789 resultados para Região metropolitana de Natal
Território, cultura e política: Dinâmicas Espaciais do Sagrado de Matriz Africana na Região Metropolitana de Goiânia/GO é o eixo norteador do texto a ser desenvolvido. As questões que permeiam essa problemática primam por questionar: como as disputas espaciais produzem o território, a partir da lógica da espacialização que constitui os ilês e as práticas políticas dos praticantes dos candomblés nessa região? Como as casas/terreiros se inserem no contexto de expansão urbano-metropolitano de Goiânia? Diante do exposto outros questionamentos surgem: como esses ilês se organizam a partir da discussão teórica do processo de produção do espaço urbano, no binômio: valorização do solo e encobrimento de identidades? Essa lógica parte da dialética do uso do espaço, uma vez que, as casas de candomblés são espaços sagrados e a territorialização deles obedece a uma ótica de subalternização, encobrimento e invisibilidade diretamente relacionada à intolerância religiosa, preconceitos culturais e ausência de ações do poder público. No campo simbólico em Goiás, o fato de um indivíduo assumir-se como praticante de religiões de matriz africana, ainda no século XXI, concorre para sua inscrição em um loci social permeado pelo preconceito e promove o enfretamento de grupos religiosos de hegemonia ascendente, como é o caso da comunidade evangélica e de outros segmentos tradicionais cristãos. Estudar as formas de construção de uma geograficidade histórica encoberta, transposta de uma comunidade imaginada, de matriz africana – que passa a ser instrumentalizada e renovada na forma de comunidades religiosas em espaços pós-coloniais – constitui um campo epistemológico válido para conhecimento de comunidades herdeiras de uma situação diaspórica.
Objeto de reflexão: A dimensão da dinâmica natural, seus limites e potencialidades, e sua interação com a reprodução dos sistemas agrícolas da agricultura familiar.Situação empírica: A proposta desta pesquisa foi de investigar, por meio da análise integrada da paisagem, a dimensão da dinâmica natural, seus limites e suas potencialidades, na reprodução dos sistemas agrícolas da agricultura familiar em três comunidades rurais da região metropolitana de Curitiba (RMC-PR), a despeito das demais lógicas de desenvolvimento. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em três comunidades rurais de agricultores familiares: Mergulhão, em São José dos Pinhais, Santo Amaro, em Mandirituba, e Postinho, em Tijucas do Sul; todos municípios da região metropolitana de Curitiba (RMC - PR), no período de 2002-2006. O trabalho de campo aconteceu de outubro de 2003 a outubro de 2004 nas três comunidades selecionadas, para o levantamento de dados empíricos e averiguação dos dados secundários utilizados. Para analisar a complexidade dessas interações e lógicas na pesquisa interdisciplinar, elegeu-se uma abordagem teórico-metodológica que contemplou a integração das variáveis “naturais” e “sociais. Os resultados foram espacializados em cartas e no quadro analítico das práticas agrícolas avaliando-se o “grau de coerência” dos sistemas agrícolas, a “matrização” da base natural, as relações com o potencial ecológico e as formas de gestão dos solos para cada comunidade (Sautter e Pélissier, 1960). Concluiu-se que a dinâmica natural, suas fragilidades - potencial e emergente, é, ainda assim, expressiva na reprodução dos sistemas agrícolas familiares, para além das dimensões sócio-culturais e econômicas, certamente presentes na paisagem.
A produção de soja na região norte do estado do Paraná é responsável por contribuir imensurávelmente com a balança comercial do estado do Paraná, sabe-se que a soja possue um papel fundamental na economia agrícola da região norte do estado do Paraná onde se localizam as cidades de Cambé, Ibiporã, Londrina, Rolândia e Tamarana. O clima não é somente uma variável que marca o ritmo das estações do ano, é um fenômeno natural produzido pelo sistema Sol-Atmosfera-Terra, e exerce grande influência nas atividades humanas. Na agricultura, o clima pode ser aliado ou inimigo no plantio, no desenvolvimento, na produção e no rendimento final de grãos. Dessa forma, ao enfocar a soja como cultura líder na balança comercial brasileira, deve-se levar em consideração sua fisiologia que a define sendo uma cultura de verão, justamente pelo fato de germinar apenas com temperaturas superiores a 13º C. Para analisar possíveis interferências pluviométricas na cultura da soja, foram coletados dados de precipitação pluviométrica e de rendimento de soja das safras de 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09 e 2009/10. Os mapas cartográficos foram desenvolvidos segundo tais dados e contrapostos com o intuito de favorecer a análise dos resultados obtidos. Neste artigo, foram feitas analises especificamente das safras de 2005/06, sendo uma contribuição preliminar. O município de Londrina, tanto pela sua área territorial, quanto pelos investimentos no setor agrícola, destaca-se na produção de soja, exceto na safra de 2005/06, cujo rendimento final do grão foi inferior ao do município de Cambé. A precipitação média do mês de janeiro para o município de Londrina apresenta-se com média mensal de 76 mm, isso pode ser justificado pela ocorrência de um período de estiagem em janeiro de 2006 que afetou o município de Londrina, contribuindo com uma redução considerável no rendimento final da soja para o município.
