987 resultados para Platja d’Aro (Catalonia) -- Posters


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El recurso humano es el elemento más importante en las organizaciones, pues a través de ellos se logran los objetivos, crecimiento, desarrollo y estabilidad de la empresa, es por ello que merece una atención especial. De generación en generación el campo de la administración de Recursos humanos ha venido evolucionando y realizando aportaciones para la eficacia de la organización. En este documento se presenta la investigación realizada en la empresa ASA POSTERS S.A. DE C.V., a fin de obtener información para diseñar un Sistema de Administración de Recursos Humanos orientado a mejorar la gestión del personal. Cabe mencionar que a pesar de ser una empresa de gran magnitud, no cuenta con una unidad de Recursos Humanos, lo que impide mantener con los empleados una adecuada comunicación, que es en sí uno de los problemas que más ha denotado la investigación y que se da a conocer en el presente. Para la elaboración de la propuesta del sistema, se indagó con respecto a los elementos de los subsistemas Provisión, Aplicación, Mantenimiento, Desarrollo, Seguimiento y Control de Personal en la investigación en lo cual se obtiene aspectos importantes a considerar como lo son: En la Provisión de Personal, se indagó acerca del proceso de Reclutamiento y Selección en la empresa, determinando la falta de éste, por lo que se proponen los procesos respectivos en el que se incluyen los medios, tipos y fuentes para reclutar, así mismo los pasos del proceso de selección que permitan elegir al candidato idóneo; también los procedimientos necesarios para reclutar, seleccionar y contratar al personal necesario. Con respecto a la Aplicación de personal, en ASA POSTER S.A. DE C.V., se investigó sobre la Inducción de Personal, Descripción y Análisis de Puestos y la Evaluación del desempeño. Denotando que no existe un manual de inducción; así mismo no cuenta con las herramientas técnico-administrativas como el Manual de Descripción de puestos, en cuanto a la evaluación del desempeño se verificó que se realiza de manera imparcial. Por lo que se propone un manual de Bienvenida, el cuestionario para el análisis y descripción de puestos y un método de evaluación del desempeño, que contribuya a la toma de decisiones. Según lo investigado acerca del Mantenimiento de personal, en relación a la Administración de Salarios, Planes de Beneficio Social e Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional en el trabajo. Se determinó con el diagnóstico que la empresa no cuenta con una política salarial que ayude a motivar al personal; además carece de beneficios adicionales a la ley; en cuanto a la higiene y seguridad no posee las medidas sufrientes para contrarrestar y prevenir accidentes. Lo anterior conlleva a proponer una política salarial, Beneficios sociales y adicionales a la ley tomando actividades asistenciales, recreativos y supletorios; así como medidas de higiene y un formato para evaluar el estado de higiene y seguridad laboral. En el Desarrollo de Personal, se indagó acerca del desarrollo de persona haciendo énfasis en la capacitación de estableciendo que si realizan capacitaciones técnicas, pero de se realiza de manera imparcial, por lo que se propone un programa de capacitación que contiene un formulario para detectar necesidades de capacitación y las actividades necesarias para programar futuras capacitaciones que incluyan todos los aspectos importantes para el logro de objetivos organizacionales. Y finalmente el Seguimiento y Control de Personal, se indagó sobre Base de Datos y Auditoría de Recursos Humanos, que son dos elementos básicos, según lo investigado ASA POSTERS S.A. DE C.V., cuenta con el registro de los empleados en un expediente laboral pero no están actualizado, así mismo no se realiza auditoria de Recursos Humanos pues no existe la unidad de Recursos Humanos por lo que se propone un formulario con información básica y relevante de los empleado, el cual deberá ser actualizado constantemente, así como un formulario para realizar la evaluación del sistema para detectar si las los planes, políticas, procedimientos, y programas propuestos están siendo aplicados correctamente, esto permitirá determinar si es necesario emplear medidas correctivas a las actividades futuras y de esta manera mantener una adecuada auditoría del sistema.


