982 resultados para Residual Effect


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A determinação da fração do calcário remanescente no solo (calcário residual), em área onde foi realizada aplicação de calcário em superfície, sem incorporação, na implantação do sistema plantio direto, pode ser uma ferramenta importante para auxiliar na definição do momento em que se faz necessária a reaplicação de calcário. Nesse sentido, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar: quais os teores de Ca e Mg trocáveis, extraídos por percolação com solução de KCl e resina trocadora de íons; a quantidade do calcário aplicado que ainda não havia reagido no solo, mediante a determinação dos teores de Ca e Mg não-trocáveis; e qual a influência do gesso nos teores de Ca e Mg trocáveis e na dissolução do calcário, 18 meses após a aplicação em superfície. O experimento foi realizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em Botucatu (SP). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, foram aplicadas quatro doses de calcário dolomítico (0, 1.100, 2.700 e 4.300 kg ha-1), com PRNT = 71,2 %, e nas subparcelas, duas doses de gesso agrícola (0 e 2.100 kg ha-1). O calcário e o gesso foram aplicados em superfície, sem incorporação. Houve alta correlação na determinação de Ca e Mg trocável entre os métodos de percolação com solução de KCl e resina trocadora de íons. A extração pelo método da resina trocadora de íons superestimou os teores de Ca e Mg trocáveis em solo com recente aplicação de calcário em superfície. A aplicação de gesso em superfície reduziu a dissolução do calcário na camada superficial (0-0,10 m). Os teores de Ca e Mg não-trocáveis podem ser utilizados para estimar a quantidade de calcário residual no solo.


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Deposition of wear-resistant hard chromium plating leads to a decrease in the fatigue strength of the base material. Despite the effective protection against wear and corrosion, fatigue life and environmental requirements result in pressure to identify alternatives or to improve conventional chromium electroplating mechanical characteristics. An interesting, environmentally safer and cleaner alternative for the replacement of hard chronic plating is tungsten carbide thermal spray coating, applied by high velocity oxyfuel (HVOF) process.To improve the fatigue strength of aeronautical steel chromium electroplated, shot peening is a successfully used method. Multiple lacer systems of coatings are considered to have larger resistance to crack propagation in comparison with simple layer.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of nickel underplate on the fatigue strength of hard chromium plated AISI 4340 steel in two mechanical conditions: HRc 39 and HRc 52.Rotating bending fatigue tests results indicate that the clectroless nickel plating underlayer is responsible for the increase in fatigue strength of AISI 4340 steel chromium electroplated. This behavior may be attributed to the largest toughness/ductility and compressive residual stresses which, probably, arrested or delayed the inicrocrack propagation from the hard chromium external layer. The compressive residual stress field (CRSF) induced by the electroplating process was determined by X-ray diffraction method. The evolution of fatigue strength compressive residual stress field CRSF and crack sources are discussed and analyzed by SEM. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Residual stresses play an important role in the fatigue lives of structural engineering components. In the case of near surface tensile residual stresses, the initiation and propagation phases of fatigue process are accelerated; on the other hand, compressive residual stresses close to the surface may increase fatigue life. In both decorative and functional applications, chromium electroplating results in excellent wear and corrosion resistance. However, it is well known that it reduces the fatigue strength of a component. This is due to high tensile internal stresses and microcrack density. Efforts to improve hard chromium properties have increased in recent years. In this study, the effect of a nickel layer sulphamate process, as simple layer and interlayer, on fatigue strength of hard chromium electroplated AISI 4340 steel hardness - HRc 53, was analysed. The analysis was performed by rotating bending fatigue tests on AISI 4340 steel specimens with the following experimental groups: base material, hard chromium electroplated, sulphamate nickel electroplated, sulphamate nickel interlayer on hard chromium electroplated and electroless nickel interlayer on hard chromium electroplated. Results showed a decrease in fatigue strength in coated specimens and that both nickel plating interlayers were responsible for the increase in fatigue life of AISI 4340 chromium electroplated steel. The shot peening pre-treatment was efficient in reducing fatigue loss in the alternatives studied.