976 resultados para Petroleum fuels.
We studied the physical and chemical characteristics of methyl and ethyl esters (biodiesel) produced by transesterification of pequi oil (Caryocar brasiliensis Camb.) in the presence of potassium hydroxide. The oil extracted from pequi seed comprises 60% of the fruit content. Such characteristics as density, acidity, viscosity, and carbon residue of the biodiesel meet ANP (Brazilian National Petroleum Agency) standards. Our tests demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing pequi oil for biodiesel production.
Grabación realizada por Ciencia compartida (Biblioteca Universitaria)
[EN]A petroleum expert’s view on risks and benefits of oil exploration today in Canarias, considering the climate change facts. The talk starts with an overview of the total petroleum development process, from exploration to post-abandonment, indicating some important risks and benefits for each, from a petroleum industry and a personal perspective. Then there is a part of the talk about the agreed facts of climate change, and what this means for us all. The end of the talk brings together these two sections in a summary.
Einer der Hauptschwerpunkte der Arbeit lag in der Entwicklung einer spezies-spezifischen und einer spezies-unspezifischen GC-ICP-Q-MSIVA von Schwefelspezies in Petroprodukten. Es wurden hierzu Indikatoren, ausgehend von elementarem 34S-angereichertem Schwefel, im Mikromaßstab synthetisiert. Für die spezies-spezifische GC-ICP-Q-MSIVA wurde die erstmalige Synthese von 34S-markiertem Thiophen, Dibenzothiophen und 4-Methyldibenzothiophen verwirklicht. Als Indikatorsynthese für die spezies-unspezifische GC-ICP-Q-MSIVA erfolgte die erstmalige Darstellung von 34S-angereichertem Dimethyldisulid. Mit Hilfe der synthetisierten Verbindungen wurden spezies-spezifische und spezies-unspezifische massenspektrometrische Isotopenverdünnungsanalysen von Schwefelspezies in Petroprodukten durchgeführt. Vor allen GC-ICP-Q-MSIVA-Analysen erfolgte eine umfangreiche Speziesidentifizierung durch Aufstockexperimente mit kommerziell erhältlichen Standards und mit einem mit der GC gekoppelten Elektronenstoß (EI)-MS. Beide ICP-Q-MS Methoden zeichnen sich durch sehr niedrige Nachweisgrenzen (7 ng S/g) aus, welche auch eine Anwendbarkeit auf tiefentschwefelte Kraftstoffe garantieren. Mit der spezies-unspezifischen GC-ICP-Q-MSIVA ist neben einer Speziesanalyse auch eine Gesamtschwefelanalyse durch Aufsummierung aller in der Probe vorhandenen Spezies möglich. Es wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auch der Einfluss möglicher Empfindlichkeitsänderungen des ICP-Q-MS durch koeluierende Kohlenwasserstoffe überprüft, wobei diese erwartungsgemäß auf das Ergebnis der spezies-spezifischen und spezies-unspezifischen GC-ICP-Q-MSIVA keinerlei Einfluss haben. Der zweite Hauptschwerpunkt der Arbeit lag auf der Ausarbeitung routinefähiger, schneller und zuverlässiger Methoden zur Gesamtelementspurenanalytik von Schwefel und Schwermetallen in Erdölen und Petroprodukten. Für die Gesamtschwefelanalyse wurde eine MSIVA nach thermaler Verdampfung mit 34S-markierten Dibenzothiophen als Indikator entwickelt. Die neu entwickelte Methode erlaubt eine sehr schnelle Bestimmung des Gesamtschwefelgehalts, wobei die eigentliche Messung des Isotopenverhältnisses innerhalb von Sekunden nach der Injektion der Probe erfolgt. Weiterhin zeichnet sich die Methode durch Robustheit und eine niedrige Nachweisgrenze (40 ng S/g) aus. Für die Analyse von Schwermetallen wurden erstmals Möglichkeiten einer direkten MSIVA von Erdölproben ohne zeitraubenden, kontaminationsträchtigen Aufschluss bzw. die schwierige Erzeugung einer Mikroemulsion zwischen hydrophober Probe und wässrigem Indikator entwickelt. Um eine homogene Verteilung des Indikators in der hydrophoben Probe zu ermöglichen, musste ausgehend von den zur Verfügung stehenden wässrigen Indikatorlösungen, eine Überführung des Indikators in ein organisches Lösungsmittel erfolgen. Hierzu wurde der jeweilige Metallindikator unter Komplexierung aus wässrigen Metallindikatorlösungen extrahiert. Für die Analyse der mit diesen Indikatorlösungen in organischer Phase versetzten Proben wurden zwei alternative Methoden ausgearbeitet. Bei der mit der Laserablation (LA) kombinierten ICP-SF-MSIVA wird die isotopenverdünnte Probe aus einer eigens für diesen Zweck entwickelten Probenhalterung ablatiert und so dem ICP-SF-MS zugeführt wird. Bei zeitlich sich verändernden Intensitäten der gemessenen Isotope werden aber reproduzierbare und konstante Isotopenverhältnisse erhalten. Im Falle einer homogenen Verteilung der Metallspuren wurde eine hervorragende Übereinstimmung mit Vergleichsmethoden und einem Referenzmaterial festgestellt. Im Falle einer heterogenen partikulären Verteilung der Metallspuren, wie sie z.B. bei