222 resultados para Penaeus esculentus
Study of white spot disease in four native species in Persian Gulf by histopathology and PCR methods
After serious disease outbreak, caused by new virus (WSV), has been occurring among cultured penaeid shrimps in Asian countries like China since 1993 and then in Latin American countries, during June till July 2002 a rapid and high mortality in cultured Penaeus indicus in Abadan region located in south of Iran with typical signs and symptoms of White Spot Syndrome Virus was confirmed by different studies of Histopathology, PCR, TEM, Virology. This study was conducted for the purpose of determination of prevalence(rate of infection)/ROI and grading severity (SOI) of WSD to five species: 150 samples of captured shrimps and 90 samples of cultured ones; Penaeus indicus, P. semisulcatus, P. merguiensis, Parapenaopsis styliferus, and Metapenaeus affinis in 2005. 136 of 240 samples have shown clinical and macroscopical signs & symptoms including; white spots on carapase (0.5-2 mm), easily removing of cuticule, fragility of hepatopancreas and red color of motility limbs. Histopathological changes like specific intranuclear inclusion bodies (cowdry-type A) were observed in all target tissues (gill, epidermis, haemolymph and midgut) but not in hepatopancreas, among shrimps collected from various farms in the south and captured ones from Persian Gulf, even ones without clinical signs. ROI among species estimated, using the NATIVIDAD & LIGHTNER formula(1992b) and SOI were graded, using a generalized scheme for assigning a numerical qualitative value to severity grade of infection which was provided by LIGHTNER(1996), in consideration to histopathology and counting specific inclusion bodies in different stages(were modified by B. Gholamhoseini). Samples with clinical signs, showed grades more than 2. Most of the P. semisulcatus and M. affinis samples showed grade of 3, in the other hand in most of P. styliferus samples grade of 4 were observed, which can suggest different sensitivity of different species. All samples were tested by Nested PCR method with IQTm 2000 WSSV kit and 183 of 240 samples were positive and 3 1evel of infection which was shown in this PCR confirmed our SOI grades, but they were more specified.
Fisheries plays a significant and important part in the economy of the country contributing to foreign exchange, food security and employment creation. Lake Victoria contributes over 50% of the total annual fish catch. The purpose of fisheries management is to ensure conservation, protection, proper use, economic efficiency and equitable distribution of the fisheries resources both for the present and future generations through sustainable utilization. The earliest fisheries were mainly at the subsistence level. Fishing gear consisted of locally made basket traps, hooks and seine nets of papyrus. Fishing effort begun to increase with the introduction of more efficient flax gillnets in 1905. Fisheries management in Uganda started in 1914. Before then, the fishery was under some form of traditional management based on the do and don'ts. History shows that the Baganda had strong spiritual beliefs in respect of "god Mukasa" (god of the Lake) and these indirectly contributed to sustainable management of the lake. If a fisherman neglected to comply witt'l any of the ceremonies related to fishing he was expected to encounter a bad omen (Rev. Roscoe, 1965) However, with the introduction of the nylon gill nets, which could catch more fish, traditional management regime broke down. By 1955 the indigenous fish species like Oreochromis variabilis and Oreochromis esculentus had greatly declined in catches. Decline in catches led to introduction of poor fishing methods because of competition for fish. Government in an attempt to regulate the fishing irldustry enacted the first Fisheries Ordinance in 1951 and recruited Fisheries Officers to enforce them. The government put in place minimum net mesh-sizes and Fisheries Officers arrested fishermen without explaining the reason. This led to continued poor fishing practices. The development of government centred management systems led to increased alienation of resource users and to wilful disregard of specific regulations. The realisation of the problems faced by the central management system led to the recognition that user groups need to be actively involved in fisheries management if the systems are to be consistent with sustainable fisheries and be legitimate. Community participation in fisheries management under the Comanagement approach has been adopted in Lake Victoria including other water bodies.