A partir da década de 1960 do século passado assiste-se a um acelerado processo de urbanização no Brasil e consequentemente de alterações do ambiente natural. São nas áreas urbanas que os processos de vulnerabilidade ambiental são acentuados. Essas vulnerabilidades, por sua vez, concorrem para a possibilidade de desastres ambientais com perdas de vidas e de propriedades e que acarretam prejuízos na ordem de milhões de dólares. Existem muitos projetos que tratam dessa temática, no entanto, a maioria enfatiza a vulnerabilidade social deixando a relação homem versus natureza num segundo plano. Naqueles trabalhos adaptam-se o conceito de vulnerabilidade ambiental para um patamar sociológico relacionando os aspectos demográficos com as possíveis fragilidades geográficas. Já esta proposta, utiliza a vertente sistêmica para tratar da fragilidade ambiental de determinado local. Um dos objetivos é o mapeamento das áreas urbanas da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil que apresentam vulnerabilidades e estão suscetíveis a desastres ambientais. Como objetivos específicos pretendem-se mapear as vulnerabilidades naturais e sócio-ambientais; disseminar a metodologia utilizada e elaborar mapas temáticos de vegetação, solos, geologia, geomorfologia, uso do solo, hidrologia, entre outros. Para alcançá-los a metodologia proposta é a analise sistêmica do meio físico, meio biológico e meio socioeconômico através da elaboração de uma base de dados georreferenciada com a utilização de sistemas de informações geográficas - SIG que permitam a análise e cruzamento desses dados para a geração das informações pretendidas. Numa primeira etapa foram realizadas observações em campo numa área vulnerável a inundação e escorregamento de encosta no Município de Almirante Tamandaré - Estado do Paraná para escolha da metodologia mais adequada.
O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar o processo de desenvolvimento da pesquisa a respeito da elaboração de material didático temático sobre a Região Metropolitana de Goiânia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação Geográfica da Universidade Federal de Goiás, que integra professores de Geografia da Educação Básica como parceiros na realização do trabalho. No texto são apresentados os pressupostos, a metodologia e os resultados da pesquisa. Até o momento foram elaborados quatro fascículos didáticos sobre os temas: bacia hidrográfica, cartografia, violência e espaço urbano. A estrutura do material didático desses dois últimos temas é aqui abordada. Considera-se que o trabalho desenvolvido tem alcançado resultados satisfatórios junto a professores de Geografia e a alunos da Educação Básica.
On the aggravation of social problems and the shortage of resources, the improvement of evaluation methods and control of its application, requiring more efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness and participation in its management, has been growing. As a result, emerges the importance of studying and developing such methodologies. The overall goal of this dissertation is to know what are the difficults to incorporate the point of view of executers and beneficiaries in evaluation process. To do so, has been done a research characterized as qualitative, with a field strategy using the case study of two social projects called Petrobras Child Program, situated in the metropolitan region of Natal, and Content Analysis technique for analyze the data. The conclusions of this work can assist in improving the process of projects evaluation financed by Petrobras, contributing with its social role, besides the possibility of encouraging a greater participation of other society actors, such as beneficiaries, in the evaluation process
The `Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir - OODC` (Public Concession of Building Rights), instrument instituted by The City Statute in 2001, has as main objective the recovery of urban property, seeking for a fair distribution the urbanization benefits. The possibility of usage of the OODC instrument is linked to the maximum utilization coefficient, determined to specific areas in accordance to existing infrastructure conditions, further taking into account the formal real estate market, expansion axis and crowding. Being an instrument which establishes values to be paid for a better use of land, it maintains a narrow relation to the real estate, incentivizing or discouraging the crowding in specific areas. The present study investigates the relationship between the criteria for the making of the Public Concession of Building Rights instrument and the dynamics of the formal real estate market. It takes as empiric universe Parnamirim (RN), part of the Natal Metropolitan Area (RN), focusing on the application of the OODC in the period of 2008-2010. It seeks to better understand the necessary basis for the formulation of the instrument, about how it works and its relation to the formal real estate market. It aims to depict the formal real estate market by presenting the production of urban space in Parnamirim in terms of intensity and nature of the real estate, furthermore identifying the licensed properties through the application of the municipality instrument. For the conclusion, it is discussed the criteria for the formation of OODC, its relationship to the dynamics of the formal real estate market and its influencing possibilities in the processes of usage and occupation of land in the context of urban planning
