926 resultados para Recycling textiles


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A partir de la concepción de la identidad de las personas y de los grupos como una elaboración, se plantea que la actual identidad indígena empleada por el Estado en la provincia de Chubut resulta funcional a una política que pretende evitar la emigración de los escasos pobladores de las zonas rurales de la provincia. Se afirma que tal estrategia no es novedosa y que en el pasado otras versiones de esa identidad también han resultado útiles a los proyectos del poder legítimo. Mediante un trabajo etnográfico e histórico, se analizan algunas características físicas y sociales de la zona rural de esa provincia, algunas normativas de organismos gubernamentales provinciales, y ciertos atributos pretéritos y actuales de la identidad indígena empleada por el Estado y de uno de sus símbolos, los tejidos mapuches. Lateralmente se refiere de qué manera esa identidad es considerada por algunos identificados.


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Si en las empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores desaparece la figura del capitalista y de sus cuadros técnicos al interior del espacio productivo, disipándose el control directo del capital sobre el proceso de trabajo, éstas se ven en general presionadas a vincularse con el mercado para poder subsistir, debiendo entonces ajustarse a condiciones impuestas por la competitividad. Muchas empresas recuperadas se vinculan con el mercado como tercerizadoras, involucrándose en los extendidos procesos de descentralización y flexibilización de la producción que adoptan diversas empresas al subcontratar procesos para reducir costos. En ése marco, se analizará en profundidad el funcionamiento de la Cooperativa de Trabajo Textiles Pigüé, empresa proveniente de un proceso de recuperación por sus trabajadores. En este estudio se pretende examinar en qué sentido la autogestión posibilitaría que los trabajadores logren mayor autonomía frente al capital; considerando que autonomizarse no es despojarse de un capitalista particular sino lograr actuar con principios propios frente a los dictados/exigencias del capital. En relación con ello se platean los siguientes interrogantes: ¿Es posible que los trabajadores recobren la autonomía?, ¿hasta qué punto?, ¿qué posibilidad tienen de poder organizar su trabajo según criterios y necesidades propios?. Para dar cuenta de los objetivos de este trabajo, además de realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la temática, se recurrió a un abordaje metodológico cualitativo, utilizando las técnicas de entrevista, observación participante y análisis de fuentes secundarias


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Alkali phosphatase activity and hydrochemical structure of waters in the Barents and Norwegian seas were investigated. In a sea with the seasonal bioproduction cycle alkali phosphatase activity is also seasonal, rising with trophic level of waters. At the end of hydrological and biological winter activity is practically zero. Alkali phosphatase activity is especially important in summer, when plankton has consumed winter supply of phosphate in the euphotic layer and nutrient limitation of primary production begins. In summer production and destruction cycle, apparent time for recycling of phosphorus by phosphatase in suspended matter in the euphotic layer of the Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea averages from 7 to 30 hours.


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Este trabajo estudia el comportamiento de conglomerantes a base de yeso agregados con Residuos de Construcción y demolición (RCD) como fibras recuperadas de eslingas textiles de un solo uso, incorporadas en tres porcentajes y comparando con una muestra de referencia.Las eslingas textiles de un solo uso, tienen como origen, dos obras situadas en la Comunidad de Madrid (Centro de Neurociencias Ramón y Cajal) y la Comunidad de Castilla la Mancha (Nuevo Hospital de Cuenca). Han sido estudiadas las propiedades de las eslingas y se han realizado ensayos de laboratorio para investigar el comportamiento de las probetas estudiadas con un porcentaje de 5%, 7,5%, 10%, de fibras agregadas a la matriz de morteros de conglomerantes a base de yeso. Los resultados demuestran que el comportamiento de las probetas con agregados de fibras con origen de eslingas textiles de un solo uso, tienen un mejor comportamiento en general que aquellas probetas con agregados de fibra comercial referente a las resistencias mecánicas obtenidas de los ensayos realizados.


