374 resultados para Pruning.


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Brazilian citriculture represents about 25% of the total world citrus production with an area of 851,518 ha and a total production of more than 17 million tons in 1996. Besides its importance to the brazilian economy, represented by more than 1 billion US $ by year from FCOJ exportation, the citriculture has problems related to low productivity, due to several cultural practices and management. The productivity would be improved by an IFP system. The main problems are related to soil, as poor conservation, use of poor drained soils and bad preparation for planting; diseases-canker, CVC, leprosis, Phytophtora gummosis and other fungus diseases; pests - mites, scales, nematodes and others; the use of disease free and improved scion and rootstocks propagative material is usual; cultural practices - as nutrition, irrigation, wind breaks, weed control, pruning, replant and others, as density planting could be improved. Some possible solutions will be discussed for improving the brazilian citrus productivity and quality by IFP, based on research made.


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This work aimed to study aspects related to vegetative and productive development of plants and characteristics and chemical components of bunches of six seedless grape varieties at environmental conditions of São Francisco river's valley, Northeastern Brazil. The experiment was carried out during 1997 and 1998. The varieties tested were grafted on IAC 572 ('Jales') rootstock. The experimental model utilized was totally randomized, and with parcels subdivided into different production cycles. The results showed significative differences among varieties at different pruning times. The average weight of bunches varied from 164.8 g for 'Marroo Seedless' and 203.5 g for 'Beauty Seedless'. The average diameter of berries was superior to 15.7 mm for all of the varieties. The total soluble solids varied from 14.05°Brix in 'Canner' to 19.6°Brix in 'Venus'. The total titratable acidity (ATT) was lower than 0.91 g tartaric acid/100 mL of juice. The ratio SST/ATT varied from 19.05 in 'Beauty Seedless' to 28.57 in 'Vênus'. 'Vênus' and 'Marroo Seedless' were the most productive varieties, with the average annual production of 24 ton/ha and 20 ton/ha, respectively.


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The Brazilian Cartography presents great deficiency in cartographic products updating. This form, Remote Sensins techniques together Digital Processing Images - DPI, are contributing to improve this problem. The Mathematical Morphology theory was used in this work. The principal function was the pruning operator. With its were extracted the interest features that can be used in cartographic process updating. The obtained results are positives and showed the use potential of mathematical morphology theory in cartography, mainly in updating.


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There are several papers on pruning methods in the artificial neural networks area. However, with rare exceptions, none of them presents an appropriate statistical evaluation of such methods. In this article, we proved statistically the ability of some methods to reduce the number of neurons of the hidden layer of a multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP), and to maintain the same landing of classification error of the initial net. They are evaluated seven pruning methods. The experimental investigation was accomplished on five groups of generated data and in two groups of real data. Three variables were accompanied in the study: apparent classification error rate in the test group (REA); number of hidden neurons, obtained after the application of the pruning method; and number of training/retraining epochs, to evaluate the computational effort. The non-parametric Friedman's test was used to do the statistical analysis.


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Mangoes in the Brazilian semi-arid stands out in the national scenario due to high yields and fruit quality, and also to the possibility of all-year production taking advantage of the climatic conditions as well as management technique (irrigation, pruning and growth regulators application) for plant growth and blossom control. Paclobutrazol soil drench applied is normally used for production management of mangoes. This research deals with the evaluation of the effect of foliar applied growth regulators to mango, cultivar 'Kent', as regard to their efficiency for blossom management, in order to allow off season mango production. Three growth regulators (prohexadione-Ca, trinexapac-ethyl and chlormequat chloride) were foliar applied, at two dosages and compared to paclobutrazol applied as soil-drench. In order to compare the effects of the treatment, data were recorded related to panicle emission (percentage and length), period of time until blossom and production, yield (number and plant weight) and post-harvest quality of the fruit (total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, firmness, flesh and skin color and appearance). The results showed that prohexadione-Ca and chlormequat chloride induced a 15-day early harvest, while paclobutrazol, alone or combined with prohexadione-Ca, allow to harvest 25 days in advance, when compared to trinexapac-ethyl and control trees. Growth regulators foliar applied and paclobutrazol applied as soil-drench delayed mangoes fruit ripening in post-harvest.