Eisenspuren in den Erdölen vorlag, ist die Anwendbarkeit der LA-ICP-SF-MSIVA aufgrund des kleinen Probenvolumens (20 µL) jedoch begrenzt. Als Alternative zur LA-ICP-SF-MSIVA wurde ein System unter Verwendung der Fließinjektion für die Zuführung der isotopenverdünnten Probe zum ICP-SF-MS ausgearbeitet. Die isotopenverdünnte Probe wird hierbei in einen Eluentenstrom von Toluol injiziert und mit Hilfe einer Total-Consumption-Zerstäuber/Sprühkammer-Einheit vollständig bei einer Flussrate von 10 µL/min in das Plasma eingebracht. Neben einer nochmaligen Verkürzung der Analysenzeit und Vereinfachung der Probenvorbereitung bietet diese Methode zusätzlich stark verbesserte Nachweisgrenzen (z.B. Ni 0,9 ng/g). Leider sind mit diesem Verfahren bis jetzt nur Ni und Mo zuverlässig bestimmbar. Das in dieser Arbeit ausgearbeitete Methodenpaket erlaubt erstmals eine breite Einführung der ICP-MSIVA als zuverlässige Methode in die Routineanalytik der Petroindustrie. Durch die bewiesene Zuverlässigkeit, den geringen Zeitaufwand und die Robustheit der Methoden steht ihrem routinemäßigen Einsatz, außer einer weitergehenderen Automatisierung einzelner Verfahrensteile, prinzipiell nichts entgegen.
The demand of energy, fuels and chemicals is increasing due to the strong growth of some countries in the developing world and the development of the world economy. Unfortunately, the general picture derived sparked an exponential increase in crude oil prices with a consequent increase of the chemical, by-products and energy, depleting the global market. Nowadays biomass are the most promising alternative to fossil fuels for the production of chemicals and fuels. In this work, the development of three different catalytic processes for the valorization of biomass-derived has been investigated. 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation was studied under mild reaction condition using gold and gold/copper based catalysts synthetized from pre-formed nanoparticles and supported onto TiO2 and CeO2. The analysis conducted on catalysts showed the formation of alloys gold/copper and a strong synergistic effect between the two metals. For this reason the bimetallic catalysts supported on titania showed a higher catalytic activity respect to the monometallic catalysts. The process for the production of 2,5-bishydroxymethyl furan (BHMF) was also optimized by means the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural hydrogenation using the Shvo complex. Complete conversion of HMF was achieved working at 90 °C and 10 bar of hydrogen. The complex was found to be re-usable for at least three catalytic cycles without suffering any type of deactivation. Finally, the hydrogenation of furfural and HMF was carried out, developing the process of hydrogen transfer by using MgO as a catalyst and methanol as a hydrogen donor. Quantitative yields to alcohols have been achieved in a few hours working in mild condition: 160 °C and at autogenous pressure. The only by-products formed were light products such as CO, CO2 and CH4 (products derived from methanol transformation), easily separable from the reaction solution depressurizing the reactor.
We describe and analyze the efficiency of a new solar-thermochemical reactor concept, which employs a moving packed bed of reactive particles produce of H2 or CO from solar energy and H2O or CO2. The packed bed reactor incorporates several features essential to achieving high efficiency: spatial separation of pressures, temperature, and reaction products in the reactor; solid–solid sensible heat recovery between reaction steps; continuous on-sun operation; and direct solar illumination of the working material. Our efficiency analysis includes material thermodynamics and a detailed accounting of energy losses, and demonstrates that vacuum pumping, made possible by the innovative pressure separation approach in our reactor, has a decisive efficiency advantage over inert gas sweeping. We show that in a fully developed system, using CeO2 as a reactive material, the conversion efficiency of solar energy into H2 and CO at the design point can exceed 30%. The reactor operational flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of operating conditions, allowing for high efficiency on an annual average basis. The mixture of H2 and CO, known as synthesis gas, is not only usable as a fuel but is also a universal starting point for the production of synthetic fuels compatible with the existing energy infrastructure. This would make it possible to replace petroleum derivatives used in transportation in the U.S., by using less than 0.7% of the U.S. land area, a roughly two orders of magnitude improvement over mature biofuel approaches. In addition, the packed bed reactor design is flexible and can be adapted to new, better performing reactive materials.
