290 resultados para Ribes
The current study presents quantitative reconstructions of tree cover, annual precipitation and mean July temperature derived from the pollen record from Lake Billyakh (65°17'N, 126°47'E, 340 m above sea level) spanning the last ca. 50 kyr. The reconstruction of tree cover suggests presence of woody plants through the entire analyzed time interval, although trees played only a minor role in the vegetation around Lake Billyakh prior to 14 kyr BP (<5%). This result corroborates low percentages of tree pollen and low scores of the cold deciduous forest biome in the PG1755 record from Lake Billyakh. The reconstructed values of the mean temperature of the warmest month ~8-10 °C do not support larch forest or woodland around Lake Billyakh during the coldest phase of the last glacial between ~32 and ~15 kyr BP. However, modern cases from northern Siberia, ca. 750 km north of Lake Billyakh, demonstrate that individual larch plants can grow within shrub and grass tundra landscape in very low mean July temperatures of about 8 °C. This makes plausible our hypothesis that the western and southern foreland of the Verkhoyansk Mountains could provide enough moist and warm microhabitats and allow individual larch specimens to survive climatic extremes of the last glacial. Reconstructed mean values of precipitation are about 270 mm/yr during the last glacial interval. This value is almost 100 mm higher than modern averages reported for the extreme-continental north-eastern Siberia east of Lake Billyakh, where larch-dominated cold deciduous forest grows at present. This suggests that last glacial environments around Lake Billyakh were never too dry for larch to grow and that the summer warmth was the main factor, which limited tree growth during the last glacial interval. The n-alkane analysis of the Siberian plants presented in this study demonstrates rather complex alkane distribution patterns, which challenge the interpretation of the fossil records. In particular, extremely low n-alkane concentrations in the leaves of local coniferous trees and shrubs suggest that their contribution to the litter and therefore to the fossil lake sediments might be not high enough for tracing the Quaternary history of the needleleaved taxa using the n-alkane biomarker method.
Texto fechado en Valencia, en el Real Palacio a 30 de julio de 1586
Ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales. La invención consiste en un ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales a lo largo de su dirección longitudinal. Resuelve el problema de la transmisión de ruido aéreo que presentan los ladrillos cerámicos con hueco cuadrado o rectangular. La intensidad del sonido transmitido en sólidos decrece con el aumento de camino recorrido. Por ello, la sustitución de las paredes perpendiculares que definen los huecos cuadrados o rectangulares, por las que definen los huecos hexagonales representa un mayor recorrido y una absorción mayor de ruido. El espesor del ladrillo puede variar según contenga una o más filas de hexágonos compartiendo caras o vértices. No hay limitación en las dimensiones del largo y ancho del mismo. Exteriormente los cantos de las piezas pueden ser machihembrados y las caras planas pueden o no presentar estriado. La colocación de la pieza se realiza con los huecos paralelos a la horizontal. Utilización en construcción de paramentos verticales en edificios
This article is intended to state that Technical Drawing is a multiple tool of expression and communication essential to develop inquiry processes, the scientifically basis and comprehension of drawings and technological designs that can be manufactured. We demonstrate graphically and analytically that spatial vision and graphic thinking allow us to identify graphically real life problems, develop proposals of solutions to be analysed from different points of view, plan and develop the project, provide information needed to make decisions on objects and technological processes. From the knowledge of Technical Drawing and CAD tools we have developed graphic analyses to improve and optimize our proposed modification of the geometry of the rectangular cells of conventional bricks by hexagonal cells, which is protected by a Spanish patent owned by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This new internal geometry of the bricks will improve the efficiency and the acoustic damping of walls built with the ceramic bricks of horizontal hollow, maintaining the same size of the conventional bricks, without increasing costs either in the manufacture and the sale. A single brick will achieve the width equivalent to more than FOUR conventional bricks.
The Squinch Vaults in Joseph Ribes. Llibre De Trasas De Viax y Muntea. 4th International Congress on Construction History. 3-7 julio 2012. París, Francia. ISBN: 978-2-7084-0929-3 . Vol 1 págs 647 a 654