965 resultados para Qualidades tecnológicas
O presente trabalho apresenta uma abordagem teórica sobre o progresso técnico na agropecuária. São discutidos os fatores que limitam o progresso técnico e o diferencia do modo como ocorre na atividade industrial além de ser apresentado os conceitos de apropriacionismo e substitucionismo. Posteriormente, acrescenta-se à discussão o papel da Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária) de acordo com suas contribuições e formas de atuação. Por fim, é feita uma aproximação teórica daquilo que é discutido inicialmente com a atuação da empresa brasileira, para verificar a validade dos conceitos propostos
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
A cachaça é uma bebida exclusivamente brasileira que vem conquistando espaço no mercado dentre as bebidas alcoólicas destiladas. Porém, o Brasil é responsável pelo consumo de 99% do total produzido por ano e apenas 1% é exportado. Isso se deve à falta de padronização na produção e de conhecimento por parte dos produtores, que levam a contaminação por compostos indesejáveis produzindo uma bebida de baixa qualidade, tanto físico-química quanto sensorialmente. Os métodos de redestilação e filtração em carvão ativado vêm sendo alternativas para melhoria da qualidade. Amostras de cachaças foram submetidas a esses métodos e avaliadas quanto à composição química e a qualidade sensorial. As análises químicas de acidez volátil, aldeídos, ésteres, metanol, álcoois superiores e carbamato de etila foram realizadas em triplicatas utilizando cromatografia gasosa. Para a análise sensorial, as amostras foram submetidas ao Teste de Aceitação utilizando escala hedônica híbrida de nove pontos e avaliadas pelo Teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Foi aplicado também o Teste de Ordenação para avaliar a preferência entre as amostras e a Intenção de Compra foi avaliada utilizando-se uma escala de cinco pontos, de certamente não compraria a certamente compraria. A redestilação reduziu os níveis de acidez volátil, cobre e carbamato de etila enquanto a filtração diminuiu as concentrações de aldeídos e ésteres. Os processos de redestilação e filtração em carvão ativado não alteraram a aceitação da bebida, mantendo seu perfil sensorial e melhoraram a composição química.
This work aims to evaluate the different trajectories in terms of production structure, technological capabilities and performance in international trade of pharmaceutical industries in Brazil and India. For this, we build international trade indicators, based on data provided by the COMTRADE, the UN database for trade. Through the indicators, it is observed that the countries have different results in the catch-up process of the pharmaceutical industry. India has built a productive structure strongly based on generic drugs, with which it is able to greatly meet domestic demand and export to many countries worldwide. Brazil remains in a position of dependence of foreign production, with a high level of imports and exports to the region of Latin America
The aim of this research is to analyze the extension of changes in technological strategies of a group of Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, which we believe were induced by transformations in the institutional environment during the 1990s. Major institutional changes, such as the enacting of laws that recognized drug patents rights and fostered generic drugs market, have strengthened the market insertion and competitive position of these companies, what would enable an increase in research and development efforts in Brazil. In addition to the literature on technology strategy and drug industry, this study was based on interviews with six Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, all of which were ranked among the top national companies in the industry and have been considered in previous studies particularly active in the process of changing technological strategies. This research confirmed a significant intensification of technology efforts carried out by Brazilian drug companies. Nevertheless, the R&D intensity is still far below the global pattern and innovative impacts are slight.
The professional skills desirable to graduates in public relations are defined by many authors of scientific specialized literature, and are continually developed throughout the academic life of the PR student. There are many opportunities of learning aspects such as professional behavior, responsibilities and challenges in the activity's various branches. The field of public communication has particularities that must be respected in order to have an effective communication process with quality and focused vision for citizenship building. This paper examines the specificities of public communication in Brazil, characterized by innovations of the right to information on public social policies, and offers a contribution to the characterization of the necessary skills and abilities of the communicator of this field in the contemporary scenario
In modern society technologies have played an important space exerting influences in different spheres. Today's young people are born immersed in the digital and virtual reality, which has changed the ways of learning, as well as to relate to the world. All this context has intensified the debate on the potential of ICT in education and training means. In this study, we sought to investigate the teachers' vision of ICT in the school environment, how they are being incorporated into the school and the limits and possibilities of the use of ICT in the learning process. Questionnaires were administered to 150 teachers who teach in high school in the state network of São Paulo teaching, but specifically in Piracicaba. Continuing, semi-structured interviews with a group of 8 directors were carried out so that there was a deepening on the issues raised by teachers in the questionnaire. The research brought to light important issues for discussion and referral measures striving to support public policies of integration of ICT in schools. Teachers spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of their use and the process of integration. It was observed that, despite efforts to implementation, there are still problems with infrastructure of schools, teacher training and working conditions
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cassava leaves can be considered an important nutritional source when compared to other commonly consumed vegetables leaves. Cassava leaves have high levels of protein, fiber and minerals, and arestill underexplored due to the lack of information regarding the use of them as afood product, as well as, their use as an industrial raw material. The consumption of cassava leaves in fresh form is impractical due to the presence of cyanide, thereby it is required a pretreatment to be performed to reduce this component. The objective of this study was to produce and characterize the four made with cassava leaves as its chemical composition, color, indices of absorption and water solubility, and pasting properties, aiming to provide information of interest for possible application as an ingredient in the food industry. Cassava leaf flour showed low moisture content (6.6 %)and significant amounts of fiber (30.68 %), protein (23.00 %), and total carbohydrate (22.27%). Drying and milling processes allowed to obtain a flour with a low content of total cyanide (0.3 mg 100g-1 ), and the presence of vitamin C (56.6 mg 100g-1 ) and β –carotene (38 mg 100g- 1 ). The color analysis of cassava leaf flour showed low lightness with, predominantly, green and yellow pigments. The cassava leaf flour presented good solubility (14.85 %) and water absorption (6.87 g gel. g-1 ). Pasting properties showed a low peak of viscosity and a higher final viscosity with a retrogradation tendency, indicating a low capacity of this flour to form gel. The flour of cassava leaves can be a good source of nutrition when used as a food ingredient in soups and pasta. However, it is not indicated to products that require high gel formation.
