922 resultados para Porto’s Historic Center


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar através das concepções de patrimônio e bens culturais, os distanciamentos e as aproximações histórico-sociais entre o Solar do Barão de Nova Friburgo (antiga residência da família Clemente Pinto construída na década de 1850) e o Centro de Arte de Nova Friburgo (C.A.N.F.), localizado no porão do edifício desde 1961. São abordadas as modificações na estrutura administrativa do Centro de Arte, desde sua criação enquanto associação civil até sua municipalização, em 1973, quando passou a ser um aparelho cultural administrado pela Divisão de Arte e pela Divisão de Cultura da Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura de Nova Friburgo. A partir da pesquisa histórica de estruturação e consolidação das políticas públicas para o setor cultural nos cenários nacional e municipal, e dos desafios metodológicos da pesquisa das artes e culturas populares é construída uma análise sobre a relevância do Centro de Arte de Nova Friburgo para as movimentações artísticas do município, tendo como exemplo a produção do artista plástico Geraldo Simplício, Nêgo


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O presente trabalho é fruto de uma pesquisa qualitativa, a partir de um estudo de caso. Parte das questões enfrentadas na produção curricular do processo de formação dos cursos de artes de um centro cultural, em Quissamã, município situado em uma região periférica no interior do estado do Rio de Janeiro. O trabalho aborda questões que interferem na formulação dos currículos, que se dão no cotidiano. O currículo não é escrito é dado na demanda do processo formativo e se apresenta como espaço discursivo. O estudo se inscreve no campo político da dimensão cultural da realidade social, tornando possível, na sua discussão, a absorção das contribuições dos estudos pós-coloniais. O trabalho depesquisa sobre o objeto aproxima a atuação do centro cultural às posturas contra-hegemônicas globais a partir de uma ação local. Está instalado em um sobrado construído no século XIX. O seu espaço físico é um prédio histórico, que no passado foi uma residência da aristocracia rural local. Este espaço foi ressignificado e hoje é um espaço livre às novas descobertas que discute nossa contemporaneidade sem perder de vista o seu passado. A restauração do prédio e a criação do centro cultural pertencem a um movimento, no qual valores e sentidos foram descolados e passaram a ter nova significação, o que interfere na ação política da instituição.


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In line with its mandate of poverty reduction and sustainable development, the WorldFish Center is orienting its research towards high impact scientific activity. Identifying such activities is the task of prospective impact assessment, in turn based on impact pathway analysis. The paper describes a framework for analyzing benefits from aquatic resources research, the relevant research categories, pathways to impact by category, and indicators along each pathway that can be estimated in order to quantify probable research impact.


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Across much of Africa, freshwater and coastal fisheries provide an important source of food and livelihood for many millions of people. In addition, the aquaculture potential of the continent has only recently begun to be developed. To help sustain these capture fisheries, support the emergence of aquaculture and foster the contribution of both to sustainable livelihoods and improved food security, the WorldFish Center is increasing its investment in Africa. The framework for this investment is provided by a new Strategy for Africa and West Asia 2002-2006 that identifies priorities for the Center’s work in rivers and floodplains, lakes and reservoirs, coastal fisheries, aquaculture, policy research and capacity building. The present article summarizes the issues being addressed by the Center and describes initial research priorities.


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Between 1999 and 2003, the WorldFish Center in Solomon Islands conducted research into the feasibility of a new fishery based on the capture and culture of postlarval coral reef fish for the live fish trade. The work was carried out in two phases: a research phase from late 1999 to the end of 2002; and a “finetuning” phase in 2003. Most of the species were of value to the marine aquarium trade, with very few live reef food fish recorded. The most valuable ornamentals were the banded cleaner shrimp, Stenopus species. Cleaner shrimp were harvested using crest nets, the method being modified with the addition of a solid, water-retaining cod-end designed to increase survival at capture. Grow-out techniques were improved by rearing the shrimp separately in jars to prevent aggression. The jars were painted black to protect the shrimp from sunlight. An economic model using experimental catch data and farm gate prices indicates that the fishery based on shrimp, supplemented with small numbers of lobster and fish is economically viable. The next step will be setting up a demonstration farm in a village in the Western Province of Solomon Islands.


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9th Biennial Conference on Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields (IARD)


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Dedicated at-sea surveys for marine birds and mammals conducted in lower Cook Inlet in late July and early August from 1995–99 failed to locate any belugas, Delphinapterus leucas. Surveys covered a total of 6,249 linear km and were conducted in both nearshore and offshore habitats. Sightings included 791 individual marine mammals of 10 species. Both historical data and local knowledge indicate that belugas were regularly seen in summer in nearshore and offshore areas of lower Cook Inlet up until the early 1990’s. Diminished presence of belugas in lower Cook Inlet may be a direct function of reduced numbers but may also indicate changes in habitat quality that may inhibit recovery.


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The bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, is currently listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and as depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. Literature on the species is updated since 1984, and elements are reviewed that may contribute to the evaluation of the status of bowhead whale stocks.


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The Northeast Fisheries Science Center of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service has a long history of research on benthic invertebrates and habitats in support of the management of living marine resources. These studies began in the 1870's under Spencer F. Baird's guidance as part of an effort to characterize the Nation's fisheries and living marine resources and their ecological interactions. This century and a quarter of research has included many benthic invertebrate studies, including community characterizations, shellfish biology and culture, pathology, ecosystem energy budget modeling, habitat evaluations, assessments of human impacts, toxic chemical bioaccumulation in demersal food webs, habitat or endangered species management, benthic autecology, systematics (to define new species and species population boundaries), and other benthic studies. Here we review the scope of past and current studies as a background for strategic research planning and suggest areas for further research to support NOAA's goals of sustainable fisheries management, healthy coastal ecosystems, and protected species populations.


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