893 resultados para SPME technique
Worm burdens recovered from inbred mice strains, namely C57Bl/6, C57Bl/10, CBA, BALB/c, DBA/2 and C3H/He, conventionally maintained in two institutional animal houses in the State of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, were analyzed and compared, regarding their prevalences and mean intensities.Three parasite species were observed: the nematodes Aspiculuris tetraptera, Syphacia obvelata and the cestode Vampirolepis nana. A modification of the anal swab technique is also proposed for the first time as an auxiliary tool for the detection of oxyurid eggs in mice
Graph pebbling is a network model for studying whether or not a given supply of discrete pebbles can satisfy a given demand via pebbling moves. A pebbling move across an edge of a graph takes two pebbles from one endpoint and places one pebble at the other endpoint; the other pebble is lost in transit as a toll. It has been shown that deciding whether a supply can meet a demand on a graph is NP-complete. The pebbling number of a graph is the smallest t such that every supply of t pebbles can satisfy every demand of one pebble. Deciding if the pebbling number is at most k is NP 2 -complete. In this paper we develop a tool, called theWeight Function Lemma, for computing upper bounds and sometimes exact values for pebbling numbers with the assistance of linear optimization. With this tool we are able to calculate the pebbling numbers of much larger graphs than in previous algorithms, and much more quickly as well. We also obtain results for many families of graphs, in many cases by hand, with much simpler and remarkably shorter proofs than given in previously existing arguments (certificates typically of size at most the number of vertices times the maximum degree), especially for highly symmetric graphs. Here we apply theWeight Function Lemma to several specific graphs, including the Petersen, Lemke, 4th weak Bruhat, Lemke squared, and two random graphs, as well as to a number of infinite families of graphs, such as trees, cycles, graph powers of cycles, cubes, and some generalized Petersen and Coxeter graphs. This partly answers a question of Pachter, et al., by computing the pebbling exponent of cycles to within an asymptotically small range. It is conceivable that this method yields an approximation algorithm for graph pebbling.
Sixty eight patients with localized cutaneous leishmaniasis from an area with Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis transmission had cultures performed with a modified Marzochi´s vacuum aspiratory puncture technique to establish sensitivity and contamination rate with this new method. Overall sensitivity of three aspirates was 47.1%; (CI95% 39.4; 59.4) significantly greater than the sensitivity of a single one aspirate. Fungal contamination was observed in 6/204 (2.9%) inoculated culture tubes. We recommend that this useful technique should be adopted as routine for primary isolation of L. (V.) braziliensis from localized cutaneous ulcers.
Estimating the time since the last discharge of firearms and/or spent cartridges may be a useful piece of information in forensic firearm-related cases. The current approach consists of studying the diffusion of selected volatile organic compounds (such as naphthalene) released during the shooting using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME). However, this technique works poorly on handgun car-tridges because the extracted quantities quickly fall below the limit of detection. In order to find more effective solutions and further investigate the aging of organic gunshot residue after the discharge of handgun cartridges, an extensive study was carried out in this work using a novel approach based on high capacity headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE). By adopting this technique, for the first time 51 gunshot residue (GSR) volatile organic compounds could be simultaneously detected from fired handgun cartridge cases. Application to aged specimens showed that many of those compounds presented significant and complementary aging profiles. Compound-to-compound ratios were also tested and proved to be beneficial both in reducing the variability of the aging curves and in enlarging the time window useful in a forensic casework perspective. The obtained results were thus particularly promising for the development of a new complete forensic dating methodology.
Between 1985 and 1990 we treated 11 large segmental bone defects (average 6.7 cm) in ten patients with the Ilizarov technique. Open fractures, type III according to Gustilo, represented the largest group (8 of 11 cases). The average delay before the Ilizarov technique was initiated was 8.9 months. The external fixator was usually maintained for 1 year. Bone regeneration was obtained in every case. Consolidation was not fulfilled with this technique in three cases. The complications observed were one refracture, four leg-length discrepancies (average 1.5 cm), and five axial deformities exceeding 5 degrees. No pin-track infection was observed. In our limited series of four type IIIC open fractures treated by the Ilizarov technique, no patients required amputation. The Ilizarov technique is particularly useful in the treatment of large bone defects, without major complications, especially if there is an adequate initial debridement.
Biomphalaria tenagophila, one of the intermediate hosts of the trematoda Schistosoma mansoni, is a simultaneous hermafrodite snail species. In order to analyse the genetic structure of these populations, we performed a double-stringency PCR technique to obtain genetic markers with microsatellites and arbitrary primers in a single reaction.
There has been an ardent interest in herbivore saliva due to its roles in inducing plant defenses and its impact on herbivore fitness. Two techniques are described that inhibit the secretion of labial saliva from the caterpillar, Helicoverpa zea, during feeding. The methods rely on cauterizing the caterpillar's spinneret, the principal secretory structure of the labial glands, or surgically removing the labial salivary gland. Both methods successfully inhibit secretion of saliva and the principal salivary enzyme glucose oxidase. Caterpillars with inhibited saliva production feed at similar rates as the untreated caterpillars, pupate, and emerge as adults. Glucose oxidase has been suggested to increase the caterpillar's survival through the suppression of inducible anti-herbivore defenses in plants. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves fed on by caterpillars with ablated salivary glands had significantly higher levels of nicotine, an inducible anti-herbivore defense compound of tobacco, than leaves fed upon by caterpillars with intact labial salivary glands. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) leaves fed upon by caterpillars with suppressed salivary secretions showed greatly reduced evidence of hydrogen peroxide formation compared to leaves fed upon by intact caterpillars. These two methods are useful techniques for determining the role that saliva plays in manipulating plant anti-herbivore defenses.
