969 resultados para Ribeira Fold Belt


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Three repetitive sequences of northward youngIng, east striking, linear, volcano-sedimentary units are found in the late Archaean BeardmoreGeraldton greenstone belt, situated within the Wabigoon subprovince of the Superior Province of northwestern Ontario. The volcanic components are characterised by basaltic flows that are pillowed at the top and underlain by variably deformed massive flows which may In part be intrusive. Petrographic examination of the volcanic units indicates regional metamorphism up to greenschist facies (T=3250 C - 4500 C, P=2kbars) overprinted by a lower amphibolite facies thermal event (T=5750 C, P=2kbars) confined to the south-eastern portion of the belt. Chemical element results suggest olivine, plagioclase and pyroxene are the main fractionating mineral phases. Mobility studies on the varIOUS chemical elements indicate that K, Ca, Na and Sr are relatively mobile, while P, Zr, Ti, Fet (total iron = Fe203) and Mg are relatively immobile. Discriminant diagrams employing immobile element suggests that the majority of the samples are of oceanic affinity with a minor proportion displaying an island arc affinity. Such a transitional tectonic setting IS also refle.cted in REE data where two groups of volcanic samples are recognised. Oceanic tholeiites are LREE depleted with [La/Sm] N = 0.65 and a relatively flat HREE profile with [Sm/Yb] N = 1.2. Island arc type basalts (calc-alkaline) are LREE enriched, with a [La/Sm] N = 1.6, and a relatively higher fractionated HREE profile with [Sm/Yb] N = 1.9. Petrogenetic modelling performed on oceanIC tholeiites suggests derivation from a depleted spinel lherzolite source which undergoes 20% partial melting. Island arc type basalts can be derived by 10% partial melting of a hypothetical amphibolitised oceanic tholeiite source. The majority of the volcanic rocks in the Beardmore-Geraldton Belt are interpreted to represent fragments of oceanic crust trapped at a consuming plate margin. Subsequent post accretionary intrusion of gabbroic rocks (sensu lato) with calc-alkaline affinity is considered to result in the apparent hybrid tectonic setting recognized for the BGB.


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The McElroy and Larder Lake assemblages, located in the southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt are two late Archean metavolcanic sequences having markedly contrasting physical characteristics arid are separated from one another by a regional fault. An assemblage is an informal term which describes stratified volcanic and/or sedimentary rock units built during a specific time period in a similar depositional or volcanic setting and are commonly bounded by faults, unconformities or intrusions. The petrology and petrogenesis of these assemblages have been investigated to determine if a genetic link exists between the two adjacent assemblages. The McElroy assemblage is homoclinal sequence of evolved massive and pillowed fl.ows, which except for the basal unit represents a progressively fractionated volcanic pile. From the base to the top of the assemblage the lithologies include Fe-tholeiitic, dendritic flows; komatiite basaltic, ultramafic flows; Mg-tholeiitic, leucogabbro; Mg-tholeiitic, massive flows and Fe-tholeiitic, pillowed flows. Massive flows range from coarse grained to aphanitic and are commonly plagioclase glomerophyric. The Larder Lake assemblage consists of komatiitic, Mg-rich and Fe-rich tholeiitic basalts, structurally disrupted by folds and faults. Tholeiitic rocks in the Larder Lake assemblage range from aphanitic to coarse grained massive and pillowed flows. Komatiitic flows contain both spinifex and massive textures. Geochemical variability within both assemblages is attributed to different petrogenetic histories. The lithologies of the McElroy assemblage were derived by partial melting of a primitive mantle source followed by various degrees of crystal fractionation. Partial melting of a primitive mantle source generated the ultramafic flows and possibly other flows in the assemblage. Fractionation of ultramafic flows may have also produced the more evolved McElroy lithologies. The highly evolved, basal, dendritic flow may represent the upper unit 3 of a missing volcanic pile in which continued magmatism generated the remaining McElroy lithologies. Alternatively, the dendritic flows may represent a primary lava derived from a low degree (10-15%) partial melt of a primitive mantle source which was followed by continued partial melting to generate the ultramafic flows. The Larder Lake lithologies were derived by partial melting of a komatiitic source followed by gabbroic fractionation. The tectonic environment for both assemblages is interpreted to be an oceanic arc setting. The McElroy assemblage lavas were generated in a mature back arc setting whereas the Larder Lake lithologies were produced during the early stages of komatiitc crust subduction. This setting is consistent with previous models involving plate tectonic processes for the generation of other metavolcanic assemblages in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt.


