896 resultados para Relações Públicas Governamentais


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O papel dos eventos em movimentos sociais e sua importância como estratégia de comunicação sob a ótica das Relações Públicas é o tema principal desenvolvido nesse livro. Elaine Cristina Gomes de Moraes toma como base para sua análise a 5ª. Parada da Diversidade de Bauru, cidade do interior paulista, evento realizado em agosto de 2012 pela Associação da Diversidade de Bauru (ABD) e composto majoritariamente pelo movimento homossexual, mas também por outras minorias. Eventos têm papel fundamental no movimento homossexual e expressam seus ideais, reivindicações e identidade, na medida em que aglutinam publicamente pessoas com objetivos comuns. Ao mesmo tempo, tornam-se importantes meios de expressão do movimento por conta da repercussão proporcionada pelos meios de comunicação. Dessa forma, a autora propõe analisar os eventos como ações de comunicação, já que essas atividades são planejadas para a construção de uma imagem. E, também, constituídas como estratégica de comunicação, cujos objetivos são o avanço social e a proposta de transformação da realidade, na medida em que promovem a visibilidade e a legitimidade às lutas do movimento social. A autora destaca que o movimento homossexual começou suas articulações com a organização do primeiro grupo na década de 1970. Desde então diversos outros grupos, como os de lésbicas, transexuais e travestis se formaram, mudando a trajetória inicial. Às lutas que reivindicavam igualdade de direitos, somaram-se outras, como as que protestavam contra a violência aos homossexuais. Também nascem desse caldo as famosas paradas do Orgulho Gay. Com o estudo de caso da Parada da Diversidade de Bauru, a segunda maior do estado de São Paulo, a autora analisa entre outras questões, o modo como o movimento homossexual da cidade utiliza eventos nas suas estratégias de luta, como organiza a parada e a repercussão do evento na mídia. Ela ainda examina como o evento ...


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The Rouanet law is a tax incentive law that allows companies to invest up to 4% of their taxes - based on actual profit - in sponsoring cultural projects previously approved by the Ministry of Culture. By sponsoring these projects, companies can have their name attached to them and, consequently, strengthening their brand and increase its visibility in the market. Whereas this project is aligned to the company vision, its image will be strengthened and the sales will increase. Large companies use the Rouanet Law to sponsor cultural events and have very strong names in the Brazilian market, perhaps worldwide. Examples: Petrobras, Banco do Brasil, Banco Bradesco, BNDES, Usiminas, Vale, among others. The Public Relations professional, who’s responsible for internal and external communication of a company, can use it as a differential of his work, expanding the company's profits with minimum investments, aligning the company's vision to actual practices and using the sponsorship as an agent capable of strengthen its social responsibility and, due to that, to increase the trust of its target audience. This study will address the theoretical and practical aspects of the Rouanet Law and of the public relations professionals, beyond mentioning examples on the subject, with special attention to Petrobras, the largest sponsor of cultural projects in Brazil. The greatest problem of the Rouanet Law is the fact that its sponsored projects are mostly concentrated in the Southeast, specifically in the Rio - São Paulo region. The more popular the Act become, for most places it will spread and Brazil may, after some time, become a world reference in the Cultural point


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This paper presents the communication as a major part in construction of a reality symbolized by the individual, his close relationship with politics and how political leaders use it to build a positive image that gives them credibility, membership of the intended audience, the assumption and maintenance of the power to represent the collective body. In the light of sociological, anthropological and discourse theories, understands communication as a social phenomenon indispensable to building democracy while, paradoxically, becomes part of the political problem when it’s used to override individual interests to collective interests. It concludes by examining the documentary Entreatos to demonstrate how the theory presented is applicable in political campaigns and their use in promoting the political leader as a formatted product to be “consumed” by the voter


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This paper aims to provide guidelines for the development of communication strategies and relationship to a Private Institution of Higher Education (PIHE), having as initial activity of this process the definition and distinction of its various stakeholders. Currently, it has become necessary due to changes the scene of higher education has been through. In general, competition is greater, the demands of customers increased, causing the university management to take new directions in order to plan the activities in the most possible professional way. The study enables the public to identify needs and preferences of each group, allowing the creation of communication strategies and more targeted and relationships more prosperous and sustainable, making them competitive advantages in the midst of this tumultuous contemporary educational context. Therefore, it was developed a study of public interest of Faculdades Integradas de Bauru - FIB - coupled with the development of a field research, exploratory and descriptive to get subsidies for a project relationship for the various stakeholders of the institution


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The present production aims to approach environmental sustainability and communication to demonstrate that the public relations´s professional is capable of legitimation process´s assistance of ethics and coherent speechs and capable of sense´s construction´s assistance for environmental sustainability on contemporary organizations. This position shows that organization´s consistent speechs are connected with its institutional mission and effort besides, it is value and sensitive to interested parts that emphasis the environmental preservation and environmental project´s introduction, integrating organization with community. On this context it is constructed a discussion about Sustainability Report´s content and guidelines used for sustainability reporting framework, as where as main environmental organizational activities, analyzing three different companies and its respective Sustainability Reports on 2009. Thereby, it is pointed out relevance of efficient communication which deal with opposite interests between organizations and its stakeholders so that public relations focus on strategic management trying to include negotiation, dialogue, transparency and ethics to line up both interests


