997 resultados para Policiais militares


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Esta pesquisa enfoca a implementação de cotas raciais na UFPA, a partir da análise de inquéritos policiais sobre injúria racial; da visão de repórteres e leitores do jornal O Liberal; além do caso do julgamento do mandado de injunção impetrado pelo grupo Mocambo. Tais diálogos se estabelecem para compreender as representações sociais referentes às relações raciais no Brasil, já que a concepção dos atores sociais fica mais clarividente com a contextualização histórica das falas recorrentes, seja as dos inquéritos policiais, seja a de alunos não cotistas, seja a de autoridades constituídas. Para isso, a pesquisa bibliográfica embasou-se em Thompson (2001), Chalhoub (1990; 2001), Dworkin (2005), dentre outros, e no uso de fontes documentais (legislação vigente, boletins de ocorrência, jornais Beira do Rio e O Liberal). Após a análise do conteúdo, constatou-se que a cor é utilizada para demarcar o mapa da desigualdade entre negros e brancos, em situações potencialmente conflituosas. Além disso, o debate sobre as cotas não deve ser polarizado, porque isso provoca o acirramento das posições e a minimização de fatores igualmente importantes no contexto educacional. Apesar de as cotas sozinhas não resolverem o problema racial, tampouco o da permanência do negro na universidade, elas contribuem para a democratização do ensino superior.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A trajetória do desenvolvimento do capitalismo latino-americano entre os anos 60 e 80 é analisada. Estudos de caso e problemas teóricos ligados à dependência, ao autoritarismo e à democracia são contemplados. Destaca-se a capacidade explicativa de algumas formulações teóricas, em contraste com a funcionalidade política de discursos pró-desenvolvimento com liberdade de mercado.


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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This essay aims to grasp the historical and contemporary issues related to the military personnel who were persecuted, their struggles and motivations over the period 1946-1988. Advocates as hypothesis that its political intervention is a legitimate expression of a presence in the defense of democracy in Brazil. But not only: the militant intervention of this group for national causes also refers to a diagnosis, which represents a challenge to many working groups of the Comissão Nacional da Verdade, especially when taking into account the number of military personnel persecuted or the selective specifi city of the repression that fell on them.


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This article examines the challenges involved in the process of police militarization and implementation of police discipline in the State of São Paulo during the First Brazilian Republic (1889 to 1930). Th e implementation of a militarized police model, initiated by the 1906 French Military Mission, was not fully able to deal with indiscipline issues among policemen. Beyond creating problems of its own, such as fostering a corporatist culture and strengthening rigid hierarchies, military discipline prevented police forces to address new issues that would aff ect its practices. Documents in the São Paulo State Public Archive provides a window to the daily violence, the personal compromises, the institutional confl icts and the political meddling that was part of police life in the State of São Paulo at the turn of the century.


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The implantation of military regimes in South America, from the mid-1960s, happened in the context of the Cold War. As a result, both the occurrence of military coups and the plans and actions for the national defense of the Southern Cone States occurred following the logic of that period and the concept of hemispheric defense preached by the United States, with priority in combating the so-called internal subversion. Thus, the need to combat the “internal enemy” has led these countries to participate in hemispheric mechanisms or create his own arrangements for coordination. The article starts from the conflict hypothesis used by the military governments in their military planning to analyze the actions carried out against leftist movements, including coordination between the governments of the Southern Cone. The understanding of the defense concepts against Soviet communism allows us to understand that the groups placed against the military governments were seen as a danger to the State and, in that “state of war”, the means justified the ends.


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This article analyzes the case of the proceedings against Argentina’s Military Juntas that led to jail those responsible for heinous crimes committed during the military dictatorship. The said proceeding has a high symbolic value in the struggle for human rights in Latin America and is relevant and timely in Brazil where the right to the truth regarding the missing people during the military dictatorship is in debate, as well as the invalidation of the Amnesty Act regarding the common crimes of torture, rape and / or kidnapping, among others. In the case of Argentina, following Roxin’s doctrine of mediate authorship, the Court held that the crimes were committed by the military through the use of an organized power apparatus and emphatically dismissed allegations that such crimes were justified in the so-called “dirty war”. Thus, the case against the Military Juntas has become a paradigmatic one, not only in Argentina, where many military leaders had to respond to criminal actions, but for all countries in the region that faced similar situations in recent history.


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The study of the physical man characteristics and their variations have caught the man's interests since the ancient age. In Brazil, there are no studies which define the anthropometric profile of the Brazilian's head, hindering the development of ergonomic designs. One problem that occurs in the Brazilian armed forces is the use of protective helmets made with measurements of other countries, which causes great discomfort. Thus, this study aims to conduct a study to determine the anthropometric measurements of the head of the Brazilian Air Force military, assisting in the production of helmets more suitable. Therefore, it is presented ananthropometric survey in 576 students of the School of Aeronautics Expert, 286 females and 290 males, aged between 17 and 36 years. The study showed that the differences found between genders are less than 5%. In addition to the fact that the helmet Tues adjustments, there is no need for production of different helmets in relation to gender, but some changes are necessary measures in circumference and shape of the helmet.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Este trabajo trata acerca de las cambiantes relaciones entre las fuerzas armadas, el gobierno y la sociedad civil en Israel. A pesar de que Israel cuenta con una democracia bien establecida, una sociedad civil activa e históricamente las fuerzas armadas han mostrado una subordinación a los gobiernos electos, los cambios que afectan los distintos niveles de la democracia en el país, los desarrollos sociales y la naturaleza evolutiva de sus fuerzas armadas presentan un desafío para el análisis. El marco de este tema es lo que generalmente es conocido como el conflicto Árabe-Israelí, en sus diversas fases. La larga duración de los conflictos en los que Israel ha estado involucrado desde su establecimiento como un estado independiente en 1948, sus múltiples y cambiantes características, ambos generan presiones sobre los distintos actores fuerzas armadas, sociedad y gobierno - y sirven como un recurso para la legitimación y deslegitimación de iniciativas, actitudes y políticas.


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Tomando como punto de partida los aportes hechos por Angel Rama (1969) al estudio comparado de la literatura gauchesca rioplatense y brasileña, propongo analizar tres textos riograndenses compilados en el Cancioneiro guasca de Simões Lopes Neto marcando algunas semejanzas y diferencias respecto de Paulino Lucero de Hilario Ascasubi. A partir de la concepción de las discursividades políticas que plantea Eliseo Verón (1987, 1999), analizo la dimensión política de estos textos centrándome en la relación que mantiene en ellos el sujeto de enunciación con quienes identifica como sus adversarios político-militares. Esta relación se revela compleja, puesto que el "nosotros", lejos de manifestarse como una unidad, aparece alterado por la presencia en sus filas de sujetos "extraños". En estos textos, entonces, por un lado, la alianza militar entre riograndenses y rioplatenses acontecida durante la guerra contra Rosas se resquebraja; por el otro, la constitución de una identidad militar brasileña en la Guerra del Paraguay aparece problematizada debido a las históricas tensiones entre la provincia de Río Grande y el poder nacional centralizado en la corte carioca