tratamento e em apenas uma no ponto final do mesmo. Ao lado disto, verificou-se modificação da microbiota mesófila aeróbia ao longo do sistema onde, no afluente predominaram microorganismos Gram negativos com características de enterobactérias e no efluente, cocos Gram positivos catalase negativos. Entretanto, não houve redução significativa no número de unidades formadoras de colônias de mesófilos aeróbios ao longo do sistema. Das 161 amostras de Salmonella Typhimurium e 186 amostras de Escherichia coli isoladas, determinou-se o perfil de resistência pelo método de difusão em ágar, usando 14 antimicrobianos. Observou-se resistência contra sulfonamida (99,5% e 100%), tetraciclina (97,3% e 99,4%), ampicilina (96,8% e 76,4%), estreptomicina (96,2% e 90,1%), sulfa/trimetoprima (95,2% e 84,5%), ácido nalidíxico (82,8% e 77,6%), cloranfenicol (70,4% e 29,2%), cefaclor (71,5% e 25,5%), neomicina (38,2% e 5%), gentamicina (37,1% e 6,2%), tobramicina (35,5% e 13,7%), ciprofloxacina (30,1% e 0%), amoxacilina/ácido clavulânico (11,8% e 5%) e amicacina (9,1% e 3,7%) para E. coli e Salmonella respectivamente, sendo que todas as amostras de Salmonella foram sensíveis à ciprofloxacina. A resistência a quatro ou mais antimicrobianos foi observada em 99,5% das amostras de E. coli e 94,5% das amostras de Salmonella. O padrão de multiresistência foi mantido ao longo do sistema, apesar de verificar-se uma tendência à menor resistência nas amostras de E. coli isoladas após a passagem pelas lagoas aeróbias. As amostras, tanto da afluente como do efluente do sistema, apresentaram grande variabilidade nos perfis de resistência.


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O 3’3-ditrifluormetildifenil disseleneto (DFDD) é um composto organoselenado análogo ao disseleneto de difenila (DPDS). No entanto, diferentemente do DPDS, maiores estudos em relação às atividades biológicas do DFDD ainda permanecem escassos na literatura. Com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento dos efeitos biológicos do DFDD, nesse estudo investigou-se a interferência desta molécula no neurocomportamento em camundongos. Além disso, as atividades genotóxicas deste organoselenado em linhagens de Salmonella typhimurium, Saccharomyces cerevisiae e em células de mamíferos em cultura (células V79) também foram avaliadas. Nos ensaios neurocomportamentais em camundongos, o DFDD apresentou uma interessante atividade bloqueadora da estereotipia induzida por apomorfina, que é um modelo animal de esquizofrenia, sem agir sobre outros parâmetros importantes como a memória, ansiedade, exploração e locomoção detectados nas tarefas de esquiva inibitória, campo aberto e habituação a um novo ambiente. Demonstrou-se também neste trabalho que o DFDD não foi mutagênico no Teste Salmonella/microssoma tanto na presença quanto na ausência de ativação metabólica. Entretanto, em linhagens de S. cerevisiae, o DFDD induziu mutações “forward” e reversa, porém lócus não-específico. Diferentemente do seu análogo estrutural DPDS, o DFDD não foi capaz de induzir mutações “frameshift” em S. typhimurium ou S. cerevisiae mesmo quando as linhagens foram tratadas em condições de crescimento. Deste modo, sugere-se que o DFDD não é capaz de se intercalar entre as bases do DNA e que, possivelmente, este efeito seja provocado por um impedimento alostérico causado pelos grupamentos CF3 presentes neste organoselenado. Além disso, o DFDD mostrou-se um fraco agente citotóxico e genotóxico em S. cerevisiae e células V79. Por outro lado, como foi demonstrado no Teste Salmonella/microssoma, o DFDD apresentou um efeito protetor contra a mutagenicidade induzida por peróxido de hidrogênio. De maneira interessante, utilizando um ensaio in vitro, mostrou-se que o DFDD possui uma atividade “catalase-like” até o momento não apresentada por nenhum outro composto organoselenado. No presente trabalho tornou-se evidente também que o DFDD atua de maneira distinta do seu análogo DPDS em vários modelos experimentais e que, provavelmente, os grupamentos CF3 presentes no DFDD sejam de fundamental importância para as interessantes atividades demonstradas por este disseleneto.


