580 resultados para Prototypes
One of the top ten most influential data mining algorithms, k-means, is known for being simple and scalable. However, it is sensitive to initialization of prototypes and requires that the number of clusters be specified in advance. This paper shows that evolutionary techniques conceived to guide the application of k-means can be more computationally efficient than systematic (i.e., repetitive) approaches that try to get around the above-mentioned drawbacks by repeatedly running the algorithm from different configurations for the number of clusters and initial positions of prototypes. To do so, a modified version of a (k-means based) fast evolutionary algorithm for clustering is employed. Theoretical complexity analyses for the systematic and evolutionary algorithms under interest are provided. Computational experiments and statistical analyses of the results are presented for artificial and text mining data sets. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work we reported the synthesis and evaluation of the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and platelet anti-aggregating properties of new 3-(arylideneamino)-2-methyl-6,7-methylenedioxy-quinazolin-4 (3H)-one derivatives (3a-j), designed as conformationally constrained analogues of analgesic 1,3- benzodioxolyl-N- acylhydrazones (1) previously developed at LASSBio. Target compounds were synthesized in very good yields exploiting abundant Brazilian natural product safrole (2) as starting material. The pharmacological assays lead us to identify compounds LASSBio-1240 (3b) and LASSBio-1272 (3d) as new analgesic prototypes, presenting an antinociceptive pro. le more potent and effective than dipyrone and indomethacin used, respectively, as standards in AcOH-induced abdominal constrictions assay and in the formalin test. These results confirmed the success in the exploitation of conformation restriction strategy for identification of novel cyclic N-acylhydrazone analogues with optimized analgesic profile (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
At the beginning of 2003 the four year long research project REBUS on education, research, development and demonstration of competitive solar combisystems was launched. Research groups in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Latvia are working together with partners from industry on innovative solutions for solar heating in the Nordic countries. Existing system concepts have been analyzed and based on the results new system designs have been developed. The proposed solutions have to fulfill country specific technical, sociological and cost requirements. Due to the similar demands on the systems in Denmark and Sweden it has been decided to develop a common system concept for both countries, which increases the market potential for the manufacturer. The focus of the development is on systems for the large number of rather well insulated existing single family houses. In close collaboration with the industrial partners a system concept has been developed that is characterized by its high compactness and flexibility. It allows the use of different types of boilers, heating distribution systems and a variable store and collector size. Two prototypes have been built, one for the Danish market with a gas boiler, and one for the Swedish market with a pellet boiler as auxiliary heater. After intensive testing and eventual further improvements at least two systems will be installed and monitored in demonstration houses. The systems have been modeled in TRNSYS and the simulation results will be used to further improve the system and evaluate the system performance.
Internet of Things är ett samlingsbegrepp för den utveckling som innebär att olika typer av enheter kan förses med sensorer och datachip som är uppkopplade mot internet. En ökad mängd data innebär en ökad förfrågan på lösningar som kan lagra, spåra, analysera och bearbeta data. Ett sätt att möta denna förfrågan är att använda sig av molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster. Multi-tenant och single-tenant är två typer av arkitekturer för molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster som kan användas för att lösa problemen med hanteringen av de ökade datamängderna. Dessa arkitekturer skiljer sig åt när det gäller komplexitet i utvecklingen. I detta arbete representerar Azure Stream Analytics en multi-tenant arkitektur och HDInsight/Storm representerar en single-tenant arkitektur. För att kunna göra en jämförelse av molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster med olika arkitekturer, har vi valt att använda oss av användbarhetskriterierna: effektivitet, ändamålsenlighet och användarnöjdhet. Vi kom fram till att vi ville ha svar på följande frågor relaterade till ovannämnda tre användbarhetskriterier: • Vilka likheter och skillnader kan vi se i utvecklingstider? • Kan vi identifiera skillnader i funktionalitet? • Hur upplever utvecklare de olika analystjänsterna? Vi har använt en design and creation strategi för att utveckla två Proof of Concept prototyper och samlat in data genom att använda flera datainsamlingsmetoder. Proof of Concept prototyperna inkluderade två artefakter, en för Azure Stream Analytics och en för HDInsight/Storm. Vi utvärderade dessa genom att utföra fem olika scenarier som var för sig hade 2-5 delmål. Vi simulerade strömmande data genom att låta en applikation kontinuerligt slumpa fram data som vi analyserade med hjälp av de två realtidsanalystjänsterna. Vi har använt oss av observationer för att dokumentera hur vi arbetade med utvecklingen av analystjänsterna samt för att mäta utvecklingstider och identifiera skillnader i funktionalitet. Vi har även använt oss av frågeformulär för att ta reda på vad användare tyckte om analystjänsterna. Vi kom fram till att Azure Stream Analytics initialt var mer användbart än HDInsight/Storm men att skillnaderna minskade efter hand. Azure Stream Analytics var lättare att arbeta med vid simplare analyser medan HDInsight/Storm hade ett bredare val av funktionalitet.
