930 resultados para Reactions of (Anthracen-9-yl)methylsulphanes with DMAD


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An extensive study of the reaction pathways of 1,1-dicyclopropyl ethylene, cis- and trans- 1,2-dicyclopropylethylenes has been undertaken with different electrophiles 4-methyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione (MTAD), tetracyanoethylene (TCNE), and singlet oxygen $\rm(\sp1O\sb2).$ Comparison of reactivity and reaction mechanisms among the electrophiles is investigated. Singlet oxygen exhibits significantly lower reactivity compared to the other electrophiles. MTAD and TCNE react with dicyclopropylethylenes to produce predominantly $\sp{\prime\prime}2+2\sp{\prime\prime}$ adducts and a small amount of the "ene" adducts. The $\sp{\prime\prime}2+2\sp{\prime\prime}$ is the major product presumably because of the high activation energy leading to the highly strained "ene" products. Solvent trapping studies provide strong evidence of a "stepwise" mechanism, involving a zwitterionic or aziridinium imide as an intermediate from the study of the reactions products of dicyclopropylethylenes and MTAD. ^


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An Ab Initio/RRKM study of the reaction mechanism and product branching ratios of neutral-radical ethynyl (C2H) and cyano (CN) radical species with unsaturated hydrocarbons is performed. The reactions studied apply to cold conditions such as planetary atmospheres including Titan, the Interstellar Medium (ISM), icy bodies and molecular clouds. The reactions of C2H and CN additions to gaseous unsaturated hydrocarbons are an active area of study. NASA's Cassini/Huygens mission found a high concentration of C2H and CN from photolysis of ethyne (C2H2) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN), respectively, in the organic haze layers of the atmosphere of Titan. The reactions involved in the atmospheric chemistry of Titan lead to a vast array of larger, more complex intermediates and products and may also serve as a chemical model of Earth's primordial atmospheric conditions. The C2H and CN additions are rapid and exothermic, and often occur barrierlessly to various carbon sites of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The reaction mechanism is proposed on the basis of the resulting potential energy surface (PES) that includes all the possible intermediates and transition states that can occur, and all the products that lie on the surface. The B3LYP/6-311g(d,p) level of theory is employed to determine optimized electronic structures, moments of inertia, vibrational frequencies, and zero-point energy. They are followed by single point higher-level CCSD(T)/cc-vtz calculations, including extrapolations to complete basis sets (CBS) of the reactants and products. A microcanonical RRKM study predicts single-collision (zero-pressure limit) rate constants of all reaction paths on the potential energy surface, which is then used to compute the branching ratios of the products that result. These theoretical calculations are conducted either jointly or in parallel to experimental work to elucidate the chemical composition of Titan's atmosphere, the ISM, and cold celestial bodies.<.


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An extensive study of the reaction pathways of 1,1- dicyclopropyl ethylene, cis- and trans- 1,2-dicyclopropylethylenes has been undertaken with different electrophiles 4-methyl-1,2,4- triazoline-3,5-dione (MTAD), tetracyanoethylene (TCNE), and singlet oxygen (102). Comparison of reactivity and reaction mechanisms among the electrophiles is investigated. Singlet oxygen exhibits significantly lower reactivity compared to the other electrophiles. MTAD and TCNE react with dicyclopropylethylenes to produce predominantly "2+2" adducts and a small amount of the "ene" adducts. The "2+2" is the major product presumably because of the high activation energy leading to the highly strained "ene" products. Solvent trapping studies provide strong evidence of a "stepwise" mechanism, involving a zwitterionic or aziridinium imide as an intermediate from the study of the reactions products of dicyclopropylethylenes and MTAD.


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I thank SERC for a CASE studentship (to RG. Giles) with the former Fisons Pharmaceuticals division (with Dr. S. C. Eyley) and Dr. B. R. Buckley, of this department, for provided helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.


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I thank SERC for a CASE studentship (to RG. Giles) with the former Fisons Pharmaceuticals division (with Dr. S. C. Eyley) and Dr. B. R. Buckley, of this department, for provided helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.


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I thank SERC for a CASE studentship (to RG. Giles) with the former Fisons Pharmaceuticals division (with Dr. S. C. Eyley) and Dr. B. R. Buckley, of this department, for provided helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.


