959 resultados para Return to skill


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The early provisions protecting freedom of association in Australian federal industrial relations law supported trade union security. The interests of individuals were seen as adequately protected by collective groups. This principle dominated the industrial relations laws from 1904 to the mid-1970s. However, from the late 1970s, the laws were incrementally altered to promote freedom of choice and the rights of individuals not to be part of trade unions. The reframing of the laws also reflected changes in the wider Australian community, manifested particularly in the decline of union density rates. These changes were also part of an international trend, favouring the ideology of neoliberalism which contributed to an unsympathetic environment for trade unions. The current Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) has signalled a return to collectivism, although freedom of choice is at the heart of the laws rather than the promotion of collective groups. In the absence of legislative support promoting the viability of collective groups, this freedom to choose is threatened, leaving many workers with little choice but to disassociate.


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Historical tourism resources associated with diasporic communities and battlefields would at face value appear to have little in common. On closer inspection, however, diaspora and battlefield tourism share several elements in common. These commonalities are explored in greater detail, with an eye to investigating battlefield tourism sites indelibly linked to the birth of modern nations, where it is argued that there is a particularly blurred boundary between these two forms of tourism that must be recognized. 

The Gallipoli battlefield, Turkey, provides the contextual anchor for this discussion in suggesting that a key reason Australians travel to this foreign place to is to find out what it means to be an Australian. The prominence of this battlefield in the psyche of Australians is borne out of the involvement of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (Anzac) in the First World War campaign that commenced at what is now known as Anzac Cove at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915. This campaign was the first united action of the fledging Australian nation bought together through federation in 1901.

Qualitative data collected from Australians visiting the Gallipoli battlefields in Turkey during 2010 is used to explore whether the experiences of those traveling to battlefields strongly associated with nation building legends and stories resemble those of diasporic tourists in seeking to return to their homeland. Emerging from the analysis, the confines of the blurred boundary between diaspora tourism and battlefield tourism is discussed in detail and an associated research agenda is proposed that aims to further clarify the scope of these concepts in relation to the broad spectrum of heritage tourism resources.


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Aim The need for accurate diagnosis and appropriate return-to-play decisions following a concussion in sports has prompted the dissemination of guidelines to assist managing this condition. This study aimed to assess whether key messages within these guidelines are reflected in the knowledge of coaches and sports trainers involved in community sport. Methods An online knowledge survey was widely promoted across Australia in May–August 2012 targeting community Australian Football (AF) and Rugby League (RL) coaches and sports trainers. 260 AF coaches, 161 AF sports trainers, 267 RL coaches and 228 RL sports trainers completed the survey. Knowledge scores were constructed from Likert scales and compared across football codes and respondent groups. Results General concussion knowledge did not differ across codes but sports trainers had higher levels than did coaches. There were no significant differences in either concussion symptoms or concussion management knowledge across codes or team roles. Over 90% of respondents correctly identified five of the eight key signs or symptoms of concussion. Fewer than 50% recognised the increased risk of another concussion following an initial concussion. Most incorrectly believed or were uncertain that scans typically show damage to the brain after a concussion occurs. Fewer than 25% recognised, and >40% were uncertain that younger players typically take longer to recover from concussion than adults. Conclusions The key messages from published concussion management guidelines have not reached community sports coaches and sports trainers. This needs to be redressed to maximise the safety of all of those involved in community sport.


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Hooded Plovers (Thinornis rubricollis) and recreationists co-occur on the ocean beaches of southern Australia, and it has been suggested that disturbance of the breeding birds by humans constitutes a conservation problem. This study examines whether humans disturb incubating Hooded Plovers and places that disturbance in context with naturally occurring disturbances. Incubating Hooded Plovers encountered and responded to a variety of human and natural stimuli. The most common response involved leaving the nest for a period of time (an "absence"), and humans were responsible for 33.1% of time spent off nests. The response rates of incubating birds varied with the type of stimulus, with higher than expected response rates to two species of potentially predatory birds. About 17% of encounters with potential causes of disturbance occurred while birds were already responding to other disturbance, and this prolonged the return to the nest. Absences from the nest that were not apparently caused by disturbance were shorter and less frequent than those caused by external disturbance stimuli. Nest habitat influenced the response to encounters with humans, and on average foredune nests suffered the greatest decrease in attendance per encounter. This study has confirmed that human disturbance is more frequent than natural disturbances, and that humans decrease nest attendance substantially and more than any other source of disturbance.


