992 resultados para Project Governance


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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Electrical activity is extremely broad and distinct, requiring by one hand, a deep knowledge on rules, regulations, materials, equipments, technical solutions and technologies and assistance in several areas, as electrical equipment, telecommunications, security and efficiency and rational use of energy, on the other hand, also requires other skills, depending on the specific projects to be implemented, being this knowledge a characteristic that belongs to the professionals with relevant experience, in terms of complexity and specific projects that were made.


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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide new strategies for disseminating information and new communication models in order to change attitudes and human behaviour concerning to education. Nowadays the internet is crucial as a means of communication and information sharing. To education or tutorship will be required to use ICT, supported on the internet, to establish the communication of teacher-student and student-student, disseminating the content of the subjects, and as a way of teaching and learning process. This paper presents an intelligent tutor that aims to be a tool to support teaching and learning in the field of the electrical engineering project.


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The public sector is facing turbulent times and this also challenges the health professions who are expected to serve both the interests of the citizens and the cost-containment and austerity policies of governments. This article seeks to explore the changing role of the health professions. I introduce an approach on ‘citizen professionals’ as active players in the policy process and mediators between the state/policymakers and the citizens/patients. The aim is to highlight a transformative potential of professionalism and the connectedness with other sets of governance, like management. Empirical material from a German case study and a comparative European study serve to illustrate the arguments, drawing on policy analysis and secondary sources. The results bring the complexity of transformations and new emergent forms of professionalism into view that cannot be understood in traditional categories of conflict, exclusion and jurisdiction. Exploring the potential of the health professions to creatively respond to new challenges may reveal new opportunities for innovating healthcare policy beyond market and management.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the effects of decentralization on health financing and governance policies in Mexico from the perspective of users and providers. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in four states that were selected according to geopolitical and administrative criteria. Four indicators were assessed: changes and effects on governance, financing sources and funds, the final destination of resources, and fund allocation mechanisms. Data collection was performed using in-depth interviews with health system key personnel and community leaders, consensus techniques and document analyses. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by thematic segmentation. RESULTS: The results show different effectiveness levels for the four states regarding changes in financing policies and community participation. Effects on health financing after decentralization were identified in each state, including: greater participation of municipal and state governments in health expenditure, increased financial participation of households, greater community participation in low-income states, duality and confusion in the new mechanisms for coordination among the three government levels, absence of an accountability system, lack of human resources and technical skills to implement, monitor and evaluate changes in financing. CONCLUSIONS: In general, positive and negative effects of decentralization on health financing and governance were identified. The effects mentioned by health service providers and users were related to a diversification of financing sources, a greater margin for decisions around the use and final destination of financial resources and normative development for the use of resources. At the community level, direct financial contributions were mentioned, as well as in-kind contributions, particularly in the form of community work.


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The family involvement in firms is observable is most economies around the world, although there are significant differences among these countries, not only regarding its predominance in these economies, but also in what refers to the levels of involvement of the family in business. This research aims at understanding the family-based firms’ management when compared to non family based, with particular regards to the forms of corporate governance. This analysis is based on case studies and on secondary data found in the literature to support the findings from the empirical research. The data was collected via face to face in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs from the furniture and the events organisation industries (where the family is predominantly present in the furniture but not on the events organisation industry) and with industry and regional business associations. The case studies used in this research allowed the comparison between the Portuguese firms when the family plays an important role in business and those in which the family is absent. It has been found that there are important differences in businesses in countries/industries/local productive systems in which the family is seen as a dominant institution in the society (where businesses are based on strong ties; there is a harmonious relationship between the family members; and the family is accepted locally and dominates the firm organization) and on situations in which the family plays a more marginal role in the society. In fact, the family brings special characteristics to the business, in terms of management, corporate governance, inter and intra firm relationships and succession. Our findings confirm other empirical studies’ results found in the literature. Thus, this article provides a discussion on the factors that play a role in the form of corporate governance structure in family firms highlighting the pros and cons of organising the firm around the family.


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O crescimento do sector não lucrativo, por força da criação de novas organizações sem fins lucrativos, tem-se acentuado nos últimos anos tentando dar resposta ao serviço público que a comunidade exige e que o Estado não tem sabido dar resposta. O sector não lucrativo, ou terceiro sector, realiza funções sociais ou culturais relevantes para a sociedade sem o objectivo de produzir lucros. Em Portugal não existem, para este sector, padrões específicos para os modelos de gestão nem tipologias de informação a utilizar pelos seus stakeholders e, por isso, utilizam-se os mesmos moldes do sector empresarial, cumprindo assim a real consistência do isomorfismo mimético. Existe claramente uma diferença entre os objectivos da informação financeira e não financeira nas organizações lucrativas e nas não lucrativas, e essa destrinça tem a ver directamente com os tipos de destinatários e utilizadores da informação. A abordagem às práticas de corporate governance é uma incontornável realidade no mundo organizacional actual face ao crescente aumento das preocupações das organizações enquanto agentes económicos, sociais e políticos. A sociedade exige às organizações não lucrativas transparência e accountability da informação financeira e não financeira (Carvalho & Blanco, 2007a)) e por isso a adopção de práticas de governance pode trazer benefícios na solução de alguns problemas de gestão. Esta investigação pretende, assim, fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre os modelos de governance, numa abordagem à gestão das organizações sem fins lucrativos de âmbito local, contribuindo assim para a possível definição de um modelo de governance próprio para o sector não lucrativo português.


