698 resultados para Riduttore aeronautico ingranaggi motore elica
Sviluppo di metodologie per la generazione automatica di calibrazioni di guidabilità motore e cambio
Il presente progetto ha riguardato lo studio e lo sviluppo di metodologie per la generazione automatica di calibrazioni di guidabilità motore cambio, dove con guidabilità si intende il legame intercorrente tra le richieste del conducente ed il reale comportamento del veicolo. La prima parte della tesi si è concentrata sullo studio delle calibrazioni motore e delle calibrazioni del cambio automatico attualmente sfruttate dai software di produzione, sviluppando un modello di simulazione in grado di verificare come queste calibrazioni influenzino il comportamento del veicolo, concentrandosi sugli andamenti delle accelerazioni e dei regimi motore risultanti. Dopo la validazione del modello, è stato creato uno strumento, in ambiente Matlab, che restituisce la calibrazione di guidabilità del cambio automatico, ovvero la mappa sfruttata dalla relativa centralina per gestire il cambio della marcia, ricevendo in ingresso le seguenti informazioni: le grandezze fisiche del veicolo nel suo complesso, quali la massa, i rapporti di trasmissione, il rapporto del differenziale, il raggio di rotolamento dinamico e tutte le inerzie dei componenti della driveline; le calibrazioni di guidabilità motore, costituite da otto mappe, una per ogni marcia, che definiscono la coppia motrice che si richiede al motore di erogare, in funzione della posizione del pedale acceleratore e del regime motore; il piano quotato del motore. Il codice, note queste informazioni, genera automaticamente la mappa di cambio marcia con le linee di Upshift (marcia innestata crescente) e Downshift (marcia innestata decrescente), in funzione della posizione del pedale e dei giri in uscita dal cambio. Infine, si è valutata una possibile strategia per la calibrazione delle otto mappe pedale con cui viene gestito il controllo motore. Si sono generate mappe a potenza costante in cui il pedale assume la funzione di regolatore di velocità.
Obiettivo di questo elaborato è quello di provvedere alla elaborazione dei dati geometrici necessari alla modellazione dei condotti di aspirazione e scarico di un motore 4 cilindri turbo benzina ad iniezione diretta (GDI) disponibile a banco prove. I dati sperimentali raccolti sono stati elaborati e sintetizzati, con lo scopo di fare avvicinare il più possibile le caratteristiche del modello a quelle del sistema a banco (cercando dunque di rendere il modello il più veritiero possibile). In primo luogo, saranno descritte le principali caratteristiche dei motori a combustione interna, con particolare enfasi rivolta ai componenti ed ai processi che caratterizzano i motori turbo GDI. In un secondo momento, sarà descritto come si è proceduto nella raccolta dei dati necessari alla modellazione e nell’elaborazione degli stessi. Il software cui l’elaborazione dei dati necessari alla modellazione è stata rivolta è GT-Suite, prodotto da Gamma Technologies e largamente utilizzato dalla maggior parte delle aziende del settore automotive.
Mode of access: Internet.
The humanity reached a time of unprecedented technological development. Science has achieved and continues to achieve technologies that allowed increasingly to understand the universe and the laws which govern it, and also try to coexist without destroying the planet we live on. One of the main challenges of the XXI century is to seek and increase new sources of clean energy, renewable and able to sustain our growth and lifestyle. It is the duty of every researcher engage and contribute in this race of energy. In this context, wind power presents itself as one of the great promises for the future of electricity generation . Despite being a bit older than other sources of renewable energy, wind power still presents a wide field for improvement. The development of new techniques for control of the generator along with the development of research laboratories specializing in wind generation are one of the key points to improve the performance, efficiency and reliability of the system. Appropriate control of back-to-back converter scheme allows wind turbines based on the doubly-fed induction generator to operate in the variable-speed mode, whose benefits include maximum power extraction, reactive power injection and mechanical stress reduction. The generator-side converter provides control of active and reactive power injected into the grid, whereas the grid-side converter provides control of the DC link voltage and bi-directional power flow. The conventional control structure uses PI controllers with feed-forward compensation of cross-coupling dq terms. This control technique is sensitive to model uncertainties and the compensation of dynamic dq terms results on a competing control strategy. Therefore, to overcome these problems, it is proposed in this thesis a robust internal model based state-feedback control structure in order to eliminate the cross-coupling terms and thereby improve the generator drive as well as its dynamic behavior during sudden changes in wind speed. It is compared the conventional control approach with the proposed control technique for DFIG wind turbine control under both steady and gust wind conditions. Moreover, it is also proposed in this thesis an wind turbine emulator, which was developed to recreate in laboratory a realistic condition and to submit the generator to several wind speed conditions.
