928 resultados para Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
The application of immunobiologics for the rheumatoid arthritis treatment may present as a rare complication the development of inflammatory myopathy. Until this moment, there have been described in literature only seven cases of inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor induced-myositis. In this paper, we report the case of the patient with 39 years-old with eight years of arthritis rheumatoid and that due to refractory to various immunosuppressive drugs, the adalimumab was introduced, and evolved to dermatomyositis status.
Arthritis may affect the larynx and produce symptoms such as hoarseness and vocal fatigue. Objective: This paper aimed to evaluate the laryngeal manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: This is prospective study assessed 27 patients with rheumatoid arthritis with the aid of videolaryngostroboscopy, auditory-perceptual analysis of the speech using the GIRBAS scale, acoustic analysis and the Voice Handicap Index questionnaire. Results: Nineteen patients had laryngeal complaints, the main ones being intermittent dysphonia and sensation of a foreign body in the throat. The most frequent laryngoscopical finding was overlapping arytenoids. Three patients had low pitch, nine patients had mild dysphonia and roughness. Median acoustic measures were: F0, 198.39 Hz; Jitter, 0.815; Shimmer, 4.915; and NHR, 0.144. Regarding the Voice Handicap Index, the median score was zero in all domains. There was a statistically significant correlation between voice complaints and the domains of this index. Functional classes were significantly correlated to: overlapping arytenoids (p = 0.001), PPQ (p = 0.0257), Shimmer (p = 0.0295), APQ (p = 0.0195), and the VHI physical (p = 0.0227) and total domains (p = 0.0425). Conclusion: Laryngeal complaints were reported by 70.4% of the patients and laryngoscopical alterations were observed in 48% of the subjects. Voice acoustic evaluation and self-perception were altered.
Objective: A morphological analysis of the bone structure of 02 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in order to enhance the security of the stabilization procedures for this vertebra. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 20 CT scans of the cervical spine performed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis; the following parameters were measured: spinolaminar angle, thickness and length of C2 lamina. Results: The mean values are: 5.92mm and 5.87mm for thickness of right and left laminae retrospectively, 27.75mm for right lamina length and 27.94mm for left lamina length, and 44.7 degrees for spinolaminar angle. Conclusion: The values obtained are consistent with studies in normal subjects published by other groups, with no apparent need for change in the screw placement technique. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919), one of the world's most celebrated impressionist painters, suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for most of his life. His symptoms developed when he was in his 50s and they became aggressive at about the age of 60 years that led to almost complete disability when he was 70 years old. Although the deformities he suffered because of the rheumatoid arthritis were disabling, Renoir never stopped painting nor decreased the quality of his work. The transition between styles adopted by the painter (Impressionist, Dry and Pearly periods) bear no relationship to the stages of flare-ups or the establishment of joint deformities due to rheumatoid arthritis. His work shows aspects of the body's ability to overcome pain and physical limitation.
Endothelins (ETs) are involved in several inflammatory events. The present study investigated the efficacy of bosentan, a dual ETA/ETB receptor antagonist, in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice. CIA was induced in DBA/1J mice. Arthritic mice were treated with bosentan (100 mg/kg) once a day, starting from the day when arthritis was clinically detectable. CIA progression was assessed by measurements of visual clinical score, paw swelling and hypernociception. Histological changes, neutrophil infiltration and pro-inflammatory cytokines were evaluated in the joints. Gene expression in the lymph nodes of arthritic mice was evaluated by microarray technology. PreproET-1 mRNA expression in the lymph nodes of mice and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was evaluated by real-time PCR. The differences were evaluated by one-way ANOVA or Student's t test. Oral treatment with bosentan markedly ameliorated the clinical aspects of CIA (visual clinical score, paw swelling and hyperalgesia). Bosentan treatment also reduced joint damage, leukocyte infiltration and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels (IL-1 beta, TNF alpha and IL-17) in the joint tissues. Changes in gene expression in the lymph nodes of arthritic mice returned to the levels of the control mice after bosentan treatment. PreproET mRNA expression increased in PBMCs from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients but returned to basal level in PBMCs from patients under anti-TNF therapy. In-vitro treatment of PBMCs with TNF alpha upregulated ET system genes. These findings indicate that ET receptor antagonists, such as bosentan, might be useful in controlling RA. Moreover, it seems that ET mediation of arthritis is triggered by TNF alpha.
