998 resultados para Planar array


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A numerical model has been developed for simulating the rapid solidification processing (RSP) of Ni-Al alloy in order to predict the resultant phase composition semi-quantitatively during RSP. The present model couples the initial nucleation temperature evaluating method based on the time dependent nucleation theory, and solidified volume fraction calculation model based on the kinetics model of dendrite growth in undercooled melt. This model has been applied to predict the cooling curve and the volume fraction of solidified phases of Ni-Al alloy in planar flow casting. The numerical results agree with the experimental results semi-quantitatively.


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Reconfigurable liquid crystal microlenses employing arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) have been designed and fabricated. The cells consist of arrays of 2 microm high MWNTs grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition on silicon with a top electrode of indium tin oxide coated glass positioned 20 microm above the silicon and the gap filled with the nematic liquid crystal BLO48. Simulations have found that, while its nematic liquid crystal aligns with MWNTs within a distance of 10nm, this distance is greatly enhanced by the application of an external electric field. Polarized light experiments show that light is focused with focal lengths ranging from approximately 7 microm to 12 microm.


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Generalized planar fault energy (GPFE) curves have been used to predict partial-dislocation-mediated processes in nanocrystalline materials, but their validity has not been evaluated experimentally. We report experimental observations of a large quantity of both stacking faults and twins in nc Ni deformed at relatively low stresses in a tensile test. The experimental findings indicate that the GPFE curves can reasonably explain the formation of stacking faults, but they alone were not able to adequately predict the propensity of deformation twinning.


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A theoretical investigation is performed on the thermocapillary motion of two bubbles in arbitrary configuration in microgravity environment under the assumption that the surface tension is high enough to keep the bubbles spherical. The two bubbles are dr


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We present the fabrication and high frequency characterization of a capacitive nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) switch using a dense array of horizontally aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The nanotubes are directly grown onto metal layers with prepatterned catalysts with horizontal alignment in the gas flow direction. Subsequent wetting-induced compaction by isopropanol increases the nanotube density by one order of magnitude. The actuation voltage of 6 V is low for a NEMS device, and corresponds to CNT arrays with an equivalent Young's modulus of 4.5-8.5 GPa, and resistivity of under 0.0077 Ω·cm. The high frequency characterization shows an isolation of -10 dB at 5 GHz. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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A direct comparison between time resolved PLIF measurements of OH and two dimensional slices from a full three dimensional DNS data set of turbulent premixed flame kernels in lean methane/air mixture was presented. The local flame structure and the degree of flame wrinkling were examined in response to differing turbulence intensities and turbulent Reynolds numbers. Simulations were performed using the SEGA DNS code, which is based on the solution of the compressible Navier Stokes, species, and energy equations for a lean hydrocarbon mixture. For the OH PLIF measurements, a cluster of four Nd:YAG laser was fired sequentially at high repetition rates and used to pump a dye laser. The frequency doubled laser beam was formed into a sheet of 40 mm height using a cylindrical telescope. The combination of PLIF and DNS has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for flame analysis. This research will form the basis for the development of sub-grid-scale (SGS) models for LES of lean-premixed combustion systems such as gas turbines. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 30th International Symposium on Combustion (Chicago, IL 7/25-30/2004).


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A label-free protein microfluidic array for immunoassays based on the combination of imaging ellipsometry and an integrated microfluidic system is presented. Proteins can be patterned homogeneously on substrate in array format by the microfluidic system simultaneously. After preparation, the protein array can be packed in the microfluidic system which is full of buffer so that proteins are not exposed to denaturing conditions. With simple microfluidic channel junction, the protein microfluidic array can be used in serial or parallel format to analyze single or multiple samples simultaneously. Imaging ellipsometry is used for the protein array reading with a label-free format. The biological and medical applications of the label-free protein microfluidic array are demonstrated by screening for antibody–antigen interactions, measuring the concentration of the protein solution and detecting five markers of hepatitis B.


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Using numerical micromagnetics we have studied the ground state magnetization distribution of square planar ferromagnetic elements ("nanostructures"). As the element size is reduced from 250 to 2 nm at constant thickness (2-35 nm), we find that the magnetization distribution undergoes up to three phase transitions involving as many as three different near single domain states. One of these phase transitions is analogous to the reorientation phase transition observed in continuous ultrathin magnetic films. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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A quasi-Dammann grating is proposed to generate array spots with proportional-intensity orders in the far field. To describe the performance of the grating, the uniformities of the array spots are redefined. A two-dimensional even-sampling encode scheme is adopted to design the quasi-Dammann grating. Numerical solutions of the binary-phase quasi-Dammann grating with proportional-intensity orders are given. The experimental results with a third-order quasi-Dammann grating, which has an intensity proportion of 3:2:1 from zero order to second order, are presented. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America