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Esta Tesis trata sobre el diseño y desarrollo de un material constructivo de fachada (tras ventilada), empleando plástico reciclado (granza de caucho, de neumáticos fuera de uso) para su elaboración. El uso de materiales reciclados para la elaboración de nuevos materiales constructivos, es a día de hoy, un valor agregado que contribuye tanto a la disminución de desechos tóxicos, como a la fabricación de productos de alta calidad. La investigación partió de la necesidad de comprender qué es un plástico, cómo son producidos, cuáles son los factores que permitían su reciclaje y qué propiedades podrían ser aprovechadas para desarrollar un nuevo material constructivo. En el estado del arte, fueron analizados los aspectos del plástico relacionados a su composición, propiedades, tipologías, producción, consumo, legislación europea y española, reciclaje y valorización energética. Para analizar más profundamente los materiales desarrollados a partir de plásticos reciclados, desde textiles hasta elementos constructivos. Con el conocimiento adquirido mediante este análisis previo, se diseñó una metodología de experimentación, utilizando caucho reciclado y derivados del yeso como agregados, en una matriz de resinas poliméricas reforzada con fibras naturales y sintéticas. Los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos físicos y térmicos, con los elementos producidos, demostraron que el material tiene una excelente resistencia a tensión así como una baja conductividad térmica. Esta investigación, servirá como precedente para el desarrollo de nuevos materiales y sistemas constructivos, utilizando agregados de plástico reciclado, en los procesos de fabricación. Ya que ha comprobado el enorme potencial que ofrecen, creando nuevos materiales, y contribuyendo a reducir la contaminación medio ambiental. "La mayor recompensa de nuestro trabajo no es lo que nos pagan por él, sino aquello en lo que nos convierte". John Ruskin Material compuesto (Composite) de caucho reciclado, fibras y resinas poliméricas. ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the design and development of a new facade construction material using recycled plastic (rubber pellets from used tires) for processing. The use of recycled materials for the development of new building materials, today is an added value which contributes both to the reduction of toxic waste, as well as the processing of products of good quality. The research derives from the need to understand what a plastic is, how they are produced, what the factors that allowed recycling are and what properties can be exploited to develop a new building material. In the prior art, were analyzed plastic aspects related to its composition, properties, typologies, production, consumption, European and Spanish legislation, recycling and energy recovery. To further analyze the materials developed from recycled plastics, from textiles to construction elements. With the knowledge gained from this previous analysis, we designed an experimental approach using recycled rubber and plaster derivatives as aggregates in a polymeric resin matrix reinforced with natural and synthetic fibers. The results obtained in physical and thermal testing, with the elements produced, showed that the material has excellent tensile strength and a low thermal conductivity. This research will serve as a precedent for the development of new materials and building systems, using recycled plastic aggregates in the manufacturing processes. Since it was found the enormous potential, creating new materials, and helping reduce environmental pollution. "The greatest reward of our work is not what we get paid for it, but what they make us."


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To a certain extent what this research is proposing is a return to local principles or to regionalism, which is able to employ place-specific tools and craftsmanship (local arts and their virtues) promoting and being innovative with traditional elements which belong to a particular place, and using tectonic and stereotomic logic. You can observe this, in the face of a destructive natural event. An immediate architectural reaction is produced in cooperation with the rest of the not affected territory. The cooperation of certain non-governmental organizations with other groups in the same collaborative cycle improves the recycling of ideas and city planning forms. These organizations cooperate in the development and implementation of cities and settlements that need a fast reaction when facing an unexpected disaster.


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This work is related to the output impedance improvement of a Multiphase Buck converter with Peak Current Mode Control (PCMC) by means of introducing an additional power path that virtually increases the output capacitance during transients. Various solutions that can be employed to improve the dynamic behavior of the converter system exist, but nearly all solutions are developed for a Single Phase Buck converter with Voltage Mode Control (VMC), while in the VRM applications, due to the high currents, the system is usually implemented as a Multiphase Buck Converter with Current Mode Control. The Output Impedance Correction Circuit (OICC) is used to inject or extract a current n-1 times larger than the output capacitor current, thus virtually increasing n times the value of the output capacitance during the transients. Furthermore, this work extends the OICC concept to a Multiphase Buck Converter system while comparing proposed solution with the system that has n times bigger output capacitor. In addition, the OICC is implemented as a Synchronous Buck Converter with PCMC, thus reducing its influence on the system efficiency


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Current EU Directives force the Member States to assure by 2020 that 70% of the Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste is recovered instead of landfilled. While some countries have largely achieved this target, others still have a long way to go. For better understanding the differences arising from local disparities, six factors related to technical, economic, legislative and environmental aspects have been identified as crucial influences in the market share of C&D waste recycling solutions. These factors are able to identify the causes that limit the recycling rate of a certain region. Moreover, progress towards an efficient waste management can vary through the improvement of a single factor. This study provides the background for further fine-tuning the factors and their combination into a mathematical model for assessing the market share of C&D recycling solutions.


