942 resultados para Presumption of fact


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La ricerca si propone un duplice obbiettivo: 1. provare, attraverso l’applicazione di un metodo teorico tradizionale di analisi economico-finanziaria, il livello ottimale di equilibrio finanziario fra accesso al credito esterno e capitale proprio; 2. mostrare l’utilità di alcuni strumenti finanziari partecipativi per la ricapitalizzazione dell’impresa cooperativa. Oggetto di studio è l’impresa cooperativa che si occupa di una o più fasi del processo di lavorazione, trasformazione e prima commercializzazione del prodotto agricolo conferito dai soci, confrontata con le imprese di capitali che svolgono la medesima attività. La società cooperativa e quella capitalistica saranno, pertanto analizzate in termini di liquidità generata, redditività prodotta e grado di indebitamento, attraverso il calcolo e l’analisi di una serie di indici, tratti dai rispettivi bilanci d’esercizio. È opportuno sottolineare che nella seguente trattazione sarà riservato uno spazio al tema della ricerca del valore nell’impresa cooperativa inteso come espressione della ricchezza creata dai processi aziendali in un determinato periodo di tempo tentando di definire, se esiste, una struttura finanziaria ottimale , ossia uno specifico rapporto tra indebitamento finanziario e mezzi propri, che massimizzi il valore dell’impresa. L’attenzione verso la struttura finanziaria, pertanto, non sarà solo rivolta al costo esplicito del debito o dell’equity, ma si estenderà anche alle implicazioni delle scelte di finanziamento sulle modalità di governo dell’impresa. Infatti molti studi di economia aziendale, e in particolar modo di gestione d’impresa e finanza aziendale, hanno trattato il tema dell’attività di governo dell’impresa, quale elemento in grado di contribuire alla creazione di valore non solo attraverso la selezione dei progetti d’investimento ma anche attraverso la composizione della struttura finanziaria.


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Il lavoro di ricerca vuole analizzare, attraverso lo studio specifico della rivista artistico letteraria «L’Eroica» fondata a La Spezia nel 1911 da Ettore Cozzani e Franco Oliva, gli artisti e le situazioni in cui si sviluppa e si diffonde in Italia un linguaggio grafico di tipo fauve-espressionista, in perfetta sintonia con le coeve esperienze straniere. Nello specifico, si è focalizzata l’attenzione sui così detti ‘anni eroici de L’Eroica’ (1911-1917), periodo in cui risulta più evidente il passaggio che si ebbe nel panorama dell’illustrazione italiana da uno stile ancora riconducibile a un linguaggio simbolista a uno, per l’appunto espressionista. Questa rivista, infatti, nella fase conosciuta come “gli anni eroici dell’Eroica” (1911-17), s’interessa in modo quasi esclusivo alla xilografia contemporanea avvalendosi in un primo momento della collaborazione di artisti noti nell’ambito del gusto liberty come, ad esempio, Adolfo De Carolis e dei suoi allievi (Gino Barbieri, Ettore di Giorgio, Antonio Moroni). Tale collaborazione però termina con la cosiddetta “Secessione degli Xilografi”, ossia l’abbandono nel 1914 da parte di De Carolis e dei suoi della testata spezzina, circostanza questa che determinerà un nuovo indirizzo stilistico per la rivista in cui prenderanno sempre più spazio artisti di una generazione più giovane, peraltro già attivi su «L’Eroica» stessa, quali ad esempio Lorenzo Viani, Arturo Martini, Emilio Mantelli, Felice Casorati, Giuseppe Biasi, Roberto Melli e Gino Carlo Sensani, questi ultimi tutti rappresentanti di un espressionismo italiano di primo ordine


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The topic of this work is the simultaneous activation, promoted by 9-epi-NH2-DHQA-TU, of alkylideneoxindole and nistirene derivatives, respectively via base catalysis and hydrogen-bond catalysis. The chosen substrates, of high biological interest, are used as starting materials for a vinylogous Michael addition where we wish to control the stereochemistry of the two asymmetric carbons far away from the active site, respectively in γ and δ position. Due to the particular structure of the starting oxindoles, it is hereby presented the first variant of this reaction performed at its highest level of stereochemical complexity. It is possible as a matter of fact, to generate 24 isomers of the product. Specifically, given that the nucleophilic attack can occur from various, non equivalent regions of the starting molecule, our main goal was to achieve a complete regio- and stereocontrol of the reaction. We have verified that the reported organocatalyzed vinylogous reaction represents a valid integration of the metal-catalyzed one, since it affords highly stereochemically complex products in good to high yields and excellent optical purity.