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In order to provide efficient crop management which enables the scaling of the production of mango in semi-arid conditions and achieve a greater precision in the recommendation, evaluating the effect and the influence of uniconazole foliar spray, on the emission of vegetative flushes in the cultivar 'Kent', field tests were carried out in a productive orchard. Treatments tested were three uniconazole dosages, 500, 1,000 and 1,500 mg L-1, with one, two or three respective foliar sprayings. Another treatment with paclobutrazol was used at 2.0 g a.i./m of canopy diameter, with a single application via soil and a control (without spraying of plant growth regulators), where spreader-sticker was added and the pH was adjusted. With 30, 60 and 90 days after the first spraying of the flowering inducer the growth of branches were evaluated, as well as the percentage of flowering in all treatments after 120 days of first spraying. The sprayings started in the orchard after the emission of the second vegetative flush after pruning of production, through airassisted sprayer with flow rate of 1,000 L ha-1. The experimental design was done through randomized blocks with four replications, using three plants per plot. It was observed that paclobutrazol was significantly highlighted in relation to other treatments and that the uniconazole with one, two and three foliar sprayings presented inhibition of the vegetative growth in mango 'Kent' and showed, even at low proportions, signs of flowering.


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In this paper we would like to shed light the problem of efficiency and effectiveness of image classification in large datasets. As the amount of data to be processed and further classified has increased in the last years, there is a need for faster and more precise pattern recognition algorithms in order to perform online and offline training and classification procedures. We deal here with the problem of moist area classification in radar image in a fast manner. Experimental results using Optimum-Path Forest and its training set pruning algorithm also provided and discussed. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper aims at extracting street centerlines from previously isolated street regions by using the image of laser scanning intensity. In this image, streets are easily identified, since they manifest as dark, elongate ribbons contrasting with background objects. The intensity image is segmented by using the region growing technique, which generates regions representing the streets. From these regions, the street centerlines are extracted in two manners. The first one is through the Steger lines detection method combined with a line length thresholding by which lines being shorter than a minimum length are removed. The other manner is by combining the skeletonization method of regions based on the Medial Axis Transform and with a pruning process to eliminate as much as possible the ramifications. Experiments showed that the Steger-based method provided results better than the method based on skeletonization.


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A better understanding of the differences between the levels of nutrients, depending on the type of pruning used in the cultivation of the guava tree, may allow a more adequate understanding of the physiological processes of this fruit. The analysis of flowers is a tool that can be used to assist in assessing the nutritional status of crops, especially perennials. We evaluated the effects of different types of pruning on nutrient concentrations in flowers and fruit, at different developmental stages and in different parts of the fruit. The study was carried out in Vista Alegre do Alto, in orchards of guava variety Paluma. Flowers and fruit were collected in orchards, one under heavy pruning and the other with continuous pruning. The fruit were collected in two stages (two millimeters length and mature) and divided into basal part and apex, with the top toward the stalk. Flowers were collected in the same orchards as the fruits, sampling the basal part and apex of the flowers. F tests were performed and, when necessary, the Scott-Knott test at α= 5%. Overall, there were nutritional differences among flowers and fruits in relation to the type of pruning employed; drastic pruning provided higher levels of nutrients compared with continuous pruning. In relation to the portion of the samples, especially for fruit, there were differences between the apex and base, as well as between different stages of fruit collection.


