945 resultados para Pilotos aeronáuticos
We present a review of direct-drive shock ignition studies done as alternative for the Laser Mega-Joule to achieve high thermonuclear gain. One-dimensional analysis of HiPER-like Shock-ignited target designs is presented. It is shown that high gain can be achieved with shock ignition for designs which do not ignite only from the laser compression. Shock ignition is achieved for different targets of the fast ignition family which are driven by an absorbed energy between 100 kJ and 850kJ and deliver thermonuclear energies between 10-130 MJ. Shock-Ignition of Direct-Drive Double-Shell non-cryogenic target is also addressed. 2D results concerning the LMJ irradiation geometry are presented. Few systematic analyses are performed for the fuel assembly irradiation uniformity using the whole LMJ configuration or a part of the facility, and for the ignitor spike uniformity. Solutions for fuel assembly and shock ignition on LMJ using 2D calculations are presented. It is shown that high-gain shock-ignition is possible with intensity of each quad less than 1e15 W/cm2but low modes asymmetries displace the ignitor power in the spike towards higher powers.
Direct-drive inertial confinement thermonuclear fusion consists in illuminating a shell of cryogenic Deuterium and Tritium (DT) mixture with many intense beams of laser light. Capsule is composed of DT gassurrounded by cryogenic DT as combustible fuel. Basic rules are used to define shell geometry from aspect ratio, fuel mass and layers densities. We define baseline designs using two aspect ratio (A=3 and A=5) who complete HiPER baseline design (A=7.7). Aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of ice DT shell inner radius over DT shell thickness. Low aspect ratio improves hydrodynamics stabilities of imploding shell. Laser impulsion shape and ablator thickness are initially defined by using Lindl (1995) pressure ablation and mass ablation formulae for direct-drive using CH layer as ablator. In flight adiabat parameter is close to one during implosion. Velocitie simplosions chosen are between 260 km/s and 365 km/s. More than thousand calculations are realized for each aspect ratio in order to optimize the laser pulse shape. Calculations are performed using the one-dimensional version of the Lagrangian radiation hydrodynamics FCI2. We choose implosion velocities for each initial aspect ratio, and we compute scaled-target family curves for each one to find self-ignition threshold. Then, we pick points on each curves that potentially product high thermonuclear gain and compute shock ignition in the context of Laser MegaJoule. This systematic analyze reveals many working points which complete previous studies ´allowing to highlight baseline designs, according to laser intensity and energy, combustible mass and initial aspect ratio to be relevant for Laser MegaJoule.
In direct drive Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), the typical laser beam to laser beam angle is around 30o. This fact makes the study of the irradiation symmetry agenuine 3D problem. In this paper we use the three dimensional version of the MULTI hydrocode to assess the symmetry of such ICF implosions. More specifically, we study a shock-ignition proposal for the Laser-M´egajoule facility (LMJ) in which two of the equatorial beam cones are used to implode and pre compress a spherical capsule (the “reference” capsule of HiPER project) made of 0.59 mg of pure Deuterium-Tritium mixture. The symmetry of this scheme is analysed and optimized to get a design inside the operating limits of LMJ. The studied configuration has been found essentially axial-symmetric, so that the use of 2D hydrocodes would be appropriate for this specific situation.
To calculate the force associated with the Yarkovsky effect the temperature distribution on the surface of the asteroid should be determined; it depends on the asteroid orbit, size and shape, spin axis orientation and period, mass, density of surface layers, albedo, thermal conductivity, capacity and IR emissivity of the material. The uncertainty of many of these parameters invites to develop simplified methods to calculate the influence of the Yarkovsky effect on long term dynamics of asteroids. In this paper we present one of this method based in a special perturbation procedure developed in our group.
