260 resultados para Preus hedònics


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Aquest projecte tracta sobre la millora d’arranjament del camí de la Tossa – camí de Rosselló, ubicat als termes municipals de Vilanova i Benavent de Segrià (Segrià). Els aspectes que s’han volgut millorar són la poca amplada del camí, eliminar i/o modificar revolts perillosos i asfaltar el camí amb un acabat del ferm amb mescla bituminosa. A la Memòria com a punts més rellevants s’hi pot trobar l’objectiu i condicionants del projecte, estudi d’alternatives i enginyeria dels projecte entre d’altres. En aquest últim, s’hi descriuen les opcions adoptades en quant a trànsit, traçat, esplanació, ferm, drenatge i senyalització. Alguns d’aquests punts es troben a més, desglossats detalladament en l’annex a memòria, en aquest annex també hi figuren altres documents rellevants com l’Estudi de Seguretat i Salut i la Justificació de preus.


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The complexity of the connexions within an economic system can only be reliably reflected in academic research if powerful methods are used. Researchers have used Structural Path Analysis (SPA) to capture not only the linkages within the production system but also the propagation of the effects into different channels of impacts. However, the SPA literature has restricted itself to showing the relations among sectors of production, while the connections between these sectors and final consumption have attracted little attention. In order to consider the complete set of channels involved, in this paper we propose a structural path method that endogenously incorporates not only sectors of production but also the final consumption of the economy. The empirical application comprises water usages, and analyses the dissemination of exogenous impacts into various channels of water consumption. The results show that the responsibility for water stress is imputed to different sectors and depends on the hypothesis used for the role played by final consumption in the model. This highlights the importance of consumers’ decisions in the determination of ecological impacts. Keywords: Input-Output Analysis, Structural Path Analysis, Final Consumption, Water uses.


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El valor de la tierra agraria está determinado por las características agronómicas de este input. Pero el precio de la tierra agraria con frecuencia supera al alza o a la baja su valor, debido a la existencia de una serie de factores no agronómicos (endógenos y exógenos al sector) que ejercen presiones en la determinación y evolución del precio. Desde esta perspectiva, el objetivo que se persigue es analizar los principales factores no agronómicos determinantes del precio del suelo rústico a partir de los años ochenta. El ámbito de estudio se centra en la provincia de Lleida y se distingue entre tierras de secano y de regadío. Las estimaciones realizadas muestran que los principales factores que explican el comportamiento de los precios de la tierra agraria son .el considerar la tierra como un refugio del capital, las subvenciones recibidas de la PAC y las expectativas de plusvalía.


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En el presente trabajo se analiza el origen del almudí de Lérida –mercado de granos de la ciudad, su funcionamiento y su papel en el territorio. En base a la mercurial de Lérida, hemos elaborado una nueva serie de los precios del trigo siguiendo el año agrícola y utilizando cinco mercados, uno por semana. Finalmente, se presenta un primer estudio comparativo para el periodo 1757/58-1807/08 entre estos precios de Lérida y los de Barcelona, elaborados con la misma metodología. Las fuentes principales son los registros de precios y las actas del ayuntamiento de Lérida. Los precios del almudí serán un referente para el conjunto de la Cataluña occidental y el Aragón oriental. A pesar de que el mercado de Lérida está poco regulado, en los momentos de crisis de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y en el primer tercio de la siguiente centuria, la municipalidad realiza diversas acciones a favor de los vecinos más necesitados. Estas iniciativas nos remiten a la economía moral. Si bien los nuevos precios de Lérida son, en general, muy similares a los equivalentes realizados con el mercado central del mes, las diferencias son muy significativas para determinados momentos críticos. Este hecho confirma la necesidad de elaborar precios de mayor calidad para los diferentes mercados catalanes y españoles. Finalmente, la comparación de los precios de Lérida y Barcelona del período 1777/78-1807/08 con 1757/58-1776/77, permite confirmar que las coyunturas críticas del último tercio del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX provocan respuestas de los diferentes agentes económicos de la Cataluña occidental que retrasan temporalmente la transferencia de la información que reflejan los precios de Barcelona a los precios del almudí de Lérida.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of business exits on future dimensions of entrepreneurial activity at the macroeconomic level. Design/methodology/approach: This research uses the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data for 41 countries and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to carry out the analysis. The paper differentiates the effect of the two components of total entrepreneurial activity, and the two motivations for it – opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship. Findings: The results presented here show a positive and significant effect of the coefficient associated with exits in all models. This means that the levels of entrepreneurial activity exceed business exits. The robustness of the models are tested, including other variables such as the fear of failure, the Gross Domestic Product, role models, entrepreneurial skills and the unemployment variables. The main hypothesis which stated that at national level business exits imply greater rates of opportunity-driven entrepreneurship is corroborated. Originality/value: One would expect that unemployment rates would imply higher levels of necessity entrepreneurship. However, results show that unemployment rates do in fact favour opportunity entrepreneurship levels. This could be due to those government policies that are aimed at promoting entrepreneurship through the capitalization of unemployment to be totally invested in a new start-up. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first panel data study to link previous exit rates to future dimensions of entrepreneurial activity. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, business exits, social values, industrial organization Paper type: Research paper