The acceleration of technological change and the process of globalization has intensified competition and the need for new products (goods and services), resulting in growing concern for organizations in the development of technological, economic and social advances. This work presents an overview of the development of wind energy-related technologies and design trends. To conduct this research, it is (i) a literature review on technological innovation, technological forecasting methods and fundamentals of wind power; (ii) the analysis of patents, with the current technology landscape studied by means of finding information in patent databases; and (iii) the preparation of the map of technological development and construction of wind turbines of the future trend information from the literature and news from the sector studied. Step (ii) allowed the study of 25 644 patents between the years 2003-2012, in which the US and China lead the ranking of depositors and the American company General Electric and the Japanese Mitsubishi stand as the largest holder of wind technology. Step (iii) analyzed and identified that most of the innovations presented in the technological evolution of wind power are incremental product innovations to market. The proposed future trends shows that the future wind turbines tend to have a horizontal synchronous shaft, which with the highest diameter of 194m and 164m rotor nacelle top, the top having 7,5MW generation. The materials used for the blades are new materials with characteristics of low density and high strength. The towers are trend with hybrid materials, uniting the steel to the concrete. This work tries to cover the existing gap in the gym on the use of technological forecasting techniques for the wind energy industry, through the recognition that utilize the patent analysis, analysis of scientific articles and stories of the area, provide knowledge about the industry and influencing the quality of investment decisions in R & D and hence improves the efficiency and effectiveness of wind power generation
Energy is a vital resource for social and economic development. In the present scenario, the search for alternative energy sources has become fundamental, especially after the oil crises between 1973 and 1979, the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986 and the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The demand for the development of new alternative energy sources aims to complement existing forms allows to meet the demand for energy consumption with greater security. Brazil, with the guideline of not dirtying the energy matrix by the fossil fuels exploitation and the recent energy crisis caused by the lack of rains, directs energy policies for the development of other renewable energy sources, complementing the hydric. This country is one of the countries that stand out for power generation capacity from the winds in several areas, especially Rio Grande do Norte (RN), which is one of the states with highest installed power and great potential to be explored. In this context arises the purpose of this work to identify the incentive to develop policies of wind energy in Rio Grande do Norte. The study was conducted by a qualitative methodology of data analysis called content analysis, oriented for towards message characteristics, its informational value, the words, arguments and ideas expressed in it, constituting a thematic analysis. To collect the data interviews were conducted with managers of major organizations related to wind energy in Brazil and in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The identification of incentive policies was achieved in three stages: the first seeking incentives policies in national terms, which are applied to all states, the second with the questionnaire application and the third to research and data collection for the development of the installed power of the RN as compared to other states. At the end, the results demonstrated hat in Rio Grande do Norte state there is no incentive policy for the development of wind power set and consolidated, specific actions in order to optimize the bureaucratic issues related to wind farms, especially on environmental issues. The absence of this policy hinders the development of wind energy RN, considering result in reduced competitiveness and performance in recent energy auctions. Among the perceived obstacles include the lack of hand labor sufficient to achieve the reporting and analysis of environmental licenses, the lack of updating the wind Atlas of the state, a shortfall of tax incentives. Added to these difficulties excel barriers in infrastructure and logistics, with the lack of a suitable port for large loads and the need for reform, maintenance and duplication of roads and highways that are still loss-making. It is suggested as future work the relationship of the technology park of energy and the development of wind power in the state, the influence of the technology park to attract businesses and industries in the wind sector to settle in RN and a comparison of incentive policies to development of wind energy in the Brazilian states observing wind development in the same states under study.
The stabilization of energy supply in Brazil has been a challenge for the operation of the National Interconnected System in face of hydrological and climatic variations. Thermoelectric plants have been used as an emergency source for periods of water scarcity. The utilization of fossil fuels, however, has elevated the cost of electricity. On the other hand, offshore wind energy has gained importance in the international context and is competitive enough to become a possibility for future generation in Brazil. In this scenario, the main goal of this thesis was to investigate the magnitude and distribution of offshore wind resources, and also verify the possibilities of complementing hydropower. A data series of precipitation from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) Blended Sea Winds from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC/NOAA) were used. According to statistical criteria, three types of complementarity were found in the Brazilian territory: hydro × hydro, wind × wind and hydro × wind. It was noted a significant complementarity between wind and hydro resources (r = -0.65), mainly for the hydrographical basins of the southeast and central regions with Northeastern Brazil winds. To refine the extrapolation of winds over the ocean, a method based on the Monin-Obukhov theory was used to model the stability of the atmospheric boundary layer. Objectively Analyzed Air-Sea Flux (OAFLUX) datasets for heat flux, temperature and humidity, and also sea level pressure data from NCEP/NCAR were used. The ETOPO1 from the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC/NOAA) provided bathymetric data. It was found that shallow waters, between 0-20 meters, have a resource estimated at 559 GW. The contribution of wind resources to hydroelectric reservoir operation was investigated with a simplified hybrid wind-hydraulic model, and reservoir level, inflow, outflow and turbine production data. It was found that the hybrid system avoids drought periods, continuously saving water from reservoirs through wind production. Therefore, from the results obtained, it is possible to state that the good winds from the Brazilian coast can, besides diversifying the electric matrix, stabilize the hydrological fluctuations avoiding rationing and blackouts, reducing the use of thermal power plants, increasing the production cost and emission of greenhouse gases. Public policies targeted to offshore wind energy will be necessary for its full development.