Microalgae are a promising source of raw material for biodiesel production. This review discusses the latest developments related to the application of microalgae biomass for biodiesel production. Characterization of fatty acid of microalgae and comparisons with other sources of raw materials and processes are presented. Furthermore, technological perspectives and approaches for growing microalgae in photobioreactors, microalgal oil extraction techniques, and procedures for synthesizing biodiesel are reviewed.
O Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) é um instrumento amplamente pesquisado, de uso livre, que visa avaliar a saúde mental de crianças e adolescentes. Dada a relevância do uso de instrumentos aferidos para a avaliação de indicadores de saúde mental, este trabalho objetivou analisar a produção científica relacionada às propriedades psicométricas do Questionário. Procedeu-se a um levantamento bibliográfico de estudos indexados nas bases de dados MedLine, PsycINFO e Lilacs, a partir da publicação original do instrumento, abrangendo o período de 1997 a 2010, utilizando-se as seguintes palavraschave: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and psychometric properties; e Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and validity or reliability. Foram selecionados e analisados 51 estudos psicométricos. Os resultados indicaram índices positivos de validade e fidedignidade em 21 países, incluindo o Brasil, caracterizando seu alcance transcultural e sua aplicabilidade na área de saúde mental infanto-juvenil .
O documento IAEA/TRS 457 [1] define qualidades de radiação para calibração de detectores utilizados em mediações na área de radiologia diagnóstica. O documento define qualidades específicas para feixes primários (RQR), transmitidos (RQA), bem como outros específicos para mamografia e tomografia computadorizada. Estas qualidades devem ser estabelecidas de acordo com a norma IEC 61267. O presente trabalho descreve a validação dos filtros de qualidade de radiação RQR, previamente estabelecidos, a determinação de filtros com qualidade de radiação RQA e a determinação das curvas de atenuação para ambos os casos.
Programa de doctorado: Clínica e investigación terapeútica.
[ES]Se analizan los cambios en las opciones económicas y la tecnología cerámica de la población indígena del norte de Mendoza (Centro Oeste Argentino), como consecuencia de la dominación inca y la colonia europea. Con base en la evidencia arqueológica y etnohistórica se reflexiona sobre estas transformaciones a luz del concepto de etnogénesis. Se concluye que los agentes de cambio -nuevos contextos de producción y consumo- influyeron de modo distinto: durante el incario y la colonia se mantuvieron prácticas ancestrales de subsistencia a la vez que se incorporaron nuevas; por el contrario, la producción cerámica cambió drásticamente en cada período de dominación. [EN] This paper analyses the changes in subsistence practices and ceramic technology in the local indigenous population of northern Mendoza (west central Argentina), which resulted from the Inca domination and the European colonization. Based on the archaeological and ethnohistorical evidence, we discuss these changes in relation to the concept of ethnogenesis. We conclude that agents of change -new contexts of production and consumption- affected this differently: during the Inca period and colony, ancestral subsistence practices were preserved, in addition to the new ones; on the contrary, ceramic production drastically changed in each period.
La investigación: “Las buenas prácticas de enseñanza que apoyan el ingreso y la permanencia de los estudiantes en los profesorados de la FHyCS-UNaM - Código 16H 330”, atiende dificultades del ingreso y permanencia de los estudiantes universitarios. Hay tres maneras en que las distintas universidades adoptan el problema: despreocuparse, preocuparse u ocuparse. El tema no es nuevo, innovamos el enfoque, al identificar en primer año de cinco profesorados de la FHyCS - UNaM, las “buenas prácticas”, ideadas y aplicadas, por los formadores. Recogimos información utilizando: cuestionarios auto - administrados, observaciones, entrevistas y análisis de dispositivos pedagógicos durante 2011/12, en el presente año procesaremos datos, documentos, opiniones diversas. En esta ponencia caracterizamos las buenas prácticas docentes desde la perspectiva y voz del alumnado de primer año. Al finalizar: a) identificaremos estrategias que favorecen el ingreso; b) aportaremos conocimientos al campo profesional, didáctico y curricular; c) socializaremos hallazgos entre pares; y d) promoveremos las buenas prácticas docentes.