We describe and analyze the efficiency of a new solar-thermochemical reactor concept, which employs a moving packed bed of reactive particles produce of H-2 or CO from solar energy and H2O or CO2. The packed bed reactor incorporates several features essential to achieving high efficiency: spatial separation of pressures, temperature, and reaction products in the reactor; solid-solid sensible heat recovery between reaction steps; continuous on-sun operation; and direct solar illumination of the working material. Our efficiency analysis includes material thermodynamics and a detailed accounting of energy losses, and demonstrates that vacuum pumping, made possible by the innovative pressure separation approach in our reactor, has a decisive efficiency advantage over inert gas sweeping. We show that in a fully developed system, using CeO2 as a reactive material, the conversion efficiency of solar energy into H-2 and CO at the design point can exceed 30%. The reactor operational flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of operating conditions, allowing for high efficiency on an annual average basis. The mixture of H-2 and CO, known as synthesis gas, is not only usable as a fuel but is also a universal starting point for the production of synthetic fuels compatible with the existing energy infrastructure. This would make it possible to replace petroleum derivatives used in transportation in the U. S., by using less than 0.7% of the U. S. land area, a roughly two orders of magnitude improvement over mature biofuel approaches. In addition, the packed bed reactor design is flexible and can be adapted to new, better performing reactive materials.
Petroleum supply and environmental pollution issues constantly increase interest in renewable low polluting alternative fuels. Published test results show decreased pollution with similar power output and fuel consumption from Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) burning alternative fuels. More specifically, diesel engines burning biodiesel derived from plant oils and animal fats not only reduce harmful exhaust emissions but are renewable and environmentally friendly. To validate these claims and assess the feasibility of alternative fuels, independent engine dynamometer and emissions testing was performed. A testing apparatus capable of making relevant measurements was designed, built, and used to test and determine the feasibility of biodiesel. The apparatus marks the addition of a valuable testing tool to the University and provides a foundation for future experiments. This thesis will discuss the background of biodiesel, testing methods, design and function of the testing apparatus, experimental results, relevant calculations, and conclusions.
This study investigates the compressive properties of concrete incorporating Mature Fine Tailings (MFTs) waste stream from a tar sands mining operation. The objectives of this study are to investigate material properties of the MFT material itself, as well as establish general feasibility of the utilization of MFT material in concrete mixtures through empirical data and visual observations. Investigations undertaken in this study consist of moisture content, materials finer than No. 200 sieve, Atterburg Limits as well as visual observations performed on MFT material as obtained. Control concrete mixtures as well as MFT replacement mixture designs (% by wt. of water) were guided by properties of the MFT material that were experimentally established. The experimental design consists of compression testing of 4”-diameter concrete cylinders of a control mixture, 30% MFT, 50% MFT and 70% MFT replacement mixtures with air-entrainer additive, as well as a control mixture and 30% MFT replacement mixture with no air-entrainer. A total of 6 mixtures (2 control mixtures, 4 replacement mixtures) moist-cured in lime water after 24 hours initial curing were tested for ultimate compressive strength at 7 days and 28 days in accordance to ASTM C39. The test results of fresh concrete material show that the addition of air-entrainer to the control mixture increases slump from 4” to 5.5”. However, the use of MFT material in concrete mixtures significantly decreases slump as compared to controls. All MFT replacement mixtures (30%, 50%, and 70%) with air-entrainer present slumps of 1”. 30% MFT with no air-entrainer presents a slump of 1.5”. It was found that 7-day ultimate compressive stress was not a good predictor of 28-day ultimate compressive stress. 28-day results indicate that the use of MFT material in concrete with air-entrainer decreases ultimate compressive stress for 30%, 50% and 70% MFT replacement amounts by 14.2%, 17.3% and 25.1% respectively.
