964 resultados para Rot lesion nematode


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Introdução: O síndrome patelo-femural é uma das disfunções músculo-esqueléticas mais comuns ao nível do joelho. É de etiologia multifatorial, sendo a rotação lateral da tíbia um dos fatores contribuintes, sendo que pode potenciar alterações da biomecânica da articulação patelo-femural por aumentar as forças de reação sobre a articulação. Brian Mulligan sugere que a técnica para a correção da rotação lateral da tíbia pode ser benéfica no alívio da dor e no aumento da amplitude de flexão do joelho, em pacientes com síndrome patelo-femural, apesar da evidência acerca da efetividade desta técnica ser ainda escassa. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da técnica de mobilização com movimento de rotação medial da tíbio-femural com flexão do joelho, ao nível da intensidade da dor e da amplitude de movimento de flexão do joelho, durante o agachamento, em indivíduos com síndrome patelo-femural. Métodos: Estudo experimental, com uma amostra constituída por 20 estudantes universitários, do género feminino, com síndrome patelo-femural e dor ao agachamento bilateral. Estes foram distribuídos aleatoriamente por dois grupos: experimental (intervenção com técnica de mobilização com movimento) e placebo (intervenção placebo). Foram avaliadas a amplitude de flexão do joelho com um goniómetro eletrónico (Biometrics®) e a intensidade de dor com a Escala Visual Analógica, durante o agachamento bilateral, antes e imediatamente após as respetivas intervenções. O nível de significância foi de 0,05. Resultados: A realização da Análise da Covariância revelou que, relativamente à intensidade da dor, foi possível constatar que existiram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos (p<0,001). Entre a avaliação inicial e a final, o grupo experimental diminuiu mais 2,1cm na Escala Visual Analógica do que o grupo placebo. Em relação à avaliação da amplitude articular, foi possível constatar que, existiram diferenças significativas, entre os dois grupos (p=0,004). Entre a avaliação inicial e a final, o grupo experimental teve mais 8,6º de aumento na amplitude articular do que o grupo placebo. Conclusão: Para indivíduos com síndrome patelo-femural, a técnica de mobilização com movimento para correção da rotação lateral da tíbia, parece ser benéfica no alívio da dor e no ganho de amplitude de flexão do joelho, analisando o movimento de agachamento bilateral.


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Résumé L'accident vasculaire cérébral sensoriel pur est un des syndromes lacunaires, dû à l'occlusion de petits vaisseaux cérébraux, souvent dans le cadre d'une lésion intéressant le noyau ventro-caudal du thalamus. Il produit un hémisyndrome sensitif pur, et parfois un syndrome douloureux se développe à distance de l'événement aigu. Afin d'étudier la récupération fonctionnelle dans le cortex somatosensoriel (SI) après une telle lésion dans le thalamus, un modèle de lésion excitotoxique a été développé dans le système somatosensoriel de la souris adulte, caractérisé par la présence de formations cytoarchitectoniques dans SI appelées "tonneaux". Chacun de ces tonneaux correspond à la représentation corticale d'une vibrisse du museau. L'activité métabolique a été mesurée dans SI à différents intervalles après la lésion, à l'aide de déoxyglucose marqué radioactivement. Dans les deux premiers jours suivant celle-ci, l'activité métabolique diminue de manière importante dans toutes les couches corticales, avec une atteinte plus marquée dans la couche IV, principale projection des axones thalamo-corticaux. Une récupération de l'activité métabolique se produit ensuite, d'autant plus marquée que le délai après la lésion est grand. Cette récupération s'observe dans toutes les couches coticales, les couches I et Vb récupérant plus rapidement que les couches II, III, IV, Va et VI. Cinq semaines après la lésion, l'absence des vibrisses correspondant à la partie déafférentée de SI diminue l'activité métabolique corticale de 32% et démontre l'activation par la périphérie de cette partie de l'écorce, malgré la perte des axones thalamo-corticaux provenant du noyau ventro-caudal. Des expériences de traçage rétrograde ont montré une augmentation des projections intracorticales sur la partie déafférentée de l'écorce, en particulier de longue distance, ainsi que des projections interhémisphériques, mais n'ont pas permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelle projection thalamique, indiquant une origine corticale à la récupération fonctionnelle observée. Abstract To study the degree and time course of the functional recovery in the somatosensory cortex (SI) after an excitotoxic lesion in the adult mouse thalamus, metabolic activity was determined in SI at various times points post lesion. Immediately after the lesion, metabolic activity in the thalamically deafferented part of SI was at its lowest value but increased progressively at subsequent time points. This was seen in all cortical layers, however, layers I and Vb recover more rapidly than layers II, III, IV, Va and VI. Removal of the mystacial whiskers corresponding to the deafferented area, 5 weeks after cortical recovery, produced a subsequent 32% drop in metabolic activity, demonstrating peripheral sensory activation of this part of the cortex. Tracing experiments revealed that the deafferented cortex did not receive a novel thalamic input, but cortico-cortical and contralateral barrel cortex projections to this area were reinforced. We conclude that the cortical functional recovery after a thalamic lesion is, at least partially, due to modified cortico-cortical and callosal projections to the deafferented cortical area.


