1000 resultados para Programas de saúde pública
This research has aimed at studying the perception of University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) s workers on the environmental management plan of RSSS. They have been interviewed 250 workers: doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, and cleaners. It was used an exploratory and descriptive research of the type Survey, which aims at obtaining of data or information on characteristics, actions or opinions of any group of people. The questions of the questionnaire were of the kind objective", formulated in a model "scale", analyzed in according to the positioning of the interviewee. The wastes of health service have high potential for environmental impact in the activities from HUOL. Actions or environmental protective policy can improve the image of HUOL. They have been detected divergences on the rigor in application of law of ANVISA. The HUOL s workers unaware of the law of ANVISA and they have little or no knowledge about the practices of environmental control, public health and, they do not know the Environmental Management System ISO 14001. They have divergent views on the degree of importance of ISO 14001. There is not a Waste Management Plan for Health Service and / or is not disclosed for most of HUOL workers. It has not carried out audits or defined the goals and objectives. Besides, it has not been identified legal requirements, and there has not been communication about the service is performed or has been made a critical analysis and no control of documents the environmental management plan. The HUOL have not had a committee of environmental management. The direction of HUOL has not been organized courses, training and recycling of waste on environmental control of the health service. On a scale from 01 to 05, the level of aware level concerning to the waste management from health services of the workers, so is at the threshold between 01 and 02. For the reversal of this situation, the first and urgent step is the creation and institutionalization the environmental management committee of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes
This objective of this work was to investigate the enviromental perception of technician of clinical laboratories, in the city of the Natal/RN, focusing the generated environmental aspects and impacts in the activities, the strategical importance of the environmental management for the activity, as well as the knowledge about environmental norms and resolutions applied to the sector. A type survey exploratory and descriptive was carried through, using a questionnaire applied in 82 clinical laboratory, getting a return tax of 53,65%, or either, 44 laboratories. The results of the descriptive analyses point with respect to environmental conscience of the interviewed, therefore the majority (75%) described the activities of clinical analyses as great imapact on the environment. Although the interviewed present certain knowledge on the advantages of practical of envivonmental protection and the risks that the activities of clinical analyses offer, some important practical of environmental protection arer not develped by the majority of the iterviewed. The carried through statistical analyses had allowed to investigate the level of environmental knowledge of the professionals of the sector, being consisted themselves that they present little knowledge on practical ISO 14001 and of environmental protection in the health public sector. It can be conclude that, a program of environmental qualification for the sector becomes necessary, in order to improve the knowledge of the professionals of the area, and that the majority of the professionals would have a good recptivity therefore recognize the benefits of the practicadl of environmental protection for the competitiveness of the clinical analyses laboratories
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Considering education a support to health promotion, care integration and citizenship formation,the purpose of this research was to analyze the perception of the oral surgeons from the Family Health Program of Natal-RN over education in health as well as their performance as educators based on their activities on the program. A qualitative study was accomplished by a semi-structured interview and a Free Association of Words Test with 80 oral surgeons from the Family Health Program of Natal-RN. The instruments were analyzed through the meaning analysis and the Central Nucleus of Vergès Theory. The results showed a lack of planning in health actions so there is no standardization on the educative practices done by the oral surgeons which mostly are focused on scholars. There was an agreement among the group according to the oral surgeons´ perception about education in health that education is related to its function of recall prevention ideas to the population. Most part of the context units analyzed by the professionals´ speech show the knowledge of education in health as an inadequate behavior change instrument of the individuals. An interesting point was a quotation cited by some professionals that included actual themes such as citizenship, motivation and life quality, put inside the speech of education in health. To the oral surgeons the biggest difficulties on the development of the educative actions are due to the lack of incentive by the Municipal Health Bureau and to the detachment and lack of valorization of the themes by the population. The oral surgeons consider themselves co-responsible for the formation of a population which is able to request its health. They also mention the knowledge about the need of the community participation on the planning of the Family Health Program actions. Finally, it is notable the need for more encouragement so the oral surgeons can be more capable and have more interest in applying education in health on the perspective of a new model in health, because once capable and stimulated they can awake the population to education importance as a great transformation instrument for people searching for a fair, equalitarian and citizeness society
The study does a analysis about the social participation of teenagers in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/RN city, in the perspective of Protagonism Juvenile, that presuppose the teenager condition like main actor and subject of the right and obligations. In front of this, the aim this search is to discuss and analyse the juvenile protagonism and theirpolitic , pedagogics and soscial means, to go off on to the participation of teenagers like social subject in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/Rn city. The way to the teoric reflexion this study privileged the approach historic-member, being assisted by quality methodology, to making useful an interview semistructured with teenagers, families and co-ordinators of the Programs. The social participation of the teenagers, in these programs, reaffirm itself like a proposal politic-pedagogical that contribute to the development of competences of the teenagers and improvement of habilities in the treatment of the questions about heathy sexual and reprodutive,valorizing the condition of the social subjects, in the perspective of the protagonism juvenile. The relevance this study to be detached by the contribution in the building and implementation of the programs politic-pedagogical, that affirm to the teenagers the condition of the right and obligations
Objetivando avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii, em caprinos leiteiros do estado de São Paulo, e verificar possíveis associações com idade, sexo, presença de gatos, problemas reprodutivos e potenciais riscos à saúde pública, foram considerados soros de 923 caprinos, de ambos os sexos e idade acima de três meses, provenientes de 17 propriedades de diferentes municípios. Para o diagnóstico, utilizou-se a reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFIe16) e, também, um inquérito sobre saúde, a fim de se coletarem informações epidemiológicas e de esfera reprodutiva de todos os capris. Os resultados foram discutidos no nível de 5% de significância. do total das 17 propriedades, foram diagnosticados 15 focos de T. gondii, com positividade entre 2,70% e 81,25%. Não foram verificadas associações entre freqüência de soropositividade e sexo dos animais nem ocorrência de falhas reprodutivas, nos capris. Constatou-se influência positiva na taxa de anticorpos anti-T. gondii pelo aumento da idade dos caprinos e presença de gatos, nos capris. Além de a enfermidade encontrar-se amplamente difundida no estado de São Paulo, o risco eminente de transmissão de T. gondii à saúde pública também deve ser considerado, uma vez que se encontraram focos onde se comercializavam produtos in natura, como leite e carne.
