999 resultados para Red-billed curassow
City Audit Report
Because of their beneficial impact on forest ecosystems, European red wood ants (Formica rufa group) are protected by law in many European countries and are considered to be among the most reliable bioindicators of forest stability. However, their taxonomy has been much debated and, unfortunately, it is too often neglected. This happens mainly because the morphology-based method for species delimitation requires lots of time and experience. We therefore employed 9 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (COI gene) to verify the power of genetic markers for red wood ant species delimitation and to investigate the cryptic diversity of these ants within the Eastern Swiss Alps. We analyzed 83 nests belonging to all red wood ant species that occur in the Swiss National Park area. Genetic data indicated that these species represent different genetic pools. Moreover, results showed that Formica aquilonia YARROW, 1955 and F. paralugubris SEIFERT, 1996 often hybridize within the Park, confirming that these two species are genetically very close and could have diverged only recently. Nevertheless, microsatellites also revealed that one entire population, located in the Minger Valley and morphologically identified as F. lugubris ZETTERSTEDT, 1838, is genetically different to all other analyzed F. lugubris populations found within the same area and to other red wood ant species. These findings, confirmed by mitochondrial DNA analyses, suggest the existence of a new cryptic species within the Eastern Swiss Alps. This putative cryptic species has been provisionally named F. lugubris-A2. These results have a great importance for future conservation plans, monitoring and evolutionary studies on these protected ants.
We report the draft genome sequence of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus. The genome was sequenced using 454 pyrosequencing, and the current assembly and annotation were completed in less than 1 y. Analyses of conserved gene groups (more than 1,200 manually annotated genes to date) suggest a high-quality assembly and annotation comparable to recently sequenced insect genomes using Sanger sequencing. The red harvester ant is a model for studying reproductive division of labor, phenotypic plasticity, and sociogenomics. Although the genome of P. barbatus is similar to other sequenced hymenopterans (Apis mellifera and Nasonia vitripennis) in GC content and compositional organization, and possesses a complete CpG methylation toolkit, its predicted genomic CpG content differs markedly from the other hymenopterans. Gene networks involved in generating key differences between the queen and worker castes (e.g., wings and ovaries) show signatures of increased methylation and suggest that ants and bees may have independently co-opted the same gene regulatory mechanisms for reproductive division of labor. Gene family expansions (e.g., 344 functional odorant receptors) and pseudogene accumulation in chemoreception and P450 genes compared with A. mellifera and N. vitripennis are consistent with major life-history changes during the adaptive radiation of Pogonomyrmex spp., perhaps in parallel with the development of the North American deserts.
Los indignados salieron a las calles y ocuparon las plazas físicamente. También la plaza virtual a través de las redes sociales, blogs y otras herramientas en red. Los rasgos de la comunicación digital se han hecho presentes en asambleas y acampadas a través de sus máximos representantes: los jóvenes. Una juventud que ha sabido utilizar la tecnología para hacerse presente en la sociedad y reivindicar (se). Los participantes en la @acampadaBCN han sabido encontrar sus propias formas de participación y de movilización social a través de las redes sociales y las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. En este informe se presentan los resultados sobre las características del seguimiento informativo de la @acampadaBCN por parte de los/las jóvenes participantes en Plaza Cataluña. Se describe el perfil de los encuestados, el primer y posteriores canales de seguimiento de información sobre la @acampadaBCN, los canales de información utilizados por los indignados para seguir el desalojo del 27 de mayo de 2011, el tipo de interacción con las distintas herramientas digitales de la acampada y el cambio de referente informativo que ha provocado la perdida de credibilidad de los medios convencionales frente a la red. Sus referentes políticos, mediáticos y sociales ya no están en los partidos políticos, en la televisión, en la prensa o en la radio; ahora se informan a través de la red y, a través de ella y de sus perfiles en las redes sociales, difunden las informaciones que protagonizan, les interesan o obtienen su credibilidad. Los resultados de este informe surgen tras una inmersión participante en el movimiento de indignados. Asimismo, se realizaron 15 entrevistas a diferentes perfiles presentes en la #acampadaBCN y 339 encuestas realizadas a jóvenes que visitaron la plaza.
El siguiente proyecto está centrado en el desarrollo de un ambient display para noticias situado en los vagones del Metro de Barcelona y cuya finalidad es establecer una nueva manera de hacer llegar información a la gente que se encuentra en espacios públicos, sin que se requiera de su total atención para ello. El proyecto cubre la concepción de la idea, la extracción de los requerimientos, así como la implementación y evaluación de un prototipo funcional.Los principales retos de este proyecto son comprender las características del entorno de despliegue (en este caso la red de metro), identificar las necesidades e intereses de la gente, y entonces desarrollar un diseño adecuado capaz de integrarse correctamente en ese entorno.Durante este proyecto se ha llevado a cabo un análisis detallado del entorno del Metro de Barcelona y las personas presentes en él, y consecuentemente se han definido los requerimientos del ambient display. El diseño del display se ha desarrollado en base a estos requerimientos y, finalmente, se ha evaluado la integración del display en su entorno. Todo este proceso es explicado en el presente documento.