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El campo de los materiales textiles y afines no suele estar incluido dentro de la disciplina de Conocimiento de materiales o en ocasiones suele estar mínimamente contemplado dentro del área de materiales plásticos y polímeros; por lo cual en general suele ser muy desconocido en la formación de ingenieros y técnicos. Históricamente en las escuelas de ingenieros industriales se encontraba la especialización en industrias textiles, aunque con posterioridad pasó a formar una carrera propia como tal Ingeniero Textil. Es de resaltar también, la importancia del sector textil como de otros muchos que encajan perfectamente dentro de la denominada Ciencia Industrial y de las Escuelas de Artes y Oficios que tanto pueden contribuir al desarrollo industrial y económico de los países. En la actualidad, queda patente la importancia del sector textil tradicional así como de los nuevos materiales textiles con aplicaciones especiales o funcionales que están siendo de amplio desarrollo e investigación. Quisiera resaltar también la importancia en la ingeniería de los textiles técnicos así como de aquellas fibras con aplicaciones estructurales y sometidas a solicitaciones mecánicas, térmicas, de aplicación militar, material deportivo, etc. También es de resaltar las aplicaciones en cordelería industrial, cabos, maromas, etc., de multitud de aplicaciones en sujeción, elementos mecánicos y estructurales. Lo que se pretende con esta compilación de cuestiones relacionados con textiles obtenidas de diversas fuentes, que nació como un resumen sobre materiales textiles y fibras para cursos de postgrado de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, es recoger de una forma fácilmente accesible, más completa y extensa, de fácil consulta, aquellos aspectos relacionados principalmente con la naturaleza de las fibras que normalmente se encuentran muy dispersos. Fundamentalmente se tratan aspectos como caracterización de fibras y tejidos, mezclas de fibras, tintes y tinción, funcionalidad y confort, análisis y control de calidad de producto acabado desde el punto de vista de aptitud al uso, caracterización morfológica de las fibras por microscopía, análisis químico cuantitativo según Normas y Directivas de la UE más actuales, características de los textiles en el campo de la restauración de patrimonio artístico, análisis forense de las fibras, etc. A partir de mi formación en ingeniería industrial, conocimiento de materiales dentro del campo de los polímeros y mi experiencia en análisis y control de calidad dentro de un laboratorio textil, así como cursos impartidos sobre análisis y control de calidad en tejidos; creo tener el bagaje suficiente para poder afrontar esta tarea y proporcionar una obra de consulta y ayuda a las personas interesadas en este campo del conocimiento.


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Over the last decade the intense activity of the building sector has generated large quantities of construction and demolition waste (CDW). In particular, in Europe around 890 million tons of CDW is generated every year; however, only 50% of them are recycled. In Spain, over the last years 40 millions of tons of construction and demolition waste have been generated. On the other hand, since the implementation of the Technical Building Code regulation the use of mineral wools as building insulation materials has become a widespread solution in both rehabilitation and new construction works, and because of that, this kind of insulation waste is increasing. This research analyzes the potential of a new composite (gypsum and fiber waste) including several mineral wools waste into a plaster matrix. For this purpose, an experimental plan, characterizing the physical and mechanical behaviour as well as the Shore C hardness of the new composite, was elaborated fulfilling UNE Standards.


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Multijunction solar cells can be fabricated by mechanically bonding together component cells that are grown separately. Here, we present four-junction four-terminal mechanical stacks composed of GaInP/GaAs tandems grown on GaAs substrates and GaInAsP/GaInAs tandems grown on InP substrates. The component cells were bonded together with a low-index transparent epoxy that acts as an angularly selective reflector to the GaAs bandedge luminescence, while simultaneously transmitting nearly all of the subbandgap light. As determined by electroluminescence measurements and optical modeling, the GaAs subcell demonstrates a higher internal radiative limit and, thus, higher subcell voltage, compared with GaAs subcells without the epoxy reflector. The best cells demonstrate 38.8 ± 1.0% efficiency under the global spectrum at 1000 W/m2 and ~ 42% under the direct spectrum at ~100 suns. Eliminating the series resistance is the key challenge for further improving the concentrator cells.


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G proteins regulate intracellular signaling by coupling a cycle of guanine nucleotide binding and hydrolysis to transient changes of cellular functions. The mechanisms that control the recycling of transducin, the “pace-setting” G protein that regulates mammalian phototransduction, are unclear. We show that a novel retinal specific RGS-motif protein specifically binds to an intermediate conformation involved in GTP hydrolysis by transducin and accelerates phosphate release and the recycling of transducin. This specific interaction further rationalizes the kinetics of the phototransduction cascade and provides a general hypothesis to explain the mechanism of interaction of RGS proteins with other G proteins.