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Cellulose nanowhiskers were prepared by sulfuric acid hydrolysis from coconut husk fibers which had previously been submitted to a delignification process. The effects of preparation conditions on the thermal and morphological behavior of the nanocrystals were investigated. Cellulose nanowhisker suspensions were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction. Results showed that it was possible to obtain ultrathin cellulose nanowhiskers with diameters as low as 5 nm and aspect ratio of up to 60. A possible correlation between preparation conditions and particle size was not observed. Higher residual lignin content was found to increase thermal stability indicating that by controlling reaction conditions one can tailor the thermal properties of the nanowhiskers. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The construction of a large reservoir on the Parana River (Selviria, MS, Brazil) disturbed the soil of an extensive agricultural area in which between 5 and 8m of topsoil were removed. In this area, a restoration process was carried out using revegetation with green manure without or with amendments (for 4 years), crops (2 years), and Brachiaria decumbens cultivation for 6 years. The following treatments were used: control plots, T0 (residual subsoil) and T1 (soil tillage without culture); plots with green manure and without amendments: T2 (velvet bean) and T3 (pigeon pea); plots with green manure and with amendments: T4 (limed + velvet bean), T5 (limed + pigeon pea); T6 (limed + gypsum + velvet bean) and T7 (limed + gypsum + pigeon-pea). They were arranged in randomized blocks. After 13 years of rehabilitation process, when the soil was cultivated with brachiaria, the structural stability in three depths was evaluated. Organic-matter content and others chemical properties did not show any relationship with the stability of aggregates of the experimental area as measured by mean weight diameter (MWD). Significant differences between depths were found for MWD and the other parameters measured. Nevertheless, there were no significant differences observed between treatments, independent of the adopted system of revegetation. By taking an absolute value of MWD, the stability of superficial layer was observed in the following sequence: T7 T5 T6 T1 T2 T3 T4 T0. The control plot (T0) gave the lowest value of MWD (1.76mm) in relation to the plots in restoration process. Treatment T7 was the most effective in recovering the stability of aggregates (2.63mm). However, treatments T5 and T6 displayed a similar value. After 13 years of revegetation practices, a slight recovery of the stability was observed, although this is still lower than stability in soils of similar edaphic conditions in the original topsoil of experimental area.


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The present study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of different ultrasonic instruments on the root surface. Fourteen patients with 35 single root teeth designated for extraction were recruited to the present study. Teeth were assigned to four experimental groups: group 1, piezoelectric ultrasonic device; group 2, magnetostrictive ultrasonic device; group 3, hand instrumentation; and group 4, untreated teeth (control). After instrumentation, the teeth were extracted and the presence of residual deposits (roughness and root surfaces characteristics) were analyzed. The results showed that residual deposits were similar in all tested groups: piezoelectric, 8.7%; magnetostrictive, 9.7%; hand instrumentation, 11.1% and control, 76.4%. There were statistically significant differences between control and all the experimental groups (p < 0.0001). With respect to roughness parameters evaluation, R(a) and R(z) of the roots treated with the different instruments showed a similar pattern (p > 0.05), but for R(t) and R(y), a significant difference was observed (p < 0.05) among hand instrumentation and ultrasonic devices. SEM analysis revealed a similar root surface pattern for the ultrasonic devices, but curettes showed many instrumental scratches, deep gouges, and a relatively large amount of dentin was removed. Within the limits of the study, although the instruments produced similar results, root surfaces instrumentated with curettes were rougher and had more root surface tissue removed than with the ultrasonic device.