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Biodegradable polymers for short time applications have attracted much interest all over the world. The reason behind this growing interest is the incompatibility of the polymeric wastes with the environment where they are disposed after usage. Synthetic aliphatic polyesters represent one of the most economically competitive biodegradable polymers. In addition, they gained considerable attention as they combine biodegradability and biocompatibility with interesting physical and chemical properties. In this framework, the present research work focused on the modification by reactive blending and polycondensation of two different aliphatic polyesters, namely poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) and poly(butylene 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate) (PBCE). Both are characterized by good thermal properties, but their mechanical characteristics do not fit the requirements for applications in which high flexibility is requested and, moreover, both show slow biodegradation rate. With the aim of developing new materials with improved characteristics with respect to the parent homopolymers, novel etheroatom containing PBS and PBCE-based fully aliphatic polyesters and copolyesters have been therefore synthesized and carefully characterized. The introduction of oxygen or sulphur atoms along the polymer chains, by acting on chemical composition or molecular architecture, tailored solid-state properties and biodegradation rate: type and amount of comonomeric units and sequence distribution deeply affected the material final properties owing, among all, to the hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratio and to the different ability of the polymer to crystallize. The versatility of the synthesized copolymers has been well proved: as a matter of fact these polymers can be exploited both for biomedical and ecological applications. Feasibility of 3D electrospun scaffolds has been investigated, biocompatibility studies and controlled release of a model molecule showed good responses. As regards ecological applications, barrier properties and eco-toxicological assessments have been conducted with outstanding results. Finally, the ability of the novel polyesters to undergo both hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation has been demonstrated under physiological and environmental conditions.


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This work is focused on the translation of the first half of the novel Pontypool Changes Everything, written by Canadian author and screenplay writer Tony Burgess in 1998 and – quite surprisingly – still unpublished in Italy. Although the book disguises itself as a product for general consumption – more precisely as a tale of zombies – it is clear from the very beginning that the author is not interested in conforming to the conventions of the genre to which his work belongs. On the contrary, he seems to exploit the recent success of zombiea-pocalypse inspired stories to build up a more complex type of narrative. Nonetheless, he writes a story that introduces certain innovative elements in the rather repetitive and seemingly outworn genre, like the idea of a language-borne virus. Burgess, who has a graduate degree in semiotics, was by his own admission “insufferably preoccupied with literary malformations” when he wrote the book. As a matter of fact his narrative tackles issues – albeit superficially and always entertainingly – that seem to stem from the theories which originated in the field of linguistics around the second half of the twentieth century. It goes without saying that translating – as much as reading – such a book is both a difficult and compelling operation. As a translator you are required to constantly shift from one strategy to another, paying great attention to the semantic nuances of the written words whilst keeping in mind what the actual intention of the text is. Together with the book translation, this dissertation offers a brief introduction to the fundamental principles of translation and a detailed analysis of some of the translation problems posed by the novel.


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Recent publishing on the migration phenomena in the communitarian and globalized Europe, puts in evidence a fundamental racism which is capable of making cultural processes grow and feed both chaos and social disorder. As a matter of fact we are approaching the ending debates on multicultural citizenship as well as on solidary integration and antiracism. Since the appearing of these phenomena, namely the huge post colonial migration in the nineteen-eighties, by which the colonized countries became almost “emigrant nurseries”, one could expect their stabilization. On the contrary, globalization and migration (twin subjects) everywhere still produce, at various levels, social disturbances together with some chauvinistic limitations as an ultimate kind of western prosperity defense. The peculiar European features of this new racism, less than ideological (superiority, homogeneity and civilizing mission), are confined to the concepts of patriotism, inequality and exclusion. In these terms one can understand why the new economic expansionism and the quest for new world markets makes European policies unstable, which remain undecided between conservatism, liberalism and extreme right. All this explains at least two things: the existing ambiguities of some European policies aiming to enhance particular forms of protectionism, and the difficulties in which the antiracist thought seems to be embedded. Indeed, according to what Walter Lorenz has already made clear, by using a well founded methodology, which prevents any fruitless protestations, it is impossible to contrast racism and nationalism. In such context, the educational field should try to use an operative epistemology. In other words the antiracist thought should dispose of competences and skills and, especially, personal and reflective capabilities. All this in order to avoid that which, in different historical scenes, permit the revival of the sense of moral opprobrium could not be identified with the political alibi to maintain privileges as well as advantages for the exclusive benefit of wealthy countries.