O trabalho sintetiza a Proposta Curricular para o Ensino de Ciências e Programas de Saúde, elaborada pela Coordenadoria de Estudos e Normas Pedagógicas (CENP) da Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Evidencia-se sua sustentação teórica marcadamente sócio-histórica. São levantadas as dificuldades em se trabalhar esse enfoque pelo professor com formação tradicional. Discute-se a contribuição do profissional enfermeiro-educador, nesse quadro, relacionando-a à adequação dos elementos do plano de ensino da Proposta de Ciências da CENP (1992), particularmente dos temas relativos a saúde, para o Ciclo Básico.
Relata-se um caso de uma família com diagnóstico de tuberculose, cujo cão também apresentava a enfermidade. Discute-se a importância do rastreamento epidemiológico animal em casos de tuberculose humana.
O artigo trata da formação da indústria farmacêutica brasileira. Aborda algumas questões de história econômica e social, tais como o surgimento do sistema de saúde pública, as práticas de combate às doenças infecciosas, desde as desinfecções e produção de substâncias químicas pela indústria, à soroterapia e produção de soros e vacinas nas instituições de pesquisa científica públicas e nas empresas farmacêuticas privadas. Toma para análise da indústria farmacêutica privada nacional, a empresa Instituto Pinheiros - Produtos Terapêuticos S.A., enfatizando as relações entre seus cientistas, no desenvolvimento de produtos, de tecnologia e da própria discussão científica com as instituições públicas de pesquisa criadas no âmbito da política de saúde pública pelo estado de São Paulo.
Fisioterapia é a ciência da saúde que estuda, previne e trata os distúrbios cinéticos funcionais em órgãos e sistemas do corpo humano. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar a expectativa dos alunos do primeiro ao quinto semestre de fisioterapia sobre a atuação do fisioterapeuta em saúde pública e a expectativa desses alunos quanto à inserção do profissional de fisioterapia no Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF). Trata-se de estudo realizado na Faculdade Marechal Rondon, com 107 alunos, tendo como critério de exclusão os alunos do sétimo semestre. Foi usado um questionário, contendo onze questões, sendo oito de múltipla escolha e três dissertativas. Os dados passaram por tratamento estatístico, em que foram utilizadas a análise descritiva através do programa Microsoft Excel 2003 e análise do discurso do sujeito coletivo. A respeito da atuação do fisioterapeuta no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), 44% dos alunos consideram muito importante, 36% consideraram que o papel do fisioterapeuta no PSF é muito importante, enquanto 24% dos alunos consideram não saber informar quanto à eficácia de seu atendimento. Os alunos consideram importante a atuação do fisioterapeuta no SUS e PSF, mas pouco tem conhecimento sobre a atuação do fisioterapeuta em saúde pública.
Phytotherapy is a form of familiar treatment throughout the world and recommended by the World Health Organisation to be used in all regions, especially in the poorer countries, to improve the state of health of their people. The aim of this study was to describe the use of herbal medicine as an alternative therapy in the public health system in Sao Paulo State. The fieldwork consisted in obtaining information, from all the Regional Health Authorities in the State, about which municipal health areas use this therapy and sending them a questionnaire requesting details about the application of phitotherapy: when the therapy had been adopted, which plants were used, whether the programme had been discontinued or not and if so, for what reason. The cities that use the phytotherapy are: Campinas; Canas; Guaratingueta; Herculandia; Piquete; Pindamonhangaba; Roseira e Sao Jose do Barreiro, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Lourenço da Serra, Cruzeiro e Dobrada. And the three plant more used are: Guaco (Mikania glomerate); Calendula (Calendula officinalis) e Babosa (Aloe vera) The lack of support has led some Authorities to discontinue their active in 08 programmes. Nevertheless, it is concluded that the efficacy and low cost of herbal treatments has engendered a growing interest among health professionals in placing proposals for implanting this therapy in 13 cities in the Municipal Health. Thus, there should be growing practical support for the establishment of such programmes in the future.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)