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This paper analyses the determinants of broadband Internet access prices in a group of 15 EU countries between 2008 and 2011. Using a rich panel dataset of broadband plans, we show the positive effect of downstream speed on prices, and report that cable and fibre-to-the-home technologies are available at lower prices per Mbps than x DSL technology. Operators’marketing strategies are also analysed as we show how much prices rise when the broadband service is offered in a bundle with voice telephony and/or television, and how much they fall when download volume caps are included. The most insightful results of this study are provided by a group of metrics that represent the situation of competition and entry patterns in the broadband market. We show that consumer segmentation positively affects prices. On the other hand, broadband prices are higher in countries where entrants make greater use of bitstream access and lower when they use more intensively direct access -local loop unbundling-. However, we do not find a significant effect of inter-platform competition on prices.


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Difference-in-Difference (DiD) methods are being increasingly used to analyze the impact of mergers on pricing and other market equilibrium outcomes. Using evidence from an exogenous merger between two retail gasoline companies in a specific market in Spain, this paper shows how concentration did not lead to a price increase. In fact, the conjectural variation model concludes that the existence of a collusive agreement before and after the merger accounts for this result, rather than the existence of efficient gains. This result may explain empirical evidence reported in the literature according to which mergers between firms do not have significant effects on prices.


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Cartel detection is one of the most basic and most complicated tasks of competition authorities. In recent years, however, variance filters have provided a fairly simple tool for rejecting the existence of price-fixing, with the added advantage that the methodology requires only a low volume of data. In this paper we analyze two aspects of variance filters: 1- the relationship established between market structure and price rigidity, and 2- the use of different benchmarks for implementing the filters. This paper addresses these two issues by applying a variance filter to a gasoline retail market characterized by a set of unique features. Our results confirm the positive relationship between monopolies and price rigidity, and the variance filter's ability to detect non-competitive behavior when an appropriate benchmark is used. Our findings should serve to promote the implementation of this methodology among competition authorities, albeit in the awareness that a more exhaustive complementary analysis is required.


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The analysis of vertical industry relations forms an essential element in the field of industrial organization. This paper tests hypotheses derived from transaction cost theory and the principal-agent problem in Chile’s petrol market. It shows that local competition plays an important role in the choice of a disintegrated vertical structure, and that low levels of service investment have the same effect. Conversely, the number of own-brand outlets and a high level of investment in services reduce the probability of disintegration. The paper demonstrates that vertical disintegration has a null effect on wholesale petrol prices and a positive effect on retail petrol prices of between 1.6 and 7 per cent, depending on fuel type.


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This paper seeks to address the problem of the empirical identification of housing market segmentation,once we assume that submarkets exist. The typical difficulty in identifying housing submarkets when dealing with many locations is the vast number of potential solutions and, in such cases, the use of the Chow test for hedonic functions is not a practical solution. Here, we solve this problem by undertaking an identification process with a heuristic for spatially constrained clustering, the"Housing Submarket Identifier" (HouSI). The solution is applied to the housing market in the city of Barcelona (Spain), where we estimate a hedonic model for fifty thousand dwellings aggregated into ten groups. In order to determine the utility of the procedure we seek to verify whether the final solution provided by the heuristic is comparable with the division of the city into ten administrative districts.