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Kevin Villatoro es el ganador del premio a la excelencia académica "Rubén Darío, que se creó como un reconocimiento para estudiantes distinguidos académicamente de cada universidad Centroamericana y de República Dominicana, que sobresalen en el desarrollo del conocimiento científico y tecnológico de las diversas ramas de la ciencia.


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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La televisión se ha convertido gradualmente en el medio de comunicación más influyente de los últimos años en la vida cotidiana de las audiencias, independientemente del lugar donde éstas habiten o el estrato social al que pertenezcan. En ese sentido, desde el punto de vista comunicativo, resulta importante tratar de comprender de mejor manera la forma cómo se produce dicho fenómeno social, es decir, por qué consumen los productos comunicativos las audiencias, de qué manera los consumen o si les resulta de utilidad observar de forma continua o con cierta regularidad estos materiales transmitidos a través de un canal de televisión. Para lograr dicho propósito, existen diversas formas y elementos fundamentales mediante los cuales se puede conocer y observar, directa o indirectamente, no sólo la opinión de los televidentes respecto a un programa en particular, sino también se puede determinar en alguna medida si esta audiencia pasa de una actitud pasiva a una activa, debido a que arranca con la atención hacia el programa que observa para luego pasar a una etapa de comprensión, selección, valoración de lo percibido y finalmente puede o no compartir dicha información, ya sea con su familia, amigos, conocidos, entre otras personas


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The paper examines how poster presentations can be used to authentically assess student learning during internships. While poster presentations are commonly used for assessment in the sciences, they are an innovative approach to assessment in the humanities. It is argued that posters are one way that universities can overcome the substantial challenges of assessing work integrated learning. The paper evaluates the use of poster presentations for assessment in two internship units at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT)]. The first is a unit in the Faculty of Business where students majoring in advertising, marketing and public relations are placed in a variety of organisations. The second unit is a law unit where students complete placements in government legal offices. The two units adopt different approaches to the poster assessment; the unit in the Faculty of Business is non-graded and the poster assessment task requires students to reflect on their learning during the internship. The law unit is graded and requires students to present on a research topic that relates to their internship. In both units the posters were presented during a poster showcase which was attended by students, workplace supervisors and members of faculty. The paper evaluates the benefits of poster presentations for students, workplace supervisors and faculty and concludes that posters can effectively and authentically assess various learning outcomes in internships in different disciplines.


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Helvetica (connotes Swiss typeface) has been used the most widely from street signs to government campaign posters since 1957. Helvetica represents a great leap forward for modernity: clean, sans-serif, optimistic. However in history, there was a movement against Helvetica among American artists and designers since David Carson and Paula Scher indicted Helvetica as the cause of Vietnam war. Paradoxically, we celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007. Helvetica’s message it this: “you are going to get to your destination on time; your plan will not crash; your money is safe in our vault; we will not break the package; the paperwork has been filled in; everything is going to be OK” (Finlo Rohrer, Helvetica At 50, BBC News Magazine 9 May 2007). The artwork, Hell-vetica describes its characteristic of double agent for modernism and postmodernism in this contemporary era by combination of a stylised graphical form of a heart shape in red and a typographical manipulation - Hell-vetica.