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Medicinal plants have been used since antiquity to treat various human diseases. The leaves of Bauhinia monandra are widely used in Brazil as herbal remedies in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. From the leaves of B. monandra was purified a galactose-specific lectin, called BmoLL, which also showed a significant hypoglycemic capacity. Following the proposed rules by decree No 116 of 1996/08/08 of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the study aimed to evaluate the potential for toxicity and mutagenicity of BmoLL from the use of tests with Escherichia coli strain CC104 (Forward mutagenesis assay) with Salmonella typhimurium strain TA (Kado test), with plasmid pBCKS (Break occurrences in plasmid DNA) and enzyme exonuclease III (Search of abasic sites). The results demonstrated that the lectin was unable to increase the frequency of reverse mutation of strains of S. typhimurium, with and without metabolic activity. However, a significant decrease in the frequency of spontaneous mutation was observed in strains of E. coli, especially in poor repair (CC104mutMmutY), indicating an antioxidant potential of the lectin. BmoLL is unable to generate genotoxic and cytotoxic damage, based on the concentrations and the tests performed


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Currently, a wide range of research involving natural products is focused on the discovery of new drugs in many different therapeutic areas. A great number of the synthetic compounds on the market were derived from natural products, especially plants. Nemorosone is the major constituent of the floral resin of Clusia rosea Jacq., Clusiaceae, and in Cuban propolis. In vitro studies have shown cytotoxic activity in this substance against various tumor cell lines, including those resistant to various cytotoxic drugs, whereas it has low cytotoxicity to non-tumoral cells. Therefore, in order to characterize the biological activity of nemorosone, a substance with potential antitumor activity, and in view of preclinical testing of the toxicity of drug candidate compounds, the main aim of this study was to determine the mutagenic and antimutagenic activity of nemorosone by the Ames test, using the strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102 of Salmonella typhimurium. Secondly, to characterize the estrogenic activity in an experimental recombinant yeast model (Recombinant Yeast Assay) mutagenic activity was observed at in any of the concentrations in any of the test strains. To evaluate the antimutagenic potential, direct and indirect mutagenic agents were used: 4 nitro-o-phenylenediamine (NPD), mitomycin C (MMC) and aflatoxin B1 (AFL). Nemorosone showed moderate antimutagenic activity (inhibition level 31%), in strain TA100 in the presence of AFL, and strong antimutagenic activity in TA102 against MMC (inhibition level 53%). Estrogenic activity was observed, with an EEq of 0.41±0.16 nM at various tested concentrations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Solvents represent an important group of environmental pollutants to which people are exposed daily in the workplace. The physico chemical properties of solvents may result in disturbances to cellular structures, including damage to DNA. However, the effects of mixtures of solvents are not well known. Mutations caused by environmental agents are related to cancer development and other degenerative diseases. The work in a research laboratory that uses several types of solvents is equally predisposed to these hazards. In this study, we evaluated the mutagenicity of urine from 29 subjects exposed occupationally to solvents in a chemistry research laboratory and 29 subjects without occupational exposure (controls). Urine samples were collected in polyethylene containers at the end of the work shift. For the concentration and extraction of urine samples the XAD-2 resin was used with acetone as an eluting agent. Several strains of Salmonella typhimurium (TA100, TA98, TA97a, TA1535, YG1024) should be used to assess mutagenic susceptibilities among workers exposed to organic solvents. Different doses of extract (1.5; 3.0; 6.0 and 12.0 m/ equivalents of urine per plate) were tested on S. typhimurium strains TA100 and YG 1024, with and without metabolic activation. The mutagenic activity, measured in Salmonella typhimurium YGI1024 with S9 mix, was significantly greater in urine from workers than from controls (p <= 0.05). These results indicate the relevance of using biomarkers to assess the risk of occupational exposure to organic solvents.


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The first isocoumarin isolated from the methylene chloride extract of Paepalanthus bromelioides, named paepalantine (isocoumarin 1), was found to have antimicrobial activity; but, it is mutagenic clastogenic and cytotoxic. Two other isocoumarins, paepalantine-9-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (isocoumarin 2) and paepalantine-9-O-beta-D-allopyranosyl(1-->6) glucopyranoside (isocoumarin 3) were isolated from the ethanolic extract. A fourth new isocoumarin, also isolated from the methylene chloride extract of the capitula of P. bromelioides, was characterized as an 8-8' dimer of paepalantine and denominated isocoumarin 4. The abilities of isocoumarins 2, 3 and 4 to induce mutations in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102 were investigated. Mutagenic activity was observed in strain TA97a treated with isocoumarin 2 in the presence of S9 mixture. The substitution of H at position 9 by glucose or glucose-allose caused reductions in the mutagenic activities of paepalantine, indicating this to be an important site for these properties. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.