Esta pesquisa visa o estudo de características físicas e mecânicas de solos subtropicais, para aplicação na construção de habitações de baixo custo, abordando-se principalmente a técnica de construção com paredes monolíticas compactadas. A opçao pelo estudo do solo, realizado sem a adição de estabilizantes fisico-químicos, baseia-se no fato de que a mesma nem sempre é necessária, embora seja vital em alguns casos. Através da revisão de literatura, são ressaltadas as propriedades dos solos consideradas importantes para construção deste tipo de moradia, bem como os fatores envolvidos na durabilidade da mesma. Foi realizado o estudo de jazidas de solos, pertencentes a algumas das unidades geotécnicas da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, levando-se sempre em conta este tipo de aplicação. Para tanto, são realizados ensaios laboratoriais de caracterização física dos solos, bem como de comportamento mecânico, testando-se resistência à compressão simples e à erosão, e absorção por capilaridade. Além disso, é feita a análise qualitativa da durabilidade de blocos compactados frente a exposição ao tempo. Estes blocos visam simular a condição de pequenos segmentos de paredes. Os resultados obtidos são analisados e comparados com as recomendações da prática deste tipo de construção, avaliando-se a validade das mesmas para o caso de solos tropicais e subtropicais
Este estudo trata da abordagem macroergonômica participativa para a identificação das demandas ergonômicas dos motoristas de ônibus urbano da cidade de Joinville, com utilização da metodologia participativa da Análise Macroergonômica do Trabalho (AMT) (GUIMARÃES, 2001c) e ferramental proposto no Design Macroergonômico (DM) (FOGLIATTO E GUIMARÃES, 1999). O estudo de caso foi realizado em uma empresa privada de transporte coletivo da cidade de Joinville. A aplicação da metodologia permitiu identificar as demandas ergonômicas prioritárias levantadas pelos motoristas de ônibus urbano da cidade de Joinville e os itens de design do seu posto de trabalho através da fase de apreciação. As demandas ergonômicas, bem como os itens de design foram comparados através do Teste Exato de Fisher com determinadas características da população constatando-se algumas associações significativas entre a satisfação dos motoristas e as variáveis que compõe cada construto. Estes resultados possibilitaram a formulação de recomendações que viabilize, em estudos futuros, a introdução de melhorias para o aumento da qualidade de vida dos motoristas. Os estudos também permitiram identificar uma afinidade da metodologia participativa com os motoristas de ônibus urbano, em que as mudanças podem ocorrer de forma gradativa e experiencial através de protótipos no caso das demandas referentes à posto de trabalho e físico ambiental, ou através de possíveis adaptações no conteúdo da tarefa do motorista no caso das demandas referentes à organização do trabalho. Tudo isto vislumbrando o atendimento, por ordem de importância, dos itens de demanda ergonômica levantados. Por fim, concluiu-se que para os motoristas de Joinville alguns fatores referentes a organização do trabalho estão entre os principais causadores dos constrangimentos aos quais são expostos enquanto executam sua tarefa, seguido por fatores físicos ambientais e posto do trabalho.
The focus of this thesis is to discuss the development and modeling of an interface architecture to be employed for interfacing analog signals in mixed-signal SOC. We claim that the approach that is going to be presented is able to achieve wide frequency range, and covers a large range of applications with constant performance, allied to digital configuration compatibility. Our primary assumptions are to use a fixed analog block and to promote application configurability in the digital domain, which leads to a mixed-signal interface. The use of a fixed analog block avoids the performance loss common to configurable analog blocks. The usage of configurability on the digital domain makes possible the use of all existing tools for high level design, simulation and synthesis to implement the target application, with very good performance prediction. The proposed approach utilizes the concept of frequency translation (mixing) of the input signal followed by its conversion to the ΣΔ domain, which makes possible the use of a fairly constant analog block, and also, a uniform treatment of input signal from DC to high frequencies. The programmability is performed in the ΣΔ digital domain where performance can be closely achieved according to application specification. The interface performance theoretical and simulation model are developed for design space exploration and for physical design support. Two prototypes are built and characterized to validate the proposed model and to implement some application examples. The usage of this interface as a multi-band parametric ADC and as a two channels analog multiplier and adder are shown. The multi-channel analog interface architecture is also presented. The characterization measurements support the main advantages of the approach proposed.
