801 resultados para SHORT-CIRCUITING
v.6 Copepoda-Cyclopoida
v.4 Copepoda-Calanoida
v.7 Copepoda-Supplement
v.8 Copepoda-Monstrilloida & Notodelphyoida
Hepatitis C is a rapidly developing area of medicine – diagnostic tools are ever more refined, and entirely new treatments and treatment strategies are arriving, with more on the horizon. And because the virus affects such a large and varying population – up to 170 million at last count – we think it is important to have a pocket reference especially devoted to hepatitis C. We look forward to your comments on the usefulness of our 2014 Short Guide to Hepatitis C, which is an expansion and update of the HCV chapters in Hepatology – A Clinical Textbook (2014), also published by Flying Publisher. As always, we invite qualified people everywhere to translate this book into other languages, and make them available widely. This web-based free-of- harge concept is made possible by unrestricted educational grants from the pharmaceutical industry and has allowed the material to reach countries usually not covered by print media. We are convinced that this new pocket guide concept, focusing here on hepatitis C, will become a valuable source of information for our readers.
How long does it take to learn another language? How many words do you need to learn? Are languages within the reach of everybody? Which teachers would you choose and which teachers should you avoid? These are some of the questions you ask yourself when you start learning a new language.The Word Brain provides the answers. If you have learned foreign languages in the past, consider reading it. If you or your children need to learn languages in the future, you must read it. What you will discover in two hours will change for ever the way you see languages and language learning. The principles of The Word Brain are timeless. Our children’s grandchildren will follow them when they discover the people of our planet.
Background:Heart transplantation is considered the gold standard therapy for the advanced heart failure, but donor shortage, especially in pediatric patients, is the main limitation for this procedure, so most sick patients die while waiting for the procedure.Objective:To evaluate the use of short-term circulatory support as a bridge to transplantation in end-stage cardiomyopathy.Methods:Retrospective clinical study. Between January 2011 and December 2013, 40 patients with cardiomyopathy were admitted in our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, with a mean age of 4.5 years. Twenty patients evolved during hospitalization with clinical deterioration and were classified as Intermacs 1 and 2. One patient died within 24 hours and 19 could be stabilized and were listed. They were divided into 2 groups: A, clinical support alone and B, implantation of short-term circulatory support as bridge to transplantation additionally to clinical therapy.Results:We used short-term mechanical circulatory support as a bridge to transplantation in 9. In group A (n=10), eight died waiting and 2 patients (20%) were transplanted, but none was discharged. In group B (n=9), 6 patients (66.7%) were transplanted and three were discharged.The mean support time was 21,8 days (6 to 984h). The mean transplant waiting list time was 33,8 days. Renal failure and sepsis were the main complication and causeof death in group A while neurologic complications were more prevalent en group B.Conclusion:Mechanical circulatory support increases survival on the pediatric heart transplantation waiting list in patients classified as Intermacs 1 and 2.
Neste trabalho, formula-se um modelo macroeconômico de curto prazo a fim de se derivar as interações entre os setores agrícola e não-agrícola por ocasião da aplicação de políticas de estabilização. As variáveis exógenas são mudanças nas políticas fiscal, monetária e cambial e nos preços internacionais. As variáveis endógenas explicitamente analisadas são renda real para cada setor e preços relativos. Os principais resultados são: (a) os preços relativos tendem a variar quando as variáveis exógenas variam; (b) a produção agrícola e os preços relativos da gricultura tendem a se reduzir face a políticas fiscais e monetárias expansivas mesmo quando a elasticidade-renda de demanda para produtos agrícolas for zero; (c) embora o efeito inflacionario de políticas monetárias e fiscais expansivas seja maior quando a elasticidade de oferta de produtos agrícolas é baixa, os preços nominais da agricultura tendem a crescer no máximo tanto quanto os preços nominais não-agrícolas. Os efeitos de diversas pressuposições a respeito da elasticidades de demanda e de oferta sobre os resultados do modelo são também derivados.
n.s. no.30(1995)
Much of the research on industry dynamics focuses on the interdependence between the sectorial rates of entry and exit. This paper argues that the size of firms and the reaction-adjustment period are important conditions missed in this literature. I illustrate the effects of this omission using data from the Spanish manufacturing industries between 1994 and 2001. Estimates from systems of equations models provide evidence of a conical revolving door phenomenon and of partial adjustments in the replacement-displacement of large firms. KEYWORDS: aggregation, industry dynamics, panel data, symmetry, simultaneity. JEL CLASSIFICATION: C33, C52, L60, L11