359 resultados para Rayleigh
The photons scattered by the Compton effect can be used to characterize the physical properties of a given sample due to the influence that the electron density exerts on the number of scattered photons. However, scattering measurements involve experimental and physical factors that must be carefully analyzed to predict uncertainty in the detection of Compton photons. This paper presents a method for the optimization of the geometrical parameters of an experimental arrangement for Compton scattering analysis, based on its relations with the energy and incident flux of the X-ray photons. In addition, the tool enables the statistical analysis of the information displayed and includes the coefficient of variation (CV) measurement for a comparative evaluation of the physical parameters of the model established for the simulation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rayleigh optical activities of small hydrogen-bonded methanol clusters containing two to five molecules are reported. For the methanol trimer, tetramer, and pentamer both cyclic and linear structures are considered. After the geometry optimizations, the dipole moments and the dipole polarizabilities (mean, interaction, and anisotropic components) are calculated using HF, MP2 and DFT (B3LYP, B3P86 and BH&HLYP) with aug-cc-pVDZ extended basis set. The polarizabilities are used to analyse the depolarization ratios and the Rayleigh scattering activities. The variations in the activity and in the depolarization for Rayleigh scattered radiation with the increase in the cluster size for both cyclic and linear structures are analysed.
Fundamental principles of mechanics were primarily conceived for constant mass systems. Since the pioneering works of Meshcherskii (see historical review in Mikhailov (Mech. Solids 10(5):32-40, 1975), efforts have been made in order to elaborate an adequate mathematical formalism for variable mass systems. This is a current research field in theoretical mechanics. In this paper, attention is focused on the derivation of the so-called 'generalized canonical equations of Hamilton' for a variable mass particle. The applied technique consists in the consideration of the mass variation process as a dissipative phenomenon. Kozlov's (Stek. Inst. Math 223:178-184, 1998) method, originally devoted to the derivation of the generalized canonical equations of Hamilton for dissipative systems, is accordingly extended to the scenario of variable mass systems. This is done by conveniently writing the flux of kinetic energy from or into the variable mass particle as a 'Rayleigh-like dissipation function'. Cayley (Proc. R Soc. Lond. 8:506-511, 1857) was the first scholar to propose such an analogy. A deeper discussion on this particular subject will be left for a future paper.
We use the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction-diffusion system to study wavenumber locking of Turing patterns to two-dimensional "square" spatial forcing, implemented as orthogonal sets of bright bands projected onto the reaction medium. Various resonant structures emerge in a broad range of forcing wavelengths and amplitudes, including square lattices and superlattices, one-dimensional stripe patterns and oblique rectangular patterns. Numerical simulations using a model that incorporates additive two-dimensional spatially periodic forcing reproduce well the experimental observations.
Stable carbon isotopic fractionation during calcium carbonate precipitation induced by urease-catalysed hydrolysis of urea was experimentally investigated in artificial water at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C. Carbon isotope fractionation during urea hydrolysis follows a Rayleigh distillation trend characterized by a C-13-enrichment factor of -20 to -22 parts per thousand. CaCO3 precipitate is up to 17.9 parts per thousand C-13-depleted relative to the urea substrate (-48.9 +/- 0.07 parts per thousand). Initial CaCO3 precipitate forms close to isotopic equilibrium with dissolved inorganic carbon. Subsequent precipitation occurs at -2 to -3 parts per thousand offset from isotopic equilibrium, suggesting that the initial delta C-13 value of CaCO3 is reset through dissolution followed by reprecipitation with urease molecules playing a role in offsetting the delta C-13 value of CaCO3 from isotopic equilibrium. Potentially, this isotopic systematics may provide a tool for the diagnosis of ureolytically-formed carbonate cements used as sealing agent. Moreover, it may serve as a basis to develop a carbon isotope tool for the quantification of ureolytically-induced CO2 sequestration. Finally, it suggests carbon isotope disequilibrium as a hallmark of past enzymatic activity in ancient microbial carbonate formation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the two-photon absorption (2PA) cross-section and first hyperpolarizability of dibenzoylmethane solutions using femtosecond Z-scan and hyper-Rayleigh scattering techniques. The 2PA spectrum, spanning the wavelength range from 460 to 740 nm, presents a band centered at 510 nm, with a cross-section value estimated as 37 GM at this wavelength. Owing to the molecular symmetry, this band is not observed in the linear absorption spectrum. The sum-over-state approach was adopted to evaluate various spectroscopic parameters. Experimental and theoretical values of the first hyperpolarizability values were estimated in ethanol and DMSO solutions.