As an example of what happened in Brazil in the 90s, it s noticed in Natal a new system of cooperative housing production which is done by advancing the users resources selffinancing. This system comes as an alternative for the real state market performance since the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH), in 1986. Self-financed housing cooperatives play an important social role by contributing to own housing acquisition by low-income population, without, however, becoming a mechanism of social interest housing production. It is important to consider that Brazil registers a housing deficit of 6.6 million housing units (IBGE 2000/Census), which, compared to 1991, shows an increment of 21.7% to a growth rate of 2.2% a year. This deficit figure has been deepening, mainly with the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH). The self-financed cooperative housing production broadens around the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) and remains as an alternative to the lack of financing in the housing / real state market. In general, the aim of this work is to analyze the role of self-financing housing cooperatives on the housing production in the RMN, in order to identify their role in the real state market, in the own housing promotion and in the housing policy. The Universe of this study is performance of four housing cooperatives - CHAF-RN, COOPHAB-RN, MULTHCOOP e CNH - that work through self-financing. It is considered here an amount of 38 undertakings launched between 1993 and 2002, including 8143 housing units. The methodology adopted consists of bibliographic, documental and field research. As a result, actions like brokerage, marketing, speculation, and the criteria to define places for undertakings and final products, show how close they are to the housing market production. As a matter of fact, this short distance explains why the self-financed cooperative production for social interest housing is still limited. This reinforces the theory that it is necessary to define and implement a subsidized housing policy to serve the low-income Brazilian population
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has a wide geographical distribution in tropical and subtropical areas of the planet, which is a protozoan parasite of the genus Leishmania. This pathogen is transmitted to the host through the sandflies bite, with its saliva, the immune response that leads to both. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, 85% of the sand flies captured is Lutzomyia longipalpis, but the second most abundant, Lutzomyia evandroi, it deserves emphasis because its wide distribution and eclectic behavior. The exposure of people living in endemic areas for the insect vector VL greatly increases the chances of infection. This study aimed to evaluate aspects of the epidemiological profile of VL in endemic areas of human and nonendemic in the metropolitan area of Natal, as well as verify the abundance and seasonal fluctuations of sandflies species in two counties endemic for VL. Were collected in the municipalities of Nísia Floresta, Parnamirim, São Gonçalo do Amarante and Macaíba, of which groups of females were separated for further dissection of the salivary glands and identification of species. The blood samples used were from individuals of two Natal s districts where it has never been reported cases of VL and neighborhoods of Parnamirim applicants who present cases of VL. In the municipality of Nísia Floresta, the most abundant species was L. evandroi with 38.39%, followed by L. longipalpis with 36.22%, L. walkeri 19.67% L. lenti 3.81%, L. wellcomei 1.39% and L. whitmani 0.52%. Already in Parnamirim the proportions were L. walkeri with 73.15%, L. evandroi with 10.55%, L. wellcomei 7.63%, L. longipalpis 6.37%, L. whitmani 1.46%, L. sordellii 0.52%, L. intermedia 0.21 and L. shanonni 0.1%. In both municipalities was observed higher abundance of species distributed in the initial months of the year, as February and March. The study showed that no difference in exposure to the vector of VL among individuals from endemic and non endemic area for this disease. But there are differences in exposure between individuals of L. longipalpis and L. evandroi, confirming the great powers of the first vector. It was also characterized as predominant phenotype in the population of endemic areas who had negative serologic responses to antigens of Leishmania and result in negative Montenegro skin test (DTH), indicating that much of the population hasn t been bitten by infected insects
Visceral leishmaniasis hás adapted in the past 20 years to periurban and urban areas, and in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, it became endemic. Thid study aimed to evaluate the environmental and social aspectsof Leishmania chagasi infection and its epidemiologic transmission chain in an urban, periurban and rural area of Parnamirim-RN. A study with three sections was conducted: Section 1: Sectional study of the human and canine infection by L. chagasi and its environmental and social determinants. Section 2: Observational longitudinal cohort to evaluate the dynamics of the canine infection. Section 3: Longitudinal study to evaluate the behavior of Lu. Longipalpis vector and the seasonal factors related to its dynamics. To include in the study the hauses were randomly selected and georreferenciated. Montenegro skin test was done in the human population and blood samples were collected for anti-Leishmania antibody detection. The canine population was examinated for L. chagasi infection by RIFI, ELISA and ELISA for rK39. An entomologic surveillance was monthly done with CDC light trapsin 10 houses of each locality. Quantitative and qualitative analyses was done using STATISC 6.0. Probality and prediction maps were done using ArcGis 9.0 model. In the human population L. chagasi infection was associated with the area of the hause, age, sex, population densyti, vegetation, kind of the floor of thr hause, water and resides destiny. In the canine population L. chagasi infection was associated with the breed, size, time of living in the hause, presence of dogs in the neighborhood, presence of horses and donkeys in the neighborhood, vegetation, kind of the floor and walls of the hause. The human infection was