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Includes bibliography


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The effects of nursing regimens on the body condition, onset of ovarian cyclicity postpartum and weaning weight of lambs were assessed in Santa Ines ewes. Thirty-two ewes were blocked according to parity, number of lambs, and body weight at lambing and within each block randomly allocated to treatments: continuous nursing (CN), controlled nursing (CN2) with two daily feedings for an hour after the 10th day postpartum, or early weaning (EW) with total separation from the lambs after the 10th day. The animals were evaluated from the 12th day postpartum until the first estrus or until 60th day. The dry matter and nutrients intake did not differ among treatments ( P>. 0.05) but did differ over time ( P<. 0.01). The weight, body condition score, serum concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids and prolactin, the percentages of ewes in estrus, of ewes that ovulated within 60th day and had ovulation silent, the period from lambing to estrus, ovulation and follicle with a diameter ≥5. mm and the maximum follicular diameter did not differ ( P>. 0.05) among the treatments. The percentage of ovulation until 30th day was greater ( P<. 0.05) in the EW group. The percentage of short luteal phases was higher in the CN2 and EW groups ( P=0.07) and normal luteal phases were higher in the CN group ( P=0.01). Lamb weight weaning was lower in the EW group ( P<. 0.05). It is possible to use CN to obtain lambing periods less than eight months in Santa Ines ewes, with the advantages of simpler management and higher lamb weaning weights. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Drawing on data from a survey of returning migrants, this study examines the factors behind the decision to launch a business in Loja, Ecuador. The possible explanations fall under various headings: demographic characteristics, work experience abroad, reasons for returning, current situation, intention to re-emigrate, and activity before, during and after migration. The study also considers different concepts of “entrepreneur”, as own-account worker and as employer. The results are analysed, first, using univariate tests and then estimating probit models. The variables most closely associated with a high probability of starting a business after returning from migration are entrepreneurial experience during the migration, and the fact of having returned voluntarily, as well as having worked in the host country in agriculture or the hospitality sector. Having university training and having worked in public administration before migrating are negative factors. Other influential variables are age and the wage or salary received abroad, but these are more nuanced.


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We investigated the effects of high pressure on the point of no return or the minimum time required for a kicker to respond to the goalkeeper's dive in a simulated penalty kick task. The goalkeeper moved to one side with different times available for the participants to direct the ball to the opposite side in low-pressure (acoustically isolated laboratory) and high-pressure situations (with a participative audience). One group of participants showed a significant lengthening of the point of no return under high pressure. With less time available, performance was at chance level. Unexpectedly, in a second group of participants, high pressure caused a qualitative change in which for short times available participants were inclined to aim in the direction of the goalkeeper's move. The distinct effects of high pressure are discussed within attentional control theory to reflect a decreasing efficiency of the goal-driven attentional system, slowing down performance, and a decreasing effectiveness in inhibiting stimulus-driven behavior.


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This manuscript presents a review of the literature about medical leaves due to mental and behavioral disorders and return to work of teachers. There are scarce published manuscripts. Most articles relate with prevalence of mental disorders and factors associated with the work organization, and did not mention intervention proposals and or changes in the work organization and teaching work. Proposed actions are discussed.


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Die James Bond-Filme: seit über 40 Jahren sind sie ein unübersehbarer Bestandteil der Populärkultur. Anfang der 60er Jahre unter völlig anderen historischen, sozialen und nicht zuletzt filmtechnischen Voraussetzungen aus der Taufe gehoben, gelingt es ihnen auch heute noch, ein Massenpublikum für sich zu gewinnen. Inwiefern kann man bei einer so langen Laufzeit überhaupt noch von einer homogenen Serie sprechen? Und was für Gemeinsamkeiten, Unterschiede und auch Weiterentwicklungen von der ursprünglichen Machart sind hier zu beobachten? Dies sind die Grundfragen der vorliegenden Dissertation. Bei der Benennung der seriellen Eigenschaften werden sowohl inhaltliche als auch dramaturgische und filmtechnisch-formale Aspekte betrachtet. Die Figurenkonstellation von Held, Gegenspieler und der weiblichen Hauptfigur, die zwischen den beiden steht und häufig die Seiten wechselt, ist ein Schema das - kaum variiert - schon in den Romanvorlagen Ian Flemings zum Einsatz kam und auch das Rückgrat der Film-Plots bildet. Dennoch ließ dieses Gerüst den mittlerweile fünf verschiedenen Darstellern, die James Bond nacheinander verkörperten, genügend Freiraum für das Ausarbeiten eines eigenen Rollenkonzepts, das auf ihren speziellen Schauspielstil ausgerichtet war. Dadurch erhielt die James Bond-Figur jeweils eine Neuinterpretation, die sich insbesondere in ihrem sozialen Habitus bemerkbar macht, der je nach Darsteller zwischen provokantem Aufsteigertyp und aristokratischem Gentleman changierte. Zum unverwechselbaren Erkennungsmerkmal der Bond-Serie avancierte die so genannte 'gun-barrel'-Sequenz, die in den ersten Sekunden jedes Films abläuft. Auch die sich anschließende Vortitelsequenz, eine auf Spannung oder Action angelegte Szene, die einen Vorgeschmack auf den folgenden Film liefern soll, ist ein Element, das der Machart von Fernsehserien entnommen ist. Neben diesen bewusst eingesetzten Markenzeichen lässt sich auch in der Gestaltungsweise der Filme - in Kameraführung, Schnitt, Musik und Set Design - eine stilistische Kontinuität feststellen, die insbesondere dadurch bedingt ist, dass die Serie seit jeher von den Produzenten ähnlich wie ein Familienunternehmen geführt wurde und - zumindest bis Ende der 80er Jahre - auch die kreativen Köpfe der Filme konsequent im eigenen Team ausgebildet wurden.


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Investing in transport infrastructures such as roadways, airports and seaports has proven to improve a country's trade performance through reduction of transportation costs and providing access to production and market. This research investigates the diminishing return of infrastructure investment and also the rate of return of two types of infrastructure investment strategies on trade. An augmented gravity model is used with econometric analysis methods in this study. The results have shown that as roadway and airport densities increase, the marginal returns on trade decrease. Empirical evidence from the United States and China with all their trading partners from the past twenty years has also suggested existence of diminishing return of infrastructure investment on roadways and airports. Infrastructure investment strategy that focuses on increasing roadway and airport density experiences smaller diminishing return on trade. In contrast, seaport investment that focuses on port quality and efficiency generates higher return on trade. A trade benefiting infrastructure investment strategy that best utilizes financial resources must balance between quality and quantity based on a country's current level of infrastructure asset.