A entrada da mulher no mercado de trabalho gerou uma série de mudanças nas organizações, entretanto, a carreira da mulher executiva ainda apresenta disparidades em relação à carreira dos seus colegas homens. Essa disparidade pode decorrer da incongruência entre o papel social da mulher e o papel esperado de um líder. No entanto, este fenômeno parece está passando por mudanças, dado o empowerment das mulheres tanto no cenário corporativo como político. Neste sentido, surge a problemática desta pesquisa: qual o real comportamento da mulher ao assumir papeis de liderança? O quadro teórico que cerca esta pesquisa envolve a teoria do papel social (EAGLY, 1987), que postula que cada indivíduo tem um papel socialmente aceito, no qual se inclui o papel de líder, formado através de protótipos de como deve ou deveria se comportar, e também papeis gênero, no qual são definidos os comportamentos socialmente aceitos para homens e para mulheres. Nesta direção, para fazer a comparação dos papeis socialmente esperados de ambos os sexos e os papeis requeridos ao líder é utilizada a teoria de congruência de papeis (EAGLY e KARAU, 2002). Dado este quadro teórico, para atender ao objetivo desta pesquisa, são realizados quatro estudos que utilizam metodologias qualitativas, experimentais e quantitativas. No primeiro estudo, são testadas as relações entre sexo do líder e as dimensões agênticas e comunais do protótipo de liderança por meio de análise de conteúdo de descrições de mulheres e homens líderes. Já no segundo estudo, é testada, por meio de um experimento, a congruência da avaliação de líderes masculino e feminino com o comportamento agêntico e comunal. No terceiro estudo, são examinados quatro perfis de liderança e como estes estão associados entre si a partir de dados coletados por meio de questionários estruturados. São analisadas as características do líder em geral e do líder eficaz com as características do líder masculino e da líder feminina. Estas análises também são realizadas considerando o perfil sexual do respondente (BEM, 1974). Por fim, no quarto estudo são analisadas entrevistas em profundidade a fim de identificar como ocorrem e quais as causas destes acontecimentos supracitados. Os resultados demonstraram que ao assumir um papel de liderança, a mulher tende a assumir características agênticas do protótipo de liderança (como força, masculinidade e tirania), ou seja, tende a masculinizar-se para ser aceita pelas outras pessoas. Os resultados revelam também poucas diferenças entre os líderes homens e mulheres, o que corrobora a primeira conclusão. Por outro lado, as características comunais do líder (como sensibilidade) revelam-se como as mais críticas para a aceitação do líder pelos seus subordinados, mas não para a sua eficácia. Dessa forma, este trabalho busca contribuir para compreender melhor o fenômeno da liderança feminina, lançando luz sobre as eventuais incongruências entre os papeis sociais e gerenciais da mulher na sociedade brasileira contemporânea.
Este trabalho descreve algumas das soluções atualmente adotadas pelos tribunais federais para a gravação de audiência, bem como indica a oportunidade que o ambiente de interatividade da TV Digital Brasileira oferece para uma proposta de modelo de documento eletrônico de escritório que sirva de suporte para o resultado da gravação de audiência (texto, som e imagem), bem como possa contribuir para a mudança de paradigma dos atuais sistemas processuais (softwares). O objetivo é estabelecer um padrão fundamentado em uma política pública (Governo Eletrônico Brasileiro e Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital Terrestre), onde não existam restrições comerciais quanto ao uso das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação no que se refere ao mínimo para se privilegiar a inclusão social sem perda de eficiência. O trabalho é formado por dois tipos de conteúdo: parte textual e parte digital. A parte textual contém o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada junto aos tribunais federais, bem como apresenta os principais pontos do Governo Eletrônico Brasileiro e do Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital Terrestre. Ainda descreve a estrutura montada na elaboração e realização da parte digital. Por sua vez, a parte digital reúne o material utilizado para a apresentação de protótipos (vídeos e exemplos de aplicações), para demonstrar as possibilidades de interatividade da TV Digital Brasileira e dos benefícios que os jurisdicionados e os operadores do Direito alcançariam com a proposta. Palavras-
Every time more we hear in our everyday statements like "I'm stressed!", "Don´t worry me more than I am." But in what sense can we use technology to combat these congestions that we deal with daily? Well, one way would be to use technology to create objects, systems or applications that can spoil us and preferably be imperceptible by the user and, for this we have the ubiquitous computing and nurturant technologies. The ubiquitous computing is increasingly discussed as well as ways to make your computer more subtle in the view of the user, which is subject of research and development. The use of technology as a source of relaxation and spoil us is a strand that is being explored in the context of nurturant technologies. Accordingly, this thesis is focused on the development of an object and several applications with which we can interact. The object and applications have the purpose to spoil us and help us relax after a long day at work or in some situation more stressful. The object developed employs technologies like the use of accelerometers and the applications developed employs communications between computers and Web cameras. This thesis begins with a brief introduction to the areas of research and others that we can include in this thesis, such as ubiquitous computing and the nurturant technologies, providing yet general information on stress and ways to mitigate it. Later is described some of the work already done and that influenced this thesis as well as the prototypes developed and the experiences performed, ending with a general conclusion and future work.
