937 resultados para Projeto ético-político


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The literature has pointed out the educational deficits of Brazilian public schools, the complexity of school management, and the need for better qualification for the exercise of this function. Considering this perspective, the present research questions: How is school management being contemplated within the initial pedagogical training in the state of Paraná? In this sense, this article aims to survey and analyze how school management in professional training in public universities Educator of Paraná is being contemplated after the publication of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education Course (DCNP). The study works with a qualitative approach to carry out, in the one hand, the bibliographic survey and systematization and, on the other hand, the survey, systematization and analysis of some elements in the political-pedagogical projects of different public universities. The data collected in six public universities show a significant oscillation between the workload aimed at the knowledge of School Administration and a variety of covered contents. Such differences may reflect the scope of the National Curriculum Guidelines as well as the present theoretical dispersion regarding the current knowledge on School Administration.


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The article describes political and legal aspects of Brazilian education, through the analysis of Brazilian Constitutions, its amendments and major educational laws and resolutions in force until 2012, highlighting those that make direct reference to rural education and country education. It intends to identify the time when the educational legislation has incorporated the term “country education”, one of the struggles of the Movement for a Country Education. The use of the term “country education” will occur only in the first decade of this century. Despite the difficulties in consolidating country education, clearly the incorporation of this issue in the draft of the new National Education Plan (2011/2020), under discussion in Brazilian Congress.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During the first years of the military dictatorship, established in Brazil through a coup d'État, a number of institutions which repression had left unarticulated began a process of resistance and opposition to the military government. Cultural resistance was one of the consecrated forms of resistance that was exercised by intellectuals, artists, professors and cultural producers, among others, and that became an unprecedented political and cultural phenomenon in the country's history. Political, insofar as it aided in the process of re-organizing left-wing political parties and in the revision of the ideological postulates of its preeminent party, the PCB (Partido Comunista Brasileiro - Brazilian Communist Party). Cultural, because this re-organization occurred, frequently, within the ambit of cultural productions, in which the left created a space for contestation and engagement through the arts and intellectual activities. Within this process, between the years 1965 and 1968. The journal Civilização Brasileira became an important space for the building of leftist cultural resistance against the military dictatorship. The journal was able to impose its political legitimacy while at the same time participating actively in a market o cultural goods sustained by the so-called cultural hegemony of the left.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo socializar mi experiencia como profesora en el contexto de un proyecto social situado en una ciudad del interior de São Paulo. A principios de 2010, fui contratado para realizar una residencia no obligatoria junto a un grupo de alumnos de edades comprendidas entre los nueve y diez años, por la tarde, todos los días de la semana. A través de un enfoque cualitativo, siguiendo la metodología de la investigación autobiográfica, pretendo narrar mi proceso de formación como maestra en el contexto de una institución de educación no formal. En este sentido, la investigación tiene como objetivo discutir los conceptos de educación no formal y formal, en la búsqueda por comprender las especificidades de las mismas como de sus implicaciones para pensar en la formación de los futuros profesores. Por lo tanto, para la investigación, consideré como datos: mis registros elaborados durante el año 2010, los documentos del proyecto social y su Proyecto Político- Pedagógico, mis planificaciones semanales acerca de las reuniones mantenidas con los estudiantes y el Proyecto Político-Pedagógico del curso de Pedagogía de la UNESP, Río Claro. Este último ofrecerá subsidios para discutir cuál es la contribución del curso en cuestión para el trabajo del pedagogo en los espacios educativos no formal (currículo, las prácticas pedagógicas, la inclusión en los proyectos sociales, etc.) Creo que la investigación puede ayudar a pensar en la formación de un profesional que tenga posibilidades de inserirse tanto en la educación formal como no formal


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O objetivo deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso é divulgar experiências bem sucedidas no campo de atenção psicossocial através de uma revista customizada desenvolvida para o Projeto Tear “Terapia e Arte”, da cidade de Guarulhos, segunda cidade mais populosa do estado de São Paulo. Mais do que levar credibilidade e, consequentemente, visibilidade às práticas desenvolvidas por eles, o produto tem a intenção de colocar em reflexão a questão da inclusão social pelo trabalho e pela arte, as principais atividades do organismo, e explanar a respeito dos avanços das diretrizes da Reforma Psiquiátrica às quais o Projeto Tear está alinhado. Por meio de entrevistas, pesquisas e vivência in loco, buscou-se por em prática as técnicas jornalísticas aprendidas ao longo do curso de graduação e levar ao leitor série de reportagens de forma clara e diversificada, que contribuam para a propagação do tema e para o exercício de um jornalismo com compromisso ético e cidadão