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Se ha insistido recientemente por parte de estudiosos del tema ‘persona’ en Santo Tomás, en que la voluntad humana o, por lo menos su libertad, debe interpretarse como ligada directamente a la persona, y emergiendo sobre su naturaleza. El obrar sería fundamentalmente un asunto del sujeto personal, mientras que la naturaleza sería solamente la raíz de una tendencia global y genérica. Esta hipótesis pivotea sobre la causa eficiente como única verdadera causa. Ahora bien, este tema de la emergencia o trascendencia de la voluntad respecto a la propia naturaleza aparece ya tratado por Santo Tomás en sus obras, y en particular en el Comentario a las Sentencias, aunque no utilizando esta moderna terminología. Lo que plantea el Aquinate es la imposibilidad de que la voluntad o sus actos sigan a la persona. La voluntad como potencia sigue a la naturaleza y los actos de la voluntad son ejecutados por la persona como causa eficiente última en su orden, pero según la razón como causa formal.


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Nos hemos planteado los cambios de percepción de un accidente geográfico, como la cadena montañosa de los Andes, desde la Colonia hasta nuestros días, como un modo de comprender mejor nuestras maneras de ver el mundo. En efecto, la relación con el espacio avala universalmente la particularidad de las identidades, tal como ha sido estudiado por la antropología, entre otras disciplinas que se han ocupado de la problemática entre identidad y espacio. Nos interesa concentrarnos en las significaciones que le ha sido asignado al macizo andino en ciertas etapas, en uno y otro lado del mismo. La significación de muro que se le atribuye a la cordillera constituye una de las varias que existen y circulan en los textos literarios y no literarios. La relevancia que tiene ese punto de vista –el muro- se puede apreciar mejor en el campo de las relaciones internacionales entre ambos países. Sin embargo, existen otras relaciones espacio-representación que han alentado procesos integracionistas.


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Esta tesis problematiza los vínculos entre las sociedades y sus entornos. "Ecología" y "Praxis Ambiental" constituyen dos polos en tensión. Son palabras que remiten a sistemas de entidades Ecología y Praxis Ambiental, lejos de constituirse desde una red semántica y simbólica afín, aparecen en las prácticas como términos muchas veces antagónicos. Vivimos en un mundo afectado por una crisis ambiental sin parangones producto de las intervenciones humanas en el contexto de las prácticas productivas capitalistas globalizadas. Esta tesis busca contrastar ciertas conceptualizaciones abstractas con los fenómenos concretos cuya contundencia se nos impone. Sigo un camino que parte de la revisión de la ecología como disciplina científica, su articulación (o no) con los movimientos ambientalista para, desde estos sitios de acción, investigación y movilización, avanzar sobre los temas que permanecen como problemas. Tomé como guía la problemática dualidad sobre la que se edificó el pensamiento y la praxis moderna: la escisión antagónica y excluyente entre sociedad y naturaleza, asociada a la idea del hombre como ser de máximo desarrollo, cuya cercanía a la razón permitía justificar su dominio sobre todo lo no-humano, fundamento de la evaluación de lo diferente en términos peyorativos. Exploro el modo en que "lo natural" se consideró como menos desarrollado, con potencialidades que sólo lograría en caso de estar dominado por un ser efectivamente desarrollado y adopto las revisiones en torno a conceptos claves como género, etnia y clase para discutir la noción de naturaleza que subyace en esa presunción de dominio. La metodología de estudio siguió algunas premisas. La primera de ellas es que la edificación de las ideas es un proceso eminentemente histórico. La segunda es que los conceptos, lejos de edificarse desde ejercicios abstractos, se constituyen en permanente vínculo con el plano de las prácticas. La tercera es que en el fondo de la red simbólica antes mencionada se encuentra el paternalismo como diferenciación fundamental. A modo de esquema general, las herramientas adoptadas para analizar escenarios y elaborar reflexiones pueden resumirse en los siguientes puntos:La indagación en las formas hegemónicas de discurso-dominio en la ecología científica. La apropiación de la perspectiva feminista como discurso contrahegemónico.La revisión de las formas específicas de dominio como clave reconstructiva.El análisis de las prácticas instituidas, en las prácticas científicas y las esferas de gobierno, a la luz de modos alternativos que implican el reconocimiento de prácticas sociales y saberes edificados desde la experiencia.A partir de remover la idea de naturaleza que subyace en las reflexiones problematizadas, impugno que la única organización social posible sea jerárquica. Desde aquí argumento en contra de uno de los principales argumentos totalitarios, la visión de los intereses de la naturaleza como opuestos a los humanos, destacando la necesidad de abandonar la dualidad para no llegar al consecuente incremento de formas opresivas. En el cierre desmonto el carácter construido de lo normal, desnaturalizo lo natural para repensarnos como seres humanos capaces de cambiar aquello que consideramos injusto.