Comment l'analyse chimique des produits contrefaits peut-elle contribuer à mieux comprendre le phénomène de la contrefaçon?Pour appréhender cette question, une approche novatrice basée sur l'analyse par SPME GC-MS des composés volatils de trente-neuf bracelets parfumés présents sur des contrefaçons horlogères a été mise en oeuvre.La détection de plusieurs dizaines de composés par montre a permis de définir des profils chimiques discriminants. Au total, trois groupes de montres possédant des profils comparables ont été détectés. Ces groupes ont été mis en perspective de liens physiques détectés sur la base du marquage des bracelets (marques et logos) par la fédération de l'industrie horlogère suisse (FH) et des informations spatiotemporelles des saisies. Les montres provenant d'une même saisie présentent systématiquement des liens physiques, mais pas forcément des profils chimiques similaires. Il en ressort que les profils chimiques peuvent fournir une information complémentaire à l'analyse des marquages, qu'ils varient peu dans le temps et que des montres liées chimiquement sont retrouvées dans le monde entier. Cette étude exploratoire révèle ainsi le potentielle d'exploitation de techniques d'analyse complémentaires pour mieux comprendre les modes de production, voire de diffusion de la contrefaçon. Finalement, la méthode analytique a permis de détecter des composés de plastiques en sus des constituants de parfums. Ce résultat laisse entrevoir la possibilité d'exploiterla méthode pour une large gamme de produits contrefaits.
PURPOSE: To investigate the feasibility of high-resolution selective three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance coronary angiography (MRCA) in the evaluation of coronary artery stenoses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 12 patients with coronary artery stenoses, MRCA of the coronary artery groups, including the coronary segments with stenoses of 50% or greater based on conventional x-ray coronary angiography (CAG), was performed with double-oblique imaging planes by orienting the 3D slab along the major axis of each right coronary artery-left circumflex artery (RCA-LCX) group and each left main trunk-left anterior descending artery (LMT-LAD) group. Ten RCA-LCX and five LMT-LAD MR angiograms were obtained, and the results were compared with those of conventional x-ray angiography. RESULTS: Among 70 coronary artery segments expected to be covered, a total of 49 (70%) segments were fully demonstrated in diagnostic quality. The identification of segmental location of stenoses showed as high an accuracy as 96%. The retrospective analysis for stenosis of 50% or greater yielded the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 80%, 85%, and 84%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Selective 3D MRCA has the potential for segment-by-segment evaluation of major portions of the right and left coronary arteries with high accuracy.
Polytene chromosome preparations were obtained from larval, pupal and adult female Malpighian tubules of Aedes aegypti. The Malpighian tubules of the pupae (0-4 h old) from larvae reared at 20ºC provided the best cytogenetic analysis. The interaction of nucleic acids and proteins that influence the spreading of the chromosomes could be reduced with the preparation technique of the sheets submitted to a stronger treatment starting with the hypotony of tissue and successive bathings with acetic acid. A simple technique should facilitate molecular cytogenetics used in the location of resistance and vector competence genes.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) is one of the most commonly performed bariatric procedures for morbidly obese patients. It is associated with effective long-term weight loss, but can lead to significant complications, especially at the gastrojejunostomy (GJS). All the patients undergoing laparoscopic RYGBP at one of our two institutions were included in this study. The prospectively collected data were reviewed retrospectively for the purpose of this study, in which we compared two different techniques for the construction of the GJS and their effects on the incidence of complications. In group A, anastomosis was performed on the posterior aspect of the gastric pouch. In group B, it was performed across the staple line used to form the gastric pouch. A 21-mm circular stapler was used in all patients. A total of 1,128 patients were included between June 1999 and September 2009-639 in group A and 488 in group B. Sixty patients developed a total of 65 complications at the GJS, with 14 (1.2%) leaks, 42 (3.7%) strictures, and 9 (0.8%) marginal ulcers. Leaks (0.2% versus 2%, p = 0.005) and strictures (0.8% versus 5.9%, p < 0.0001) were significantly fewer in group B than in group A. Improved surgical technique, as we propose, with the GJS across the staple line used to form the gastric pouch, significantly reduces the rate of anastomotic complications at the GJS. A circular 21-mm stapler can be used with a low complication rate, and especially a low stricture rate. Additional methods to limit complications at the GJS are probably not routinely warranted.
Ultrathin sections of tissue cysts isolated from the brain of Toxoplasma gondii infected mice were submitted to two different methodologies derived from the periodic acid - Schiff's reagent (PAS) technique. The use of osmium tetroxide vapor as a developing agent of the aldehyde oxidation to reveal polysaccharides with periodic acid resulted in positive reaction in amylopectin granules in bradyzoites, as well as in the wall and matrix of the cysts, with excellent increment of the ultrastructural morphology. This technique can be used for study of T. gondii-host cell intracellular cycle, the differentiation tachyzoite-bradyzoite, and also for the formation of cysts into the host cells.
This reversible poster is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed for pump dispenser or handwashing areas to heighten awareness of protecting patients from avoidable infections by cleaning of hands using proper techniques.