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PURPOSE: To report the diffusion-weighted MRI findings in alveolar echinococcosis (AE) of the liver and evaluate the potential role of apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) in the characterisation of lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively included 22 patients with 63 AE liver lesions (≥1cm), examined with 3-T liver MRI, including a free-breathing diffusion-weighted single-shot echo-planar imaging sequence (b-values=50, 300 and 600s/mm(2)). Two radiologists jointly assessed the following lesion features: size, location, presence of cystic and/or solid components (according to Kodama's classification system), relative contrast enhancement, and calcifications (on CT). The ADCtotal, ADCmin and ADCmax were measured in each lesion and the surrounding liver parenchyma. RESULTS: Three type 1, 19 type 2, 17 type 3, three type 4 and 21 type 5 lesions were identified. The mean (±SD) ADCtotal, ADCmin and ADCmax for all lesions were 1.73±0.50, 0.76±0.38 and 2.63±0.76×10(-3)mm(2)/s, respectively. The mean ADCtotal for type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4 and type 5 lesions were 1.97±1.01, 1.76±0.53, 1.73±0.41, 1.15±0.42 and 1.76±0.44×10(-3)mm(2)/s, respectively. No significant differences were found between the five lesion types, except for type 4 (p=0.0363). There was a significant correlation between the presence of a solid component and low ADCmin (r=0.39, p=0.0016), whereas an inverse correlation was found between the relative contrast enhancement and ADCtotal (r=-0.34, p=0.0072). CONCLUSION: The ADCs of AE lesions are relatively low compared to other cystic liver lesions, which may help in the differential diagnosis. Although ADCs are of little use to distinguish between the five lesion types, their low value reflects the underlying solid component.


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The sugar beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii, is a major agricultural pest. The disruption of the mating behaviour of this plant parasite in the field may provide a means of biological control, and a subsequent increase in crop yield. The H. schachtii female sex pheromone, which attracts homospecific males, was collected in an aqueous medium and isolated using high performance liquid chromatography. Characterization of the male-attractive material revealed that it was heat stable and water soluble. The aqueous medium conditioned by female H. schachtii was found to be biologically active and stimulated male behaviour in a concentration dependent manner. The activity of the crude pheromone was specific to males of H. schachtii and did not attract second stage juveniles. Results indicated that vanillic acid, a putative nematode pheromone, is not an active component of the H. schachtii sex pheromone. Male H. schachtii exhibited stylet thrusting, a poorly understood behaviour of the male, upon exposure to the female sex pheromone. This behaviour appeared to be associated with mate-finding and was used as a novel indicator of biological activity in bioassays. Serotonin, thought to be involved in the neural control of copulatory behaviour in nematodes, stimulated stylet thrusting. However, the relationship between stylet thrusting induced by the sex pheromone and stylet thrusting induced by serotonin is not clear. Extracellular electrical activity was recorded fi-om the anterior region of H. schachtii males during stylet thrusting, and appeared to be associated with this behaviour. The isolation of the female sex pheromone of H. schachtii may, ultimately, lead to the structural identification and synthesis of the active substance for use in a novel biological control strategy.