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The hydroalumination of butylseleno acetylenes with DIBAL-H followed by addition of n-butyllithium generated in situ the (Z)-butylseleno vinyl alanates intermediates which were captured with C(4)H(9)TeBr furnishing the (E)-telluro(seleno)ketene acetals exclusively. The isomers with opposite stereochemistry (Z)-telluro(seleno)ketene acetals were obtained by the reduction of phenylseleno acetylenes with lithium di-(isobutyl)-n-butyl aluminate hydride (Zweifel's reagent) followed by reaction of (E)-phenylseleno vinyl alanates intermediates with C(4)H(9)TeBr. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Title of Document: Diversity in Catalytic Reactions of Propargylic Diazoesters Huang Qiu, Doctor of Philosophy, 2016 Directed By: Professor Michael P. Doyle, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Propargylic aryldiazoesters, which possess multiple reactive functional groups in a single molecule, were expected to undergo divergent reaction pathways as a function of catalysts. A variety of transition metal complexes including rhodium(II), palladium(II), silver(I), mercury(II), copper(I and II), and cationic gold (I) complexes have been examined to be effective in the catalytic domino reactions of propargylic aryldiazoesters. An unexpected Lewis acid catalyzed pathway was also discovered by using FeCl3 as the catalyst. Under the catalysis of selected gold catalysts, propargylic aryldiazoesters exist in equilibrium with 1-aryl-1,2-dien-1-yl diazoacetate allenes that are rapidly formed at room temperature through 1,3-acyloxy migration. The newly formed allenes further undergo a metal-free rearrangement in which the terminal nitrogen of the diazo functional group adds to the central carbon of the allene initiating a sequence of bond forming reactions resulting in the production of 1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazol-4-ones in good yields. These 1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazol-4-ones undergo intramolecular 1,3-acyl migration to form an equilibrium mixture or quantitatively transfer the acyl group to an external nucleophile with formation of 4-hydroxypyrazoles. In the presence of a pyridine-N-oxide, both E- and Z-1,3-dienyl aryldiazoacetates are formed in high combined yields by Au(I)-catalyzed rearrangement of propargyl arylyldiazoacetates at short reaction times. Under thermal reactions the E-isomers form the products from intramolecular [4+2]-cycloaddition with H‡298 = 15.6 kcal/mol and S‡298= -27.3 cal/ (mol•degree). The Z-isomer is inert to [4+2]-cycloaddition under these conditions. The Hammett relationships from aryl-substituted diazo esters ( = +0.89) and aryl-substituted dienes ( = -1.65) are consistent with the dipolar nature of this transformation. An unexpected reaction for the synthesis of seven-membered conjugated 1,4-diketones from propargylic diazoesters with unsaturated imines was disclosed. To undergo this process vinyl gold carbene intermediates generated by 1,2-acyloxy migration of propargylic aryldiazoesters undergo a formal [4+3]-cycloaddition, and the resulting aryldiazoesters tethered dihydroazepines undergo an intricate metal-free process to form observed seven-membered conjugated 1,4-diketones with moderate to high yields.


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An Ab Initio/RRKM study of the reaction mechanism and product branching ratios of neutral-radical ethynyl (C2H) and cyano (CN) radical species with unsaturated hydrocarbons is performed. The reactions studied apply to cold conditions such as planetary atmospheres including Titan, the Interstellar Medium (ISM), icy bodies and molecular clouds. The reactions of C2H and CN additions to gaseous unsaturated hydrocarbons are an active area of study. NASA’s Cassini/Huygens mission found a high concentration of C2H and CN from photolysis of ethyne (C2H2) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN), respectively, in the organic haze layers of the atmosphere of Titan. The reactions involved in the atmospheric chemistry of Titan lead to a vast array of larger, more complex intermediates and products and may also serve as a chemical model of Earth’s primordial atmospheric conditions. The C2H and CN additions are rapid and exothermic, and often occur barrierlessly to various carbon sites of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The reaction mechanism is proposed on the basis of the resulting potential energy surface (PES) that includes all the possible intermediates and transition states that can occur, and all the products that lie on the surface. The B3LYP/6-311g(d,p) level of theory is employed to determine optimized electronic structures, moments of inertia, vibrational frequencies, and zero-point energy. They are followed by single point higher-level CCSD(T)/cc-vtz calculations, including extrapolations to complete basis sets (CBS) of the reactants and products. A microcanonical RRKM study predicts single-collision (zero-pressure limit) rate constants of all reaction paths on the potential energy surface, which is then used to compute the branching ratios of the products that result. These theoretical calculations are conducted either jointly or in parallel to experimental work to elucidate the chemical composition of Titan’s atmosphere, the ISM, and cold celestial bodies.


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Objective: To define characteristics of vehicle crashes occurring on rural private property in north Queensland with an exploration of associated risk factors. Design: Descriptive analysis of private property crash data collected by the Rural and Remote Road Safety Study. Setting: Rural and remote north Queensland. Participants: A total of 305 vehicle controllers aged 16 years or over hospitalised at Atherton, Cairns, Mount Isa or Townsville for at least 24 hours as a result of a vehicle crash. Main outcome measure: A structured questionnaire completed by participants covering crash details, lifestyle and demographic characteristics, driving history, medical history, alcohol and drug use and attitudes to road use. Results: Overall, 27.9% of interviewees crashed on private property, with the highest proportion of private road crashes occurring in the North West Statistical Division (45%). Risk factors shown to be associated with private property crashes included male sex, riding off-road motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle, first-time driving at that site, lack of licence for vehicle type, recreational use and not wearing a helmet or seatbelt. Conclusions: Considerable trauma results from vehicle crashes on rural private property. These crashes are not included in most crash data sets, which are limited to public road crashes. Legislation and regulations applicable to private property vehicle use are largely focused on workplace health and safety, yet work-related crashes represent a minority of private property crashes in north Queensland.