An der Entwicklung und Aufrechterhaltung chronisch-inflammatorischer Erkrankungen wie der rheumatoiden Arthritis (RA) ist die Fehlregulation verschiedener pro-inflammatorischer Gene von entscheidender Bedeutung. Bei der RA führt unter anderem eine erhöhte Expression der induzierbaren NO-Synthase (iNOS) zu einer gesteigerten NO-Produktion, was schließlich zum Knochenabbau beiträgt. Für eine Therapie der RA werden häufig Glukokortikoide eingesetzt, die jedoch viele Nebenwirkungen zeigen. Um eine mögliche Therapiealternative zu identifizieren, sollten die Effekte des anti-inflammatorisch wirksamen Pilzmetaboliten S-Curvularin in verschiedenen Modellen der RA analysiert werden.rnIn humanen C-28/I2-Chondrozyten als in vitro-Modell der RA führte die Inkubation mit einem Zytokingemisch zu einer Induktion der iNOS-Expression, die vom chondrogenen Differenzierungsgrad der Zellen abhängig war. Entscheidend für die iNOS-Induktion in C-28/I2-Zellen ist hauptsächlich der p38-MAPK-, der JAK-STAT- und der NF-kappa B-Signaltransduktionsweg. Eine Inkubation der Zellen mit S-Curvularin führte zu einer deutlichen Hemmung der iNOS-Expression. Dexamethason hatte hingegen keinen Effekt auf die iNOS-Expression, was vermutlich auf die fehlende Expression der Glukokortikoidrezeptor-mRNA zurückgeführt werden kann. Daher können von S-Curvularin abgeleitete Pharmaka möglicherweise auch in Fällen einer Steroidresistenz zur Therapie von RA-Patienten zum Einsatz kommen.rnIm Tiermodell der Kollagen-induzierten Arthritis konnte die anti-inflammatorische Wirkung von S-Curvularin auf mehreren Ebenen bestätigt werden. Die Pilzsubstanz reduzierte sowohl die Schwellung der Pfoten als auch die Expression CII-induzierter pro-inflammatorischer Gene, wie z.B. S100A8, Defb6, Camp und Mpo. Dabei waren die Effekte von S-Curvularin meist deutlicher als in Dexamethason-behandelten Mäusen. Die Analyse von Zytokinen (z.B. TNF-alpha, IL-1beta) und Chemokinen (z.B. MCP-1, MIP-1alpha) zeigte, dass die CII-induzierte Expression dieser pro-inflammatorischen Mediatoren in den Pfoten der Mäuse durch eine Therapie mit S-Curvularin und Dexamethason wieder reduziert werden konnte, wobei Unterschiede zwischen den Behandlungen beobachtet werden konnte.rnAuch im Tiermodell der LPS-induzierten akuten Entzündung wurde die iNOS- und die S100A8-Expression in verschiedenen Geweben S-Curvularin reduziert. rnrnS-Curvularin ist also in der Lage, in verschiedenen Modellen der RA und im akuten Entzündungsmodell die pro-inflammatorische Genexpression effizient zu hemmen und könnte somit in Zukunft eine Rolle in der Therapie der RA einnehmen.rn
Erhöhte arteriosklerotische und thrombotische Vorfälle sind ein Hauptgrund für die gesteigerten Zahlen kardiovaskulärer Todesfälle von Patienten mit chronisch entzündlichen Erkrankungen wie der rheumatoiden Arthritis (RA). Diese erhöhte Mortalität ist nicht auf die traditionellen Risikofaktoren, wie Alter, Geschlecht, Bluthochdruck oder Diabetes zurückzuführen. Man nimmt an, dass die systemische Entzündung einen nicht-traditionellen Risikofaktor für die erhöhten kardiovaskulären Todesfälle von RA-Patienten darstellt. Da die derzeitige Behandlung der RA zum Teil schwere Nebenwirkungen zur Folge haben kann, war es das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit, die Zusammenhänge zwischen RA und Arteriosklerose (AS) näher zu untersuchen, sowie die neue antiinflammatorische Substanz Galiellalacton (Gal) für die Behandlung der AS zu charakterisieren.rnIn dem chronisch inflammatorischen Tiermodell der TTP-defizienten Mäuse, dessenrnPhänotyp dem einer humanen RA-Erkrankung ähnelt, konnte eine verschlechterternEndothelfunktion, die als ein erstes Symptom einer erworbenen AS gilt, nachgewiesen werden. Dies konnte auf eine erhöhte Stabilität der Nox2-mRNA zurückgeführt werden, die unabhängig von der erhöhten Expression des Entzündungsmarkers TNFα war. Diese gesteigerte Nox2-Menge führte wiederum zu einer erhöhten Bildung von reaktiven Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies und somit zu einer verringerten Menge an bioaktivem Stickstoffmonoxid, welches die endotheliale Dysfunktion (eDF) bedingte.rnAls ein traditioneller Risikofaktor für das Auftreten von kardiovaskulären Ereignissen gilt unter anderem eine Diabeteserkrankung. Durch die Ausbildung einer Nitrattoleranz bei der Therapie mit organischen Nitraten wie NTG, ISMN oder ISDN kommt es zu der Entwicklung einer eDF. PETN, ein weiteres organisches Nitrat zeigt diese Nebenwirkung nicht. PETN, vermittelt seinen antioxidativen Effekt über die Nrf2-abhängige Induktion der HO-1-Promotoraktivität.rnDie Behandlung von arteriosklerotischen Mäusen (ApoE-/-- und ApoE-/-TFPI+/--Mäuse) mit dem antiinflammatorischen Pilzsekundärmetaboliten Gal zeigte eine verringerte mRNA-Expression von arteriosklerotischen und inflammatorischen Mediatoren, sowie eine reduzierte Thrombenbildung durch eine verringerte Plättchenadhäsion.rnZusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass inflammationsabhängiger oxidativerrnStress ein Hauptgrund für die entzündungsgetriebene Artheriogenese ist und Galrneine neue Leitsubstanz für die Behandlung dieser Erkrankung ist.