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Strawberry yield and quality was evaluated after drastic pruning (second cycle), under different soil water tensions, drip irrigation. The experiment was conducted on beds at a greenhouse, located at Engineering Department, Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), from April to December of 2010. An experimental design was in randomized blocks with three replicates. The treatments were composed of six different soil water tension, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 e 70 kPa. Results obtained allowed to verify that to higher values of: total and commercial fresh weight of fruits per plant, total and commercial number fruits per plant and total and commercial yield, it is necessary to irrigate when soil water tension gets approximately to 15 kPa, at 0.15 m deep. Commercial average fruit mass and noncommercial fresh weight of fruits per plant, were not reduced under different soil water tensions applied.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate different citrus leprosis management tactics during seven seasons, based in pruning and acaricide applications, considering technical and economic aspects of each tactic. The trial was conducted from October 2003 to August 2010 in an orange plantation of Pera cv. located in the municipality of Reginópolis-SP, Brazil. The plants of citrus used were12 years old and grafted onto Cleopatra tangerine. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme, made up of factors type of pruning (A), with six levels: (1) drastic pruning, (2) intermediate pruning without leprosis lesions, (3) intermediate pruning with leprosis lesions (4) light pruning, (5) without pruning and (6) replant; acaricide applications factor (B), with three levels: (1) without acaricides applications, (2) with lime sulfur applications and (3) spirodiclofen or cyhexatin applied in rotation; pruning factor to remove leprosis symptomatic branches (C), with two levels: (1) with pruning for removal, (2) without removal pruning. The combination of factors, with respective levels (6 x 3 x 2), resulted in 36 treatments that were repeated four times, with each parcel being made up of three plants in a row. After seven years, it was observed that the types of the pruning and remove of leprosis symptomatic branches used as single management tactic, is not sufficient to leprosis control. Therefore, the results demonstrated that for leprosis management, it is essential the association between tactics, especially the control mite vector. For ensuring the citrus production economically, the use of acaricides highly efficient is essential in B. phoenicis control. The recommendation of the type of pruning should be in function of the leprosis incidence and severity in the orchard. In orchards with low leprosis incidence and severity the light pruning is more appropriate, because it is efficient and ensures greater financial balance. However, in orchards with high leprosis incidence and severity it is indicated the severe pruning for reducing or eliminating inoculum source. Between the severe prunings, the intermediate pruning with leprosis lesions is the most relevant, because the financial return will be faster. Replant is indicated only for young orchards, because does not imply in changes onto cultural practices.


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For many years, composting has been used as a result of the recycling of organic matter. There is significative animal carcasses accumulation from teaching and researching activities of the university veterinary hospital. Every year, Unesp University needs to dispose correctly about 180 tones of this waste and the composting seemed to be the most sustainable alternative. Piles of animal carcasses were prepared using peanut hulls and tree pruning as bulking agent and water to the first phase of this process. The extracts pH values no impediments for offering germination and indicated a good addition to the soil management. The germination index showed no impediment to the seeds germination on any type of compost and the extracts concentrations not influenced this biological process. No parameters studied assigns risks of contamination of carcasses for the compost development in Unesp according to the proposed design. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Irregular production is a major problem in mango. In an attempt to overcome irregular bearing, effects of two antigibberellins on flowering were evaluated, uniconazole (0.25 g of active ingredient per meter of canopy tree diameter) and paclobutrazol (1.0 g of active ingredient per meter of canopy tree diameter). Treatments were applied as a soil drench using 2 L of solution per tree, in a commercial orchard of 'Tommy Atkins' mango. Treatments were applied after the second vegetative flush commenced, subsequent to pruning. Branch growth was evaluated every 30 days after treatment application up to a maximum period of 90 days. The flowering percentage was recorded at 130 days. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) as a foliar spray (concentration of 0.75%) was applied five times at seven day intervals from 95 to 100 days after treatment application as a dormancy breaking treatment. It was found that both paclobutrazol (PBZ) and uniconazole (UCZ) significantly inhibited the development of vegetative growth compared to the control. Both treatments resulted in identical rates of flowering shoots, 87%; based on results, it can be concluded that the application of antigibberellins (PBZ and UCZ) inhibit vegetative development in mango 'Tommy Atkins', and promote high levels of flowering. Additional tests are being carried out in other farms to confirm these findings, for different cultivars and seasons. © ISHS 2013.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV