986 resultados para Public Works
L'objectiu és una aplicació que permeti realitzar el càlcul del volum de terres disponibles en el subsòl d'un àrea seleccionada. L'objectiu final del projecte serà crear un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica SIG que ajudi a valorar quines parcel¿les de l'àrea seleccionada són les que disposen de més volum de terres per iniciar la seva explotació. Per a això, es disposa del programari gvSIG i les seves extensions (SEXTANTE) i de tota la informació que es pugui obtenir sobre els SIG, Cartografia, Geodèsia... Per dur a terme aquest projecte es necessita tenir experiència en Bases de dades, Programació Orientada a Objectes i seria recomanable tenir coneixements sobre Enginyeria del Programador. El projecte se centrarà en la utilització de gvSIG, com un exemple concret de programari SIG de lliure accés, solució desenvolupada per la ¿Conselleria d%o2019Obris Publiquis de la Generalitat Valenciana¿. Una part d'aquest projecte consistirà a avaluar aquest programari. El resultat final serà l'obtenció dels coneixements necessaris per poder treballar amb dades espacials a més d'una aplicació SIG per al càlcul del volum de terres d'un àrea seleccionada.
Estudi d'un programari SIG: gvSIG, un programari lliure desenvolupat per iniciativa de la Conselleria d'Obres Públiques de la Generalitat Valenciana.
Malaria has always been an important public health problem in Brazil. The early history of Brazilian malaria and its control was powered by colonisation by Europeans and the forced relocation of Africans as slaves. Internal migration brought malaria to many regions in Brazil where, given suitableAnopheles mosquito vectors, it thrived. Almost from the start, officials recognised the problem malaria presented to economic development, but early control efforts were hampered by still developing public health control and ignorance of the underlying biology and ecology of malaria. Multiple regional and national malaria control efforts have been attempted with varying success. At present, the Amazon Basin accounts for 99% of Brazil’s reported malaria cases with regional increases in incidence often associated with large scale public works or migration. Here, we provide an exhaustive summary of primary literature in English, Spanish and Portuguese regarding Brazilian malaria control. Our goal was not to interpret the history of Brazilian malaria control from a particular political or theoretical perspective, but rather to provide a straightforward, chronological narrative of the events that have transpired in Brazil over the past 200 years and identify common themes.
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin HKR-Rakennuttajan Taloteknisen toimiston Kiinteistöjen elinkaaripalvelut- yksikölle. Työ on osa HKR-Rakennuttajan laatujärjestelmän uudistusta ja selkeytystä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää millaisiin asioihin tulisi kiinnittää huomiota kosteusteknisessä mielessä HKR-Rakennuttajan hankkeissa. Samoin Kiinteistöjen elinkaaripalvelut -yksikön asiantuntijapalveluiden käyttö rakennuttamisprosessissa ei ollut selvästi dokumentoituna HKR-Rakennuttajan laatujärjestelmään, joten tähän pyrittiin saamaan selkeytys. Lisäksi käynnissä on kuntotutkimustoiminnan uudistus, jossa kosteusteknisten asiantuntijapalvelujen konsulttitoiminnan käytössä tapahtuu muutoksia. Omalta osaltaan tämä insinöörityö pyrki selvittämään konsultin toimia hankkeen eri vaiheissa. Insinöörityössä kartoitettiin yksikön omat toimintakuvaukset kosteus- ja sisäilmateknisissä asioissa. Tämän jälkeen käydään läpi kaksi eri HKR-Rakennuttajan kohdetta, jossa oli kosteusteknisesti ongelmia. Kohteet valittiin ohjaajien toimesta, sillä näin saatiin esille työn kannalta oleellisia puutteita. Lisäksi kartoitettiin HKR-Rakennuttajan hankkeiden eri vaiheissa eri osapuolien tehtävät kosteus- ja sisäilmatekniseltä kannalta. Kartoitusten ja toimintakuvausten perusteella tehtiin ohje, joka liitettiin HKR-Rakennuttajan laatujärjestelmään. Lisäksi tehtiin urakkarajaliitteeseen velvoite, jossa määritellään kosteudenhallintasuunnitelman sisältö. Tietolähteinä tässä insinöörityössä oli alan kirjallisuus, HKR-Rakennuttajan Taloteknisen toimiston henkilökunnalta saatu suullinen informaatio ja internet.