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Objetivou-se comparar modelos de regressão aleatória com diferentes estruturas de variância residual, a fim de se buscar a melhor modelagem para a característica tamanho da leitegada ao nascer (TLN). Utilizaram-se 1.701 registros de TLN, que foram analisados por meio de modelo animal, unicaracterística, de regressão aleatória. As regressões fixa e aleatórias foram representadas por funções contínuas sobre a ordem de parto, ajustadas por polinômios ortogonais de Legendre de ordem 3. Para averiguar a melhor modelagem para a variância residual, considerou-se a heterogeneidade de variância por meio de 1 a 7 classes de variância residual. O modelo geral de análise incluiu grupo de contemporâneo como efeito fixo; os coeficientes de regressão fixa para modelar a trajetória média da população; os coeficientes de regressão aleatória do efeito genético aditivo-direto, do comum-de-leitegada e do de ambiente permanente de animal; e o efeito aleatório residual. O teste da razão de verossimilhança, o critério de informação de Akaike e o critério de informação bayesiano de Schwarz apontaram o modelo que considerou homogeneidade de variância como o que proporcionou melhor ajuste aos dados utilizados. As herdabilidades obtidas foram próximas a zero (0,002 a 0,006). O efeito de ambiente permanente foi crescente da 1ª (0,06) à 5ª (0,28) ordem, mas decrescente desse ponto até a 7ª ordem (0,18). O comum-de-leitegada apresentou valores baixos (0,01 a 0,02). A utilização de homogeneidade de variância residual foi mais adequada para modelar as variâncias associadas à característica tamanho da leitegada ao nascer nesse conjunto de dado.


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Os ácaros fitoseídeos, especialmente Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), são importantes agentes de controle biológico de ácaros tetraniquídeos-praga nas culturas de pomáceas no Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén, Argentina. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a mortalidade de N. californicus quando exposto a resíduos dos inseticidas azimphos-methyl, carbaryl e cyfluthrin, e dos acaricidas cyhexatin e propargite. Os produtos foram aplicados às concentrações recomendadas em plantas de pereira. Um, três, seis e dez dias após a aplicação (DAA), folhas tratadas foram retiradas das plantas para a preparação de unidades experimentais. Cinco adultos de N. californicus, provenientes de criação-estoque, foram transferidos para cada unidade, onde pólen de taboa foi fornecido como alimento. As unidades foram mantidas a 25 ± 2 ºC, 60 ± 10% de umidade relativa e fotoperíodo de 14 h. A mortalidade do ácaro foi avaliada 24 h após o confinamento. As médias de mortalidade foram comparadas pelo teste de Dunnett, a 5% de probabilidade. A progressão do declínio do efeito dos produtos testados foi submetida à análise de regressão. Nas duas primeiras datas de avaliação, todos os produtos apresentaram valores de mortalidade significativamente diferentes da testemunha tratada com água. Seis dias após a aplicação, propargite, cyhexatin e cyfluthrin apresentaram mortalidade de aproximadamente 30%, enquanto a mortalidade nos tratamentos azimphos-methyl e carbaryl apresentou níveis estatisticamente similares aos da testemunha. Dez dias após a aplicação, a mortalidade em todos os tratamentos não diferiu significativamente da testemunha. O efeito de todos os produtos apresentou declínio progressivo ao longo do período de observação, sendo significativa a 1% de probabilidade a regressão linear negativa para os valores obtidos. Os maiores efeitos negativos sobre a sobrevivência de N. californicus corresponderam aos acaricidas testados. Azimphos-methyl foi o produto que menos afetou a sobrevivência do ácaro predador. Os inseticidas testados, usados na região do Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén para o controle de Cydia pomonella, praga-chave das culturas de pomáceas, apresentaram baixa toxicidade sobre N. californicus.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the surface and resin-dentine interface characteristics of permanent tooth dentine cut with diamond or carbide burs and treated with phosphoric acid (PA) or an acidic conditioner. Labial surfaces of permanent incisors were prepared into dentine with high-speed carbide or diamond burs and divided into two halves. Phosphoric acid 36% was applied on one half and non-rinse conditioner (NRC) was applied on the other half. Ten randomly selected scanning electron microscopy (SEM) fields from each specimen (n = 15) were evaluated. Occlusal surfaces of third molars were divided in two halves for evaluation of the resin-dentine interface. The halves were randomly assigned to one of each conditioner and restored with Prime & Bond NT/Spectrum. Ten specimens were analysed by SEM to evaluate hybrid layer formation and interfacial seal. We observed that surfaces prepared with carbide bur presented less residual smear plugs (P < 0.05) than surfaces prepared with diamond burs. Surfaces conditioned with NRC, which is a smear layer modifier, presented more residual smear plugs than surfaces conditioned with PA (P < 0.05). Treatment with PA resulted in more sealed interfaces than specimens treated with NRC. Within the limitations of this study the results showed that carbide burs leave a surface that is more conducive to bonding than diamond burs.