associated with canine infction only when analyzed taking into account the locality. In the prospective study, serum conversion and antibody lost observed in 30,8% and 22% of the animals examined, respectively. The human infection rate by L. chagasi was 24,6%, by the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody and 38,6% by the Montenegro skin test. The canine infection rate 32,5% by the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody. The vector Lu longipalpis showed an atypical behavior. These results indicate that environmental and social factors are important variables associated with L. chagasi infection in humans and canines, with punctual association of thr last two. Control measures of the infection on the studied points are necessary, in the aim to reduce the endemic focus of the disease in the study area. This research was carried out in a multidisciplinary involving the categories of: doctor, biologist, veterinarian, statistical, pharmaceutical and biochemical
This study aims to determine the influence of Digital Inclusion in school performance of students from public high school in the metropolitan area of Natal, through the use of computers in a pedagogical and Internet use.Throughout the paper we try to answer the question: The pedagogical use of computers connected to the Internet contributes to improving the academic performance of students in public schools in the RMNatal? To answer the research question, we focus on the database INEP on the infrastructure of schools and the bank rates of school performance. For both technical procedures performed to obtain the relationship between Internet and School Performance. Then the School Settings have been configured for Digital Inclusion and made crosses with the approval rates, distortion and failure. The survey results indicate that according to the classification established in: Included in School Settings, School Settings deficit, Adverse Environments School and School Settings Deleted, which has prevailed in the metropolitan area of Natal are the schools that are provided outside.
This doctoral thesis addresses the environmental issues and its vinculum with the tourism through the protected natural areas, in particular the conservation units, which consists in territorial areas created and demarcated by the government in order to protect ecosystems that have a high ecological and scenic-landscaped representativeness designed to the contemplation and controlled public visitation. In regard to its use for the touristic activities, are conceived while socio-environmental and symbolic materiality built around an imagery view of a nature-show, designed to attract visitors, aiming ensure the maintenance and reproduction of the capital in an entrepreneurial and preservationist way in the Metropolitan Region of Natal. It s a study about the Dunes State Park Jornalista José Maria Alves and the Jenipabu Environmental Protected Area, both created with the purpose of favor the implantation and empowerment of the touristic area through the State intervention as the main articulator agent of a new process of urbanization that uses the city marketing and the ideological discuss of environmental sustainability to recreate the imaginary of lost paradise and incorporate into the daily universe of tourists visiting the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The unveiling of this empirical reality made possible the construction and defense of the terms environmental entrepreneurship and compensatory preservationism, to explain how the formatting and idealization of this paradisiacal scenarios produce the commoditization of nature in an efficient and competitive way
The main aim of this research has been to analyze the identity patterns of the teacher s staff of fundamental education public schools in the Metropolitan Area of Natal-RN. It sets out from the hypothesis that being a teacher within this context grows out of the regularities of a specific habitus, which, according to Bourdieu, develops into mental schemes of thought and action within a specific social group. This habitus forms the basis on which is built the social representation of being a teacher prevailing in the group, as well as the symbolic differences that typify its identity variations. Three data sources have been fundamental in building up this thesis: (a) formative essays of students graduating from a Higher Teacher s Formation Course, as well as observing some of the public defense of these essays during field work; (b) a questionnaire aimed at classifying economically, socially, and culturally a sample of public teachers of the Natal-RN county; and (c) submitting a sub-sample of this group to the process of Multiple Classification Procedures (MCP). The analysis of data was done according to the multidimensional, non-parametric statistical procedures of both the Category Content Analysis and Enunciation Analysis methods. The results of the analysis took into account an ample set of variables, its associations and implications, the cultural and social profile of the population under scrutiny, their life styles, as well as the strategies they developed in the process of becoming a teacher, and the social representation of being a teacher . We came to the conclusion that the social identity of the teachers corps, or as we prefer to say it being a teacher , is a result of a set of regularities produced by the habitus that gives social shape and meaning to the existence of the group proper. We note the existence of identity variations caused by the variables (a) educational level; and (b) mode of action in fundamental education (if these are the first or last grades where the subjects operate). However, these variations will not break the power of the regularities that give shape, meaning, and social visibility to the group. The social representation of being a teacher points to the tensions, ambiguities, and trends inherent to common sense, as well as to a strong tendency to reassign a new meaning to being a teacher. Our thesis, therefore, is that the identity configuration of the teachers corps under scrutiny is characterized by an integrative synthesis, by-product of a habitus that is superimposed, and at the same time co-exists with different identity variations