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While monethanolamine has shown great potential as a solvent for the capture of carbon dioxide, impurities can build within the solution over time, leading to increased viscosity and corrosivity. Classically, these impurities are removed by a combination of neutralization and either thermal reclamation, ion exchange or electrodialysis. In this work, we evaluate the use of nanofiltration to concentrate the heat stable salts within the solution prior to such reclamation. This allows the recirculating solvent to operate with low concentrations of these impurities, while providing a low volume, concentrated solution for reclamation. Results show that nanofiltration can reject greater than 80% of the heat stable anions, while allowing the monoethanolamine to permeate through the membrane, for return to the process. Rejection of the MEA itself is less than 7%. The nanofiltration operation is only effective on lean solvent with CO2 loadings of less than 0.2 and neutralization would be required upstream to deprotonate the amine. The two membranes tested (Koch MPF-34 and MPF-36) appeared stable to exposure to the solvent for over four months.


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Drawing on a qualitative study of Australian families who returned to co-residence, this article focuses on the ways young adults and their parents come to accept the change in their living arrangement after time spent apart. Findings from in-depth interviews suggest that young adults  experience mixed feelings about returning home on the pathway to eventual acceptance, whereas  parents appear to be more accepting of the living arrangement from the outset. The current study  also revealed that, although parents and their young adult offspring may have different degrees of acceptance, family members generally appreciated how the other member of their dyad felt  towards the return. This acceptance meant that the return to co-residence proceeded and, in turn,  engendered mutual benefits for both young adults and their parents.


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A presente dissertação procura analisar as condições de implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde, identificando dilemas e desafios para a institucionalização do SUS. O estudo apresenta uma síntese histórica da Política Pública de Saúde no Brasil, ressaltando as dicotomias entre as ações de natureza preventiva, patrocinadas ao longo do tempo pelo Ministério da Saúde, e as de natureza assistencial, afetas ao Ministério da Previdência Social. Nesta perspectiva, o resgate do processo de formulação e implementação das ações integradas e descentralizadas de saúde comparece como de fundamental importância para a consolidação dos pressupostos do SUS, baseados nas diretr;zes constitucionais de universalidade, integralidade, descentralização e participação da comunidade na gestão do Sistema. Os limites desta consolidação são medidos através da verificação das competências das diferentes esferas de governo; do exercício do controle social pela população; e, das possibilidades de financiamento do sistema.


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From 1988 to 1995, when trade liberalization was implemented in Brazil, relative earnings of skilled workers decreased. In this paper, we investigate the role of trade liberalization in explaining these relative earnings movements, by checking all the steps predicted by the HeckscherOhlin- style trade transmission mechanism. We find that: i) employment shifted from skilled to unskilled intensive sectors, and each Sector increased its relative share of skilled labor; ii) relative prices fell in skill intensive sectors; iii) tariff changes across sectors were not related to skill intensities, but the pass-through from tariffs to prices was stronger in skill intensive sectors; iv) the decline in skilled eamings differentials mandated by the price variation predicted by trade is very elose to the observed one. The results are compatible with trade liberalization, accounting for the observed rei ative eamings changes in Brazil.


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Esta tese é composta por três artigos e uma nota, sendo um em cada capítulo. Todos os capítulos enquadram-se na área de Microeconomia Aplicada e Economia do Trabalho. O primeiro artigo estende o modelo tradicional de decomposição das flutuações na taxa de desemprego de Shimer (2012), separando o emprego formal do informal. Com essa modificação, os principais resultados da metodologia se alteram e conclui-se que os principais fatores para a queda do desemprego na última década foram (i) a queda na taxa de participação, principalmente pela menor entrada na força de trabalho; (ii) o aumento da formalização, atingido tanto pelo aumento da probabilidade de encontrar um trabalho formal quanto pela probabilidade de deixar a condição de empregado formal. O segundo capítulo apresenta estimativas para o retorno à educação no Brasil, utilizando uma nova metodologia que não necessita de variáveis de exclusão. A vantagem do método em relação a abordagens que utilizam variáveis instrumentais é a de permitir avaliar o retorno médio para todos os trabalhadores (e não somente os afetados pelos instrumentos) e em qualquer instante do tempo. Face aos resultados, concluímos as estimativas via MQO subestimam o retorno médio. Discute-se possíveis explicações para esse fenômeno. O terceiro artigo trata da terceirização da mão de obra no Brasil. Mais especificamente, mede-se o diferencial de salários entre os trabalhadores terceirizados e os contratados diretamente. Os resultados de uma comparação não condicional indicam que os terceirizados têm salário médio 17% menor no período 2007 a 2012. Porém, com estimativas que levam em conta o efeito fixo de cada trabalhador, esse diferencial cai para 3,0%. Além disso, o diferencial é bastante heterogêneo entre os tipos de serviços: aqueles que utilizam trabalhadores de baixa qualificação apresentam salário menores, enquanto nas ocupações de maior qualificação os terceirizados têm salários iguais ou maiores do que os diretamente contratados. Mais ainda, as evidencias apontam para a diminuição do diferencial ao longo do tempo no período analisado. Finalmente, a nota que encerra a tese documenta dois aspectos relevantes e pouco conhecidos da Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego do IBGE que podem levar a resultados imprecisos nas pesquisas que utilizam esse painel se não forem tratados adequadamente.


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A adição de sal à água tem sido utilizada para a mitigação de estresse e aumento da taxa de sobrevivência em peixes. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do cloreto de sódio (0,0; 1,0; 3,0 e 6.0 g/l) nas concentrações de cortisol plasmático, glicemia, triglicerídios, proteínas total plasmática, hematócrito, hemoglobina, número de eritrócitos, glicogênio e lipídio hepáticos, e lipídio muscular em matrinxã Brycon amazonicum adultos após quatro horas de transporte e durante período de recuperação de 96 h. Amostras foram coletadas antes e depois do transporte, bem como 24 e 96 h após a chegada. O nível de cortisol plasmático estava mais elevado logo após o transporte quando comparado à condição inicial (pré-transporte), exceto para os peixes transportados com sal nas concentrações 3,0 e 6,0 g/l. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para a glicemia, porém os peixes dos tratamentos 0,0, 1,0 e 3,0 g/l necessitaram de período superior a 24 h para recuperar a condição inicial. Foram registrados níveis mais baixos de glicogênio hepático em peixes do tratamento controle (0,0 g/l). Os parâmetros hemoglobina, número de eritrócitos, proteína plasmática total e lipídio hepático não apresentaram alterações durante o período experimental. Os valores de hematócrito diminuíram logo após o transporte em todos os tratamentos, retornando aos níveis iniciais após 24 h. Todos os tratamentos apresentaram redução nos níveis de lipídio muscular e triglicerídios durante o período de recuperação. Os resultados sugerem que a adição de 6,0 g/l de sal na água de transporte reduz as alterações fisiológicas de estresse e que é necessário período de 96 h após o transporte para a recuperação da condição inicial de matrinxãs transportados sem a adição de sal.


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O ferrageamento corretivo é um método comumente ma Dvideow. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. No utilizado para alterar o padrão do andamento dos animais, presente estudo, não houve diferença significativa entre os assim como na terapêutica de diversas afecções do siste-dias avaliados, a elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões ma locomotor dos equinos. No entanto, não existem, até não gerou desconforto durante a passada, portanto, os ani o momento, estudos científicos que revelem o período de mais podem retornar às atividades regulares de exercício e adaptação do andamento dos animais a este tipo de in-treinamento imediatamente após o ferrageamento. tervenção.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o período de adaptação à ferraduras com elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões em equinos caminhando em esteira rolante. O período de adaptação à ferradura foi avaliado nos tempos 0, 48 e 96 horas após cada tipo de ferrageamento proposto. Os animais foram gravados caminhando em esteira rolante. O comprimento da passada e a análise qualitativa do andamento foram realizados com o auxílio do programa Dvideow. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. No presente estudo, não houve diferença significativa entre os dias avaliados, a elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões não gerou desconforto durante a passada, portanto, os animais podem retornar às atividades regulares de exercício e treinamento imediatamente após o ferrageamento.


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Background: The absence of an ear, which can be the result of a congenital malformation, surgical tumour resection or traumatic injury, is a significant aesthetic problem. Attachment of ear prostheses with adhesives can cause local irritation for the wearer and affect the colour of the prostheses. Use of implants in craniofacial reconstruction can improve the retention and stability of prostheses giving to patient greater comfort and security relative to adhesive attachment.Objective: The aim of this report was to present a clinical case of a mutilated patient who was rehabilitated by means of installing an ear prosthesis fixed through osseointegrated implants.Materials and methods: The patient had two implants installed in the mastoid region that were linked by a bar, and a clip-type system was used. The ear prosthesis was constructed from medical-use silicone, pigmented to match the patient's skin colour and linked to the retention system.Conclusion: The patient's rehabilitation was satisfactory from both a functional and an aesthetic point of view, making it possible for the patient to return to a normal social life and regain lost self-esteem.


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In cases of total or partial maxillectomies, the prosthetic rehabilitation is an effective alternative to minimize the sequelae left by surgical resection. The present study reports a clinical case of a 52-year-old patient who underwent partial maxillectomy, with upper lip involvement. The oronasal communication, resultant from surgical resection, did not allow the patient to return to her normal social life. Besides, the upper lip partial resection damaged her face's aesthetics. The proposed treatment was the confection of an upper lip prosthesis retained by a palatal obturator. The prosthesis insertion restored the patient's facial aesthetics, contributing not only to function, but also to psychosocial adaptation.