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The effect of the bath pH on the electrodeposition of nanocrystalline Pd-Co alloys and on their magnetic properties was studied. The pH practically did not affect the alloy composition. Conversely, the pH showed a significant influence on the shape and size of crystallites. Two different crystallites morphology were observed depending on the bath pH. A crystallite size ranging from 18.2 to 30 nm was obtained from X-ray diffractometry (XRD) patterns using the Scherrer's method. Also from the XRD patterns the lattice strain percentage was calculated and correlated with the residual stress, which probably originated during the film electrodeposition on the substrate. Some alloy magnetic properties showed small variations. In contrast, high and unexpected coercivities were obtained reaching a maximum of 1.69 kOe at pH 5.5. The high coercivity values were attributed to the presence of residual stress at the film-substrate interface, which increased as the bath pH and crystallite size decrease, both of them contributing simultaneously to increase in coercivity. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of the electrolyte (NH+ 4, Cl-) on the drying of SnO2 hydrogels was investigated by linear shrinkage, mass loss, gravimetric thermal analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Results show that the drying mechanism for monolithic SnO2 gels is highly dependent on the concentration of the electrolyte solution inside the pores. For higher concentrations, the drying process is governed by capillary forces while for the smaller ones (≤20 mM) syneresis shrinkage becomes predominant just before the end of the first drying period. This phenomenon is related to condensation reaction among the superficial OH groups and may hamper formation of monolithic SnO2. © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fifty-nine Nellore bulls from low and high residual feed intake (RFI) levels were studied with the objective of evaluating meat quality traits. Animals were slaughtered when ultrasound-measured backfat thickness reached 4. mm, and samples of Longissimus were collected. A mixed model including RFI as fixed effect and herd and diet as random effects was used, and least square means were compared by t-test. More efficient animals consumed 0.730. kg dry matter/day less than less efficient animals, with similar performance. No significant differences in carcass weight, prime meat cuts proportion, chemical composition, pH, sarcomere length, or color were observed between RFI groups. Shear force, myofibrillar fragmentation index and soluble collagen content were influenced by RFI, with a higher shear force and soluble collagen content and a lower fragmentation index in low RFI animals. Feedlot-finished low RFI young Nellore bulls more efficiently convert feed into meat, presenting carcasses within quality standards. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp] have great social and economic importance for the Para State. It grows well in areas with low precipitation and two crop cycles can be obtained annually. This study aimed to assess the effect of the residual fertilization from a previous culture (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and crop systems on cowpea yield and macronutrient concentration on leaves of three cowpea cultivars (BRSMilênio, BRS-Urubuquara e BRS-Guariba). The study was conducted at the UFRA. The treatments were two crop systems (minimum tillage and conventional), four levels of potassium (50, 100, 200 e 300 kg de KCl ha-1 applied to a previous sorghum culture) and the three cowpea cultivars. Treatments were organized as a three (4 x 2 x 3) factor experiment on a randomized complete block design. The soil was a yellow latosol. In each experiment plot five plants were selected to determine shoot dry matter and foliar nutrient concentration. Grain yield was determined after harvesting all plants on the experiment plot. The residual KCl fertilization affected foliar nutrient content, but did not affect shoot dry mass or yield of grain. Yield was higher in the minimum tillage system. Highest yield (1590 kg ha-1) was recorded int the cv. 'Guariba' when 100 kg of KCl ha-1 had been used in the previous crop. The highest content of leaf N and K was found in cowpea under minimum tillage system. The amount of P and Mg were higher in the conventional system whereas the amount of Ca did not change.