Public Works is pleased to present the following Iowa Efficiency Review Report to Governor Chet Culver and Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge. This report is the product of a collaboration between our consulting team and very dedicated Iowa state employees who worked with us to share ideas and cost‐saving proposals under very difficult circumstances caused by the national financial crisis that is affecting state budgets throughout the country. For example, during the course of this review, Iowa departments were also asked to develop across‐the‐board cuts to achieve immediate reductions in state spending. It is a credit to Iowa state government that departmental staff continued to work on this Efficiency Review Report despite these challenges of also having to develop across‐the‐board budget cuts to achieve a balanced budget. We hope that these ideas will set the stage for further future budget improvements from achieving efficiencies, eliminating outdated practices, increasing the use of information technology solutions and finding new sources of non‐tax funding. The Efficiency Review Team faced a second challenge. Statewide Efficiency Reviews usually take from nine to 12 months to complete. In Iowa, we worked with dedicated department staff to complete our work in less than 4 months. The Governor challenged all of us to work intensely and to give him our best thinking on efficiency proposals so that he could act as quickly as possible to position state government for success over the next several years.
The Iowa Highway Research Board has identified the development of a simplified handbook of transportation studies as a high priority for the state of Iowa. The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) at Iowa State University was chosen to develop such a handbook. A well-executed, well-documented study is critical in the decision-making process for many transportation-related projects and in reporting to elected officials and members of the community. As more research is conducted in the area of transportation, study procedures in many cases have become more complex. It is often difficult for local jurisdictions with limited staff, training, experience, and time availability to perform these studies. The most commonly used publication for traffic studies is geared toward transportation professionals and professional engineers. That defining document, Manual of Transportation Studies (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2000), is over 500 pages and includes several dozen types of transportation studies. Many of the transportation studies described in the manual are rarely (if ever) used by local jurisdictions. Further, those studies that are frequently used are at times very complex and possibly very costly to perform exactly as described. Local jurisdictions without the staff expertise to understand and apply the manual’s various studies have a need for a simplified handbook of procedures to perform common traffic studies themselves or properly define a scope of work to hire a consultant to perform the studies. This handbook describes simplified procedures that are easy to apply and are written for all potential users (civil engineers and traffic engineers, public works mangers, city managers and attorneys, and the general public).
Una de les obres públiques més grans mai escomeses per l'home, i a la Xina possiblement només comparable a la Gran Muralla, és a punt d¿esdevenir una realitat: l'embassament de les Tres Gorges. Una enorme paret de formigó al més llarg i cabalós dels rius xinesos, el Iang-Tsé, acabarà amb una tràgica història de terribles inundacions i milers de morts, alhora que produirà una ingent quantitat d'electricitat (la central hidroelèctrica annexa a la presa serà la més gran de tot el món) i convertirà el riu en la principal via de comunicació fluvial del planeta. La construcció de embassament, però, suposarà també enormes i greus conseqüències.
Una de les obres públiques més grans mai escomeses per l'home, i a la Xina possiblement només comparable a la Gran Muralla, és a punt d¿esdevenir una realitat: l'embassament de les Tres Gorges. Una enorme paret de formigó al més llarg i cabalós dels rius xinesos, el Iang-Tsé, acabarà amb una tràgica història de terribles inundacions i milers de morts, alhora que produirà una ingent quantitat d'electricitat (la central hidroelèctrica annexa a la presa serà la més gran de tot el món) i convertirà el riu en la principal via de comunicació fluvial del planeta. La construcció de embassament, però, suposarà també enormes i greus conseqüències.
Five years after the 2005 Pakistan earthquake that triggered multiple mass movements, landslides continue to pose a threat to the population of Azad Kashmir, especially during heavy monsoon rains. The thousands of landslides that were triggered by the 7.6 magnitude earthquake in 2005 were not just due to a natural phenomenon but largely induced by human activities, namely, road building, grazing, and deforestation. The damage caused by the landslides in the study area (381 km2) is estimated at 3.6 times the annual public works budget of Azad Kashmir for 2005 of US$ 1 million. In addition to human suffering, this cost constitutes a significant economic setback to the region that could have been reduced through improved land use and risk management. This article describes interdisciplinary research conducted 18 months after the earthquake to provide a more systemic approach to understanding risks posed by landslides, including the physical, environmental, and human contexts. The goal of this research is twofold: to present empirical data on the social, geological, and environmental contexts in which widespread landslides occurred following the 2005 earthquake; and, second, to describe straightforward methods that can be used for integrated landslide risk assessments in data-poor environments. The article analyzes limitations of the methodologies and challenges for conducting interdisciplinary research that integrates both social and physical data. This research concludes that reducing landslide risk is ultimately a management issue, based in land use decisions and governance.
The present paper constitutes a synthesis of the results gotten during the five campaigns of air quality measurement in the years of 2003 and 2004 carried out in the Portuguese city of Viana do Castelo to characterise the reference situation and to accompany the Polis Programme, an urban re-qualification and environmental valorisation plan. The main objective of the monitoring programme consisted of the evaluation of atmospheric pollutants whose levels were susceptible of enhancement in the course of the urbanistic public works. The presented results refer to measurements performed in two distinct places of this city, comprising various consecutive days of acquisition that include, at least, one day of weekend.