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Airports have become platforms that derive revenues from both aeronautical and commercial activities. The demand for these services is characterized by a one-way complementarity in that only air travelers can purchase retail goods at the airport terminals. We analyze a model of optimal airport behavior in which this one-way complementarity is subject to consumer foresight, i.e., consumers may not anticipate in full the ex post retail surplus when purchasing a flight ticket. An airport sets landing fees, and, in addition, also chooses the retail market structure by selecting the number of retail concessions to be awarded. We find that, with perfectly myopic consumers, the airport chooses to attract more passengers via low landing fees, and also sets the minimum possible number of retailers in order to increase the concessions’ revenues, from which it obtains the largest share of profits. However, even a very small amount of anticipation of the consumer surplus from retail activities changes significantly the airport’s choices: the optimal airport policy is dependent on the degree of differentiation in the retail market. When consumers instead have perfect foresight, the airport establishes a very competitive retail market, where consumers enjoy a large surplus. This attracts passengers and it is exploited by the airport by charging higher landing fees, which then constitute the largest share of its profits. Overall, the airport’s profits are maximal when consumers have perfect foresight. Keywords: two-sided markets, platform pricing, one-way demand complementarity, consumer foresight. JEL classification: L1, L2, L93.


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El presente trabajo estudia la disposición adicional cuarta de la Ley de Tasas y Precios Públicos. El estudio de la norma se escinde en tres partes: en primer lugar el supuesto de hecho que recoge el precepto, en segundo lugar los efectos jurídicos que de su aplicación se van a derivar y en tercer lugar su conformidad constitucional. Como cierre del estudio se formula una propuesta alternativa y se exponen de modo sucinto las conclusiones obtenidas a lo largo del trabajo.


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Network virtualisation is considerably gaining attentionas a solution to ossification of the Internet. However, thesuccess of network virtualisation will depend in part on how efficientlythe virtual networks utilise substrate network resources.In this paper, we propose a machine learning-based approachto virtual network resource management. We propose to modelthe substrate network as a decentralised system and introducea learning algorithm in each substrate node and substrate link,providing self-organization capabilities. We propose a multiagentlearning algorithm that carries out the substrate network resourcemanagement in a coordinated and decentralised way. The taskof these agents is to use evaluative feedback to learn an optimalpolicy so as to dynamically allocate network resources to virtualnodes and links. The agents ensure that while the virtual networkshave the resources they need at any given time, only the requiredresources are reserved for this purpose. Simulations show thatour dynamic approach significantly improves the virtual networkacceptance ratio and the maximum number of accepted virtualnetwork requests at any time while ensuring that virtual networkquality of service requirements such as packet drop rate andvirtual link delay are not affected.


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Following earlier work by Audretsch et al. (2002), we assume that an optimal size-class structure exists, in terms of achieving maximal economic growth rates. Such an optimal structure is likely to exist as economies need a balance between the core competences of large firms (such as exploitation of economies of scale) and those of smaller firms (such as flexibility and exploration of new ideas). Accordingly, changes in size-class structure (i.e., changes in the relative shares in economic activity accounted for by micro, small, medium-sized and large firms) may affect macro-economic growth. Using a unique data base of the EU-27 countries for the period 2002-2008 for five broad sectors of economic activity and four size-classes, we find empirical support which suggests that, on average for these countries over this period, the share of micro and large firms may have been ‘above optimum’ (particularly in lower income EU countries) whereas the share of medium-sized firms may have been ‘below optimum’ (particularly in higher income EU countries). This evidence suggests that the transition from a ‘managed’ to an ‘entrepreneurial’ economy (Audretsch and Thurik, 2001) has not been completed yet in all countries of the EU-27. Keywords: small firms, large firms, size-classes, macro-economic performance


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Fundada a Barcelona el 1892 per un italià que havia après l’ofici a Llatinoamèrica, l’editorial Maucci esdevé ben aviat capdavantera en la difusió del llibre a gran escala i a preus molt econòmics. Un catàleg de 1908 ens permet deduir que publica sobretot literatura, tant d’autors cultes com d’autors de consum, i que difon una gran quantitat de traduccions, sovint primícies en espanyol (llengua que utilitza en exclusiva). Hi predomina de bon tros la literatura francesa, ja sigui d’escriptors de prestigi ja sigui de novel·listes de fulletó. La majoria dels pocs traductors mencionats són poc o no gens coneguts. Testimonis coetanis de l’expansió de l’editorial l’acusen de mutilar els originals i de pagar misèrrimament les traduccions, que solien ser molt deficients.