Ubiquitous computing raises new usability challenges that cut across design and development. We are particularly interested in environments enhanced with sensors, public displays and personal devices. How can prototypes be used to explore the users' mobility and interaction, both explicitly and implicitly, to access services within these environments? Because of the potential cost of development and design failure, these systems must be explored using early assessment techniques and versions of the systems that could disrupt if deployed in the target environment. These techniques are required to evaluate alternative solutions before making the decision to deploy the system on location. This is crucial for a successful development, that anticipates potential user problems, and reduces the cost of redesign. This thesis reports on the development of a framework for the rapid prototyping and analysis of ubiquitous computing environments that facilitates the evaluation of design alternatives. It describes APEX, a framework that brings together an existing 3D Application Server with a modelling tool. APEX-based prototypes enable users to navigate a virtual world simulation of the envisaged ubiquitous environment. By this means users can experience many of the features of the proposed design. Prototypes and their simulations are generated in the framework to help the developer understand how the user might experience the system. These are supported through three different layers: a simulation layer (using a 3D Application Server); a modelling layer (using a modelling tool) and a physical layer (using external devices and real users). APEX allows the developer to move between these layers to evaluate different features. It supports exploration of user experience through observation of how users might behave with the system as well as enabling exhaustive analysis based on models. The models support checking of properties based on patterns. These patterns are based on ones that have been used successfully in interactive system analysis in other contexts. They help the analyst to generate and verify relevant properties. Where these properties fail then scenarios suggested by the failure provide an important aid to redesign.
Overconsumption of natural resources and the associated environmental hazards are one of today’s most pressing global issues. In the western world, individual consumption in homes and workplaces is a key contributor to this problem. Reflecting the importance of individual action in this domain, this thesis focuses on studying and influencing choices related to sustainability and energy consumption made by people in their daily lives. There are three main components to this work. Firstly, this thesis asserts that people frequently make ineffective consumption reduction goal choices and attempts to understand the rationale for these poor choices by fitting them to goalsetting theory, an established theoretical model of behavior change. Secondly, it presents two approaches that attempt to influence goal choice towards more effective targets, one of which deals with mechanisms for goal priming and the other of which explores the idea that carefully designed toys can exert influence on children’s long term consumption behavior patterns. The final section of this thesis deals with the design of feedback to support the performance of environmentally sound activities. Key contributions surrounding goals include the finding that people choose easy sustainable goals despite immediate feedback as to their ineffectiveness and the discussion and study of goal priming mechanisms that can influence this choice process. Contributions within the design of value instilling toys include a theoretically grounded framework for the design of such toys and a completed and tested prototype toy. Finally, contributions in designing effective and engaging energy consumption feedback include the finding that negative feedback is best presented verbally compared with visually and this is exemplified and presented within a working feedback system. The discussions, concepts, prototypes and empirical findings presented in this work will be useful for both environmental psychologists and for HCI researchers studying eco-feedback.
