253 resultados para Restitution
El presente escrito indaga sobre la utilidad metodológica de los recursos provenientes de la religión, herramientas de las que se vale la sociología para construir su corpus conceptual. Hace hincapié en las formulaciones de Max Weber, con énfasis en la “lealtad", una noción que forma parte del horizonte de sentido de la política contemporánea, y particularmente de algunas ideologías que la cuentan en su acervo doctrinal. Se analiza la oposición entre impersonalidad y devoción y entre fe religiosa y fe política, así como los procesos de conversión y cumplimiento-incumplimiento del deber que caracterizan a ambas. Asimismo, se exploran las similitudes y diferencias entre el mensaje religioso y el político y entre la conformación del perfil del creyente y del adherente a una creencia partidaria. Por último, se comparan las “promesas" que encierran los discursos, con la intención de evidenciar la cercanía entre religión y lealtad en términos de constitución/restitución de la comunidad.
El misterio que rodea el mapa de la primera ciudad imperial azteca, publicado en la traducción latina de la Segunda Carta de Relación de Hernán Cortés -su origen, su orientación, su autoría, su sentido-, se ve acompañado por los cambios que, con un claro sesgo ideológico, introducen las reproducciones posteriores en las imprentas de toda Europa. Si no resultan menos enigmáticos los rasgos que, en cambio, permanecen inalterados, tampoco arrojan luz sus nuevos empleos, independizándose ya de la relación cortesiana para ilustrar más crónicas o completar la descripción de otras ciudades americanas. El estudio de la suerte de aquel plano de la ciudad conquistada, que algunos atribuyeron al propio Durero, tendrá que habérselas con el proceso complejísimo por el que una representación como la cartográfica -que se busca sea descriptiva, objetiva, exacta- alcanza en este caso los modos y maneras de una ficción o un espejismo, hasta dejar de funcionar como mapa únicamente para convertirse en un ramillete de relatos entrecruzados
El misterio que rodea el mapa de la primera ciudad imperial azteca, publicado en la traducción latina de la Segunda Carta de Relación de Hernán Cortés -su origen, su orientación, su autoría, su sentido-, se ve acompañado por los cambios que, con un claro sesgo ideológico, introducen las reproducciones posteriores en las imprentas de toda Europa. Si no resultan menos enigmáticos los rasgos que, en cambio, permanecen inalterados, tampoco arrojan luz sus nuevos empleos, independizándose ya de la relación cortesiana para ilustrar más crónicas o completar la descripción de otras ciudades americanas. El estudio de la suerte de aquel plano de la ciudad conquistada, que algunos atribuyeron al propio Durero, tendrá que habérselas con el proceso complejísimo por el que una representación como la cartográfica -que se busca sea descriptiva, objetiva, exacta- alcanza en este caso los modos y maneras de una ficción o un espejismo, hasta dejar de funcionar como mapa únicamente para convertirse en un ramillete de relatos entrecruzados
El misterio que rodea el mapa de la primera ciudad imperial azteca, publicado en la traducción latina de la Segunda Carta de Relación de Hernán Cortés -su origen, su orientación, su autoría, su sentido-, se ve acompañado por los cambios que, con un claro sesgo ideológico, introducen las reproducciones posteriores en las imprentas de toda Europa. Si no resultan menos enigmáticos los rasgos que, en cambio, permanecen inalterados, tampoco arrojan luz sus nuevos empleos, independizándose ya de la relación cortesiana para ilustrar más crónicas o completar la descripción de otras ciudades americanas. El estudio de la suerte de aquel plano de la ciudad conquistada, que algunos atribuyeron al propio Durero, tendrá que habérselas con el proceso complejísimo por el que una representación como la cartográfica -que se busca sea descriptiva, objetiva, exacta- alcanza en este caso los modos y maneras de una ficción o un espejismo, hasta dejar de funcionar como mapa únicamente para convertirse en un ramillete de relatos entrecruzados
In order to prevent, suppress and punish human trafficking, bilateral agreements between origin of victim countries and destination countries are crucial, because their cooperation involves cross-border activities such as repatriation of victims, extradition of criminals and information-sharing. This article analyzes three bilateral legal instruments between The Government of The Kingdom of Thailand and her three neighboring countries, namely The Royal Government of Cambodia, The Government of Lao People's Democratic Republic and The Government of The Union of Myanmar. The analysis will examine the legal status of the victim, the victim as witness in criminal proceedings, the victim protection programs, the recovery and restitution of damages, the process of repatriating the victim, and the prosecution of the criminal.
