988 resultados para Placenta Prévia
Workshops are an important part of the IFPA annual meeting as they allow for discussion of specialized topics. At IFPA meeting 2011 there were twelve themed workshops, four of which are summarized in this report. These workshops related to both basic science and clinical research into placental growth and nutrient sensing and were divided into 1) placenta: predicting future health; 2) roles of lipids in the growth and development of feto-placental unit; 3) placental nutrient sensing; 4) placental research to solve clinical problems: a translational approach.
It has been highlighted that RNA quality and appropriate reference gene selection is crucial for the interpretation of RT-qPCR results in human placental samples. In this context we investigated the effect of RNA degradation on the mRNA abundance of seven frequently used reference genes in 119 human placental samples. Combining RNA integrity measurements, RT-qPCR analysis and mathematical modeling we found major differences regarding the effect of RNA degradation on the measured expression levels between the different reference genes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that a modified RNA extraction method significantly improved RNA quality and consequently increased transcript levels of all reference genes.
In the current study perfusions of an isolated cotyledon of term placenta using standard medium were compared to medium containing xanthine plus xanthine oxidase (X+XO), which generates reactive oxygen species (ROS). A time-dependant increase in the levels of different cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-1ss, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10) was observed between 1 and 7h with more than 90% of the total recovered from the maternal compartment with no significant difference between the 2 groups. For 8-iso-PGF2alpha 90% of the total was found in the fetal compartment and a significantly higher total release was seen in the X+XO group. Microparticles (MPs) isolated from the maternal circuit were identified by flow cytometry as trophoblastic sheddings, whereas MPs from the fetal circuit were predominantly derived from endothelial cells. More than 90% of the total of MPs was found in the maternal circuit. The absolute amount of the total as well as the maternal fraction were significantly higher in the X+XO group. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) of the perfused tissue revealed staining for IL-1beta of villous stroma cells, which became clearly more pronounced in experiments with X+XO. Western blot of tissue homogenate revealed 2 isoforms of IL-1beta at 17 and 31kD. In X+XO experiments there was a tendency for increased expression of antioxidant enzymes in the tissue. Western blot of MPs from the maternal circuit showed increased expression of antioxidant enzymes in the X+XO group and for IL-1beta only the 17kD band was detected. In vitro reperfusion of human placental tissue results in mild tissue injury suggestive of oxidative stress. In view of the increased generation of ROS in perfused tissue with further increase under the influence of X+XO, the overall manifestation of oxidative stress remained rather mild. Preservation of antioxidant capacity of human placental tissue could be a sign of integrity of structure and function being maintained in vitro by dual perfusion of an isolated cotyledon. The observed changes resemble findings seen in placentae from preeclampsia.
Plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAIs) play critical roles in regulating cellular invasion and fibrinolysis. An increase in the ratio of PAI-1/PAI-2 in placenta and maternal serum is suggested to result in excessive intervillous fibrin deposition and placental infarction in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). In the current study we used dual (maternal and fetal) perfusion of human term placentas to examine the release of PAIs to the intervillous space. ELISA revealed a significant time-dependent increase in total PAI-1 levels in maternal perfusate (MP) between 1 and 7h of perfusion. Conversely, PAI-2 levels decreased resulting in a 3-fold increase in the PAI-1/PAI-2 ratio in MP. Levels of PAI-1, but not PAI-2, in placental tissue extracts increased during perfusion. In perfusions carried out with xanthine and xanthine oxidase (X + XO), compounds used to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), no time-dependent increase in total PAI-1 levels was observed. In addition, X + XO treatment promoted a 3-fold reduction in active PAI-1 levels in MP, indicating that ROS decrease PAI-1 release to MP. The finding of a time-dependent change in patterns of PAI expression and response to ROS indicates the utility of dual perfusion as a model to dissect mechanism(s) promoting aberrant fibrinolysis in pregnancies complicated by PE and IUGR.
OBJECTIVES: Magnesium aspartate hydrochloride (Magnesiocard, Mg-Asp-HCl) is proposed as a substitute of magnesium sulfate for the treatment of preeclampsia and premature labor. After an i.v. administration of a dose equivalent to that used in the treatment of preeclampsia to nonpregnant volunteers, a 10-fold increase of aspartic acid (Asp) over the physiological level was observed. Animal experiments have demonstrated that highly increased fetal levels of acidic amino acids such as Asp could be associated with neurotoxic damage in the fetal brain. The influence of such an elevation of Asp concentration in the maternal circuit on the fetal level, using the in vitro perfusion model of human placenta, was investigated. STUDY DESIGN: After a control phase (2h), a therapeutic dose of Mg combined with Asp (Magnesiocard, Mg-Asp-HCl) was applied to the maternal circuit approaching 10 times the physiological level of Asp. The administration was performed in two different phases simulating either a peak of maximum concentration (bolus application, 2h) or a steady state level (initially added, 4h). RESULTS: In four experiments, during experimental phases (6h) a slow increase in concentration in the fetal circuit was seen for Mg, AIB (alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, artificial amino acid) and creatinine confirming previous observations. In contrast, no net transfer of Asp across the placenta was seen. A continuous decrease in the concentration of Asp on both maternal and fetal side suggests active uptake and metabolization by the placenta. Viability control parameters remained stable indicating the absence of an effect on placental metabolism, permeability and morphology. CONCLUSION: Elevation of Asp concentration up to 10 times the physiological level by the administration of Mg-Asp-HCl to the maternal circuit under in vitro perfusion conditions of human placenta has no influence on the fetal level of Asp suggesting no transfer of Asp from the maternal to fetal compartment. Therefore, the administration of Mg-Asp-HCl to preeclamptic patients would be beneficial for the patients without any impact on placental or fetal physiology.
