994 resultados para Rastreador solar


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The performance of the 240 m2 solar pond in Bangalore is discussed. The problems of erosion of gradient zone and formation of internal convective zones is highlighted. The technique of passive salt addition is shown to be a viable alternative for salt recycling. Different techniques of heat extraction are discussed and the use of an immersed copper heat exchanger is shown to be most convenient. A two-zone model for prediction of the seasonal structure of the solar pond performance is proposed. The model is shown to simulate the seasonal structure of the observed variation of the temperature in the storage zone.


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The hypothesis that the solar dynamo operates in a thin layer at the bottom of the convection zone is addressed. Recent work on the question whether the magnetic flux can be made to emerge at sunspot latitudes is reviewed. It is concluded that this hypothesis can fit the observational facts only if there is turbulence with a length scale of a few hundred kilometers in and around the dynamo region.


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Solar pond technology has made substantial progress in the last fifteen years. This paper reviews the basic principles of solar ponds and the problems encountered in their operation and maintenance. The factors which influence the technical and economic viability of solar ponds for thermal applications and power generation have been discussed.


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We confirm that the evidence for the Waldmeier effect WE1 (the anticorrelation between rise times of sunspot cycles and their strengths) and the related effect WE2 (the correlation between rise rates of cycles and their strengths) is found in different kinds of sunspot data. We explore whether these effects can be explained theoretically on the basis of the flux transport dynamo models of sunspot cycles. Two sources of irregularities of sunspot cycles are included in our model: fluctuations in the poloidal field generation process and fluctuations in the meridional circulation. We find WE2 to be a robust result which is produced in different kinds of theoretical models for different sources of irregularities. The Waldmeier effect WE1, on the other hand, arises from fluctuations in the meridional circulation and is found only in the theoretical models with reasonably high turbulent diffusivity which ensures that the diffusion time is not more than a few years.


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The outer atmosphere of the sun called the corona has been observed during total solar eclipse for short periods (typically <6 min), from as early as the eighteenth century. In the recent past, space-based instruments have permitted us to study the corona uninterruptedly. In spite of these developments, the dynamic corona and its high temperature (1-2 million K) are yet to be Ally understood. It is conjectured that their dynamic nature and associated energetic events are possible reasons behind the high temperature. In order to study these in detail, a visible emission line space solar coronagraph is being proposed as a payload under the small-satellite programme of the Indian Space Research Organisation. The satellite is named as Aditya-1 and the scientific objectives of this payload are to study: (i) the existence of intensity oscillations for the study of wave-driven coronal heating; (ii) the dynamics and formation of coronal loops and temperature structure of the coronal features; (iii) the origin, cause and acceleration of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and other solar active features, and (iv) coronal magnetic field topology and three-dimensional structures of CMEs using polarization information. The uniqueness of this payload compared to previously flown space instruments is as follows: (a) observations in the visible wavelength closer to the disk (down to 1.05 solar radii); (b) high time cadence capability (better than two-images per second), and (c) simultaneous observations of at least two spectral windows all the time and three spectral windows for short durations.


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Semiconductor based nanoscale heterostructures are promising candidates for photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications with the sensitization of a wide bandgap semiconductor with a narrow bandgap material being the most viable strategy to maximize the utilization of the solar spectrum. Here, we present a simple wet chemical route to obtain nanoscale heterostructures of ZnO/CdS without using any molecular linker. Our method involves the nucleation of a Cd-precursor on ZnO nanorods with a subsequent sulfidation step leading to the formation of the ZnO/CdS nanoscale heterostructures. Excellent control over the loading of CdS and the microstructure is realized by merely changing the initial concentration of the sulfiding agent. We show that the heterostructures with the lowest CdS loading exhibit an exceptionally high activity for the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under solar irradiation conditions; microstructural and surface analysis reveals that the higher activity in this case is related to the dispersion of the CdS nanoparticles on the ZnO nanorod surface and to the higher concentration of surface hydroxyl species. Detailed analysis of the mechanism of formation of the nanoscale heterostructures reveals that it is possible to obtain deterministic control over the nature of the interfaces. Our synthesis method is general and applicable for other heterostructures where the interfaces need to be engineered for optimal properties. In particular, the absence of any molecular linker at the interface makes our method appealing for photovoltaic applications where faster rates of electron transfer at the heterojunctions are highly desirable.


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This paper proposes a hybrid solar cooking system where the solar energy is brought to the kitchen. The energy source is a combination of the solar thermal energy and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that is in common use in kitchens. The solar thermal energy is transferred to the kitchen by means of a circulating fluid. The transfer of solar heat is a twofold process wherein the energy from the collector is transferred first to an intermediate energy storage buffer and the energy is subsequently transferred from the buffer to the cooking load. There are three parameters that are controlled in order to maximize the energy transfer from the collector to the load viz, the fluid flow rate from collector to buffer, fluid flow rate from buffer to load and the diameter of the pipes. This is a complex multi energy domain system comprising energy flow across several domains such as thermal, electrical and hydraulic. The entire system is modeled using the bond graph approach with seamless integration of the power flow in these domains. A method to estimate different parameters of the practical cooking system is also explained. Design and life cycle costing of the system is also discussed. The modeled system is simulated and the results are validated experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Excitation energy migration followed by electron transfer forms the main components of natural photosynthesis. An understanding of these aspects is essential to reenact the primary processes in laboratory under conditions that are precisely repeatable. Here we describe the state of understanding of the natural process and several model systems designed to harvest solar energy and conversion to useful form of chemical energy. The molecular assemblies constituting the model systems offer a great advantage in terms of better comprehension of the mechanistic aspects and yield valuable information on the design of molecular photonic devices.


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CZTS (Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide) is a wide band gap quartnery chalcopyrite which has a band gap of about 1.45 eV and an absorption coefficient of 10(4) cm(-1); thus making it an ideal material to be used as an absorber layer in solar cells. Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis is a deposition technique, where the solution is atomized ultrasonically, thereby giving a fine mist having a narrow size distribution which can be used for uniform coatings on substrates. An Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis equipment was developed and CZTS absorber layers were successfully grown with this technique on soda lime glass substrates using aqueous solutions. Substrate temperatures ranging from 523 K to 723 K were used to deposit the CZTS layers and these films were characterized using SEM, EDAX and XRD. It was observed that the film crystallized in the kesterite structure and the best crystallites were obtained at 613 K. It was observed that the grain size progressively increased with temperature. The optical band gap of the material was obtained as 1.54 eV.


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Anatase titania nanotubes (TNTs) have been synthesized from P25 TiO2 powder by alkali hydrothermal method followed by post annealing. The microstructure analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the formation of anatase nanotubes with a diameter of 9-10 nm. These NTs are used to make photo anode in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Layer by layer deposition with curing of each layer at 350 C is employed to realize films of desired thickness. The performance of these cells is studied using photovoltaic measurements. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is used to quantitatively analyze the effect of thickness on the performance of these cells. These studies revealed that the thickness of TiO2 has a pronounced impact on the cell performance and the optimum thickness lies in the range of 10-14 mu m. In comparison to dye solar cells made of P25, TNTs based cells exhibit an improved open circuit voltage and fill factor (FF) due to an increased electron lifetime, as revealed by EIS analysis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Attempts in the past to model the irregularities of the solar cycle (such as the Maunder minimum) were based on studies of the nonlinear feedback of magnetic fields on the dynamo source terms. Since the alpha-coefficient is obtained by averaging over the turbulence, it is expected to have stochastic fluctuations, and we show that these fluctuations can explain the irregularities of the solar cycle in a more satisfactory way. We solve the dynamo equations in a slab with a single mode, taking the alpha-coefficient to be constant in space but fluctuating stochastically in time with some given amplitude and given correlation time. The same level of percentile fluctuations (about 10 %) produces no effect on an alpha-omega dynamo, but makes an alpha-2 dynamo completely chaotic. The level of irregularities in an alpha-2-omega dynamo qualitatively agrees with the solar behavior, reinforcing the conclusion of Choudhuri (1990a) that the solar dynamo is of the alpha-2-omega-type. The irregularities are found to increase on increasing either the amplitude or the correlation time of the stochastic fluctuations. The alpha-quenching mechanism tends to make the system stable against the irregularities and hence it is inferred that the alpha-quenching should not be too strong so that the irregularities are not completely suppressed. We also present a simple-minded analysis to understand why the stochastic fluctuations in the alpha-omega, alpha-2-omega and alpha-2 regimes have such different outcomes.


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We show that meridional circulation can have a profound influence on dynamo models for the solar cycle. Motivated by the observed tilt angles of sunspot groups we assume that the generation of the poloidal field takes place near the surface, while a shear layer of radial differential rotation produces the toroidal field at the bottom of the convection zone. Both layers are coupled by a circulation with a poleward directed flow in the upper part and an equatorward flow in the deep layers of the convection zone. The circulation forces the toroidal field belts (which are responsible for the surface activity) to move equatorward. This leads to butterfly diagrams in qualitative agreement with the observations, even if the dynamo wave would propagate poleward in the absence of circulation. This result opens the possibility to construct models for the solar cycle which are based on observational data (tilt angles, differential rotation, and meridional circulation).


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We performed high resolution spectroscopy of the solar corona during the total solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 in two emission lines: the green line at 5303 due to Fe xiv and the red line at 6374 due to Fe x, simultaneously from Anji (latitude 30A degrees 28.1' N; longitude 119A degrees 35.4' E; elevation 890 m), China. A two-mirror coelostat with 100 cm focal length lens produced a 9.2 mm image of the Sun. The spectrograph using 140 cm focal length lens in Littrow mode and a grating with 600 lines per millimeter blazed at 2 mu m provided a dispersion of 30 m and 43 m per pixel in the fourth order around the green line and third order around the red line, respectively. Two Peltier cooled 1k x 1k CCD cameras, with a pixel size of 13 mu m square and 14-bit readout at 10 MHz operated in frame transfer mode, were used to obtain the time sequence spectra in two emission lines simultaneously. The duration of totality was 341 s, but we could get spectra for 270 s after a trial exposure at an interval of 5 s. We report here on the detection of intensity, velocity, and line width oscillations with periodicity in the range of 25 -50 s. These oscillations can be interpreted in terms of the presence of fast magnetoacoustic waves or torsional Alfv,n waves. The intensity ratios of green to red emission lines indicate the temperature of the corona to be 1.65 MK in the equatorial region and 1.40 MK in the polar region, relatively higher than the expected temperature during the low activity period. The width variation of the emission lines in different coronal structures suggests different physical conditions in different structures.