[EN]The dynamic throug-soil interaction between nearby pile supported structures in a viscoelastic half-space, under incident S and Rayleigh waves, is numerically studied. To this end, a three-dimensional viscoelastic BEM-FEM formulation for the dynamic analysis of piles and pile groups in the frequency domain is used, where soil is modelled by BEM and piles are simulated by one-dimensional finite elements as Bernouilli beams.
I primi studi su Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) sono stati fatti fin dal 1960, ma negli ultimi anni la modulazione OFDM è emersa come una tecnica di modulazione chiave commerciale per i sistemi di comunicazione ad alta velocità. La ragione principale di questo crescente interesse è dovuto alla sua capacità di fornire dati ad alta velocità impiegando sistemi con complessità bassa e contrastando l'interferenza intersimbolo (ISI) e quella intercanale (ICI). Per questo motivo la modulazione OFDM è stata adottata da diversi sistemi digitali wireline e wireless standard, come Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), Wireless Local Area Network (IEEE 802.11 a,g,n) oppure per WiMAX e LTE.
Der Filmbildungsprozess wässriger Polymerdispersionen wurde mit forcierter Rayleighstreuung untersucht.Diffusionskoeffizienten D von Farbstoffsonden sind damit zwischen 10^-21 und 10^-9 m^2s^-1 zugänglich. Das Diffusionsverhalten der hydrophoben FarbstoffsondeAberchrome in feuchten und trockenen Filmen aus Poly(n-butylmethacrylat-co-acrylsäure)-Dispersionen sowie bei der Wiederbefeuchtung trockener Filme wurde untersucht.Die Dynamik von Aberchrome weicht in feuchten Filmen von Fickscher Diffusion ab. Dies äußert sich in Abweichungen vomcharakteristischen q^2-Verhalten der Relaxationsrate tau^-1 (tau^-1 = Dq^2; q:Streuvektor) und im Auftreten gestrecktexponentieller Intensitätsrelaxationskurven. Diese Anomalie wurde mit einem apparenten, längenskalenabhängigen Diffusionskoeffizienten Dapp(Lambda) (Lambda= 2Pi/q) beschrieben, der für Lambda -> 0 Werte annimmt, die einem homogen hydroplastifizierten Polymermaterial entsprechen, während Dapp(Lambda) für Lambda -> Unendlich stark anwächst. Diese Anomalien verschwinden bei Wassergehalten entsprechend der Polymerwasserlöslichkeit. Weiteres Trocknen führt zum Absinken des Fickschen-Diffusionskoeffizienten auf einen Grenzwert für trockene Filme. Die Ergebnisse konnten mit einem Zwei-Zustands-Modell beschrieben werden: Die Sonde diffundiert Ficksch in einer hydrophilen Grenzflächenphase und einer langsamen Polymerphase. Austausch zwischendiesen Phasen ist ohne Einschränkung möglich. Das Modell erlaubt die Quantifizierung des Einflusses des Trocknungsprozesses auf Polymer- und Grenzflächenphaseneigenschaften.Dies wurde durch systematische Veränderungen der Grenzflächeneigenschaften demonstriert. Dies geschah durch Acrylsäuregehaltvariationen in den Poly(n-butylmethacrylat-co-acrylsäure)-Dispersionen und Emulgatorbedeckungsgradvariationen. In beiden Fällen reflektieren sich Dispersionsveränderungen in einer Veränderung der Modellparameter in der Grenzflächenphase.