Plaza Navona representa una de las visitas obligadas de Roma, pero solo algunos advertirán en ella la presencia española en la sala de exposiciones del Instituto Cervantes o en la inmediata Libreria Española. Todavía serán menos los que se percatarán de la huella española dejada en aquella iglesia de fachada anónima situada, en el extremo sur de la plaza: la antigua iglesia de Santiago de los Españoles. La presente tesis pretende, utilizando el dibujo como guía, herramienta y fin del proceso de análisis y estudio, reconstruir el proceso de conformación y construcción de la que fue iglesia española principal, cuya fundación hace patente el destacado papel jugado por la “nación” castellana en Roma durante la Edad Media; y en torno a la que se aglutinaron las actividades religiosas, diplomáticas y financieras de los castellanos que vivieron en la actual capital italiana. Se intentará recrear en el tiempo la que es hoy la iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón, sometiéndola a una restitución gráfica disciplinada, homogénea y objetiva en la medida de lo posible de las varias etapas que la han caracterizadas, desde su fundación hasta cuando en 1878 España se deshizo de ella, ya en ruina, vendiéndola. Como nos comenta Gaetano Moroni, de todas las comunidades nacionales que se encontraban en Roma la española parece ser efectivamente una de las más rica y prestigiosa. Aunque lo que no cuenta Moroni no haya sido todavía demostrado, dicho enunciado resulta de todas formas interesante puesto que pone el acento sobre el hecho de que ya desde el siglo X parece ser habitual de ocupar y reutilizar antiguas ruinas, usándolas como base para la construcción de hospitales para los peregrinos. Esta operación se hizo particularmente frecuente sobre todo antes del Gran Jubileo de 1450: de hecho desde la primera mitad del Quattrocento se fundan distintas iglesias y hospitales nacionales para acoger y prestar una adecuada asistencia y socorro a los innumerables peregrinos que llegaban a la ciudad, edificios que se van construyendo sobre los restos de antiguos edificios de época romana. Prueba de ello es en efecto la fundación originaria de la iglesia y hospital de los Españoles que, parte del conjunto de edificios que compone la Plaza Navona, situada en el corazón de Campo Marzio y cuya posición y forma corresponden a la del antiguo Estadio de Domiciano, y que ahora es en sus dimensiones, en su imagen arquitectónica y en su consistencia material, el resultado de la definición proyectual y de las transformaciones que se llevaron a cabo sobre lo que quedaba del antiguo templo español del siglo XV, entre finales del ‘800 y los años 30 del siglo XX . Transformaciones devastadoras, huellas grabadas o canceladas que encuentran una justificación en los acontecimientos históricos reflejados en el patrimonio urbano. El análisis de todas las fuentes permite trazar, si no la totalidad, buena parte de las modificaciones que la antigua iglesia de Santiago ha sufrido. La construcción del templo se puede dividir en tres momentos decisivos: una primera etapa de fundación en 1450-1478 en la que la iglesia tenía fachada y entrada en via de la Sapienza, hoy Corso Rinascimento; una segunda de significativa ampliación hacia Plaza Navona con una nueva fachada monumental hacia ese espacio público en 1496-1500; y una última importante ampliación entre 1525-1526, llevada a cabo por el arquitecto Antonio da Sangallo el Joven. Tras la intensa vida del templo, en el siglo XVIII, éste cae en ruina y finalmente es vendido en 1878 a la orden de los misioneros franceses de Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón que la reconvierten en iglesia reformando totalmente el conjunto en 1881, según proyecto de Luca Carimini. En 1936, en plena fase de rectificación de trazados urbanos por obra del régimen fascista, según proyecto de Arnaldo Foschini, se mutila su extremidad hacia vía de la Sapienza dejando su estado tal y como se contempla en la actualidad. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the reconstruction of the design and edification process -using drawings and sketches as a guide, tool and the end of the analytical process- of a church which was once the preeminent Spanish church in medieval Rome, known today as Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart). The founding of this church illustrates the important role held by the Castillian “nation” in Rome during the Middle Ages. It was the focal point of all the religious, diplomatic and economic activities of the Castillian community residing in today’s Italian capital. The aim of this proyect is a recreation the church in time by submitting it to a disciplined, homogenous and objective graphic restitution of the various stages most characteristic the temple, starting from its foundation until 1878 when, in a state of ruins, the church was finally sold off by Spain. Gaetano Moroni once commented that of all the international communities found in Rome, the Spanish community seemed to be one of the wealthiest and most prestigious. Such a statement proves interesting as it emphasizes that starting in the 10th century we see there was a widespread custom of occupying and reusing old ruins for use as the bases of new constructions of hospitals for pilgrims. This custom became especially frequent just before the Jubilee Year of 1450: in fact, in the first half of the Quattrocento we see the founding of many different national churches and hospitals which provided shelter and care to the countless pilgrims arriving in the city, buildings which were constructed on top of the ruins of ancient buildings left over from Roman times. Proof of this is the original foundation of the Spanish church and hospital forming part of the Piazza Navona, built upon and following the outline of the Stadium of Domitian, in the heart of Campo Marzio. Now, in its dimensions, its architectural image and its material substance, it represents the predominant result of the planning definitions and the transformations which affected the old 15th-century Spanish temple. Ocurring between the end of the 19th century and the 1930s, the transformations were devastating, erasing original peculiarities and engraving new ones, transformations made justifiable by the historical events reflected in its urban environs. Analyzing all sources allows us to trace, even if not in entirety, still a sizeable portion of the modifications undergone by the old Church of Saint James. The construction of the temple can be divided into three decisive moments: its foundation, from 1450 to 1478, when the church’s façade and main door looked out on to the Via della Sapienza, today’s central avenue of Corso del Rinascimento; the second stage being a major expansion towards the Piazza Navona (1496-1500) with a new, monumental façade facing the public space; and the third was the last significant expansion, carried out from 1525 to 1526 by the architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. Despite an intense and bustling life during the Modern Age, in the 18th century the church began to fall into ruin and was finally sold in 1878 to the order of French missionaries of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who reconverted it into a church and completely renovated the structure in 1881 in a project supervised by Luca Carimini. In 1936, the corrective urban redesign of Rome carried out by the fascist regime and implemented by Arnaldo Foschini mutilated the part bordering Via della Sapienza, leaving it as we see it today.
The yolk sac, first site of hematopoiesis during mammalian development, contains not only hematopoietic stem cells but also the earliest precursors of endothelial cells. We have previously shown that a nonadherent yolk sac cell population (WGA+, density <1.077, AA4.1+) can give rise to B cells, T cells, and myeloid cells both in vitro and in vivo. We now report on the ability of a yolk sac-derived cloned endothelial cell line (C166) to provide a suitable microenvironment for expansion of these early precursor cells. Single day 10 embryonic mouse yolk sac hematopoietic stem cells were expanded >100 fold within 8 days by coculture with irradiated C166 cells. Colony-forming ability was retained for at least three passages in vitro, with retention of the ability to differentiate into T-cell, B-cell, and myeloid lineages. Stem cell properties were maintained by a significant fraction of nonadherent cells in the third passage, although these stem cells expressed a somewhat more mature cell surface phenotype than the initial yolk sac stem cells. When reintroduced into adult allogeneic immunocompromised (scid) hosts, they were able to give rise to all of the leukocyte lineages, including T cells, B cells, and myeloid cells. We conclude that yolk sac endothelial cells can support the stable proliferation of multipotential hematopoietic stem cells, thus generating adequate numbers of cells for study of the mechanisms involved in their subsequent development and differentiation, for in vivo hematopoietic restitution, and for potential use as a vehicle for gene transfer.