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O envolvimento de famílias em empresas é observável nas economias de todo o mundo, apesar das diferenças evidentes entre países diferentes, não só no que diz respeito à sua predominância nas economia, mas também ao tipo de envolvimento que se pode observar. Esta investigação visa compreender a gestão das empresas familiares quando comparados com os das empresas não familiares, nomeadamente em termos de corporate governance. A análise é baseada em dados secundários de estudos de caso recolhidos da literatura e em dados primários obtidos para se perceber qual o impacto que a organização empresarial familiar tem na relações intra e inter-empresas. Estes estudos de caso possibilitam a oportunidade de comparar as empresas familiares em Portugal, por um lado, e nas economia Anglo-saxónicas, por outro. Este estudo demonstrou que há diferenças importantes no mundo dos negócios em países em que a família é uma instituição muito dominante na sociedade (onde o negócio é baseado em laços fortes, existe uma relação harmoniosa entre os membros da família, e a família é aceite localmente e domina a organização da empresa) e nos países onde a família desempenha um papel mais marginal n sociedade e economia. Os resultados obtidos dos dados primários confirmam a teoria e outros estudos empíricos investigados. Assim, este artigo mostra quais os factores determinantes na estrutura de corporate governance nas empresas familiares sublinhando as vantagens e desvantagens destas em comparação com empresas não familiares


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International Conference: A Child's World - Next Steps, 25 June 2012 - 27th June 2014.


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ECER 2014 "The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe" will take place at the University of Porto from 1 - 5 September 2014.


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O Project Finance é uma forma de financiamento de projetos inovadora, muito utilizada nos Estados Unidos e na Europa e que se aplica essencialmente a projetos de grande escala devido às características subjacentes. Este tema é relevante devido às condições financeiras, sociais e políticas que estamos a viver. As empresas enfrentam muitas adversidades para manter o seu negócio em bom funcionamento, procurando obter vantagens competitivas, mas isso torna-se difícil quando estas não possuem meios financeiros e de gestão para sustentar os investimentos. E é aqui que o Project Finance tem um papel importante, pois é um tipo de financiamento que pode facilitar a execução de projetos em qualquer lugar do mundo, mais particularmente nos países em desenvolvimento em que as empresas enfrentam dificuldades em obter recursos financeiros.


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The application of information technologies (specially the Internet, Web 2.0 and social tools) make informal learning more visible. This kind of learning is not linked to an institution or a period of time, but it is important enough to be taken into account. On the one hand, learners should be able to communicate to the institutions they are related to, what skills they possess, whether they were achieved in a formal or informal way. On the other hand the companies and educational institutions need to have a deeper knowledge about the competencies of their staff. The TRAILER project provides a methodology supported by a technological framework to facilitate communication about informal learning between businesses, employees and learners. The paper presents the project and some of the work carried out, an exploratory analysis about how informal learning is considered and the technological framework proposed. Whilst challenges remain in terms of establishing the meaningfulness of technological engagement for employees and businesses, the continuing transformation of the social, technological and educational environment is likely to lead to greater emphasis for the effective exploitation of informal learning.


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The development of new products or processes involves the creation, re-creation and integration of conceptual models from the related scientific and technical domains. Particularly, in the context of collaborative networks of organisations (CNO) (e.g. a multi-partner, international project) such developments can be seriously hindered by conceptual misunderstandings and misalignments, resulting from participants with different backgrounds or organisational cultures, for example. The research described in this article addresses this problem by proposing a method and the tools to support the collaborative development of shared conceptualisations in the context of a collaborative network of organisations. The theoretical model is based on a socio-semantic perspective, while the method is inspired by the conceptual integration theory from the cognitive semantics field. The modelling environment is built upon a semantic wiki platform. The majority of the article is devoted to developing an informal ontology in the context of a European R&D project, studied using action research. The case study results validated the logical structure of the method and showed the utility of the method.


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The overall goal of the REMPLI project is to design and implement a communication infrastructure for distributed data acquisition and remote control operations using the power grid as the communication medium. The primary target application is remote meter reading with high time resolution, where the meters can be energy, heat, gas, or water meters. The users of the system (e.g. utility companies) will benefit from the REMPLI system by gaining more detailed information about how energy is consumed by the end-users. In this context, the power-line communication (PLC) is deployed to cover the distance between utility company’s Private Network and the end user. This document specifies a protocol for real-time PLC, in the framework of the REMPLI project. It mainly comprises the Network Layer and Data Link Layer. The protocol was designed having into consideration the specific aspects of the network: different network typologies (star, tree, ring, multiple paths), dynamic changes in network topology (due to network maintenance, hazards, etc.), communication lines strongly affected by noise.


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The investigation which employed the action research method (qualitative analysis)was divided into four fases. In phases 1-3 the participants were six double bass students at Nossa Senhora do Cabo Music School. Pilot exercises in creativity were followed by broader and more ambitious projects. In phase 4 the techniques were tested and amplified during a summer course for twelve double bass students at Santa Cecilia College.