Zusammenfassung: Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Dynamik in Blockcopolymer-Homopolymerblends mit sphärischen Mikrophasen untersucht.Anhand eines PI-PS-Blockcopolymers in drei verschiedenen PI-Homopolymeren wurde der Einfluss des Molekulargewichts des Homopolymers betrachtet. Die Ergebnisse aus Forcierter Rayleigh Streuung (Diffusion) und Rheologie (Relaxation) zeigen, dass sich die PS-PI-Mizellen in allen drei Homopolymeren kolloid-ähnlich verhalten. Die Analyse nach der Theorie des freien Volumens ergab, dass es sich bei den Mizellen um weiche Partikel handelt, deren Größe und Deformierbarkeit mit sinkendem Matrix-Molekulargewicht zunimmt.Der Einfluss des Blocklängenverhältnisses wurde an zwei PB-PS- Blockcopolymeren mit unterschiedlich langen PS-Blöcken (Kern) untersucht. Diese unterschieden sich jedoch in ihrem dynamischen Verhalten nicht maßgeblich. Es wurde jedoch ein deutlicher Unterschied zum PI-PS- System (s.o.) gefunden. Der zuvor gefundene Partikelcharakter wird für die PB-PS-Copolymere nicht mehr beobachtet. Dies wird auf den im Vergleich zum PI-PS-Copolymer deutlich längeren Coronablock zurückgeführt.
This thesis deal with the design of advanced OFDM systems. Both waveform and receiver design have been treated. The main scope of the Thesis is to study, create, and propose, ideas and novel design solutions able to cope with the weaknesses and crucial aspects of modern OFDM systems. Starting from the the transmitter side, the problem represented by low resilience to non-linear distortion has been assessed. A novel technique that considerably reduces the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) yielding a quasi constant signal envelope in the time domain (PAPR close to 1 dB) has been proposed.The proposed technique, named Rotation Invariant Subcarrier Mapping (RISM),is a novel scheme for subcarriers data mapping,where the symbols belonging to the modulation alphabet are not anchored, but maintain some degrees of freedom. In other words, a bit tuple is not mapped on a single point, rather it is mapped onto a geometrical locus, which is totally or partially rotation invariant. The final positions of the transmitted complex symbols are chosen by an iterative optimization process in order to minimize the PAPR of the resulting OFDM symbol. Numerical results confirm that RISM makes OFDM usable even in severe non-linear channels. Another well known problem which has been tackled is the vulnerability to synchronization errors. Indeed in OFDM system an accurate recovery of carrier frequency and symbol timing is crucial for the proper demodulation of the received packets. In general, timing and frequency synchronization is performed in two separate phases called PRE-FFT and POST-FFT synchronization. Regarding the PRE-FFT phase, a novel joint symbol timing and carrier frequency synchronization algorithm has been presented. The proposed algorithm is characterized by a very low hardware complexity, and, at the same time, it guarantees very good performance in in both AWGN and multipath channels. Regarding the POST-FFT phase, a novel approach for both pilot structure and receiver design has been presented. In particular, a novel pilot pattern has been introduced in order to minimize the occurrence of overlaps between two pattern shifted replicas. This allows to replace conventional pilots with nulls in the frequency domain, introducing the so called Silent Pilots. As a result, the optimal receiver turns out to be very robust against severe Rayleigh fading multipath and characterized by low complexity. Performance of this approach has been analytically and numerically evaluated. Comparing the proposed approach with state of the art alternatives, in both AWGN and multipath fading channels, considerable performance improvements have been obtained. The crucial problem of channel estimation has been thoroughly investigated, with particular emphasis on the decimation of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) through the selection of the Most Significant Samples (MSSs). In this contest our contribution is twofold, from the theoretical side, we derived lower bounds on the estimation mean-square error (MSE) performance for any MSS selection strategy,from the receiver design we proposed novel MSS selection strategies which have been shown to approach these MSE lower bounds, and outperformed the state-of-the-art alternatives. Finally, the possibility of using of Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) in the Broadband Satellite Return Channel has been assessed. Notably, SC-FDMA is able to improve the physical layer spectral efficiency with respect to single carrier systems, which have been used so far in the Return Channel Satellite (RCS) standards. However, it requires a strict synchronization and it is also sensitive to phase noise of local radio frequency oscillators. For this reason, an effective pilot tone arrangement within the SC-FDMA frame, and a novel Joint Multi-User (JMU) estimation method for the SC-FDMA, has been proposed. As shown by numerical results, the proposed scheme manages to satisfy strict synchronization requirements and to guarantee a proper demodulation of the received signal.
