908 resultados para Photoinduced CS in Molecular system
In this thesis various mathematical methods of studying the transient and dynamic stabiIity of practical power systems are presented. Certain long established methods are reviewed and refinements of some proposed. New methods are presented which remove some of the difficulties encountered in applying the powerful stability theories based on the concepts of Liapunov. Chapter 1 is concerned with numerical solution of the transient stability problem. Following a review and comparison of synchronous machine models the superiority of a particular model from the point of view of combined computing time and accuracy is demonstrated. A digital computer program incorporating all the synchronous machine models discussed, and an induction machine model, is described and results of a practical multi-machine transient stability study are presented. Chapter 2 reviews certain concepts and theorems due to Liapunov. In Chapter 3 transient stability regions of single, two and multi~machine systems are investigated through the use of energy type Liapunov functions. The treatment removes several mathematical difficulties encountered in earlier applications of the method. In Chapter 4 a simple criterion for the steady state stability of a multi-machine system is developed and compared with established criteria and a state space approach. In Chapters 5, 6 and 7 dynamic stability and small signal dynamic response are studied through a state space representation of the system. In Chapter 5 the state space equations are derived for single machine systems. An example is provided in which the dynamic stability limit curves are plotted for various synchronous machine representations. In Chapter 6 the state space approach is extended to multi~machine systems. To draw conclusions concerning dynamic stability or dynamic response the system eigenvalues must be properly interpreted, and a discussion concerning correct interpretation is included. Chapter 7 presents a discussion of the optimisation of power system small sjgnal performance through the use of Liapunov functions.
There is currently, no ideal system for studying nasal drug delivery in vitro. The existing techniques such as the Ussing chamber and cell culture all have major disadvantages. Most importantly, none of the existing techniques accurately represent the interior of the nasal cavity, with its airflow and humidity; neither do they allow the investigation of solid dosage forms.The work in this thesis represents the development of an in vitro model system in which the interior characteristics of the nasal cavity are closely represented, and solid or minimal volume dosage forms can be investigated. The complete nasal chamber consists of two sections: a lower tissue, viability chamber and an upper nasal chamber. The lower tissue viability chamber has been shown, using existing tissue viability monitoring techniques, to maintain the viability of a number of epithelial tissues, including porcine and rabbit nasal tissue, and rat ileal and Payers' patch tissue. The complete chamber including the upper nasal chamber has been shown to provide tissue viability for porcine and rabbit nasal tissue above that available using the existing Ussing chamber techniques. Adaptation of the complete system, and the development of the necessary experimental protocols that allow aerosol particle-sizing, together with videography, has shown that the new factors investigated, humidity and airflow, have a measurable effect on the delivered dose from a typical nasal pump. Similarly, adaptation of the chamber to fit under a confocal microscope, and the development of the necessary protocols has shown the effect of surface and size on the penetration of microparticulate materials into nasal epithelial tissues. The system developed in this thesis has been shown to be flexible, in allowing the development of the confocal and particle-sizing systems. For future nasal drug delivery studies, the ability to measure such factors as the size of the delivered system in the nasal cavity, the depth of penetration of the formulation into the tissue are essential. Additionally, to have access to other data such as that obtained from drug transport in the same system, and to have the tissue available for histological examination represents a significant advance in the usefulness of such an in vitro technique for nasal delivery.
The absence of a definitive approach to the design of manufacturing systems signifies the importance of a control mechanism to ensure the timely application of relevant design techniques. To provide effective control, design development needs to be continually assessed in relation to the required system performance, which can only be achieved analytically through computer simulation. The technique providing the only method of accurately replicating the highly complex and dynamic interrelationships inherent within manufacturing facilities and realistically predicting system behaviour. Owing to the unique capabilities of computer simulation, its application should support and encourage a thorough investigation of all alternative designs. Allowing attention to focus specifically on critical design areas and enabling continuous assessment of system evolution. To achieve this system analysis needs to efficient, in terms of data requirements and both speed and accuracy of evaluation. To provide an effective control mechanism a hierarchical or multi-level modelling procedure has therefore been developed, specifying the appropriate degree of evaluation support necessary at each phase of design. An underlying assumption of the proposal being that evaluation is quick, easy and allows models to expand in line with design developments. However, current approaches to computer simulation are totally inappropriate to support the hierarchical evaluation. Implementation of computer simulation through traditional approaches is typically characterized by a requirement for very specialist expertise, a lengthy model development phase, and a correspondingly high expenditure. Resulting in very little and rather inappropriate use of the technique. Simulation, when used, is generally only applied to check or verify a final design proposal. Rarely is the full potential of computer simulation utilized to aid, support or complement the manufacturing system design procedure. To implement the proposed modelling procedure therefore the concept of a generic simulator was adopted, as such systems require no specialist expertise, instead facilitating quick and easy model creation, execution and modification, through simple data inputs. Previously generic simulators have tended to be too restricted, lacking the necessary flexibility to be generally applicable to manufacturing systems. Development of the ATOMS manufacturing simulator, however, has proven that such systems can be relevant to a wide range of applications, besides verifying the benefits of multi-level modelling.