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Background / context: The ALTC WIL Scoping Study identified a need to develop innovative assessment methods for work integrated learning (WIL) that encourage reflection and integration of theory and practice within the constraints that result from the level of engagement of workplace supervisors and the ability of academic supervisors to become involved in the workplace. Aims: The aim of this paper is to examine how poster presentations can be used to authentically assess student learning during WIL. Method / Approach: The paper uses a case study approach to evaluate the use of poster presentations for assessment in two internship units at the Queensland University of Technology. The first is a unit in the Faculty of Business where students majoring in advertising, marketing and public relations are placed in a variety of organisations. The second unit is a law unit where students complete placements in government legal offices. Results / Discussion: While poster presentations are commonly used for assessment in the sciences, they are an innovative approach to assessment in the humanities. This paper argues that posters are one way that universities can overcome the substantial challenges of assessing work integrated learning. The two units involved in the case study adopt different approaches to the poster assessment; the Business unit is non-graded and the poster assessment task requires students to reflect on their learning during the internship. The Law unit is graded and requires students to present on a research topic that relates to their internship. In both units the posters were presented during a poster showcase which was attended by students, workplace supervisors and members of faculty. The paper evaluates the benefits of poster presentations for students, workplace supervisors and faculty and proposes some criteria for poster assessment in WIL. Conclusions / Implications: The paper concludes that posters can effectively and authentically assess various learning outcomes in WIL in different disciplines while at the same time offering a means to engage workplace supervisors with academic staff and other students and supervisors participating in the unit. Posters have the ability to demonstrate reflection in learning and are an excellent demonstration of experiential learning and assessing authentically. Keywords: Work integrated learning, assessment, poster presentations, industry engagement.


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Queensland University of Technology’s Institutional Repository, QUT ePrints (http://eprints.qut.edu.au/), was established in 2003. With the help of an institutional mandate (endorsed in 2004) the repository now holds over 11,000 open access publications. The repository’s success is celebrated within the University and acknowledged nationally and internationally. QUT ePrints was built on GNU EPrints open source repository software (currently running v.3.1.3) and was originally configured to accommodate open access versions of the traditional range of research publications (journal articles, conference papers, books, book chapters and working papers). However, in 2009, the repository’s scope, content and systems were broadened and the ‘QUT Digital repository’ is now a service encompassing a range of digital collections, services and systems. For a work to be accepted in to the institutional repository, at least one of the authors/creators must have a current affiliation with QUT. However, the success of QUT ePrints in terms of its capacity to increase the visibility and accessibility of our researchers' scholarly works resulted in requests to accept digital collections of works which were out of scope. To address this need, a number of parallel digital collections have been developed. These collections include, OZcase, a collection of legal research materials and ‘The Sugar Industry Collection’; a digitsed collection of books and articles on sugar cane production and processing. Additionally, the Library has responded to requests from academics for a service to support the publication of new, and existing, peer reviewed open access journals. A project is currently underway to help a group of senior QUT academics publish a new international peer reviewed journal. The QUT Digital Repository website will be a portal for access to a range of resources to support copyright management. It is likely that it will provide an access point for the institution’s data repository. The data repository, provisionally named the ‘QUT Data Commons’, is currently a work-in-progress. The metadata for some QUT datasets will also be harvested by and discoverable via ‘Research Data Australia’, the dataset discovery service managed by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS). QUT Digital repository will integrate a range of technologies and services related to scholarly communication. This paper will discuss the development of the QUT Digital Repository, its strategic functions, the stakeholders involved and lessons learned.


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This paper explores design thinking from the perspective of designing new forms of interaction to engage people in community change initiatives. A case study of an agile ridesharing system is presented. We describe the fundamental premise of the design approach taken—deploying simple interactive prototypes for use by communities in order to test the design hypothesis, evolve the design in use and grow the community of participants. Real-time use data and feedback from participants influences our understanding of the design approach and feeds into the gradual evolution of the prototype while it continues to be used. We then reflect upon this form of evolutionary distributed design thinking. In contrast to the conventional IT wisdom of building systems to automate ride matching and fare calculation using structured forms, our initial phase of design revealed a preference for informal messaging, negotiation and caution in the sharing of specific location information.


