424 resultados para RFID,


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Este trabajo presenta un sistema de posicionamiento local (LPS) para personas en entornos interiores basado en la combinación de tecnología RFID activa y una metodología bayesiana de estimación de la posición a partir de la fuerza de las señales de RF recibidas. La complejidad inherente a la propagación de las ondas de RF en entornos interiores causa grandes fluctuaciones en el nivel de la fuerza de la señal, por lo que las técnicas bayesianas, de naturaleza estadística, tienen ventajas significativas frente a métodos de posicionamiento más comunes, como multilateración, minimización cuadrática o localización por fingerprinting. En la validación experimental del sistema RFID-LPS se consigue un error de posicionamiento medio de 2.10 m (mediana de 1.84 m y 3.89 m en el 90% de los casos), en un área abarcada de 475 m2 con 29 tags RFID, y con velocidades de desplazamiento de hasta 0.5 m/s, prestaciones iguales o superiores a otros sistemas del estado del arte. Aunque existen precedentes en Robótica móvil, la combinación de métodos bayesianos y tecnología RFID activa usada en este trabajo es original en el marco de los sistemas de localización de personas, cuyos desplazamientos son generalmente más impredecibles que los de los robots. Otros aspectos novedosos investigados son la posibilidad de alcanzar una estimación conjunta de posición y orientación de un usuario con dos métodos distintos (uso de antenas directivas y aprovechamiento de la atenuación de la señal de RF por el cuerpo humano), la escalabilidad del sistema RFID-LPS, y la estimación de la posición por técnicas bayesianas en sistemas simples que pueden detectar los marcadores RFID, pero no medir su fuerza de señal.


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La fermentación de las bayas de café se considera una et apa crítica en el procesado del café debido a su impacto en la calidad final del producto. La temperatura es una de las principales variables de control que puede ser utilizada para predecir el final del proceso, teniendo en cuenta que varios autores indican que el control de esta etapa es fundamental para evitar la mala calidad de la be bida final. En la práctica, la fermentación es el paso menos controlado del proceso, haciendo que los beneficiaderos operen lejos de sus condiciones óptimas en términos de costes de operación (es decir, elevados consumos de energía y agua) y de calidad del producto final. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar los gradientes de temperatura que se dan en los tanques de fermentación mediante una red multi-distribuida de sensores autónomos, inalámbricos y de bajo coste (registradores de temperatura del tipo RFID, identificadores de radiofrecuencia semipasivos modelo TurboTag®).Para ello se utilizan dos metodologías: la interpolación espacial en coordenadas polares y los diagramas de espacio de fase. Se supervisaron dos fermentaciones reales de café, en El Cauca (Colombia), mediante sensores sumergidos directamente en la masa en fermentación. Los fermentadores eran tanques de plástico cubiertos, uno de ellos colocado en el interior de un almacén, permaneciendo el otro a la intemperie. El rango de variación máximo de temperatura en los tanques fue de 4,5ºC. La interpolación espacial mostró, incluso en el fermentador bajo las condiciones menos desfavorables en el interior del almacén, un gradiente radial de temperatura instantáneo de 0,1 °C/cm desde el centro hasta el perímetro del tanque y un gradiente vertical de temperatura de 0,25 °C/cm para sensores con coordenadas polares iguales. La combinación de ambas metodologías permitió la identificación consistente de los puntos calientes y fríos de ambas fermentaciones.


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Las hortalizas mínimamente procesadas (MP) son productos frescos, higienizados, que sufren alteraciones físicas durante el proceso de elaboración que afectan a su metabolismo, determinando incrementos en la tasa respiratoria y producción de etileno. Los daños que se originan por las operaciones físicas, vuelven a estos productos más susceptibles a la colonización de microorganismos, inducen procesos de cicatrización de heridas y afectan su calidad organoléptica y funcional. Por ello en estos productos es especialmente crítico el aseguramiento de las condiciones de refrigeración desde el productor hasta el consumidor. En este estudio se presenta el análisis de las temperaturas registradas en Santiago (Chile) durante la cadena de producción y distribución de lechugas baby leaf MP tipo Salanova®, monitorizadas mediante sensores de temperatura y humedad relativa (I-Buttons®) y tarjetas RFID con sensor de temperatura (TurboTag®), colocados en el interior de las bolsas de lechuga y en el exterior de las cajas de agrupación. El objetivo del presente trabajo es generar información sobre el historial térmico de estos productos desde la huerta a la nevera del consumidor, así como optimizar los protocolos de colocación de dispositivos y sistematizar procedimientos de análisis de datos espacio-temporales. Con los datos registrados, se simuló la cadena de producción, distribución y venta, realizando un seguimiento de la calidad comercial del producto, evaluándose la tasa respiratoria y las características sensoriales sin degustación. Se observó que no solo se producen saltos térmicos discretos, sino que las lechugas estuvieron durante gran parte de su vida útil en condiciones sub-óptimas de temperatura, comprometiéndose su calidad sensorial.


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This letter presents signal processing techniques to detect a passive thermal threshold detector based on a chipless time-domain ultrawideband (UWB) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. The tag is composed by a UWB antenna connected to a transmission line, in turn loaded with a biomorphic thermal switch. The working principle consists of detecting the impedance change of the thermal switch. This change occurs when the temperature exceeds a threshold. A UWB radar is used as the reader. The difference between the actual time sample and a reference signal obtained from the averaging of previous samples is used to determine the switch transition and to mitigate the interferences derived from clutter reflections. A gain compensation function is applied to equalize the attenuation due to propagation loss. An improved method based on the continuous wavelet transform with Morlet wavelet is used to overcome detection problems associated to a low signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver. The average delay profile is used to detect the tag delay. Experimental measurements up to 5 m are obtained.


