949 resultados para Radio plays
Vatikaanin radion 80-vuotisnäyttely Vatikaanin museossa.
In this thesis the design of bandpass filters tunable at 400 MHz – 800 MHz was under research. Microwave filters are vital components which provide frequency selectivity in wide variety of electronic systems operating at high frequencies. Due to the occurrence of multi-frequency bands communication and diverse applications of wireless devices, requirement of tunable filters exists. The one of potential implementation of frequency-agile filters is frontends and spectrum sensors in Cognitive Radio (CR). The principle of CR is to detect and operate at a particular available spectrum without interfering with the primary user’s signals. This new method allows improving the efficiency of utilizing allocated spectrum such as TV band (400 MHz – 800 MHz). The focus of this work is development of sufficiently compact, low cost tunable filters with quite narrow bandwidth using currently available lumped-element components and PCB board technology. Filter design, different topologies and methods of tuning of bandpass filters are considered in this work. As a result, three types of topologies of bandpass filter were simulated and realised. They use digitally tunable capacitors (DTCs) for adjusting central frequency at TV "white space" spectrum. Measurements revealed that schematics presented in this work have proper output response and filters are successfully tuned by DTCs.
Teemanumero 1/2012: Arkisto.
Tutkielmassa arvioidaan kognitiivisen radion sotilaalliseen ympäristöön tuomia mahdollisuuksia. Radion kognitiivisuutta käsitellään kongitiivisten ominaisuuksien, kuten adaptiivisuuden tai tilannetietoisuuden, kautta. Painopisteenä on kognitiivisten ominaisuuksien tuomien vaikutusten tarkastelu operatiivisessa viitekehyksessä. Operatiivisia vaikutuksia tutkitaan uhkalähtöisesti eli arvioimalla, miten tietty kognitiivinen ominaisuus vaikuttaa yleisimpiin tiedonsiirtoverkon uhkiin. Tutkimus on kirjallisuustutkimus, jota on täydennetty asiantuntijahaastatteluin sekä -arvioin. Operatiiviset vaikutukset on tiivistetty taulukoimalla eri kognitiivisten ominaisuuksien ja yleisimpien tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien uhkat. Kognitiiviselle radiolle on useita erilaisia määritelmiä. Tutkielman perusteella ITU-R:n määritelmää voidaan pitää kattavana. Kaikkia kriteerejä täyttävää kognitiivista radiota ei ole vielä olemassa, vaikka kognitiivisia ominaisuuksia radioissa on ollut pitkään. Kognitiivinen radio, tai jo pelkästään ohjelmistoradio kehittyneillä kognitiivisilla ominaisuuksilla, tuo huomattavia mahdollisuuksia parantaa langattoman tiedonsiirron toimintakykyä sotilaallisessa käyttöympäristössä. Kognitiiviset ominaisuudet vaikuttavat merkittävästi niin viestitaktiikkaan kuin uhkaankin. Tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien ylläpito ja rakentaminen vaativat aiempaa enemmän suunnittelua ja ammattitaitoa, mutta toisaalta loppukäyttäjän osaamistasovaatimuksia voidaan laskea sitä mukaan, kun lähestytään 0- konfiguraatiojärjestelmiä. Radioiden kognitiivisuuden myötä voidaan myös passiivisiin uhkiin, esimerkiksi elektroniseen tiedusteluun, varautua aiempaa tehokkaammin. Aktiivisiin uhkiin, kuten häirintään, kognitiiviset ominaisuudet vaikuttavat jopa toiminnan fundamentteja muuttavasti: perinteiset häirintätehtävät voivat vaihtua esimerkiksi tiedustelua tukeviksi tehtäviksi. Kognitiivisia ominaisuuksia voi olla myös häirintäjärjestelmissä, mikä toisaalta tasapainottaa mutta toisaalta vaikeuttaa häirinnän vaikutuksen ennakointia ja arviointia. Tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien ohjelmistopohjaisuus nostaa kyberuhkan merkitystä arvioitaessa eri uhkien kokonaismerkityksiä. Onnistunut kyberoperaatio voi tarkoittaa koko järjestelmän lamautumista tai vakavaa tietovuotoa. Merkittävimpänä esteenä kognitiivisen radion kehittymiselle on taajuusregulaation jäykkyys. Paine taajuushallinnan muutokselle nousee erityisesti siviilipuolen kehittyvien mobiililaitteiden datansiirtomäärien kasvaessa. Lainsäädäntö antaa viranomaisille suuret valtuudet säädellä spektrin käyttöä poikkeusoloissa. Tämä mahdollistaa sotilaallisten järjestelmien suunnittelun ja kehittämisen taajuusriippumattomasti ja toisaalta myös edellyttää sitä.