Human development requires a broad balance between ecological, social and economic factors in order to ensure its own sustainability. In this sense, the search for new sources of energy generation, with low deployment and operation costs, which cause the least possible impact to the environment, has been the focus of attention of all society segments. To do so, the reduction in exploration of fossil fuels and the encouragement of using renewable energy resources for distributed generation have proved interesting alternatives to the expansion of the energy matrix of various countries in the world. In this sense, the wind energy has acquired an increasingly significant role, presenting increasing rates of power grid penetration and highlighting technological innovations such as the use of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG). In Brazil, this fact has also been noted and, as a result, the impact of the inclusion of this source in the distribution and sub-transmission power grid has been a major concern of utilities and agents connected to Brazilian electrical sector. Thus, it is relevant the development of appropriate computational tools that allow detailed predictive studies about the dynamic behavior of wind farms, either operating with isolated load, either connected to the main grid, taking also into account the implementation of control strategies for active/reactive power generation and the keeping of adequate levels of voltage and frequency. This work fits in this context since it comprises mathematical and computational developments of a complete wind energy conversion system (WECS) endowed with PMSG using time domain techniques of Alternative Transients Program (ATP), which prides itself a recognized reputation by scientific and academic communities as well as by electricity professionals in Brazil and elsewhere. The modeling procedures performed allowed the elaboration of blocks representing each of the elements of a real WECS, comprising the primary source (the wind), the wind turbine, the PMSG, the frequency converter, the step up transformer, the load composition and the power grid equivalent. Special attention is also given to the implementation of wind turbine control techniques, mainly the pitch control responsible for keeping the generator under the maximum power operation point, and the vector theory that aims at adjusting the active/reactive power flow between the wind turbine and the power grid. Several simulations are performed to investigate the dynamic behavior of the wind farm when subjected to different operating conditions and/or on the occurrence of wind intensity variations. The results have shown the effectiveness of both mathematical and computational modeling developed for the wind turbine and the associated controls.
Programa de doctorado: Gestión costera
L’oggetto di questo elaborato riguarda lo studio prestazionale di un Solid Rocket Motor mediante l’introduzione del fattore di “Hump”, che va a compensare il discostamento tra il profilo delle pressioni sperimentali e teoriche, cercando di legare tali variazioni a spiegazioni fisiche. In particolare andremo ad investigare, all’interno di due differenti tipologie di colata, quale sia l’effetto predominante all’interno del propellente che genera proprio tali discostamenti della pressione, e quindi della spinta, rispetto alla condizione ideale. Nell’elaborato verranno anzitutto presentate le diverse tipologie di propulsori, i loro singoli componenti, i parametri fondamentali che regolano la meccanica di questa tipologia di motori, le tipologie di grain esistenti e le loro caratteristiche. Successivamente descriveremo le BARIA (Bomb ARIAne), usate per i test del grain nella ditta AVIO s.p.a., e le tipologie di riempimento di questo motore, investigando i fenomeni fisici a cui sarà legato l’effetto di “Hump”. In seguito si descriverà il fattore di “Hump”, evidenziando, per le differenti tipologie di riempimento, i fenomeni fisici a cui sarà legato il discostamento tra le pressioni sperimentali e teoriche. Verranno poi descritti i programmi utilizzati, gli script in Matlab prodotti, al fine di ottenere le mappe relative all’orientazione ed alla concentrazione delle particelle, da introdurre nel simulatore. Infine verranno esposti i risultati ottenuti e confrontati con i dati sperimentali forniti dalla ditta AVIO s.p.a., le conclusioni e gli sviluppi futuri.