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Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) compared to a structured diagnostic interview, the Composite international Diagnostic Interview (CIDI; 12-month version) in psychiatric patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Method: Patients (N = 71, 53 men) were interviewed using the CIDI (Alcohol Misuse Section; 12-month version) and then completed the AUDIT. Results: The CIDI identified 32.4% of the sample as having an alcohol use disorder. Of these, 5 (7.0%) met diagnostic criteria for harmful use of alcohol, 1 (1.4%) met diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse and 17 (23.9%) met diagnostic criteria for alcohol dependence. The AUDIT was found to have good internal reliability (coefficient = 0.85). An AUDIT cutoff of greater than or equal to 8 had a sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 90% in detecting CIDI-diagnosed alcohol disorders. All items except Item 9 contributed significantly to discriminant validity. Conclusions: The findings replicate and extend previous findings of high rates of alcohol use disorders in people with severe mental illness. The AUDIT was found to be reliable and valid in this sample and can be used with confidence as a screening instrument for alcohol use disorders in people with schizophrenia.


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Introduction: Weight gain is a common concern following breast cancer and has been associated with negative health outcomes. As such, prevention of weight gain is of clinical interest. This work describes weight change between 6- and 18-months following a breast cancer diagnosis and explores the personal, treatment and behavioural characteristics associated with gains in weight. Methods: Body mass index was objectively assessed, at three-monthly intervals, on a population-based sample of women newly diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer (n=185). Changes in BMI between 6- and 18-months post-diagnosis were calculated, with gains of one or more being considered clinically detrimental to future health. Results: Approximately 60% of participants were overweight or obese at 6-months post-diagnosis. While BMI remained relatively stable across the testing period (range=27.3-27.8), 24% of participants experienced clinically relevant gains in BMI (median gains=1.9). Following adjustment for potential confounders, younger age (<45 years; Odds ratio, OR=9.8), being morbidly obese at baseline (OR=4.6) and receiving hormone therapy (OR=4.8) were characteristics associated with an increased odds (p<0.05) of gaining BMI. Other characteristics associated with gains in BMI were more extensive surgery and having a history of smoking, although these relationships were not supported statistically. In contrast, caring for younger children was associated with reduced risk of gaining BMI (OR=0.3, p=0.20). Conclusions: Clinically relevant weight gain between 6- and 18-months post-breast cancer diagnosis is an issue for one in four women, with certain subgroups being particularly susceptible. However, the majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer are overweight or obese and gains in body weight are common. Thus, interventions that address the importance of achieving and sustaining a healthy body weight, delivered to all women with breast cancer, may have greater public health impact than interventions targeting any specific breast cancer subgroup.


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The purpose of this proof-of-concept study was to determine the relevance of direct measurements to monitor the load applied on the osseointegrated fixation of transfemoral amputees during static load bearing exercises. The objectives were (A) to introduce an apparatus using a three-dimensional load transducer, (B) to present a range of derived information relevant to clinicians, (C) to report on the outcomes of a pilot study and (D) to compare the measurements from the transducer with those from the current method using a weighing scale. One transfemoral amputee fitted with an osseointegrated implant was asked to apply 10 kg, 20 kg, 40 kg and 80 kg on the fixation, using self-monitoring with the weighing scale. The loading was directly measured with a portable kinetic system including a six-channel transducer, external interface circuitry and a laptop. As the load prescribed increased from 10 kg to 80 kg, the forces and moments applied on and around the antero-posterior axis increased by 4 fold anteriorly and 14 fold medially, respectively. The forces and moments applied on and around the medio-lateral axis increased by 9 fold laterally and 16 fold from anterior to posterior, respectively. The long axis of the fixation was overloaded and underloaded in 17 % and 83 % of the trials, respectively, by up to ±10 %. This proof-of-concept study presents an apparatus that can be used by clinicians facing the challenge of improving basic knowledge on osseointegration, for the design of equipment for load bearing exercises and for rehabilitation programs.


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The crystal structures of the 1:1 proton-transfer compounds of 4,5-dichlorophthalic acid with the aliphatic Lewis bases diisopropylamine and hexamethylenetetramine, viz. diisopropylaminium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate (1) and hexamethylenetetraminium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate hemihydrate (2), have been determined. Crystals of both 1 and 2 are triclinic, space group P-1, with Z = 2 in cells with a = 7.0299(5), b = 9.4712(7), c = 12.790(1)Å, α = 99.476(6), β = 100.843(6), γ = 97.578(6)o (1) and a = 7.5624(8), b = 9.8918(8), c = 11.5881(16)Å, α = 65.660(6), β = 86.583(4), γ = 86.987(8)o (2). In each, one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded chain structures are found: in 1 formed through aminium N+-H...Ocarboxyl cation-anion interactions. In 2, the chains are formed through anion carboxyl O...H-Obridging water interactions with the cations peripherally bound. In both structures, the hydrogen phthalate anions are essentially planar with short intra-species carboxylic acid O-H...Ocarboxyl hydrogen bonds [O…O, 2.381(3) Å (1) and 2.381(8) Å (2)].