‘The Father of Canadian Transportation’ is a term commonly associated with William Hamilton Merritt. Although he is most known for being one of the driving forces behind the building of the first Welland Canal, he was many things throughout his life; a soldier, merchant, promoter, entrepreneur and politician to name a few. Born on July 3, 1793 at Bedford, Westchester County, N.Y. to Thomas Merritt and Mary Hamilton, Merritt’s family relocated to Canada shortly after in 1796. The move came after Merritt’s father petitioned John Graves Simcoe for land in Upper Canada after serving under him in the Queen’s Rangers during the American Revolution. The family quickly settled into their life at Twelve Mile Creek in St. Catharines. Merritt’s father became sheriff of Lincoln County in 1803 while Merritt began his education in mathematics and surveying. After some brief travel and further education Merritt returned to Lincoln County, in 1809 to help farm his father’s land and open a general store. While a farmer and merchant, Merritt turned his attention to military endeavours. A short time after being commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Lincoln militia, the War of 1812 broke out. Fulfilling his duty, Merritt fought in the Battle of Queenston Heights in October of 1812, and numerous small battles until the Battle of Lundy’s Lane in July 1814. It was here that Merritt was captured and held in Cheshire, Massachusetts until the war ended. Arriving back in the St. Catharines area upon his release, Merritt returned to being a merchant, as well as becoming a surveyor and mill owner. Some historians hypothesize that the need to draw water to his mill was how the idea of the Welland Canals was born. Beginning with a plan to connect the Welland River with the Twelve mile creek quickly developed into a connection between the Lakes Erie and Ontario. Its main purpose was to improve the St. Lawrence transportation system and provide a convenient way to transport goods without having to go through the Niagara Falls portage. The plan was set in motion in 1818, but most living in Queenston and Niagara were not happy with it as it would drive business away from them. Along with the opposition came financial and political restraints. Despite these factors Merritt pushed on and the Welland Canal Company was chartered by the Upper Canadian Assembly on January 19, 1824. The first sod was turned on November 30, 1824 almost a year after the initial chartering. Many difficulties arose during the building of the canal including financial, physical, and geographic restrictions. Despite the difficulties two schooners passed through the canal on November 30, 1829. Throughout the next four years continual work was done on the canal as it expended and was modified to better accommodate large ships. After his canal was underway Merritt took a more active role in the political arena, where he served in various positions throughout Upper Canada. In 1851, Merritt withdrew from the Executive Council for numerous reasons, one of which being that pubic interest had diverted from the canals to railways. Merritt tried his hand at other public works outside transportation and trade. He looked into building a lunatic asylum, worked on behalf of War of 1812 veterans, aided in building Brock’s monument, established schools, aided refugee slaves from the U.S. and tried to establish a National Archives among many other feats. He was described by some as having “policy too liberal – conceptions too vast – views too comprehensive to be comprehensible by all”, but he still made a great difference in the society in which he lived. After his great contributions, Merritt died aboard a ship in the Cornwall canal on July 5, 1862. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=38719 retrieved October 2006 Today numerous groups carry on the legacy of Merritt and the canals both in the past and present. One such group is the Welland Canals Foundation. They describe themselves as: “. . . a volunteer organization which strives to promote the importance of the present and past Welland Canals, and to preserve their history and heritage. The Foundation began in 1980 and carries on events like William Hamilton Merritt Day. The group has strongly supported the Welland Canals Parkway initiative and numerous other activities”. The Welland Canals Foundation does not work alone. They have help from other local groups such as the St. Catharines Historical Society. The Society’s main objective is to increase knowledge and appreciation of the historical aspects of St. Catharines and vicinity, such as the Welland Canals. http://www.niagara.com/~dmdorey/hssc/dec2000.html - retrieved Oct. 2006 http://www.niagara.com/~dmdorey/hssc/feb2000.html - retrieved Oct. 2006
One published letter addressed to the Hon. Sidney Smith, M.L.C., Quebec from W.S. Conger, dated April 6, 1863, Peterborough. The headline reads: Ship Canal. Ottawa versus the Trent. This letter contains reprinted portions of a letter that W.S. Conger wrote in March 1858 to the Hon. Charles Alleyn, then Commissioner of Public Works.
In 1874, Merritton, Ont. was incorporated a village with W.W. Waite as the first reeve. On July 1, 1918, the village was incorporated a town. The first mayor was Thomas F. Hastings. In 1961, Merritton, Grantham and Port Dalhousie amalgamated with St. Catharines, despite the opposition of the town councils and citizens.
A paperback booklet of the Ontario Game and Fishery Laws 1916. The booklet is 91 pages in length and includes an index. See the full text in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.
Map of the Welland Canal including the store house and waste weir no.1 drawn by Shamus A. Begly of Public Works, n.d.