Traditional transportation fuel, petroleum, is limited and nonrenewable, and it also causes pollutions. Hydrogen is considered one of the best alternative fuels for transportation. The key issue for using hydrogen as fuel for transportation is hydrogen storage. Lithium nitride (Li3N) is an important material which can be used for hydrogen storage. The decompositions of lithium amide (LiNH2) and lithium imide (Li2NH) are important steps for hydrogen storage in Li3N. The effect of anions (e.g. Cl-) on the decomposition of LiNH2 has never been studied. Li3N can react with LiBr to form lithium nitride bromide Li13N4Br which has been proposed as solid electrolyte for batteries. The decompositions of LiNH2 and Li2NH with and without promoter were investigated by using temperature programmed decomposition (TPD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. It was found that the decomposition of LiNH2 produced Li2NH and NH3 via two steps: LiNH2 into a stable intermediate species (Li1.5NH1.5) and then into Li2NH. The decomposition of Li2NH produced Li, N2 and H2 via two steps: Li2NH into an intermediate species --- Li4NH and then into Li. The kinetic analysis of Li2NH decomposition showed that the activation energies are 533.6 kJ/mol for the first step and 754.2 kJ/mol for the second step. Furthermore, XRD demonstrated that the Li4NH, which was generated in the decomposition of Li2NH, formed a solid solution with Li2NH. In the solid solution, Li4NH possesses a similar cubic structure as Li2NH. The lattice parameter of the cubic Li4NH is 0.5033nm. The decompositions of LiNH2 and Li2NH can be promoted by chloride ion (Cl-). The introduction of Cl- into LiNH2 resulted in the generation of a new NH3 peak at low temperature of 250 °C besides the original NH3 peak at 330 °C in TPD profiles. Furthermore, Cl- can decrease the decomposition temperature of Li2NH by about 110 °C. The degradation of Li3N was systematically investigated with techniques of XRD, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and UV-visible spectroscopy. It was found that O2 could not affect Li3N at room temperature. However, H2O in air can cause the degradation of Li3N due to the reaction between H2O and Li3N to LiOH. The produced LiOH can further react with CO2 in air to Li2CO3 at room temperature. Furthermore, it was revealed that Alfa-Li3N is more stable in air than Beta-Li3N. The chemical stability of Li13N4Br in air has been investigated by XRD, TPD-MS, and UV-vis absorption as a function of time. The aging process finally leads to the degradation of the Li13N4Br into Li2CO3, lithium bromite (LiBrO2) and the release of gaseous NH3. The reaction order n = 2.43 is the best fitting for the Li13N4Br degradation in air reaction. Li13N4Br energy gap was calculated to be 2.61 eV.
In January, 2010, the Petroleum Engineering department at Montana Tech moved into a new building, the Natural Resources Building, to start a new chapter in the history of the program on campus. Occupying a new building is a positive event, and it coincides with a surge of student enrollment which is prompted by industry needs and world energy demand. This time of new facilities and growing student numbers leads to the question of what the future has in store for the department. It also leads to reflection about where the department has been in the past. This history is a record and a story of that past.
This dissertation addresses the risk of lung cancer associated with occupational exposures in the petroleum refining and petrochemical industries. Earlier epidemiologic studies of this association did not adjust for cigarette smoking or have specific exposure classifications. The Texas EXposure Assessment System (TEXAS) was developed with data from a population-based, case-comparison study conducted in five southeast Texas counties between 1976 and 1980. The Texas Exposure Assessment System uses job and process categories developed by the American Petroleum Institute, as well as time-oriented variables to identify high risk groups.^ An industry-wide, increased risk for lung cancer was associated with jobs having low-level hydrocarbon exposure that also include other occupational inhalation exposures (OR = 2.0--adjusted for smoking and latency effects). The prohibition of cigarette smoking for jobs with high-level hydrocarbon exposure might explain part of the increased risk for jobs with low-level hydrocarbon exposures. Asbestos exposure comprises a large part of the risk associated with jobs having other inhalation exposures besides hydrocarbons. Workers in petroleum refineries were not shown to have an increased, occupational risk for lung cancer. The increased risk for lung cancer among petrochemical workers (OR = 3.1--smoking and latency adjusted) is associated with all jobs that involve other inhalation exposure characteristics (not only low-level hydrocarbon exposures). Findings for contract workers and workers exposed to specific chemicals were inconclusive although some hypotheses for future research were identified.^ The study results demonstrate that the predominant risk for lung cancer is due to cigarette smoking (OR = 9.8). Cigarette smoking accounts for 86.5% of the incident lung cancer cases within the study area. Workers in the petroleum industry smoke significantly less than persons employed in other industries (p << 0.001). Only 2.2% of the incident lung cancer cases may be attributed to petroleum industry jobs; lifestyle factors (e.g., nutrition) may be associated with the balance of the cases. The results from this study also suggest possible high risk time periods (OR = 3.9--smoking and occupation adjusted). Artifacts in time-oriented findings may result because of the latency interval for lung cancer, secular peaks in age-, sex-specific incidence rates, or periods of hazardous exposures in the petroleum industry. ^