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Involvement of ethylene in the etiology of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) infected with the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) was investigated. Endogenous root concentrations of ethylene were not significantly different in uninfected resistant var. Anahu and susceptible var. Vendor plants. Exposure of resistant plants to high doses of infectious nematode larvae did not affect root ethylene concentrations during the subsequent 30 day period. The possibility that ethylene may be involved in the mechanism of resistance is therefore not supported by these experiments. In no experiments did ethylene concentrations in roots of susceptible plants increase significantly subsequent to ~ incognita infestation. This result is not consistent with the hypothesis in the literature which suggests that increased ethylene production accompanies gall formation. Growth of susceptible tomato plants was affected by ~ incognita infestation such that root weights increased (due to galling), stem heights decreased and top weights increased. The possibility that alterations in stem growth resulted from increased production of 'stress' ethylene is discussed. Growth of resistant plants was unaffected by exposure to high doses of ~ incognita and galls were never detected on the roots of these plants. Root ethane concentrations generally varied in parallel with root ethylene concentrations although ethane concentrations were without exception greater. In 4 of 6 experiments conducted ethane/ethylene ratios increased significantly with time. These results are discussed in the light of published data on the relationship between ethane and ethylene synthesis. The term infested is used throughout this thesis in reference to plants whose root systems had been exposed to nematodes and does not distinguish between the susceptible and resistant response.


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Bien que la plasticité ipsilesionnelle suite à un accident vasculo-cérébral (AVC) soit bien établie, la réorganisation du cortex contralésionnel et son effet sur la récupération fonctionnelle restent toujours non élucidés. Les études publiées présentent des points de vue contradictoires sur le rôle du cortex contralésionnel dans la récupération fonctionnelle. La taille de lésion pourrait être le facteur déterminant la réorganisation de ce dernier. Le but principal de cette étude fut donc d’évaluer l’effet des AVC de tailles différentes dans la région caudal forelimb area (CFA) du rat sur la réorganisation physiologique et la récupération comportementale de la main. Suite à une période de récupération spontanée pendant laquelle la performance motrice des deux membres antérieurs fut observée, les cartes motrices bilatérales du CFA et du rostral forelimb area (RFA) furent obtenues. Nous avons trouvé que le volume de lésion était en corrélation avec le niveau de récupération comportementale et l’étendue de la réorganisation des RFA bilatéraux. Aussi, les rats ayant de grandes lésions avaient des plus grandes représentations de la main dans le RFA de l’hémisphère ipsilésionnel et un déficit de fonctionnement plus persistant de la main parétique. Dans l’hémisphère contralésionnel nous avons trouvé que les rats avec des plus grandes représentations de la main dans le RFA avaient des lésions plus grandes et une récupération incomplète de la main parétique. Nos résultats confirment l’effet du volume de lésion sur la réorganisation du cortex contralésionnel et soulignent que le RFA est l’aire motrice la plus influencée dans le cortex contralésionnel.


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The carcass of an adult male beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) was found beach cast in 2008 on the shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary at Rivière-Ouelle, Quebec, Canada. The carcass was transported to the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire of the Université de Montréal for postmortem examination. Aspiration pneumonia was the probable cause of death. Necropsy revealed a focal papilloma-like penile lesion, characterized by focal mucosal thickening with disorganization of the epithelial layers and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. A pan-herpesvirus nested PCR assay on frozen tissue from the penile lesion was positive. The PCR product sequencing revealed a partial herpesvirus DNA polymerase (DPOL) gene sequence of 600 nucleotides. Its nearest nucleotide identity was with the partial DPOL gene of an alphaherpesvirus, bovine herpesvirus 5 (79.5% identity). It also shared high identity with several other marine mammal herpesviruses (50.2 to 77.3% identity). This new herpesvirus was tentatively named beluga whale herpesvirus (BWHV). Virus isolation was unsuccessful. The pathogenic potential of BWHV is unknown, but the evaluation of archived tissues suggests that the virus is endemic in the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population.


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In this study, a novel improved technology could be developed to convert the recalcitrant coir pith into environmental friendly organic manure. The standard method of composting involves the substitution of urea with nitrogen fixing bacteria viz. Azotobacter vinelandii and Azospirillum brasilense leading to the development of an improved method of coir pith. The combined action of the microorganisms could enhance the biodegradation of coir pith. In the present study, Pleurotus sajor caju, an edible mushroom which has the ability to degrade coir pith, and the addition of nitrogen fixing bacteria like Azotobacter vinelandii and Azospirillum brasilense could accelerate the action of the fungi on coir pith. The use of these microorganisms brings about definite changes in the NPK, Ammonia, Organic Carbon and Lignin contents in coir pith. This study will encourage the use of biodegraded coir pith as organic manure for agri/horti purpose to get better yields and can serve as a better technology to solve the problem of accumulated coir pith in coir based industries