After ionising radiation double-strand breaks (dsb) are lethal if not repaired or misrepaired. Cell killing is greatly enhanced by hyperthermia and it is questioned here whether heat not only affects dsb repair capacity but also fidelity in a chromosomal context. dsb repair experiments were designed so as to mainly score non-homologous end joining, while homologous recombination was largely precluded. Human male G0 fibroblasts were either preheated (45°C, 20 min) or not before X-irradiation. dsb induction and repair were measured by conventional gel electrophoresis and an assay combining restriction digestion using a rare cutting enzyme (NotI) and Southern hybridisation, which detects large chromosomal rearrangements (>100 kb). dsb induction rate in an X-chromosomal NotI fragment was 4.8 × 10–3 dsb/Gy/Mb. Similar values were found for the genome overall and also when cells were preheated. After 50 Gy, fibroblasts were competent to largely restore the original restriction fragment size. Five per cent of dsb remained non-rejoined and 14% were misrejoined. Correct restitution of restriction fragments occurred preferably during the first hour but continued at a slow rate for 12–16 h. In addition, dsb appeared to misrejoin throughout the entire repair period. After hyperthermia the fractions of non-rejoined and misrejoined dsb were similarly increased to 13 and 51%, respectively. It is suggested that heat increases the probability of dsb being incorrectly rejoined but it is not likely to interfere with one dsb repair pathway in particular.
A maximum likelihood approach of half tetrad analysis (HTA) based on multiple restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers was developed. This procedure estimates the relative frequencies of 2n gametes produced by mechanisms genetically equivalent to first division restitution (FDR) or second division restitution and simultaneously locates the centromere within a linkage group of RFLP marker loci. The method was applied to the diploid alfalfa clone PG-F9 (2n = 2x = 16) previously selected because of its high frequency of 2n egg production. HTA was based on four RFLP loci for which PG-F9 was heterozygous with codominant alleles that were absent in the tetraploid tester. Models including three linked and one unlinked RFLP loci were developed and tested. Results of the HTA showed that PG-F9 produced 6% FDR and 94% second division restitution 2n eggs. Information from a marker locus belonging to one linkage group was used to more precisely locate the centromere on a different linkage group. HTA, together with previous cytological analysis, indicated that in PG-F9, FDR 2n eggs are likely produced by diplospory, a mechanism common among apomictic species. The occurrence of FDR 2n eggs in plant species and their importance for crop evolution and breeding is discussed together with the potential applicability of multilocus HTA in the study of reproductive mutants.
Mechanical injury to the adult mammalian spinal cord results in permanent loss of structural integrity at the lesion site and of the brain-controlled function distal to the lesion. Some of these consequences were permanently averted by altering the cellular constituents at the lesion site with x-irradiation delivered within a critical time window after injury. We have reported in a separate article that x-irradiation of sectioned adult rat spinal cord resulted in restitution of structural continuity and regrowth of severed corticospinal axons across and deep into the distal stump. Here, we report that after x-ray therapy of the lesion site severed corticospinal axons of transected adult rat spinal cord recover electrophysiologic control of activity of hindlimb muscles innervated by motoneurons distal to the lesion. The degree of recovery of control of muscle activity was directly related to the degree of restitution of structural integrity. This restitution of electrophysiologic function implies that the regenerating corticospinal axons reestablish connectivity with neurons within the target field in the distal stump. Our data suggest that recovery of structural continuity is a sufficient condition for the axotomized corticospinal neurons to regain some of their disrupted function in cord regions distal to the lesion site.