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This work aims to show the importance of Baja SAE Project in engineering education, as well as the development of the student, being an outstanding tool for the engineering student has an education that meets the objectives of the pedagogical university and also the guidelines Ministry of Education curriculum for engineering courses. The Baja SAE Project provides the engineering students the chance to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom, to enhance their preparation for the labor market. The student becomes involved with a real case of project development, from concept design, detailed design and construction. The Baja SAE Project redefines the position of the student as an active element in the learning process engineering, leaving behind the simple condition of receiving information. Values procedures that provide students the opportunity to learn in contexts of professional practice, while offering the opportunity to contextualize the execution of a project. From an analysis to develop personal skills, Baja SAE Project has its own characteristics and essential for professional practice, however, not specific to the engineering course. For example, capacity for teamwork, communication skills written and oral, ethical behavior, critical, overview, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, etc


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aims to analyze the possibilities of integration of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning in a school of public elementary school Municipal Araraquara. This is a survey based on a qualitative approach, which has a strategy Case Study. Made an analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines and Policy Project (PPP) school selected, in order to check how the school addresses the issue of the use of new technologies in the educational process. For the analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines and Educational Policy Project found that the school has studied a concern to make use of ICT in teaching and learning, featuring an awareness of the importance of technology in education, but does not describe ways to integrate curricularmente them. The integration of new technologies into the curriculum requires a systematic reflection about their goals, their technical and content chosen. Not only is working with new technologies aimed at digital inclusion of students, but we need to integrate the school into their curricular, integrate them into the process of teaching and learning. Today ICT configure themselves into a new form of language, essential for knowledge representation and, if so, their presence in the school curriculum is crucial.


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Childhood sexuality is a polemic theme among pre-school educators. This text describes an extension project that aimed to observe the manifestation of children’s sexuality in a pre-school and to intervene by offering a space for dialogue, reflection and better understanding about childhood sexuality. The participants were seven teachers and whole group of children from a selected pre-school. It was observed (1) among the educators: the different games applied according to gender; how tolerant the teachers were regarding to boys bad behavior; vigilance against the homosexuality and constant motivation to female vanity and beauty. (2) Among the children: sexist stereotypes; manifestations of racism and prejudice; curiosity and interest about the body and sexuality and the use of insulting words concerning body beauty. The teacher education discussed theoretical and practical issues about the development of the sexuality in the childhood and the sexual education of their students. The project observed that a sexual education project can be put into practice in a pedagogical and ethical way in a pre-school environment.


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The history and formation of the government in Brazil was, and still is, a central object of study in several fields of knowledge. Albeit with varied approaches highlight was given in the literature for two central reforms occurred between mid 1930s and mid 1990s This perception establishes a long history of Brazilian public administration, putting in their two extreme nodal points of this trajectory: the creation of DASP and the action of the MARE. Each of these institutional projects is directly linked to the conception of the role and performance of the Brazilian public administration instruments, as well as the goals to be achieved, revealing the intimate connection with the coeval political debate of each period. Based on this scenario, the objective of this study is to analyze the role of DASP as a strategic instrument in a Brazilian public "intelligentsia" in construction during the 1930s, strongly associated with a political project of modernization of Brazilian society


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In this paper, we aim at describing and assessing Environmental Education in Pedagogical Policy Projects (PPP) drawn by eight elementary schools belonging to the city school network of the city of Araraquara, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. A framework was designed to detail references to topics and activities related to the environment contained in the respective PPP. Next, the information obtained was recorded under two categories: a) content and activities, and b) theoretical background. It was found that, although seven out of the eight PPP studied pointed to work towards environment-related topics, they do not enable the theoretical and methodological grounds behind their programmed actions be identified.


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The article presents data from a qualitative study that aimed to investigate the presence of aspects that integrate knowledge, values and practice of the Human Rights Education (HRE) in the political-pedagogical projects (PPPs) of public schools in the state of São Paulo. 15 documents were analyzed from criteria based on reference documents for HRE in Brazil. The criteria were organized into seven areas: internal and external community; principles and concepts of education; goals; curriculum; democratic participation and school environment; teacher training and evaluation. We sought to identify whether the HRE related elements were missing, or if they were just mentioned or stood out through propositional planned actions in PPPs. The data demonstrate that the contents directly related to HRE are absent from PPPs, some issues related to this type of education are weakly mentioned and there are some planned actions that promote rights. However, the intentional, systematic and conscious planning of HRE is not yet reflected in this document type.