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Esta tesis problematiza los vínculos entre las sociedades y sus entornos. "Ecología" y "Praxis Ambiental" constituyen dos polos en tensión. Son palabras que remiten a sistemas de entidades Ecología y Praxis Ambiental, lejos de constituirse desde una red semántica y simbólica afín, aparecen en las prácticas como términos muchas veces antagónicos. Vivimos en un mundo afectado por una crisis ambiental sin parangones producto de las intervenciones humanas en el contexto de las prácticas productivas capitalistas globalizadas. Esta tesis busca contrastar ciertas conceptualizaciones abstractas con los fenómenos concretos cuya contundencia se nos impone. Sigo un camino que parte de la revisión de la ecología como disciplina científica, su articulación (o no) con los movimientos ambientalista para, desde estos sitios de acción, investigación y movilización, avanzar sobre los temas que permanecen como problemas. Tomé como guía la problemática dualidad sobre la que se edificó el pensamiento y la praxis moderna: la escisión antagónica y excluyente entre sociedad y naturaleza, asociada a la idea del hombre como ser de máximo desarrollo, cuya cercanía a la razón permitía justificar su dominio sobre todo lo no-humano, fundamento de la evaluación de lo diferente en términos peyorativos. Exploro el modo en que "lo natural" se consideró como menos desarrollado, con potencialidades que sólo lograría en caso de estar dominado por un ser efectivamente desarrollado y adopto las revisiones en torno a conceptos claves como género, etnia y clase para discutir la noción de naturaleza que subyace en esa presunción de dominio. La metodología de estudio siguió algunas premisas. La primera de ellas es que la edificación de las ideas es un proceso eminentemente histórico. La segunda es que los conceptos, lejos de edificarse desde ejercicios abstractos, se constituyen en permanente vínculo con el plano de las prácticas. La tercera es que en el fondo de la red simbólica antes mencionada se encuentra el paternalismo como diferenciación fundamental. A modo de esquema general, las herramientas adoptadas para analizar escenarios y elaborar reflexiones pueden resumirse en los siguientes puntos:La indagación en las formas hegemónicas de discurso-dominio en la ecología científica. La apropiación de la perspectiva feminista como discurso contrahegemónico.La revisión de las formas específicas de dominio como clave reconstructiva.El análisis de las prácticas instituidas, en las prácticas científicas y las esferas de gobierno, a la luz de modos alternativos que implican el reconocimiento de prácticas sociales y saberes edificados desde la experiencia.A partir de remover la idea de naturaleza que subyace en las reflexiones problematizadas, impugno que la única organización social posible sea jerárquica. Desde aquí argumento en contra de uno de los principales argumentos totalitarios, la visión de los intereses de la naturaleza como opuestos a los humanos, destacando la necesidad de abandonar la dualidad para no llegar al consecuente incremento de formas opresivas. En el cierre desmonto el carácter construido de lo normal, desnaturalizo lo natural para repensarnos como seres humanos capaces de cambiar aquello que consideramos injusto.