Objective To evaluate the impact of tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) blockers on the presence of liver fibrosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) treated with methotrexate (MTX). Methods Participants were consecutive patients with RA and PsA who had undergone MTX treatment for at least 1 year ± TNF blockade for over 6 months. Liver fibrosis was assessed using non-invasive transient elastography (FibroScan). Regression models were used to compare FibroScan values of patients with RA and patients with PsA receiving TNFα blockers with those who were not. Results FibroScan assessments were performed on 51 patients with RA and 43 patients with PsA. Compared to patients with RA, those with PsA were predominantly young men, received lower cumulative dosages of MTX and exhibited a higher incidence of liver steatosis and hyperlipidaemia. An abnormal result was observed in 7.1% of the anti-TNFα-naïve and in 13% of the anti-TNFα-treated patients in the RA group and in 30% of the anti-TNFα-naïve and 4.3% of the anti-TNFα-treated patients in the PsA group (OR=0.11, 95% CI 0.02 to 0.98). Results of the PsA group were robust when adjusted for baseline characteristics. Conclusion The results suggest a protective effect of TNFα inhibitors against the development of liver fibrosis in patients with PsA.
Infliximab (IFX) can be immunogenic for humans and lead to the formation of antibodies against IFX (anti-IFX Ab), which could induce acquired IFX resistance.
The new paradigm of therapy in rheumatoid arthritis is to aim toward early and complete remission, using a larger use of conventional DMARDs and biologic agents. The present recommendations were established through a consensus to help practitioners in their daily use of those agents, to reflect the current "best practice" in Switzerland.
To investigate pregnancy related changes of rheumatoid factor (RF) isotypes and anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) and their association with disease activity and therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
OBJECTIVE: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) usually improves during pregnancy and recurs postpartum. Fetal cells and cell-free DNA reach the maternal circulation during normal pregnancy. The present study investigated dynamic changes in levels of fetal DNA in serum from women with RA and inflammatory arthritis during and after pregnancy to test the hypothesis that the levels of circulating fetal DNA correlate with arthritis improvement. METHODS: Twenty-five pregnant patients were prospectively studied. A real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction panel targeting unshared, paternally transmitted HLA sequences, a Y chromosome-specific sequence, or an insertion sequence within the glutathione S-transferase M1 gene was used to measure cell-free fetal DNA. Results were expressed as fetal genomic equivalents per milliliter (gE/ml) of maternal serum. Physical examinations were conducted during and after pregnancy. RESULTS: Levels of fetal DNA in women with improvement in or remission of arthritis were higher than those in women with active disease, especially in the third trimester. Overall, an inverse relationship between serum fetal DNA levels and disease activity was observed (P < 0.001). Serum fetal DNA increased with advancing gestation, reaching median levels of 24 gE/ml (range 0-334), 61 gE/ml (range 0-689), and 199 gE/ml (range 0-2,576) in the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively, with fetal DNA clearance observed postpartum. Arthritis improvement was initially noted in the first trimester for most patients, increased further or was sustained with advancing gestation, and was active postpartum. CONCLUSION: Changes in serum fetal DNA levels correlated with arthritis improvement during pregnancy and recurrence postpartum. Immunologic mechanisms by which pregnancy might modulate RA activity are described.