Questa tesi analizza un prototipo di riduttore epicicloidale compatto per applicazioni robotiche, tramite test sperimentali e simulazioni virtuali di calcolo agli elementi finiti, utilizzando il software Ansys. La tesi presenta inoltre una breve introduzione ai rotismi ed in particolare ai riduttori epicicloidali, le loro applicazioni e i principali parametri che interessano il loro sviluppo tecnologico.
Il presente elaborato tratta la progettazione preliminare di un’imbarcazione dotata di foils a geometria variabile. In particolare, il progetto riguarda un’imbarcazione da turismo che, sfruttando l’utilizzo di appendici al di sotto dello scafo, emerga completamente dall’acqua permettendo l’abbattimento della resistenza e consentendo il raggiungimento di velocità elevate anche mediante una motorizzazione modesta. A questo scopo sono state esaminate alcune componenti al fine di raggiungere gli obbiettivi proposti. In primo luogo, è stata fatta un’analisi dei concorrenti per avere un confronto con altre realtà già presenti sul mercato. In seguito, è stata eseguita una stima fondamentale per ogni parte del progetto successiva. La riduzione del peso dell’imbarcazione consente alla stessa di raggiungere velocità più elevate. Per tale ragione sono state discussi due possibili modelli dell’imbarcazione ovvero una con lo scafo costituito completamente da carbonio, l’altro costituito da un sandwich di carbonio e termanto. In seguito si è analizzata l’analisi statica dell’imbarcazione per cercare di comprendere se i pesi stimati in precedenza consentissero al natante di avere un assetto corretto. Alla luce delle predette risultanze, si sono affrontate le tematiche più complesse: l’analisi della resistenza all’avanzamento e lo studio delle appendici che permettano il foiling. Per quanto attiene l’analisi della resistenza si sono dovuti considerare sia il caso di avanzamento in dislocamento e planata sia il caso di avanzamento in foiling. Per il raggiungimento del foiling è stato necessario dimensionare le ali da applicare all’imbarcazione. Innanzitutto è stata eseguita un’analisi idrodinamica e in seguito un’analisi dell’equilibrio dell’imbarcazione, considerando tutte le sollecitazioni applicate. Infine, sono stati generati dei layout possibili per i foils in modo che tutte le caratteristiche determinate precedentemente sulla base degli studi fossero rispettate.
Il contenuto della tesi riguarda un progetto di ricerca avente come scopo l’eliminazione degli olii di rettifica dal processo di taglio, avviato da alcune aziende del territorio emiliano, con la collaborazione dell’Università di Bologna e di Genova. In particolare essa tratta la rettifica degli ingranaggi a secco, poiché molte aziende del territorio emiliano si occupano della produzione di macchine per la realizzazione degli ingranaggi, oppure della fabbricazione vera e propria degli stessi. Inoltre viene trattato con particolare attenzione uno dei problemi fondamentali che si possono manifestare con la rettifica: le bruciature. Viene eseguita un’analisi dettagliata delle microstrutture dei materiali e di quali sono gli effetti provocati dalle bruciature nel processo di rettifica a secco degli ingranaggi.
Offshore wind power emits low amounts of gases, is renewable and has better performance than onshore due to its greater stability and higher wind power density, less visual and noise impact, among others. Brazil has a high capacity of generation, but has not yet developed any offshore projects. High costs are a strong impediment. This study is an effort towards pricing offshore resources through Livelized Cost of Energy - LCOE, which represents the minimum return to cover the costs of development, production and maintenance of a wind project. Initially LCOE was calculated for all Brazilian onshore wind farms listed at Bloomberg New Energy Finance R○, accounting for 71 farms. Then hypothetical offshore wind farms were created from the onshore farms, tripling the cost of generation, which is consistent with the literature, and estimating the offshore energy for two locations off the Brazilian coast using satellite data extracted from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The results demonstrate that offshore resources have the potential to significantly reduce the energy price due to the better performance of the wind at sea
Túnel de viento para el estudio de la erosión eólica, caracterizado por ser ligero y plegable, donde un ventilador genera una corriente de aire, que entra en una estructura "tubular" desplegable. La estructura es telescópica. Se divide en 3 módulos y se han colocado unas bisagras, que permiten transformarlo en un cubo completamente plegado de reducidas dimensiones. Para completar el conjunto telescópico, se ha diseñado un sistema que permite a las paredes adaptarse a ésta estructura, utilizando patines que deslizan sobre un raíl. La recogida y análisis de las muestras, se realiza con 2 sensores: 1. Un láser-scan, que permite la generación de mapas tridimensionales del suelo, antes y después de ser erosionado. 2. Una cámara de visión industrial, que capta imágenes de las partículas fijadas en una serie de placas con adhesivos, colocadas al final del dispositivo.