En este trabajo se describe el subsistema de control térmico de PHI y se presentan las predicciones de temperaturas obtenidas para los distintos casos de carga. Debido a la naturaleza de la órbita seguida por el satélite en el cual PHI va embarcado (Solar Orbiter), el ambiente en el cual va a tener que operar PHI será muy exigente, convirtiendo el diseño térmico en un auténtico desafío. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la viabilidad de PHI desde el punto de vista térmico, aunque indiscutiblemente el instrumento va a operar en un entorno térmico muy hostil.
In recent decays university class small satellites are creating many opportunities for space research and professional trainings while at the same time responding to constrained budgets. In this work the main focus is on developing a simple and rapid structural sizing tool considering the main objectives of a low cost university class microsatellite project. In satellite projects, structure subsystem is one of the influential subsystems as a driver of the cost and acceptance of the final design. At the first steps of such projects there is no confirmed data regarding the launch vehicle or even in some cases there is no data for the satellite payload. Due to these facts, developing simple sizing tools at conceptual design phase for obtaining an over view of the effect of different variables is useful before entering complex calculations in detailed design phases. In this study, after developing a simple analytical model of satellite structure subsystem, a design space is evaluated with practical boundaries considering mass and dimensions constraints of such projects. The results are useful to give initial insight to establish the system level structural sizing
The aim of this contribution is to present a theoretical approach and two experimental campaigns (on wind tunnel and on the track) concerning the research work about the ballast train-induced-wind erosion (BTIWE) phenomenon. When a high speed train overpasses the critical speed, it produces a wind speed close to the track large enough to start the motion of the ballast elements, eventually leading to the rolling of the stones (Kwon and Park, 2006) and, if these stones get enough energy, they can jump and then initiate a saltation-like chain reaction, as found in the saltation processes of soil eolian erosion (Bagnold, 1941). The expelled stones can reach a height which is larger than the lowest parts of the train, striking them (and the track surroundings) producing considerable damage that should be avoided. There is not much published work about this phenomenon, in spite of the great interest that exists due to its relevant applications in increasing the maximum operative train speed. Particularly, the initiation of flight of ballast due to the pass of a high speed train has been studied by Kwon and Park (2006) by performing field and wind tunnel experiments.
Sunrise is a solar telescope, successfully flown in June 2009 with a long duration balloon from the Swedish Space Corporation Esrange launch site. The design of the thermal control of SUNRISE was quite critical because of the sensitivity to temperature of the optomechanical devices and the electronics. These problems got more complicated due the size and high power dissipation of the system. A detailed thermal mathematical model of SUNRISE was set up to predict temperatures. In this communication the thermal behaviour of SUNRISE during flight is presented. Flight temperatures of some devices are presented and analysed. The measured data have been compared with the predictions given by the thermal mathematical models. The main discrepancies between flight data and the temperatures predicted by the models have been identified. This allows thermal engineers to improve the knowledge of the thermal behaviour of the system for future missions.
The effect of mistuning on the vibration of bladed disks has been extensively studied in the past 30 years. Most of these analysis typically cover the case of small variations of the elastic characteristics (mass and stiffness) of the blades. In this work we study the not so common case of the forced response of a stable rotor with damping mistuning. The Asymptotic Mistuning Model (AMM) is used to analyze this problem. The AMM methodology provides a simplified model that describes the effect of blade to blade damping variation, and gives precise information on the underlying mechanisms involved in the action of damping mistuning.
Typical streak computations present in the literature correspond to linear streaks or to small amplitude nonlinear streaks computed using DNS or nonlinear PSE. We use the Reduced Navier-Stokes (RNS) equations to compute the streamwise evolution of fully non-linear streaks with high amplitude in a laminar flat plate boundary layer. The RNS formulation provides Reynolds number independent solutions that are asymptotically exact in the limit $Re \gg 1$, it requires much less computational effort than DNS, and it does not have the consistency and convergence problems of the PSE. We present various streak computations to show that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-streamwise plane) becomes more important and strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, that end up being quite different from those of the linear case. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks and compare them with available experimental results.