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Esta tesis problematiza los vínculos entre las sociedades y sus entornos. "Ecología" y "Praxis Ambiental" constituyen dos polos en tensión. Son palabras que remiten a sistemas de entidades Ecología y Praxis Ambiental, lejos de constituirse desde una red semántica y simbólica afín, aparecen en las prácticas como términos muchas veces antagónicos. Vivimos en un mundo afectado por una crisis ambiental sin parangones producto de las intervenciones humanas en el contexto de las prácticas productivas capitalistas globalizadas. Esta tesis busca contrastar ciertas conceptualizaciones abstractas con los fenómenos concretos cuya contundencia se nos impone. Sigo un camino que parte de la revisión de la ecología como disciplina científica, su articulación (o no) con los movimientos ambientalista para, desde estos sitios de acción, investigación y movilización, avanzar sobre los temas que permanecen como problemas. Tomé como guía la problemática dualidad sobre la que se edificó el pensamiento y la praxis moderna: la escisión antagónica y excluyente entre sociedad y naturaleza, asociada a la idea del hombre como ser de máximo desarrollo, cuya cercanía a la razón permitía justificar su dominio sobre todo lo no-humano, fundamento de la evaluación de lo diferente en términos peyorativos. Exploro el modo en que "lo natural" se consideró como menos desarrollado, con potencialidades que sólo lograría en caso de estar dominado por un ser efectivamente desarrollado y adopto las revisiones en torno a conceptos claves como género, etnia y clase para discutir la noción de naturaleza que subyace en esa presunción de dominio. La metodología de estudio siguió algunas premisas. La primera de ellas es que la edificación de las ideas es un proceso eminentemente histórico. La segunda es que los conceptos, lejos de edificarse desde ejercicios abstractos, se constituyen en permanente vínculo con el plano de las prácticas. La tercera es que en el fondo de la red simbólica antes mencionada se encuentra el paternalismo como diferenciación fundamental. A modo de esquema general, las herramientas adoptadas para analizar escenarios y elaborar reflexiones pueden resumirse en los siguientes puntos:La indagación en las formas hegemónicas de discurso-dominio en la ecología científica. La apropiación de la perspectiva feminista como discurso contrahegemónico.La revisión de las formas específicas de dominio como clave reconstructiva.El análisis de las prácticas instituidas, en las prácticas científicas y las esferas de gobierno, a la luz de modos alternativos que implican el reconocimiento de prácticas sociales y saberes edificados desde la experiencia.A partir de remover la idea de naturaleza que subyace en las reflexiones problematizadas, impugno que la única organización social posible sea jerárquica. Desde aquí argumento en contra de uno de los principales argumentos totalitarios, la visión de los intereses de la naturaleza como opuestos a los humanos, destacando la necesidad de abandonar la dualidad para no llegar al consecuente incremento de formas opresivas. En el cierre desmonto el carácter construido de lo normal, desnaturalizo lo natural para repensarnos como seres humanos capaces de cambiar aquello que consideramos injusto.


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This paper shows the role that some foresight tools, such as scenario design, may play in exploring the future impacts of global challenges in our contemporary Society. Additionally, it provides some clues about how to reinforce scenario design so that it displays more in-depth analysis without losing its qualitative nature and communication advantages. Since its inception in the early seventies, scenario design has become one of the most popular foresight tools used in several fields of knowledge. Nevertheless, its wide acceptance has not been seconded by the urban planning academic and professional realm. In some instances, scenario design is just perceived as a story telling technique that generates oversimplified future visions without the support of rigorous and sound analysis. As a matter of fact, the potential of scenario design for providing more in-depth analysis and for connecting with quantitative methods has been generally missed, giving arguments away to its critics. Based on these premises, this document tries to prove the capability of scenario design to anticipate the impacts of complex global challenges and to do it in a more analytical way. These assumptions are tested through a scenario design exercise which explores the future evolution of the sustainable development paradigm (SD) and its implications in the Spanish urban development model. In order to reinforce the perception of scenario design as a useful and added value instrument to urban planners, three sets of implications –functional, parametric and spatial— are displayed to provide substantial and in-depth information for policy makers. This study shows some major findings. First, it is feasible to set up a systematic approach that provides anticipatory intelligence about future disruptive events that may affect the natural environment and socioeconomic fabric of a given territory. Second, there are opportunities for innovating in the Spanish urban planning processes and city governance models. Third, as a foresight tool, scenario design can be substantially reinforced if proper efforts are made to display functional, parametric and spatial implications generated by the scenarios. Fourth, the study confirms that foresight offers interesting opportunities for urban planners, such as anticipating changes, formulating visions, fostering participation and building networks


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Linked data offers a promising setting to encode, publish and share metadata of resources. As the matter of fact, it is already adopted by data producers such as European Environment Agency, US and some EU Governs, whose first ambition is to share (meta)data making their processes more effective and transparent. Such as an increasing interest and involvement of data providers surely represents a genuine witness of the web of data success, but in a longer perspective, frameworks supporting linked data consumers in their decision making processes will be a compelling need. In this respect, the talk is introducing SSONDE, a framework enabling in detailed comparison, ranking and selection of linked data resources through the analysis of their RDF ontology driven metadata. SSONDE implements an instance similarity especially designed to support in resource selection, namely the process stakeholders engage to choose a set of resources suitable for a given analysis purpose: (i) it deploys an asymmetric similarity assessment to emphasize information about gains and losses the stakeholders get adopting a resource in place of another; (ii) it relies on an explicit formalization of contexts to tailor the similarity assessment with respect to specific user-defined selection goals. The talk aims at providing an insight on SSONDE instance similarity and it will briefly describe some examples of SSONDE deployment in the context of linked data consumption.