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Mobile sensor platforms such as Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and robotic surface vessels, combined with static moored sensors compose a diverse sensor network that is able to provide macroscopic environmental analysis tool for ocean researchers. Working as a cohesive networked unit, the static buoys are always online, and provide insight as to the time and locations where a federated, mobile robot team should be deployed to effectively perform large scale spatiotemporal sampling on demand. Such a system can provide pertinent in situ measurements to marine biologists whom can then advise policy makers on critical environmental issues. This poster presents recent field deployment activity of AUVs demonstrating the effectiveness of our embedded communication network infrastructure throughout southern California coastal waters. We also report on progress towards real-time, web-streaming data from the multiple sampling locations and mobile sensor platforms. Static monitoring sites included in this presentation detail the network nodes positioned at Redondo Beach and Marina Del Ray. One of the deployed mobile sensors highlighted here are autonomous Slocum gliders. These nodes operate in the open ocean for periods as long as one month. The gliders are connected to the network via a Freewave radio modem network composed of multiple coastal base-stations. This increases the efficiency of deployment missions by reducing operational expenses via reduced reliability on satellite phones for communication, as well as increasing the rate and amount of data that can be transferred. Another mobile sensor platform presented in this study are the autonomous robotic boats. These platforms are utilized for harbor and littoral zone studies, and are capable of performing multi-robot coordination while observing known communication constraints. All of these pieces fit together to present an overview of ongoing collaborative work to develop an autonomous, region-wide, coastal environmental observation and monitoring sensor network.


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The Internet presents a constantly evolving frontier for criminology and policing, especially in relation to online predators – paedophiles operating within the Internet for safer access to children, child pornography and networking opportunities with other online predators. The goals of this qualitative study are to undertake behavioural research – identify personality types and archetypes of online predators and compare and contrast them with behavioural profiles and other psychological research on offline paedophiles and sex offenders. It is also an endeavour to gather intelligence on the technological utilisation of online predators and conduct observational research on the social structures of online predator communities. These goals were achieved through the covert monitoring and logging of public activity within four Internet Relay Chat(rooms) (IRC) themed around child sexual abuse and which were located on the Undernet network. Five days of monitoring was conducted on these four chatrooms between Wednesday 1 to Sunday 5 April 2009; this raw data was collated and analysed. The analysis identified four personality types – the gentleman predator, the sadist, the businessman and the pretender – and eight archetypes consisting of the groomers, dealers, negotiators, roleplayers, networkers, chat requestors, posters and travellers. The characteristics and traits of these personality types and archetypes, which were extracted from the literature dealing with offline paedophiles and sex offenders, are detailed and contrasted against the online sexual predators identified within the chatrooms, revealing many similarities and interesting differences particularly with the businessman and pretender personality types. These personality types and archetypes were illustrated by selecting users who displayed the appropriate characteristics and tracking them through the four chatrooms, revealing intelligence data on the use of proxies servers – especially via the Tor software – and other security strategies such as Undernet’s host masking service. Name and age changes, which is used as a potential sexual grooming tactic was also revealed through the use of Analyst’s Notebook software and information on ISP information revealed the likelihood that many online predators were not using any safety mechanism and relying on the anonymity of the Internet. The activities of these online predators were analysed, especially in regards to child sexual grooming and the ‘posting’ of child pornography, which revealed a few of the methods in which online predators utilised new Internet technologies to sexually groom and abuse children – using technologies such as instant messengers, webcams and microphones – as well as store and disseminate illegal materials on image sharing websites and peer-to-peer software such as Gigatribe. Analysis of the social structures of the chatrooms was also carried out and the community functions and characteristics of each chatroom explored. The findings of this research have indicated several opportunities for further research. As a result of this research, recommendations are given on policy, prevention and response strategies with regards to online predators.


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We all live in a yellow submarine… When I go to work in the morning, in the office building that hosts our BPM research group, on the way up to our level I come by this big breakout room that hosts a number of computer scientists, working away at the next generation software algorithms and iPad applications (I assume). I have never actually been in that room, but every now and then the door is left ajar for a while and I can spot couches, lots (I mean, lots!) of monitors, the odd scientist, a number of Lara Croft posters, and the usual room equipment you’d probably expect from computer scientists (and, no, it’s not like that evil Dennis guy from the Jurassic Park movie, buried in chips, coke, and flickering code screens… It’s also not like the command room from the Nebuchadnezzar, Neo’s hovercraft in the Matrix movies, although I still strongly believe these green lines of code make a good screensaver).