In this work we propose a method to accelerate time dependent numerical solvers of systems of PDEs that require a high cost in computational time and memory. The method is based on the combined use of such numerical solver with a proper orthogonal decomposition, from which we identify modes, a Galerkin projection (that provides a reduced system of equations) and the integration of the reduced system, studying the evolution of the modal amplitudes. We integrate the reduced model until our a priori error estimator indicates that our approximation in not accurate. At this point we use again our original numerical code in a short time interval to adapt the POD manifold and continue then with the integration of the reduced model. Application will be made to two model problems: the Ginzburg-Landau equation in transient chaos conditions and the two-dimensional pulsating cavity problem, which describes the motion of liquid in a box whose upper wall is moving back and forth in a quasi-periodic fashion. Finally, we will discuss a way of improving the performance of the method using experimental data or information from numerical simulations
A local proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) plus Galerkin projection method was recently developed to accelerate time dependent numerical solvers of PDEs. This method is based on the combined use of a numerical code (NC) and a Galerkin sys- tem (GS) in a sequence of interspersed time intervals, INC and IGS, respectively. POD is performed on some sets of snapshots calculated by the numerical solver in the INC inter- vals. The governing equations are Galerkin projected onto the most energetic POD modes and the resulting GS is time integrated in the next IGS interval. The major computa- tional e®ort is associated with the snapshots calculation in the ¯rst INC interval, where the POD manifold needs to be completely constructed (it is only updated in subsequent INC intervals, which can thus be quite small). As the POD manifold depends only weakly on the particular values of the parameters of the problem, a suitable library can be con- structed adapting the snapshots calculated in other runs to drastically reduce the size of the ¯rst INC interval and thus the involved computational cost. The strategy is success- fully tested in (i) the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, including the case in which it exhibits transient chaos, and (ii) the two-dimensional unsteady lid-driven cavity problem
Polymer nanocomposites, specifically nanoclay-reinforced polymers, have attracted great interest as matrix materials for high temperature composite applications. Nanocomposites require relatively low dispersant loads to achieve significant property enhancements. These enhancements are mainly a consequence of the interfacial effects that result from dispersing the silicate nanolayers in the polymer matrix and the high in-plane strength, stiffness and aspect ratio of the lamellar nanoparticles. The montmorillonite (MMT) clay, modified with organic onium ions with long alkyl chains as Cloisites, has been widely used to obtain nanocomposites. The presence of reactive groups in organic onium ions can form chemical bonds with the polymer matrix which favours a very high exfoliation degree of the clay platelets in the nanocomposite (1,2)
In layered silicate-epoxy nanocomposites organic modification of the silicates makes them compatible with the epoxy which intercalates into the clay galleries. The effect of clay dispersion on epoxies of high Tg is not clear. Decreases of the epoxy Tg have been frequently reported. The presence of clay may cause stoichiometry imbalances that conduces to the formation of imperfect networks
A contribution is presented, intended to provide theoretical foundations for the ongoing efforts to employ global instability theory for the analysis of the classic boundary-layer flow, and address the associated issue of appropriate inflow/outflow boundary conditions to close the PDE-based global eigenvalue problem in open flows. Starting from a theoretically clean and numerically simple application, in which results are also known analytically and thus serve as a guidance for the assessment of the performance of the numerical methods employed herein, a sequence of issues is systematically built into the target application, until we arrive at one representative of open systems whose instability is presently addressed by global linear theory applied to open flows, the latter application being neither tractable theoretically nor straightforward to solve by numerical means. Experience gained along the way is documented. It regards quantification of the depar- ture of the numerical solution from the analytical one in the simple problem, the generation of numerical boundary layers at artificially truncated boundaries, no matter how far the latter are placed from the region of highest flow gradients and, ultimately the impracti- cally large number of (direct and adjoint) modes necessary to project an arbitrary initial perturbation and follow its temporal evolution by a global analysis approach, a finding which may question the purported robustness reported in the literature of the recovery of optimal perturbations as part of global analyses yielding under-resolved eigenspectra.