Deadly, inter-ethnic group conflict remains a threat to international security in a world where the majority of armed violence occurs not only within states but in the most ungoverned areas within states. Conflicts that occur between groups living in largely ungoverned areas often become deeply protracted and are difficult to resolve when the state is weak and harsh environmental conditions place human security increasingly under threat. However, even under these conditions, why do some local conflicts between ethnic groups escalate, whereas others do not? To analyze this puzzle, the dissertation employs comparative methods to investigate the conditions under which violence erupts or stops and armed actors choose to preserve peace. The project draws upon qualitative data derived from semi-structured interviews, focus group dialogues, and participant observation of local peace processes during field research conducted in six conflict-affected counties in Northern Kenya. Comparative analysis of fifteen conflict episodes with variable outcomes reveals the conditions under which coalitions of civic associations, including local peace committees, faith-based organizations, and councils of elders, inter alia, enhance informal institutional arrangements that contain escalation. Violence is less likely to escalate in communities where cohesive coalitions provide platforms for threat-monitoring, informal pact making, and enforcement of traditional codes of restitution. However, key scope conditions affect whether or not informal organizational structures are capable of containing escalation. In particular, symbolic acts of violence and the use of indiscriminant force by police and military actors commonly undermine local efforts to contain conflict. The dissertation contributes to the literatures on civil society and peacebuilding, demonstrating the importance of comparing processes of escalation and non-escalation and accounting for interactive effects between modes of state and non-state response to local, inter-ethnic group conflict.
Black South Africans experienced centuries of mistreatment and land dispossessions, leaving their population in dire poverty and dependence. The 1994 democratization of South Africa birthed a three-fold land reform program dedicated to land restitution, land redistribution, and tenure reform. The first decade of implementation left government goals unmet. The relevance of land reform is examined given modern-day urbanization, industrialization, and globalization. This paper affirms land reform is still relevant socially and is therefore relevant politically and economically. Improvements to program implementation are suggested in the following areas: implementing agency support; rural representation; information management; land market stimulation; beneficiary support; and agrarian reform. Land reform limitations are discussed, and industrialization is briefly explored as the more likely solution to poverty issues.
A decade before there was getting up the 'Atlantic Wall', there was executed a system of defenses along the Mediterranean coast in Spain (1936-39). The recovery of the same constructions (both of his graphical documents and of the constructed works that stay in foot) and his putting in value it can help to consolidate an own memory of the 20th century. This work considers to inventory, to measure and to draw the planes of these architectures to fix the memory that is diluted by the erosion of the time. The military pieces place in many borders: are these properly architecture? These are walking between two epochs: the one that perpetuates the epic acts in opposite to the one that shows the disasters in order that they do not forget. They are the most modern ruins of our history. In this process of reconstruction of the memory, there turns out to be crucial the graphical restitution. The drawing is a source of knowledge and demonstrates facts that were constructed.
Comunicación presentada en el XI Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Aplicada a la Edificación, APEGA 2012, Valencia, 29 noviemnre-1 diciembre 2012.
Una década antes de que fuera construido el Muro Atlántico fue ejecutado un sistema de defensas a lo largo de la costa del Mediterráneo español (1936-39). La recuperación de estas construcciones (de sus documentos gráficos) y su puesta en valor pueden ayudar a consolidar una memoria propia del siglo XX. Este trabajo consiste en inventariar, medir y dibujar los planos de estas arquitecturas a fin de fijar la memoria que se diluye por la erosión del tiempo. Estas defensas militares se sitúan en muchas fronteras: ¿son propiamente arquitectura o piezas industriales? ¿Son arquitectura moderna? Estas transitan entre dos mundos: uno que proyecta arquitecturas ligeras, flexibles y con caducidad frente a otro que construye obras compactas, rígidas y eternas. También se mueven por dos épocas: una que perpetúa las hazañas épicas frente a otras que muestra los desastres. Espacio, tiempo y materia. Son las ruinas de hormigón más modernas de nuestra historia que se encuentran camufladas en la topografía: templos y tumbas a la vez. En esta reconstrucción de la memoria, resulta crucial la restitución gráfica que es donde comienza el conocimiento.