OBJECTIVES: To study the expression and the function of the 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme 1 (11beta-HSD1) and 2 (11beta-HSD2) in placenta and the fetal membranes from pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and from controls. METHODS: Amnion, chorion, decidua and cotyledon were separated from placenta; mRNA was analyzed by TaqMan real-time technology and proteins by Western blot; enzyme activities were measured by the conversion of 3H-cortisol to 3H-cortisone and vice versa. RESULTS: Predominant mRNA expression (p < 0.001) was found for 11beta-HSD1 in chorion and for 11beta-HSD2 in decidua and cotyledon. In pregnancies with IUGR, 11beta-HSD1 was upregulated in chorion (mean DeltaCt 11beta-HSD:18S mRNA 193.5 vs. 103.0 in controls respectively, p < 0.05) and 11beta-HSD2 was downregulated in decidua (mean DeltaCt 11beta-HSD2:18S mRNA 0.18 vs. 15.88 in controls respectively, p < 0.05). 11beta-HSD1 protein levels were reduced in amnion and 11beta-HSD1 and 11beta-HSD2 oxidase activity in decidua and cotyledon were reduced from pregnancies with IUGR. CONCLUSION: Reduced synthesis or activity of 11beta-HSD1 or 2 in cases of IUGR is shown in some but not in all tissues. The local mRNA expression of 11beta-HSD1 in chorion may reflect a mechanism on the post-transcriptional gene regulation to stimulate the formation of cortisone in IUGR. To provoke increasing activity with oxidase stimulators could be a future therapy in cases of IUGR.
Caesarean section is one of the most frequently performed operations in human medicine. It has become a routine procedure with a very low morbidity and mortality. Over the centuries, it has emerged an essential achievement in obstetric medicine. In the presence of cephalo-pelvic-disproportion, cervical dystocia, malpresentation, preterm birth, macrosomia, placental insufficiency, placenta praevia or fetal distress it is crucial to improve the perinatal morbiditiy and mortality of mother and child. The procedure has become much more frequent over the past 20 years for multiple reasons. There is variety in incidence between countries but also regional differences. It's occurrence is being influenced by level of education and socio-economic status of the pregnant woman. In the meantime, also the longterm consequences of cesarean section are well known. The potential hazards for future pregnancies and deliveries are well described. Actual controversy addresses cesarean section on demand without any medical indication, which in fact is only seldom performed in Switzerland. The ethical justification of this procedure needs to be discussed in view of the current tendency towards autonomy and self-determination of the pregnant woman.
Workshops are an important part of the IFPA annual meeting as they allow for discussion of specialised topics. At IFPA meeting 2013 there were twelve themed workshops, three of which are summarized in this report. These workshops related to various aspects of placental biology but collectively covered areas of placental function, cell turnover and immunology: 1) immunology; 2) novel determinants of placental cell fate; 3) dual perfusion of human placental tissue.
The formation of the placenta is one of the first and most important developmental events that occur in early mammalian embryogenesis. Even given this importance of the placenta, the academic community has largely ignored studying gene regulation during the development and maturation of the placenta. For this reason, an in-depth study of gene regulation in the trophoblast layer of the placenta using murine Adenosine Deaminase (Ada) as a model system has been undertaken. It has been determined that Ada is highly expressed in the placenta and is critical for embryo development. Dr. Kellems' laboratory has previously described a 1.8 kb fragment of the Ada 5 ′ flanking region that is capable of directing trophoblast specific expression in a transgenic model system. Preliminary studies have demonstrated several critical portions of this fragment that are necessary for the correct tissue specific expression in the placenta. My first specific aim was to elucidate the trans factor binding to one of these sequences, the FP3. Through electromobility shift assays (EMSA), the 30 bp FP3 was narrowed to a 5 bp sequence which computer databases predicted bound to Acute Myeloid Leukemia 1 (AML-1). This was confirmed by supershift analysis. The functional importance of this binding was demonstrated by a transgenic approach. A significant difference in expression of the reporter in the placenta was seen when the 5 bp sequence was mutated. This finding is a novel use for the AML-1 transcription factor which is the DNA binding portion of the heterodimer Core Binding Protein (CBP). The 5′ 240 bp region has also been demonstrated to contain functionally significant sequence. Through EMSA assays and computer predictions, the area has been narrowed to two pertinent regions that are predicted to contain GATA binding motifs. ^
Placenta previa is alleged to be more common among women with a history of prior induced abortion. To investigate further whether there is a relationship between previous induced abortion and subsequent pregnancy complication of placenta previa, a matched case-comparison study was conducted comparing the reproductive histories of 256 women with placenta previa matched on age, date of delivery, and hospital with those of 256 women having normal deliveries and cesarean section deliveries without placental complications.^ Women with placenta previa had a twofold increase in the odds of having had one previous induced abortion (odds ratio 2.25) over women with no placental complications. Women with placenta previa and two or more previous induced abortions had a sevenfold increase in odds.^ The significant association of placenta previa and previous induced abortion remained after including gravida status, previous dilatation and curettage (D&C) status, previous spontaneous abortion, and race in a conditional logistic regression model. There is interaction between high gravidity and previous spontaneous abortion. Dilatation and curettage is associated with placenta previa primarily because women with abortion histories have also had a dilatation and curettage.^ Women who are seeking abortion and wish to have children later should be informed that there may be a longterm effect of developing placental complications in subsequent pregnancies. Women who have had at least one induced abortion or any dilatation and curettage procedure should be monitored carefully during any subsequent pregnancy for the risk of the complication of placenta previa. This knowledge should alert the physician or nurse-midwife to treat those women with a history of previous induced abortions as potential high risk pregnancies and could perhaps reduce maternal and fetal morbidity rates. ^