The goal of the research was to investigate the energy performance of residential vertical buildings envelope in the hot and humid climate of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, based in the Technical Regulation of Quality for Energy Efficiency Level in Residential Buildings (RTQ -R), launched in 2010. The study pretends to contribute to the development of design strategies appropriate to the specific local climate and the increasing of energy efficiency level of the envelope. The methodological procedures included the survey in 22 (twenty two) residential buildings, the formulation of representative prototypes based on typological and constructives characters researched and the classification of the level of energy efficiency in the envelopment of these prototypes, using as a tool the prescriptive method of the RTQ-R and the parametric analyzes from assigning different values of the following variables: shape of the pavement type; distribution of housing compartments; orientation of the building; area and shading of openings; thermal transmittance, and solar absorptance of opaque materials of the frontage in order to evaluate the influence of these on the envelopment performance. The main results accomplished with this work includes the qualification of vertical residential buildings in Natal/RN; the verification of the adequacy of these buildings to local climate based from the diagnosis of the thermal energy of the envelopment performance, the identification of variables with more significant influence on the prescriptive methodology of RTQ-R and design solutions more favorable to obtain higher levels energy efficiency by this method. Finally, it was verified, that some of these solutions proved contradictory in relation to the recommendations contained in the theoretical approaches regarding environmental comfort in hot and humid weather, which indicates the need for improvement of the prescriptive method RTQ-R and further research on efficient design solutions
In this work, we propose a methodology for teaching robotics in elementary schools, based on the socio-historical Vygotsky theory. This methodology in conjunction with the Lego Mindstoms kit (R) and an educational software (an interface for control and programming of prototypes) are part of an educational robotics system named RoboEduc. For the practical development of this work, we have used the action-research strategy, being realized robotics activities with participation of children with age between 8 and 10 years, students of the elementary school level of Municipal School Ascendino de Almeida. This school is located at the city zone of Pitimbu, at the periphery of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte state. The activities have focused on understanding the construction of robotic prototypes, their programming and control. At constructing prototypes, children develop zone of proximal development (ZPDs) that are learning spaces that, when well used, allow the construction not only of scientific concepts by the individuals but also of abilities and capabilities that are important for the social and cultural interactiond of each one and of the group. With the development of these practical workshops, it was possible to analyse the use of the Robot as the mediator element of the teaching-learning process and the contributions that the use of robotics may bring to teaching since elementary levels
The frequency selective surfaces, or FSS (Frequency Selective Surfaces), are structures consisting of periodic arrays of conductive elements, called patches, which are usually very thin and they are printed on dielectric layers, or by openings perforated on very thin metallic surfaces, for applications in bands of microwave and millimeter waves. These structures are often used in aircraft, missiles, satellites, radomes, antennae reflector, high gain antennas and microwave ovens, for example. The use of these structures has as main objective filter frequency bands that can be broadcast or rejection, depending on the specificity of the required application. In turn, the modern communication systems such as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and WiMAX, whose services are highly demanded by society, have required the development of antennas having, as its main features, and low cost profile, and reduced dimensions and weight. In this context, the microstrip antenna is presented as an excellent choice for communications systems today, because (in addition to meeting the requirements mentioned intrinsically) planar structures are easy to manufacture and integration with other components in microwave circuits. Consequently, the analysis and synthesis of these devices mainly, due to the high possibility of shapes, size and frequency of its elements has been carried out by full-wave models, such as the finite element method, the method of moments and finite difference time domain. However, these methods require an accurate despite great computational effort. In this context, computational intelligence (CI) has been used successfully in the design and optimization of microwave planar structures, as an auxiliary tool and very appropriate, given the complexity of the geometry of the antennas and the FSS considered. The computational intelligence is inspired by natural phenomena such as learning, perception and decision, using techniques such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, fractal geometry and evolutionary computation. This work makes a study of application of computational intelligence using meta-heuristics such as genetic algorithms and swarm intelligence optimization of antennas and frequency selective surfaces. Genetic algorithms are computational search methods based on the theory of natural selection proposed by Darwin and genetics used to solve complex problems, eg, problems where the search space grows with the size of the problem. The particle swarm optimization characteristics including the use of intelligence collectively being applied to optimization problems in many areas of research. The main objective of this work is the use of computational intelligence, the analysis and synthesis of antennas and FSS. We considered the structures of a microstrip planar monopole, ring type, and a cross-dipole FSS. We developed algorithms and optimization results obtained for optimized geometries of antennas and FSS considered. To validate results were designed, constructed and measured several prototypes. The measured results showed excellent agreement with the simulated. Moreover, the results obtained in this study were compared to those simulated using a commercial software has been also observed an excellent agreement. Specifically, the efficiency of techniques used were CI evidenced by simulated and measured, aiming at optimizing the bandwidth of an antenna for wideband operation or UWB (Ultra Wideband), using a genetic algorithm and optimizing the bandwidth, by specifying the length of the air gap between two frequency selective surfaces, using an optimization algorithm particle swarm