We investigated the effects of losartan, an AT1-receptor blocker, and ramipril, a converting enzyme inhibitor, on the pressor response induced by angiotensin II (ANG II) and carbachol (a cholinergic receptor agonist). Male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. The injection of losartan (50 nmol/1 µl) into the LV blocked the pressor response induced by ANG II (12 ng/1 µl) and carbachol (2 nmol/1 µl). After injection of ANG II and carbachol into the LV, mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased to 31 ± 1 and 28 ± 2 mmHg, respectively. Previous injection of losartan abolished the increase in MAP induced by ANG II and carbachol into the LV (2 ± 1 and 5 ± 2 mmHg, respectively). The injection of ramipril (12 ng/1 µl) prior to carbachol blocked the pressor effect of carbachol to 7 ± 3 mmHg. These results suggest an interaction between central cholinergic pathways and the angiotensinergic system in the regulation of arterial blood pressure
Nowadays global business trends force the adoption of innovative ICTs into the supply chain management (SCM). Particularly, the RFID technology is on high demand among SCM professionals due to its business advantages such as improving of accuracy and veloc-ity of SCM processes which lead to decrease of operational costs. Nevertheless, a question of the RFID technology impact on the efficiency of warehouse processes in the SCM re-mains open. The goal of the present study is to experiment the possibility of improvement order picking velocity in a warehouse of a big logistics company with the use of the RFID technology. In order to achieve this goal the following objectives have been developed: 1) Defining the scope of the RFID technology applications in the SCM; 2) Justification of the RFID technology impact on the SCM processes; 3) Defining a place of the warehouse order picking process in the SCM; 4) Identification and systematization of existing meth-ods of order picking velocity improvement; 5) Choosing of the study object and gathering of the empirical data about number of orders, number of hours spent per each order line daily during 5 months; 6) Processing and analysis of the empirical data; 7) Conclusion about the impact of the RFID technology on the speed of order picking process. As a result of the research it has been found that the speed of the order picking processes has not been changed as time has gone after the RFID adoption. It has been concluded that in order to achieve a positive effect in the speed of order picking process with the use of the RFID technology it is necessary to simultaneously implement changes in logistics and organizational management in 3PL logistics companies. Practical recommendations have been forwarded to the management of the company for further investigation and procedure.
The most common reason for a low-voltage induction motor breakdown is a bearing failure. Along with the increasing popularity of modern frequency converters, bearing failures have become the most important motor fault type. Conditions in which bearing currents are likely to occur are generated as a side effect of fast du/dt switching transients. Once present, different types of bearing currents can accelerate the mechanical wear of bearings by causing deformation of metal parts in the bearing and degradation of the lubricating oil properties.The bearing current phenomena are well known, and several bearing current measurement and mitigation methods have been proposed. Nevertheless, in order to develop more feasible methods to measure and mitigate bearing currents, better knowledge of the phenomena is required. When mechanical wear is caused by bearing currents, the resulting aging impact has to be monitored and dealt with. Moreover, because of the stepwise aging mechanism, periodically executed condition monitoring measurements have been found ineffective. Thus, there is a need for feasible bearing current measurement methods that can be applied in parallel with the normal operation of series production drive systems. In order to reach the objectives of feasibility and applicability, nonintrusive measurement methods are preferred. In this doctoral dissertation, the characteristics and conditions of bearings that are related to the occurrence of different kinds of bearing currents are studied. Further, the study introduces some nonintrusive radio-frequency-signal-based approaches to detect and measure parameters that are associated with the accelerated bearing wear caused by bearing currents.
Erythrocytes are useful in evaluating K+ transport pathways involved in internal K+ balance. Several forms of H+,K+-ATPase have been described in nephron segments active in K+ transport. Furthermore, the activity of a ouabain-insensitive isoform of H+,K+-ATPase expressed in collecting duct cells may be modulated by acid-base status. Various assays were performed to determine if a ouabain-insensitive K+-ATPase is present in rat erythrocytes and, if so, whether it plays a role in internal K+ balance. Kinetic studies demonstrated that maximal stimulation of enzyme activity was achieved with 2.5 mM K+ at pH 7.4. Subsequent experiments were performed on erythrocyte membranes collected from animals submitted to varying degrees of K+ homeostasis: control rats, K+-depleted rats, K+-loaded rats, and rats rendered hyperkalemic due to acute renal failure. As observed in the collecting duct cell studies, there was a significant decrease in the activity of ouabain-insensitive K+-ATPase in the erythrocytes of both K+-loaded and metabolically alkalotic K+-depleted rats. However, this enzyme activity in erythrocyte membranes of rats with metabolic acidosis-related hyperkalemia was similar to that of control animals. This finding may be interpreted as resulting from two potentially modulating factors: the stimulating effect that metabolic acidosis has on K+-ATPase and the counteracting effect that hyperkalemia and uremia have on metabolic acidosis. In summary, we present evidence of a ouabain-insensitive K+-ATPase in erythrocytes, whose activity is modulated by acid-base status and K+ levels.
Variantti B.
Variantti A.
Resveratrol (RESV) is a polyphenolic compound found in various plants, including grapes, berries and peanuts, and its processed foods as red wine. RESV possesses a variety of bioactivities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, antidiabetic, anticancer, chemopreventive, neuroprotective, renal lipotoxicity preventative, and renal protective effects. Numerous studies have demonstrated that polyphenols promote cardiovascular health. Furthermore, RESV can ameliorate several types of renal injury in animal models, including diabetic nephropathy, hyperuricemic, drug-induced injury, aldosterone-induced injury, ischemia-reperfusion injury, sepsis-related injury, and endothelial dysfunction. In addition, RESV can prevent the increase in vasoconstrictors, such as angiotensin II (AII) and endothelin-1 (ET-1), as well as intracellular calcium, in mesangial cells. Together, these findings suggest a potential role for RESV as a supplemental therapy for the prevention of renal injury.