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Recent evidence suggests that apical and basolateral endocytic pathways in epithelia converge in an apically located, pericentriolar endosomal compartment termed the apical recycling endosome. In this compartment, apically and basolaterally internalized membrane constituents are thought to be sorted for recycling back to their site of origin or for transcytosis to the opposite plasma membrane domain. We report here that in the epithelial cell line Madin–Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK), antibodies to Rab11a label an apical pericentriolar endosomal compartment that is dependent on intact microtubules for its integrity. Furthermore, this compartment is accessible to a membrane-bound marker (dimeric immunoglobulin A [IgA]) internalized from either the apical or basolateral pole, functionally defining it as the apical recycling endosome. We have also examined the role of a closely related epithelial-specific Rab, Rab25, in the regulation of membrane recycling and transcytosis in MDCK cells. When cDNA encoding Rab25 was transfected into MDCK cells, the protein colocalized with Rab11a in subapical vesicles. Rab25 transfection also altered the distribution of Rab11a, causing the coalescence of immunoreactivity into multiple denser vesicular structures not associated with the centrosome. Nevertheless, nocodazole still dispersed these vesicles, and dimeric IgA internalized from either the apical or basolateral membrane was detected in endosomes labeled with antibodies to both Rab11a and Rab25. Overexpression of Rab25 decreased the rate of IgA transcytosis and of apical, but not basolateral, recycling of internalized ligand. Conversely, expression of the dominant-negative Rab25T26N did not alter either apical recycling or transcytosis. These results indicate that both Rab11a and Rab25 associate with the apical recycling system of epithelial cells and suggest that Rab25 may selectively regulate the apical recycling and/or transcytotic pathways.


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Chicken erythroid AE1 anion exchangers receive endoglycosidase F (endo F)-sensitive sugar modifications in their initial transit through the secretory pathway. After delivery to the plasma membrane, anion exchangers are internalized and recycled to the Golgi where they acquire additional N-linked modifications that are resistant to endo F. During recycling, some of the anion exchangers become detergent insoluble. The acquisition of detergent insolubility correlates with the association of the anion exchanger with cytoskeletal ankyrin. Reagents that inhibit different steps in the endocytic pathway, including 0.4 M sucrose, ammonium chloride, and brefeldin A, block the acquisition of endo F-resistant sugars and the acquisition of detergent insolubility by newly synthesized anion exchangers. The inhibitory effects of ammonium chloride on anion exchanger processing are rapidly reversible. Furthermore, AE1 anion exchangers become detergent insoluble more rapidly than they acquire endo F-resistant modifications in cells recovering from an ammonium chloride block. This suggests that the cytoskeletal association of the recycling anion exchangers occurs after release from the compartment where they accumulate due to ammonium chloride treatment, and prior to their transit through the Golgi. The recycling pool of newly synthesized anion exchangers is reflected in the steady-state distribution of the polypeptide. In addition to plasma membrane staining, anion exchanger antibodies stain a perinuclear compartment in erythroid cells. This perinuclear AE1-containing compartment is also stained by ankyrin antibodies and partially overlaps the membrane compartment stained by NBD C6-ceramide, a Golgi marker. Detergent extraction of erythroid cells in situ has suggested that a substantial fraction of the perinuclear pool of AE1 is cytoskeletal associated. The demonstration that erythroid anion exchangers interact with elements of the cytoskeleton during recycling to the Golgi suggests the cytoskeleton may be involved in the post-Golgi trafficking of this membrane transporter.


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Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) is a cytotoxin which, after endocytosis, is delivered to the cytosol where it inactivates protein synthesis. Using diaminobenzidine cytochemistry, we found over 94% of internalized PE in transferrin (Tf) -positive endosomes of lymphocytes. When PE translocation was examined in a cell-free assay using purified endocytic vesicles, more than 40% of endosomal 125I-labeled PE was transported after 2 h at 37°C, whereas a toxin inactivated by point mutation in its translocation domain was not translocated. Sorting of endosomes did not allow cell-free PE translocation, whereas active PE transmembrane transport was observed after > 10 min of endocytosis when PE and fluorescent-Tf were localized by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy within a rab5-positive and rab4- and rab7-negative recycling compartment in the pericentriolar region of the cell. Accordingly, when PE delivery to this structure was inhibited using a 20°C endocytosis temperature, subsequent translocation from purified endosomes was impaired. Translocation was also inhibited when endosomes were obtained from cells labeled with PE in the presence of brefeldin A, which caused fusion of translocation-competent recycling endosomes with translocation-incompetent sorting elements. No PE processing was observed in lymphocyte endosomes, the full-sized toxin was translocated and recovered in an enzymatically active form. ATP hydrolysis was found to directly provide the energy required for PE translocation. Inhibitors of endosome acidification (weak bases, protonophores, or bafilomycin A1) when added to the assay did not significantly affect 125I-labeled PE translocation, demonstrating that this transport is independent of the endosome-cytosol pH gradient. Nevertheless, when 125I-labeled PE endocytosis was performed in the presence of one of these molecules, translocation from endosomes was strongly inhibited, indicating that exposure to acidic pH is a prerequisite for PE membrane traversal. When applied during endocytosis, treatments that protect cells against PE intoxication (low temperatures, inhibitors of endosome acidification, and brefeldin A) impaired 125I-labeled PE translocation from purified endosomes. We conclude that PE translocation from a late receptor recycling compartment is implicated in the lymphocyte intoxication procedure.