The aim of this project is to analyze the Red Bull company in order to find out its major potentialities and weaknesses using the concepts and tools learnt in the subject "Dirección Comercial I". To this end we have focused our attention in the Red Bull classic drink, so as to see how the enterprise has positioned its product in the market and the implications it has had.
City Audit Report
Red blood cells (RBCs) present unique reversible shape deformability, essential for both function and survival, resulting notably in cell membrane fluctuations (CMF). These CMF have been subject of many studies in order to obtain a better understanding of these remarkable biomechanical membrane properties altered in some pathological states including blood diseases. In particular the discussion over the thermal or metabolic origin of the CMF has led in the past to a large number of investigations and modeling. However, the origin of the CMF is still debated. In this article, we present an analysis of the CMF of RBCs by combining digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with an orthogonal subspace decomposition of the imaging data. These subspace components can be reliably identified and quantified as the eigenmode basis of CMF that minimizes the deformation energy of the RBC structure. By fitting the observed fluctuation modes with a theoretical dynamic model, we find that the CMF are mainly governed by the bending elasticity of the membrane and that shear and tension elasticities have only a marginal influence on the membrane fluctations of the discocyte RBC. Further, our experiments show that the role of ATP as a driving force of CMF is questionable. ATP, however, seems to be required to maintain the unique biomechanical properties of the RBC membrane that lead to thermally excited CMF.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Microparticles (MPs) are small phospholipid vesicles of less than 1 microm, shed in blood flow by various cell types. These MPs are involved in several biological processes and diseases. MPs have also been detected in blood products; however, their role in transfused patients is unknown. The purpose of this study was to characterize those MPs in blood bank conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Qualitative and quantitative experiments using flow cytometry or proteomic techniques were performed on MPs derived from erythrocytes concentrates. In order to count MPs, they were either isolated by various centrifugation procedures or counted directly in erythrocyte concentrates. RESULTS: A 20-fold increase after 50 days of storage at 4 degrees C was observed (from 3370 +/- 1180 MPs/microl at day 5 to 64 850 +/- 37 800 MPs/microl at day 50). Proteomic analysis revealed changes of protein expression comparing MPs to erythrocyte membranes. Finally, the expression of Rh blood group antigens was shown on MPs generated during erythrocyte storage. CONCLUSIONS: Our work provides evidence that storage of red blood cell is associated with the generation of MPs characterized by particular proteomic profiles. These results contribute to fundamental knowledge of transfused blood products.
Audit report on the City of Red Oak, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2006.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify predictors of red blood cell transfusion (RBCT) after cardiac surgery. METHOD A prospective cohort study performed with 323 adults after cardiac surgery, from April to December of 2013. A data collection instrument was constructed by the researchers containing factors associated with excessive bleeding after cardiac surgery, as found in the literature, for investigation in the immediate postoperative period. The relationship between risk factors and the outcome was assessed by univariate analysis and logistic regression. RESULTS The factors associated with RBCT in the immediate postoperative period included lower height and weight, decreased platelet count, lower hemoglobin level, higher prevalence of platelet count <150x10 3/mm3, lower volume of protamine, longer duration of anesthesia, higher prevalence of intraoperative RBCT, lower body temperature, higher heart rate and higher positive end-expiratory pressure. The independent predictor was weight <66.5Kg. CONCLUSION Factors associated with RBCT in the immediate postoperative period of cardiac surgery were found. The independent predictor was weight.
Does cutting red tape foster entrepreneurship in industries with the potential to expand? We address this question by combining the time needed to comply with government entry procedures in 45 countries with industry-level data on employment growth and growth in the number of establishments during the 1980s. Our main empirical finding is that countries where it takes less time to register new businesses have seen more entry in industries that experienced expansionary global demand and technology shifts. Our estimates take into account that proxying global industry shifts using data from only one country or group of countries with similar entry regulations will in general yield biased results.
Audit report on the City of Red Oak, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2007
In this article an empirical analyse of farming costs is performed withinthe frame of the activity based costing, employing a panel data set ofCatalan farms. One the main conclusions of the study is that there islimited association for transaction and farm costs, especially in indirectcosts. Direct and indirect costs are mainly driven by volume production.