The computer simulation of manufacturing systems is commonly carried out using discrete event simulation (DES). Indeed, there appears to be a lack of applications of continuous simulation methods, particularly system dynamics (SD), despite evidence that this technique is suitable for industrial modelling. This paper investigates whether this is due to a decline in the general popularity of SD, or whether modelling of manufacturing systems represents a missed opportunity for SD. On this basis, the paper first gives a review of the concept of SD and fully describes the modelling technique. Following on, a survey of the published applications of SD in the 1990s is made by developing and using a structured classification approach. From this review, observations are made about the application of the SD method and opportunities for future research are suggested.
The process of binding of small ligands to dihydrofolate reductase protein has been investigated using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. The existence of a mechanism that facilitates the search of the binding site by the ligand is demonstrated. The mechanism consists of ligand diffusing on the protein’s surface. It has been discussed in the literature before, but has not been explicitly confirmed for realistic molecular systems. The strength of this nonspecific binding is roughly estimated and found to be essential for the binding kinetics.
This paper focuses on a problem of Grid system decomposition by developing its object model. Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used as a formalization tool. This approach is motivated by the complexity of the system being analysed and the need for simulation model design.
The article reveals a new technological approach to the creation of adaptive systems of distance learning and knowledge control. The use of the given technology helps to automate the learning process with the help of adaptive system. Developed with the help of the quantum approach of knowledge setting, a programming module-controller guarantees the support of students’ attention and the adaptation of the object language, and this helps to provide the effective interaction between learners and the learning system and to reach good results in the intensification of learning process.
The importance to solve the problem of spatial-temporal dynamics analysis in the system of economic security of different subjects of economic management is substantiated. Various methods and approaches for carrying out analysis of spatial-temporal dynamics in the system of economic security are considered. The basis of the generalized analysis of spatial-temporal dynamics in economic systems is offered.
We suppose the neural networks for solution the problem of the diagnostic in Homeopath System and consider the algorithms of the training.
The neural-like growing networks used in the intelligent system of recognition of images are under consideration in this paper. All operations made over the image on a pre-design stage and also classification and storage of the information about the images and their further identification are made extremely by mechanisms of neural-like networks without usage of complex algorithms requiring considerable volumes of calculus. At the conforming hardware support the neural network methods allow considerably to increase the effectiveness of the solution of the given class of problems, saving a high accuracy of result and high level of response, both in a mode of training, and in a mode of identification.
Use of modern object-oriented methods of designing of information systems (IS) both descriptions of interrelations IS and automated with its help business-processes of the enterprises leads to necessity of construction uniform complete IS on the basis of set of local models of such system. As a result of use of such approach there are the contradictions caused by inconsistency of actions of separate developers IS with each other and that is much more important, inconsistency of the points of view of separate users IS. Besides similar contradictions arise while in service IS at the enterprise because of constant change separate business- processes of the enterprise. It is necessary to note also, that now overwhelming majority IS is developed and maintained as set of separate functional modules. Each of such modules can function as independent IS. However the problem of integration of separate functional modules in uniform system can lead to a lot of problems. Among these problems it is possible to specify, for example, presence in modules of functions which are not used by the enterprise to destination, to complexity of information and program integration of modules of various manufacturers, etc. In most cases these contradictions and the reasons, their caused, are consequence of primary representation IS as equilibrium steady system. In work [1] representation IS as dynamic multistable system which is capable to carry out following actions has been considered:
In this paper an evolutionary algorithm is proposed for solving the problem of production scheduling in assembly system. The aim of the paper is to investigate a possibility of the application of evolutionary algorithms in the assembly system of a normally functioning enterprise producing household appliances to make the production graphic schedule.
A cikk a páros összehasonlításokon alapuló pontozási eljárásokat alkalmazza svájci rendszerű sakk csapatversenyek eredményének meghatározására. Bemutatjuk a nem körmérkőzéses esetben felmerülő kérdéseket, az egyéni és csapatversenyek jellemzőit, valamint a hivatalos lexikografikus rendezések hibáit. Axiomatikus alapokon rangsorolási problémaként modellezzük a bajnokságokat, definícióinkat összekapcsoljuk a pontszám, az általánosított sorösszeg és a legkisebb négyzetek módszerének tulajdonságaival. A javasolt eljárást két sakkcsapat Európa-bajnokság részletes elemzésével illusztráljuk. A végső rangsorok összehasonlítását távolságfüggvények segítségével végezzük el, majd a sokdimenziós skálázás révén ábrázoljuk azokat. A hivatalos sorrendtől való eltérés okait a legkisebb négyzetek módszerének dekompozíciójával tárjuk fel. A sorrendeket három szempont, az előrejelző képesség, a mintailleszkedés és a robusztusság alapján értékeljük, és a legkisebb négyzetek módszerének alkalmas eredménymátrixszal történő használata mellett érvelünk. ____ The paper uses paired comparison-based scoring procedures in order to determine the result of Swiss system chess team tournaments. We present the main challenges of ranking in these tournaments, the features of individual and team competitions as well as the failures of official lexicographical orders. The tournament is represented as a ranking problem, our model is discussed with respect to the properties of the score, generalised row sum and least squares methods. The proposed method is illustrated with a detailed analysis of the two recent chess team European championships. Final rankings are compared through their distances and visualized by multidimensional scaling (MDS). Differences to official ranking are revealed due to the decomposition of least squares method. Rankings are evaluated by prediction accuracy, retrodictive performance, and stability. The paper argues for the use of least squares method with an appropriate generalised results matrix favouring match points.