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L’ubiquitin-fold modifier (UFM1) fait partie de la classe 1 de la famille de protéine ubiquitin-like (Ubl). UFM1 et Ub ont très peu d’homologie de séquence, mais partagent des similarités remarquables au niveau de leur structure tertiaire. Tout comme l’Ub et la majorité des autres Ubls, UFM1 se lie de façon covalente à ses substrats par l’intermédiaire d’une cascade enzymatique. Il est de plus en plus fréquemment rapporté que les protéines Ubls sont impliquées dans des maladies humaines. Le gène Ufm1 est surexprimé chez des souris de type MCP développant une ischémie myocardique et dans les îlots de Langerhans de patients atteints du diabète de type 2. UFM1 et ses enzymes spécifiques, UBA5, UFL1 et UFC1, sont conservés chez les métazoaires et les plantes suggérant un rôle important pour les organismes multicellulaires. Le Caenorhabditis elegans est le modèle animal le plus simple utilisé en biologie. Sa morphologie, ses phénotypes visibles et ses lignées cellulaires ont été décrits de façon détaillée. De plus, son cycle de vie court permet de rapidement observer les effets de certains gènes sur la longévité. Ce modèle nous permet de facilement manipuler l’expression du gène Ufm1 et de mieux connaître ses fonctions. En diminuant l’expression du gène ufm-1 chez le C.elegans, par la technique de l’ARN interférence par alimentation, nous n’avons observé aucun problème morphologique grave. Les vers ressemblaient aux vers sauvages et possédaient un nombre de progéniture normal. Cependant, les vers sauvage exposés à l’ARNi d’ufm-1 vivent significativement moins longtemps que les contrôles et ce, de façon indépendante de la voie de signalisation de l’insuline/IGF. Chez le C. elegans la longévité et la résistance au stress cellulaire sont intimement liées. Nous n’avons remarqué aucun effet d’ufm-1 sur le stress thermal, osmotique ou oxydatif, mais il est requis pour la protection contre le stress protéotoxique. Il est également nécessaire au maintien de l’intégrité neuronale au cours du vieillissement des animaux. L’ensemble de nos données nous renseigne sur les fonctions putatives du gène Ufm1.


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This work aims to study the variation in subduction zone geometry along and across the arc and the fault pattern within the subducting plate. Depth of penetration as well as the dip of the Benioff zone varies considerably along the arc which corresponds to the curvature of the fold- thrust belt which varies from concave to convex in different sectors of the arc. The entire arc is divided into 27 segments and depth sections thus prepared are utilized to investigate the average dip of the Benioff zone in the different parts of the entire arc, penetration depth of the subducting lithosphere, the subduction zone geometry underlying the trench, the arctrench gap, etc.The study also describes how different seismogenic sources are identified in the region, estimation of moment release rate and deformation pattern. The region is divided into broad seismogenic belts. Based on these previous studies and seismicity Pattern, we identified several broad distinct seismogenic belts/sources. These are l) the Outer arc region consisting of Andaman-Nicobar islands 2) the back-arc Andaman Sea 3)The Sumatran fault zone(SFZ)4)Java onshore region termed as Jave Fault Zone(JFZ)5)Sumatran fore arc silver plate consisting of Mentawai fault(MFZ)6) The offshore java fore arc region 7)The Sunda Strait region.As the Seismicity is variable,it is difficult to demarcate individual seismogenic sources.Hence, we employed a moving window method having a window length of 3—4° and with 50% overlapping starting from one end to the other. We succeeded in defining 4 sources each in the Andaman fore arc and Back arc region, 9 such sources (moving windows) in the Sumatran Fault zone (SFZ), 9 sources in the offshore SFZ region and 7 sources in the offshore Java region. Because of the low seismicity along JFZ, it is separated into three seismogenic sources namely West Java, Central Java and East Java. The Sunda strait is considered as a single seismogenic source.The deformation rates for each of the seismogenic zones have been computed. A detailed error analysis of velocity tensors using Monte—Carlo simulation method has been carried out in order to obtain uncertainties. The eigen values and the respective eigen vectors of the velocity tensor are computed to analyze the actual deformation pattem for different zones. The results obtained have been discussed in the light of regional tectonics, and their implications in terms of geodynamics have been enumerated.ln the light of recent major earthquakes (26th December 2004 and 28th March 2005 events) and the ongoing seismic activity, we have recalculated the variation in the crustal deformation rates prior and after these earthquakes in Andaman—Sumatra region including the data up to 2005 and the significant results has been presented.ln this chapter, the down going lithosphere along the subduction zone is modeled using the free air gravity data by taking into consideration the thickness of the crustal layer, the thickness of the subducting slab, sediment thickness, presence of volcanism, the proximity of the continental crust etc. Here a systematic and detailed gravity interpretation constrained by seismicity and seismic data in the Andaman arc and the Andaman Sea region in order to delineate the crustal structure and density heterogeneities a Io nagnd across the arc and its correlation with the seismogenic behaviour is presented.