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Rhizome rot disease caused by Erwinia spp. is emerging as a major problem in banana nurseries and young plantations worldwide. Management of the disease is possible only in the initial stages of development. Currently no method is available for rescuing plant material already infected with this pathogen. A total of 95 Nanjanagud Rasabale and 212 Elakki Bale suckers were collected from different growing regions of Karnataka, India. During nursery maintenance of these lines, severe Erwinia infection was noticed. We present a method to rescue infected plants and establish them under field conditions. Differences were noticed in infection severity amongst the varieties and their accessions. Field data revealed good establishment and growth of most rescued plants under field conditions. The discussed rescue protocol coupled with good field management practices resulted in 89.19 and 82.59 percent field establishment of previously infected var. Nanjanagud Rasabale and var. Elakki Bale plants, respectively.


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The nematicidal activity of mustard plant against hatching, migration and mortality of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica was investigated. In vitro test confirmed that mixing the sandy clay soil mixture with mustard as 4% as a biofumigant significantly reduce the percentage of egg hatching at all different incubation periods 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 h, compared to control treatment (un-amended mixture soil and eggs in free water). Results indicate that the percentage of egg hatching reduction was 88.5, 90, 81.4, 74 and 69.4%, respectively. Mustard mixed with soil as a biofumigant led to high percentage of larval mortality at the different intervals periods in vitro. The percentage of larval mortality was 94, 100, 90.5, 90.5, and 79.4%, respectively compared to control. Laboratory results confirmed that the highest reduction in egg hatching and larval mortality was obtained after incubation period for 48 h. In vivo experiment reveals that the incorporation of the soil pots with mustard at all different doses used 3, 5% (48 h before nematode inoculation, or soil infestation with nematode), and 5% (one week before nematode inoculation or 7% of soil weight) significantly reduces all the nematode parameters compared to plant treated nematode alone. All nematode parameters i.e. the number of galls per root system, gall index, number of egg masses per root system, as well as number of juveniles per 250g soil showed high reduction with mixing the soil pots with mustard at 5% (one week before nematode inoculation), followed by the same treatment for 48h before nematode inoculation. Mustard application, one week before nematode inoculation, reduced the nematode parameters by 97, 64, 97, and 93%, respectively, compared to control. The percent of chemical components i.e. total sugars, total amino acids and total phenols were markedly enhanced compared to positive and negative control. The highest percentage was obtained with mustard at 5% one week before nematode inoculation by 68.7, 57.3 and 45%, respectively. Finally, we have to conclude that this modified technology is an innovative and can be used efficiently to control Root-knot nematode under organic agriculture and Global GAP agricultural systems instead of these carcinogenic nematicides.


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One patient with massive upper GI bleeding due to Dieulafoy vascular lesion treated at our institution is reported. In this case, adequate control of bleeding could not be achieved by endoscopicmethods, and selective arteriography and embolization was required. A review of this uncommon cause of gastrointestinal bleeding and its management is presented.


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This paper is a review of a study to investigate the effects of excessive noise exposure to the organ of Corti using chinchillas.


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Ecological risk assessments must increasingly consider the effects of chemical mixtures on the environment as anthropogenic pollution continues to grow in complexity. Yet testing every possible mixture combination is impractical and unfeasible; thus, there is an urgent need for models that can accurately predict mixture toxicity from single-compound data. Currently, two models are frequently used to predict mixture toxicity from single-compound data: Concentration addition and independent action (IA). The accuracy of the predictions generated by these models is currently debated and needs to be resolved before their use in risk assessments can be fully justified. The present study addresses this issue by determining whether the IA model adequately described the toxicity of binary mixtures of five pesticides and other environmental contaminants (cadmium, chlorpyrifos, diuron, nickel, and prochloraz) each with dissimilar modes of action on the reproduction of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In three out of 10 cases, the IA model failed to describe mixture toxicity adequately with significant or antagonism being observed. In a further three cases, there was an indication of synergy, antagonism, and effect-level-dependent deviations, respectively, but these were not statistically significant. The extent of the significant deviations that were found varied, but all were such that the predicted percentage effect seen on reproductive output would have been wrong by 18 to 35% (i.e., the effect concentration expected to cause a 50% effect led to an 85% effect). The presence of such a high number and variety of deviations has important implications for the use of existing mixture toxicity models for risk assessments, especially where all or part of the deviation is synergistic.