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Information Technology and Communications (ICT) is presented as the main element in order to achieve more efficient and sustainable city resource management, while making sure that the needs of the citizens to improve their quality of life are satisfied. A key element will be the creation of new systems that allow the acquisition of context information, automatically and transparently, in order to provide it to decision support systems. In this paper, we present a novel distributed system for obtaining, representing and providing the flow and movement of people in densely populated geographical areas. In order to accomplish these tasks, we propose the design of a smart sensor network based on RFID communication technologies, reliability patterns and integration techniques. Contrary to other proposals, this system represents a comprehensive solution that permits the acquisition of user information in a transparent and reliable way in a non-controlled and heterogeneous environment. This knowledge will be useful in moving towards the design of smart cities in which decision support on transport strategies, business evaluation or initiatives in the tourism sector will be supported by real relevant information. As a final result, a case study will be presented which will allow the validation of the proposal.


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RFID is one of the contemporary technologies that has the potential to enable improved data gathering and cross-companies integration, and thus achieve cost efficiency. However, RFID has not yet become primary approach to collect data from the supply chain activities. This is partly due to (relative) high cost of implementation, partly due to technical deficiencies, as well as cross-company systems integration issues. This paper discusses a potential application area for RFID technology, which is environmentally sustainable supply chain management. The paper discusses the current practices in green supply chain management, and proposes possible applications of RFID enabling green supply chain management. The paper also proposes an idea of ad hoc RFID systems which are rapidly deployable and require minimal, if at all, pre-existing infrastructure. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper presents a Decision Support System framework based on Constrain Logic Programming and offers suggestions for using RFID technology to improve several of the critical procedures involved. This paper suggests that a widely distributed and semi-structured network of waste producing and waste collecting/processing enterprises can improve their planning both by the proposed Decision Support System, but also by implementing RFID technology to update and validate information in a continuous manner. © 2010 IEEE.


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Competition in the 3PL market continues to intensify as providers compete to win and retain clients. 3PL providers are required to reduce costs while offering tailored innovative logistical solutions in order to remain competitive. 3PL providers can reduce costs through the consolidation of assets and introduction of cross-docking activities. Innovative logistical services can be tailored to each client via the introduction of real-time data updates. This paper highlights that RFID enabled RTE can assist in improvements of both these areas through increased network visibility. A framework is presented where the 3PL provider focuses on asset reduction, asset utilisation, real-time data employment and RTE cycle time reduction in order to enhance competitiveness. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper aims to discuss the recent literature on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and reverse logistics (RL). Particular attention is applied to the bullwhip effect and its increase as RL activities are integrated into the supply chain. RFID is investigated as a tool to assist with integrating reverse and forward logistics into a seamless supply chain and reduce the bullwhip effect. However, further research is required within this area and in particular the return on investment for RFID-enabled integrated systems.


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This paper aims to explore the application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to Returnable transit equipment (RTE) in the supply chain. Particular attention is applied to the current structures of RTE networks as formulated by RTE providers. The problems related to RTE usage are described and the effect to the network analyzed. RFID is investigated as a tool to assist with the movement of the RTE both from the client’s and RTE provider’s point of view.


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Warehouse is an essential component in the supply chain, linking the chain partners and providing them with functions of product storage, inbound and outbound operations along with value-added processes. Allocation of warehouse resources should be efficient and effective to achieve optimum productivity and reduce operational costs. Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology capable of providing real-time information about supply chain operations. It has been used by warehousing and logistic enterprises to achieve reduced shrinkage, improved material handling and tracking as well as increased accuracy of data collection. However, both academics and practitioners express concerns about challenges to RFID adoption in the supply chain. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the problems encountered in RFID implementation at warehouses, discussing the theoretical and practical adoption barriers and causes of not achieving full potential of the technology. Lack of foreseeable return on investment (ROI) and high costs are the most commonly reported obstacles. Variety of standards and radio wave frequencies are identified as source of concern for decision makers. Inaccurate performance of the RFID within the warehouse environment is examined. Description of integration challenges between warehouse management system and RFID technology is given. The paper discusses the existing solutions to technological, investment and performance RFID adoption barriers. Factors to consider when implementing the RFID technology are given to help alleviate implementation problems. By illustrating the challenges of RFID in the warehouse environment and discussing possible solutions the paper aims to help both academics and practitioners to focus on key areas constituting an obstacle to the technology growth. As more studies will address these challenges, the realisation of RFID benefits for warehouses and supply chain will become a reality.


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In recent years the increased interest in introducing radio frequency technology (RFID) in warehousing was observed. First adopters of RFID reported numerous benefits, which included: reduced shrinkage, real-time tracking and better accuracy of data collection. Along with the academic and industrial discussion on benefits which can be achieved in RFID enabled warehouses there are reports on issues related to adoption of RFID technology in warehousing. This paper reviews results of scientific reports of RFID implementation in warehouses and discusses the adoption barriers and causes of not achieving full potential of the technology. Following adoption barriers are identified and set in warehousing context: lack of forseeable return on investment (ROI), unreliable performance of RFID systems, standarisation, integration with legacy systems and privacy/security concerns. As more studies will address these challenges, the realisation of RFID benefits for warehouses will become reality.


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In recent years the applications of radio frequency identification technology (RFID) in warehousing have gained a great amount of attention as it is a challenging and dynamic environment. Analysing a receiving operation of third party logistic (3PL) operator running a tyre distribution centre, this paper presents a case study of RFID application in the warehouse. The receiving process is enhanced with the RFID technology, which provides contactless identification, less manual data entry errors, instant stock management. Moreover, these benefits could be maximised by the proposed use of the RFID generated data in accounting of costs and services, which is a novel application of the RFID technology.