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The response of high-speed bridges at resonance, particularly under flexural vibrations, constitutes a subject of research for many scientists and engineers at the moment. The topic is of great interest because, as a matter of fact, such kind of behaviour is not unlikely to happen due to the elevated operating speeds of modern rains, which in many cases are equal to or even exceed 300 km/h ( [1,2]). The present paper addresses the subject of the evolution of the wheel-rail contact forces during resonance situations in simply supported bridges. Based on a dimensionless formulation of the equations of motion presented in [4], very similar to the one introduced by Klasztorny and Langer in [3], a parametric study is conducted and the contact forces in realistic situations analysed in detail. The effects of rail and wheel irregularities are not included in the model. The bridge is idealised as an Euler-Bernoulli beam, while the train is simulated by a system consisting of rigid bodies, springs and dampers. The situations such that a severe reduction of the contact force could take place are identified and compared with typical situations in actual bridges. To this end, the simply supported bridge is excited at resonace by means of a theoretical train consisting of 15 equidistant axles. The mechanical characteristics of all axles (unsprung mass, semi-sprung mass, and primary suspension system) are identical. This theoretical train permits the identification of the key parameters having an influence on the wheel-rail contact forces. In addition, a real case of a 17.5 m bridges traversed by the Eurostar train is analysed and checked against the theoretical results. The influence of three fundamental parameters is investigated in great detail: a) the ratio of the fundamental frequency of the bridge and natural frequency of the primary suspension of the vehicle; b) the ratio of the total mass of the bridge and the semi-sprung mass of the vehicle and c) the ratio between the length of the bridge and the characteristic distance between consecutive axles. The main conclusions derived from the investigation are: The wheel-rail contact forces undergo oscillations during the passage of the axles over the bridge. During resonance, these oscillations are more severe for the rear wheels than for the front ones. If denotes the span of a simply supported bridge, and the characteristic distance between consecutive groups of loads, the lower the value of , the greater the oscillations of the contact forces at resonance. For or greater, no likelihood of loss of wheel-rail contact has been detected. The ratio between the frequency of the primary suspension of the vehicle and the fundamental frequency of the bridge is denoted by (frequency ratio), and the ratio of the semi-sprung mass of the vehicle (mass of the bogie) and the total mass of the bridge is denoted by (mass ratio). For any given frequency ratio, the greater the mass ratio, the greater the oscillations of the contact forces at resonance. The oscillations of the contact forces at resonance, and therefore the likelihood of loss of wheel-rail contact, present a minimum for approximately between 0.5 and 1. For lower or higher values of the frequency ratio the oscillations of the contact forces increase. Neglecting the possible effects of torsional vibrations, the metal or composite bridges with a low linear mass have been found to be the ones where the contact forces may suffer the most severe oscillations. If single-track, simply supported, composite or metal bridges were used in high-speed lines, and damping ratios below 1% were expected, the minimum contact forces at resonance could drop to dangerous values. Nevertheless, this kind of structures is very unusual in modern high-speed railway lines.


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Nowadays, in order to take advantage of fiber optic bandwidth, any optical communications system tends to be WDM. The way to extract a channel, characterized by a wavelength, from the optical fiber is to filter the specific wavelength. This gives the systems a low degree of freedom due to the fact of the static character of most of the employed devices. In this paper we will present a different way to extract channels from an optical fiber with WDM transmission. The employed method is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cells (OPLC) previously published by us, for other applications as a chaotic generator or as basic element for optical computing. In this paper we will describe the configuration of the OPLC to be employed as a dropping device. It acts as a filter because it will extract the data carried by a concrete wavelength. It does depend, internally, on the wavelength. We will show how the intensity of the signal is able to select the chosen information from the line. It will be also demonstrated that a new idea of redundant information it is the way of selecting the concrete wavelength. As a matter of fact this idea is apparently the only way to use the OPLC as a dropping device. Moreover, based on these concepts, a similar way to route signals to different routes is reported. The basis is the use of photonic switching configurations, namely Batcher or Bayan structures, where the unit switching cells are the above indicated OPLCs.