Die Untersuchungen umfassen die Periode 1981 – 2000 und basieren hauptsächlich auf Daten des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD). Relativwerte der Globalstrahlung beziehen sich auf die Rayleigh-Atmosphäre. Das Regressionsmodell nach Angström ermöglicht die Erweiterung des Meßnetzes. In linearer und nichtlinearer Regression und Korrelation ist die Globalstrahlung entweder abhängige (Sonnenscheindauer, Bewölkung) oder unabhängige Variable (Lufttemperatur, Bodentemperatur). Ihre Intensität in Abhängigkeit von Großwetterlagen, Großwettertypen und Luftmassen wird diskutiert. Diesbezüglich werden mit der Linearen Diskriminanzanalyse ähnliche Großwetterlagen und Stationen in signifikant unterschiedenen Gruppen zusammengefaßt, getrennt nach Sommer- und Winterhalbjahr. Abhängig von der Zeit betrachtet, enthalten Globalstrahlung, direkte und diffuse Sonnenstrahlung, Lufttemperatur, Bewölkung und Niederschlag signifikante zyklische Variationen, die gegebenenfalls klimatologisch relevant sind. Weiteren Aufschluß ergeben deshalb die Zeitreihenanalysen. Autokorrelation-Spektralanalysen (ASA) der genannten Variablen werden in integrierten Spektren dargestellt. Hinweise auf die zeitliche Konstanz signifikanter Varianzmaxima enthalten die Spektren der dynamischen (gleitenden) ASA.
Wir haben die linearen und nichtlinearen optischen Eigenschaften von dünnen Schichten und planaren Wellenleitern aus mehreren konjugierten Polymeren (MEH-PPV und P3AT) und Polymeren mit -Elektronen Systemen in der Seitenkette (PVK und PS) untersucht und verglichen. PVK und PS haben relativ kleine Werte des nichtlinearen Brechungsindex n2 bei 532 nm, nämlich (1,2 ± 0,5)10-14 cm2/W und (2,6 ± 0,5) 10-14 cm2/W.rnWir haben die linearen optischen Konstanten von mehreren P3ATs untersucht, insbesondere den Einfluss der Regioregularität und Kettenlänge der Alkylsubstituenten. Wir haben das am besten geeignete Polymere für Wellenleiter Anwendungen identifiziert, welches P3BT-ra genannt ist. Wir haben die linearen optischen Eigenschaften dünner Schichten des P3BT-ra untersucht, die mit Spincoating aus verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln mit unterschiedlichen Siedetemperaturen präparieret wurden. Wir haben festgestellt, dass P3BT-ra Filme aus Toluol-Lösungen die am besten geeigneten Wellenleiter für die intensitätsabhängigen Prismen-Kopplungs Experimente sind, weil diese geringe Wellenleiterdämpfungsverluste bei = 1064 nm haben. rnWir haben die Dispersionen des Wellenleiterdämfungsverlustes gw, des nichtlinearen Brechungsindex n2 und des nichtlinearen Absorptionskoeffizienten 2 von Wellenleitern aus P3BT-ra im Bereich von 700 - 1500 nm gemessen. Wir haben große Werte des nichtlinearen Brechungsindex bis 1,5x10-13 cm2/W bei 1150 nm beobachtet. Wir haben gefunden, dass die Gütenkriterien (“figures of merit“) für rein optische Schalter im Wellenlängebereich 1050 - 1200 nm erfüllt sind. Dieser Bereich entspricht dem niederenergetischen Ausläufer der Zwei-Photonen-Absorption. Die Gütekriterien von P3BT-ra gehören zu den besten der bisher bekannten Werte von konjugierten Polymeren.rnWir haben gefunden, dass P3BT-ra ein vielversprechender Kandidat für integriert-optische Schalter ist, weil es eine gute Kombination aus großer Nichtlinearität dritter Ordnung, geringen Wellenleiterdämpfungverlusten und ausreichender Photostabilität zeigt. rnWir haben einen Vergleich der gemessenen Dispersion von gw, n2 und 2 mit der Theorie durchgeführt. Durch Kurvenanpassung der Dispersion von gw haben wir gefunden, dass Rayleigh-Streuung der dominierende Dämpfungsmechanismus in MEH-PPV und P3BT-ra Wellenleitern ist. Ein quantenmechanischer Ansatz wurde zur Berechnung der nichtlinearen Suszeptibilität dritter Ordnung (3) verwendet, um die gemessenen Spektren von n2 und 2 von P3BT-ra und MEH-PPV zu simulieren. Dies kann erklären, dass sättigbare Absorption und Zwei-Photonen Absorption die hauptsächlichen Effekte sind, welche die Dispersion von n2 und 2 verursachen. rn
This work focused mainly on two aspects of kinetics of phase separation in binary mixtures. In the first part, we studied the interplay of hydrodynamics and the phase separation of binary mixtures. A considerably flat container (a laterally extended geometry), at an aspect ratio of 14:1 (diameter: height) was chosen, so that any hydrodynamic instabilities, if they arise, could be tracked. Two binary mixtures were studied. One was a mixture of methanol and hexane, doped with 5% ethanol, which phase separated under cooling. The second was a mixture of butoxyethanol and water, doped with 2% decane, which phase separated under heating. The dopants were added to bring down the phase transition temperature around room temperature.rnrnAlthough much work has been done already on classical hydrodynamic instabilities, not much has been done in the understanding of the coupling between phase separation and hydrodynamic instabilities. This work aimed at understanding the influence of phase separation in initiating any hydrodynamic instability, and also vice versa. Another aim was to understand the influence of the applied temperature protocol on the emergence of patterns characteristic to hydrodynamic instabilities. rnrnOn slowly cooling the system continuously, at specific cooling rates, patterns were observed in the first mixture, at the start of phase separation. They resembled the patterns observed in classical Rayleigh-Bénard instability, which arises when a liquid continuously is heated from below. To suppress this classical convection, the cooling setup was tuned such that the lower side of the sample always remained cooler by a few millikelvins, relative to the top. We found that the nature of patterns changed with different cooling rates, with stable patterns appearing for a specific cooling rate (1K/h). On the basis of the cooling protocol, we estimated a modified Rayleigh number for our system. We found that the estimated modified Rayleigh number is near the critical value for instability, for cooling rates between 0.5K/h and 1K/h. This is consistent with our experimental findings. rnrnThe origin of the patterns, in spite of the lower side being relatively colder with respect to the top, points to two possible reasons. 1) During phase separation droplets of either phases are formed, which releases a latent heat. Our microcalorimetry measurements show that the rise in temperature during the first phase separation is in the order of 10-20millikelvins, which in some cases is enough to reverse the applied temperature bias. Thus phase separation in itself initiates a hydrodynamic instability. 2) The second reason comes from the cooling protocol itself. The sample was cooled from above and below. At sufficiently high cooling rates, there are situations where the interior of the sample is relatively hotter than both top and bottom of the sample. This is sufficient to create an instability within the cell. Our experiments at higher cooling rates (5K/h and above) show complex patterns, which hints that there is enough convection even before phase separation occurs. Infact, theoretical work done by Dr.Hayase show that patterns could arise in a system without latent heat, with symmetrical cooling from top and bottom. The simulations also show that the patterns do not span the entire height of the sample cell. This is again consistent with the cell sizes measured in our experiment.rnrnThe second mixture also showed patterns at specific heating rates, when it was continuously heated inducing phase separation. In this case though, the sample was turbid for a long time until patterns appeared. A meniscus was most probably formed before the patterns emerged. We attribute the reason of patterns in this case to Marangoni convection, which is present in systems with an interface, where local differences in surface tension give rise to an instability. Our estimates for the Rayleigh number also show a significantly lower number than that's required for RB-type instability.rnrnIn the first part of the work, therefore, we identify two different kinds of hydrodynamic instabilities in two different mixtures. Both are observed during, or after the first phase separation. Our patterns compare with the classical convection patterns, but here the origins are from phase separation and the cooling protocol.rnrnIn the second part of the work, we focused on the kinetics of phase separation in a polymer solution (polystyrene and methylcyclohexane), which is cooled continuously far down into the two phase region. Oscillations in turbidity, denoting material exchange between the phases are seen. Three processes contribute to the phase separation: Nucleation of droplets, their growth and coalescence, and their subsequent sedimentation. Experiments in low molecular binary mixtures had led to models of oscillation [43] which considered sedimentation time scales much faster than the time scales of nucleation and growth. The size and shape of the sample therefore did not matter in such situations. The oscillations in turbidity were volume-dominated. The present work aimed at understanding the influence of sedimentation time scales for polymer mixtures. Three heights of the sample with same composition were studied side by side. We found that periods increased with the sample height, thus showing that sedimentation time determines the period of oscillations in the polymer solutions. We experimented with different cooling rates and different compositions of the mixture, and