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There are substantial evidences that the period experienced by humanity globally is unprecedented and is heading towards a major transformation that results from the Globalization. Totally conditioned to the addictions of the dominant and predatory capitalism, humanity has, for decades, exhausted natural resources, disregarded the nature of its own social existence and walked away from its humanity. It is notable, however, an impressive flow of factors that dialogue and support each other as trends that go towards sustainable development, based on the harmonious integration between Technology, Culture, Society, Environment and Economy. This emerging moment can be seen from the perspectives of the Creative Economy as economic paradigm centered on the subjectivity and the human capacity to undertake innovative services, products and solutions guided by social values. Within this fluid and dynamic global context, initiatives that legitimately intend to act sustainably are gaining space. This socioeconomic moment fosters and is fostered by new kinds of work and organization guided by the Collaboration and social structuring on Network Patterns. These new social models significantly transform the understanding and insights about the Communication flows. The HUB São Paulo, as creative and social organization that operates under the logic of Collaboration through a Network Structure, was the subject of a case study used to sustain the defense of this emerging scenario and also to perform an analysis on the new role of Communication, at perspectives of transformation of mental paradigms towards sustainability and establishment of meaningful connections


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This work aims to reflect on organizational communication and integrated communication, focusing on the performance of professional Public Relations and Marketing. As a case of study, we evaluated the communication in the BOM DIA journal, especially with regard to the implementation of the Project 50k, dedicated to reviving the journal, with shares of advertising, editorial and structural as well as marketing and sales. The goal is to evaluate the reality of a company, which represents an integrated communication, in which all professionals in various areas and departments within the organization are able to develop a more concise and to seek a common goal, working and developing its workforce which reflects his image and therefore in your external audience


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Researchs about consumer behavior show influences coming from a lot of fonts. Among them culture, social class, personal influence, family and consumer situation. Personal influence it’s the font object of this research. Personal influence can define what a consumer will buy or will not buy, especially with closer friends. Normally people got the information and transmit to him group, him family, making some difference in the opinion of this people. Ten years ago we were i………..by a dozen of friends. In these days, we have more facility to communicate and more facility to receiver information trough internet. Our personal influence extended from our closest friend to the world wide web group. That’s why company’s must to know what the consumer is speaking on internet


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This paper analyzes the experience of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in the city of Campinas (SP) from the perspective of public communication, understand it as an important factor to increase the participation of social actors in decision-making processes. The democratization process in Brazil was the springboard for a change in the relations between state and society. In line with the new democratic demands, the OP appears to be the possibility of linkage between representative democracy and participatory democracy. As methodological procedure was used the case study of OP in Campinas from 2001 to 20011, comparing the administrations of two different political parties: PT (2001-2004), under the governments of Antonio da Costa dos Santos and Izalene Tiene, and PDT, with the consecutive term of Hélio de Oliveira Santos (2005-2011). We sought to assess whit this research if the communication actions used by different public administrations achieve the public interest adequately, encouraging popular participation


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Many young people have chosen go on exchange experiences, expecting to live in a context full of diversity, to know elements in the country they are visiting and also to develop themselves personally and professionally. Organizational and cultural values can be acquired or developed through these professional exchange experiences. This paper aimed to understand the vision of young people who went on the social exchange of AIESEC related to cultural and organizational values in the experience. AIESEC is a global and nonprofit organization formed by university students, with the objective of peace and the fulfillment of the humankind needs. Thus, professional exchanges are the main tool for achieving this goal. The study analyzes the experiences of 15 exchange students as well as the point of view of five managers of the organization in order to gain a broad perspective in relation to exchange experiences to understand how young people understand the concept of culture. The interview results suggest that in labor relations, autonomy and egalitarianism are values that go together, while the harmony could be observed by the fact that the projects deal with the issue of sustainability. Furthermore, responsibility, tolerance and collective were the human values that the exchange students developed the most, indicating that experience enables openness to live the diversity and to the intercultural dialogue in order to value local cultures of the visited countries


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This paper relates the concepts of brand management in the educational context of Brazilian higher education to demonstrate how can we do a reconstruction and the importance of establishing a solid relationship with the public of an organization to become loyal to your brand . The reflections in this project seek to demonstrate how PR professionals can plan the reconstruction process of a brand. To achieve the ultimate goal of the project seeks to introduce the concepts of branding, PR and stakeholders in order to highlight the new challenges that organizations face today. To illustrate the concepts aborted, the procedures suggested for the reconstruction of a brand are used in the case study of the Centro Universitário da FEI. For this, it is a diagnosis of the organization and subsequently suggested a process for strategic rebrading, as well as the association of a brand management with public relations


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The work presents a literature review on the topic of internal communication as an innovation factor in Micro and Small Business. The objective is to discuss how internal communication can be an essential factor in the pursuit of innovation and the consequent competitive advantage in the Micro and Small Enterprises scenario. We present the concepts of integrated communication, organizational communication, internal communication, whether crafted by a philosophy of Public Relations, can lead these companies to gain competitive advantage and overcome the limitations and challenges imposed on them


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