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The present study consists of nine chapters including the introductory chapter. Chapter II makes a brief review of environmental literature and examines various measures adopted at the global level to protect the environment. The environmental problems often transgress national sovereignity and geographical boundaries. Therefore, attempts must be made at the national and international levels to protect the environment, the resources of which are the common property of mankind. The protection of the national environment from the ancient till the present forms the content of Chapter III. These chapters together provide a background to understand the issues analysed in the subsequent chapters. Carefully worked out theoretical framework is a pre-requisite for the successful study of a complex subject. Some of the theoretical issues of ‘environomics’ are examined in Chapter IV. The theoretical issues involved in estimating the costs and benefits of environmental protection constitute the theme of Chapter V. The state of environment in Eloor-Edayar Industrial belt andthe impact analysis of pollution of the area are discussed in Chapter VI and VII respectively. Chapter VIII makes the financial estimate of environmental protection of the project And finally, Chapter IX presents the findings of the study


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Concentration levels of Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb and Cu in relation to those of the nutrients - total phosphates, exchangeable nitrates, total organic carbon, etc. have been investigated in the sediments of Nagapattinam beach after the 2004 tsunami. The maximum values in the study area were 3204, 75, 71, 57 and 18.5 ug g-l for Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb and Cu respectively; Cd was below detectable level. All the trace elements were relatively high in the near-shore sediments and the distribution pattern of the metals in the study area was in the order: Cr > Ni > Zn > Pb > Cu. The present study shows that the tsunami has brought the clayey sediments from the sea-bottom that were settled for years together in inland areas as well as from the offshore sediments. The event has changed the chemical composition of the beach sediments and is threatening fishing grounds even in trace concentrations


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This study was materialized to analyze the management issues regarding the seafood processing waste generated including its impact on the coastal community in one of the important seafood hubs of India Aroor Seafood Industrial Belt Alappuzha District Kerala The area has witnessed serious pollution issues related to seafood waste and seldom has any action been implemented by either the polluters or the preventers Further this study is also intended to suggest a low cost eco friendly method for utilizing the bulk quantity of seafood solid waste generated in the area for the promotion of organic farming The high nutritional value of seafood enables the subsequent offal to be considered as an excellent source for plant nutrition The liquid silage accepted worldwide as the cheapest and practical solution for rendering fish waste in bulk for production of livestock feed is adopted in this study to develop foliar fertilizer formulations from various seafood waste The effect of seafood foliar sprays is demonstrated by field studies on two plant varieties such as Okra and Amaranthus


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Teacher resources for Lesson G in the Discover Oceanography 'Scheme of Work' for use in schools.


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El art??culo forma parte de un monogr??fico dedicado a recursos de atenci??n a la diversidad espec??ficos como motor de cambio en secundaria.


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El artículo forma parte de un monográfico de la revista dedicado a educación ambiental en tiempos de catástrofes