we found that periods are still determined by the sample height, and therefore by sedimentation time. rnrnWe also see that turbidity emerges in two ways; either from the interface, or throughout the sample. We suggest that oscillations starting from the interface are due to satellite droplets that are formed on droplet coalescence at the interface. These satellite droplets are then advected to the top of the sample, and they grow, coalesce and sediment. This type of an oscillation wouldn't require the system to pass the energy barrier required for homogenous nucleation throughout the sample. This mechanism would work best in sample where the droplets could be effectively advected throughout the sample. In our experiments, we see more interface dominated oscillations in the smaller cells and lower cooling rates, where droplet advection is favourable. In larger samples and higher cooling rates, we mostly see that the whole sample becomes turbid homogenously, which requires the system to pass the energy barrier for homogenous nucleation.rnrnOscillations, in principle, occur since the system needs to pass an energy barrier for nucleation. The height of the barrier decreases with increasing supersaturation, which in turn is from the temperature ramp applied. This gives rise to a period where the system is clear, in between the turbid periods. At certain specific cooling rates, the system can follow a path such that the start of a turbid period coincides with the vanishing of the last turbid period, thus eliminating the clear periods. This means suppressions of oscillations altogether. In fact we experimentally present a case where, at a certain cooling rate, oscillations indeed vanish. rnrnThus we find through this work that the kinetics of phase separation in polymer solution is different from that of a low molecular system; sedimentation time scales become relevant, and therefore so does the shape and size of the sample. The role of interface in initiating turbid periods also become much more prominent in this system compared to that in low molecular mixtures.rnrnIn summary, some fundamental properties in the kinetics of phase separation in binary mixtures were studied. While the first part of the work described the close interplay of the first phase separation with hydrodynamic instabilities, the second part investigated the nature and determining factors of oscillations, when the system was cooled deep into the two phase region. Both cases show how the geometry of the cell can affect the kinetics of phase separation. This study leads to further fundamental understandings of the factors contributing to the kinetics of phase separation, and to the understandings of what can be controlled and tuned in practical cases. rn
“Per me la Fisica costituisce un sistema perfettamente armonioso ed essenzialmente completo. All’orizzonte scorgo solamente due piccole nubi oscure: il risultato negativo dell’esperienza di Michelson e Morley e l’insufficienza della legge di Rayleigh e Jeans se applicata alle frequenze dell’ultravioletto” Con questa frase William Thomson Kelvin delineava, sul finire dell’800, i tratti di una Fisica fondata su solide basi che consentisse di spiegare i fenomeni di natura meccanica per mezzo delle Leggi della Dinamica di Newton e descrivesse le proprietà del campo elettromagnetico grazie alle Equazioni di Maxwell. Tuttavia, come riferisce lo stesso Lord Kelvin, rimaneva qualcosa di inspiegato: i due risultati mancanti sino ad allora diedero origine ad una vera e propria rivoluzione nel campo della Fisica. Grazie all’esperienza di Michelson e Morley, in disaccordo con quanto previsto dalla Meccanica Classica, Albert Einstein nel 1905 fu in grado di estendere i risultati della Relatività Galileiana ad eventi che coinvolgono velocità prossime a quella della luce; dall’altro lato, Max Planck nel 1900 pose le basi della Meccanica Quantistica, ipotizzando la quantizzazione dell’Energia, studiando la radiazione di Corpo Nero. Definendo il Corpo Nero come un oggetto ideale la cui superficie è in grado di assorbire qualsiasi radiazione elettromagnetica incidente su di esso, in questo compendio saranno esposti il processo che ha indotto lo scienziato tedesco Gustav Robert Kirchhoff all’idealizzazione di tale concetto, la soluzione della quantizzazione di Planck per ovviare al fenomeno della Catastrofe Ultravioletta derivante dall’approccio di Rayleigh e Jeans e la determinazione dello Spettro di Corpo Nero con le relative proprietà, Leggi empiriche che ne regolano l’andamento. Verranno inoltre presentati alcuni esempi astrofisici reali le cui emissioni rispecchiano l’andamento del Corpo Nero e se ne discuteranno le relative caratteristiche che li discostano dall’oggetto teorico.