Evidence of learning object like representation to social teachings that active in the education of young and adult with the point of view of the ―To be teacher‖ in this modality of teaching, to direct the intention, this research is way, understand the existence of this representation in center acting teachers in the initial periods of the EJA in the Rio Grande do Norte and its reasoning the theories of social representation (MOSCOVICI, 1978, 2003; JODELET, 2001; ABRIC, 1998). We interviewed one hundred and ten (110) teachers who work at schools in the Metropolitan Regions of Natal. We use two procedures: focal group (GATTI, 2005) and multiple classification analysis MCA (ROAZZI, 1995).Thus us with the focal group, attended by eight (08) teachers and seek to know understanding their ideas about EJA, what was possible from the content analysis (BARDIN, 1977; FRANCO, 2007) of the following category: the teacher s view of the EJA context. Developing the MCA, we met twenty (20) teachers in the first stage, free-word association technique FAT (ABRIC, 1998), and ninety in the second stage, including the participants of the focal group. The results of this procedure were submitted to multidimensional analysis and content analysis. The first showed three facets: having and being teacher dimension (ideal), which was about the example teacher s characteristics and behaviors; teacher/ student relation which was about the difficulties and doubts of this relationship as well as its success; at last, conflicting dimension from/ with practice, based on the conflicts experienced by the teachers as EJA workers. Content analysis based on the theme organization from the interpreted data showed four categories: resources to be a teacher which also brought out the definition of an ideal teacher; talk about teaching which disclosed teachers thoughts about the knowledge and being a teacher; obstacles to EJA which showed situations and conditions that prejudice EJA development; and also admission as EJA teacher: viewing reasons which revealed the reasons why teachers went to EJA even though they were formed to deal with children. The conjoint analysis us evidenced the little the dominion of the teachers a participation these search at respect of origin, of the meaning of the character while the singular of EJA modality of teaching the conformation of the social representation from the ―To be‖ on the general vision dissociating with it of inexistence of a social representation of ―to be teacher of the EJA‖ white striking element in the reference at singularity that define the related modality of teaching
This work arose from our concerns with the issues of teacher training for early childhood education. From the difficulties encountered as a novice teacher in elementary, we deem important to research training needs of these professionals. Thus, we define the objective of this research to investigate the training needs of novice teachers teaching Early Childhood Education/Elementary school. Our work fits in Educational Research Qualitative Approach, and its construction procedures of the semistructured interview data and document analysis. Our empirical field was made up of schools in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, offering kindergarten / elementary school. The subjects are five teachers who act as holder of the elementary school class and have 0-3 years of teaching practice, characterizing the second Huberman (2007) as novice teachers. Data analysis, based on principles of content analysis, three themes emerged: Beginner Teaching Professor in Early Childhood Education / Preschool; Reasons explaining the difficulties Faculty / Formative Needs Teaching and Training in Early Childhood Education / Elementary school, from the Training Needs Analysis, with their respective categories, subcategories, contributing to our understanding of the subject matter. The entry into the profession is marked by mixed feelings of euphoria and fear, where there seems to be a "clash" with reality. The difficulties are related to the planning / execution of activities, meet the individual needs of learning and assessment of children. As a strategy to overcome the difficulties the teachers exercise the action-reflection-action in their practices and seek continuous updates in the theoretical and methodological framework of early childhood education. The reasons that define these difficulties may be related to the teacher, school, family, and students of these institutions. In experiencing these difficulties has outlined the need for teacher training, among which stand out studies on ethics in teaching with children, the concept of children and their childhoods, peculiarities of teaching / learning in preschool, toys and legal determinations on early childhood education, multi-language and expressions in early childhood education, specific content areas of knowledge, among others. Furthermore, studies on the theoretical as Piaget, Vigotsky, Maria Carmen Barbosa and Emily Smith. For these professionals to be a professional early childhood education is: like children, be patient and careful, have specific theoretical and practical training for teachers in kindergarten, being able to improvise with seriousness and competence and get updates on continuing education. The surveys, together with the authors and teachers, to confirm our understanding that the training needs of beginners may be related to shortcomings in the initial and continuing education