La realización de pasantías tienen un componente formativo,una pasantía debe dar la oportunidad a los jóvenes de aprender calificaciones prácticas que causarán una buena impresión sobre los potenciales empleadores.Seis meses de pasantías en el Laboratorio Central de DiagnósticoVeterinario y Microbiología de Alimentos IPSA en el área de Virología se fundamentó los tres meses iniciales en la Inducción a técnicas utilizadas en análisis de muestras para el diagnóstico de enfermedades virales tales como: Síndrome Respiratorio y Reproductivo Porcino (PRRS), Peste Porcina Clásica (PPC), Circovirus Porcino, Enfermedad de Aujeszky, Diarrea Viral Bovina (BVDV), Fiebre del Nilo Occidental, La Enfermedad de Newcastle (EN), Laringotraqueitis Infecciosa Aviar (LTI), Bronquitis Infecciosa Aviar (BIA),Virus de la Enfermedad de la Cabeza Amarilla (YHV),El virus del Síndrome de Taura (TSV), Virus de la Necrosis Hipodérmica y Hematopoyética infecciosa (IHHNV), Bacteria de la Necrosis Hepatopancreática (NHPB),Virus Mionecrosis Infecciosa (IMNV), Nodavirus del Penaeus Vannamei (PVNV),Virus Mancha Blanca (WSSV), correcto manejo de la muestras, uso de equipos en el área de virología, realización de tareas de desinfección y esterilización de materiales que se utilizan, manejo de documentación en solicitudes de análisis de muestras y resultados emitidos para mantener la trazabilidad de las mismas. Tres meses posteriores de la pasantía enfocado a un trabajo experimental que se realizó con 4 aves utilizando biología molecular en el estudio de ácidos nucleicos para implementación de una nueva técnica de diagnóstico en el área de Virología para la enfermedad aviar de Newcastle mediante PCR tiempo real ; en la cual lleve un seguimiento desde la elaboración del cronograma de actividades, vacuna de las aves, recolección de muestras por tres semanas, elaboración de bitácora del experimento, presupuesto de equipos y materiales, hasta su extracción y amplificación de ácidos nucleicos en un termociclador. (bajo supervisión del jefe de área) a través de la cadena polimerasa con el objetivo de hacer un aporte en extender el conocimiento de manejo de esta técnica en la Facultad de Ciencia Animal tan actual y para el laboratorio se sustenta la relevancia del experimento, en una necesidad tangible para ser competitivos con el mercado internacional y garantizar la inocuidad de los productos destinados a consumo humano un servicio con mayor rapidez debido a la relevancia de la enfermedad en un país con una economía insipiente donde Nicaragua es libre con vacunación de dicha enfermedad y por el cual necesitamos mantener dicho estatus a nivel internacional mediante pruebas más sensibles que vayan acorde con los requisitos estipulados por la OIE.. La pasantía me permitió la oportunidad de aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en la Universidad Nacional Agraria, intercambiando información científica e investi gación sobre temas innovadores como el de biología molecular en el estudio de ácidos nucleicos. Realizando un conjunto de actividades de carácter teórico –práctico, en este caso en un ente estatal Laboratorio Central de Diagnostico Veterinario y Microbio logía de Alimentos (LCDVMA) IPSA, a fin de aplicar y complementar los conocimientos en el campo especifico de trabajo, colaborar en la solución de problemas y adquirir experiencias laboral.
Nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) a fish introduced into Lake Victoria to boost the fishery industry after the Nile perch lates niloticus fed on the native tilapiine oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis viabillis to almost extinction has been proposed to be cultured in the Lake Victoria. The fact sheet explains the culture of Nile tilapia in cages in Lake Victoria, Uganda.
There are 46 different fish species in the Lake Kyoga basin with some of them endemic. The Nile Perch (Lates niloticus) was introduced into the main Lake Kyoga, Nakuwa and Bisina in the late 1950s to increase the fish production. The Nile Perch profileration in lakes Kyoga and Nakuwa led to the almost complete elimination of many native fish species such as Orechromis esculentus and variabilis, Mormyrus kanumme, Schilbe mystus and several Haplochromines species. Lakes Mburo, Kachera, Nakivali and Kijjanebalora are part of the complex system of lakes separated from Lake Victoria by extended swamps known as the Koki lakes, some of the satellite lakes in the Lake Victoria basin. The fisheries of these lakes are important as they contribute to government efforts of increasing food security, poverty reduction and conservation of natural resource base. These lakes are important biodiversity areas because some of these lakes have been found to contain the native tilapiine Oreochromis esculentus (Ngege), absent or threatened with extinction in the main Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. It’s also important to note that this species is only unique to the Victoria and Kyoga lake basins (Graham, 1929, Worthington, 1929). The values of some of these lake fisheries are however, threatened by human activities such as over exploitation, introduction of exotics especially water hyacinth that is already present in River Rwizi and habitat degradation among others.
Fish species diversity in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, has declined following establishment of the introduced fish species in the lake. Most of the native fish species have disappeared and the lake is now dominated by the introduced Nile perch, Lates niloticus and the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. The dominant native fish species include Synodontis afrofischeri, Schilbe intermedius, Rastrineobola argentea and Brycinussadleri. Some of the native fish species that have disappeared from Lake Nabugabo were reported to occur in lakes Kayugi and Kayanja, which are adjacent to Lake Nabugabo but separated from it by extensive papyrus swamps. The Nabugabo lakes are satellite water bodies in the Lake Victoria basin, which is known to have experienced fish species changes due to the introduction of the Nile perch Lates niloticus during the 1960s.The Nabugabo lakes comprising of Lake Nabugabo main, and the smaller lakes Kayanja and Kayugi were investigated between 2000 and 2002 with experimental gill netting to evaluate the potential of these lakes in conservation of fish species diversity. Results show that some native fish species especially Oreochromis esculentus, and Oreochromis variabilis and the haplochromine cichlid Prognathochromis venator that have disappeared from Lake Nabugabo still occur in Lakes Kayanja and Kayugi. Inshore habitats with macrophyte cover were also found to be important habitats for the endangered native fish species in the Nabugabo lakes. These lakes and inshore habitats need to be protected to conserve the endangered native fish species and to reduce further decline in fish species diversity.
A number of fish species once native only to Lakes Victoria and Kyoga have considerably declined over the years, and in some cases disappeared, due to over exploitation, introduction of exotic species especially the Nile Perch, and environmental degradation resulting from human activities. Some of the species have been observed to survive in satellite lakes in the Victoria and Kyoga Lake basins. The Nabugabo satellite lakes contain the endemic Cichlid fish species, Oreochromis esculentus and two haplochromine species previously found only in Lake Nabugabo. There is, therefore, need to conserve these species by ensuring sustainable use and management of the resources. The study revealed that the Nabugabo lakes provide a range of socio-economic benefits accruing from fishing, farming, logging, resort beach development and watering of animals. However, although these activities impact on the lakes ecosystems, the participation of resource users in management is limited because of the weak local management institutions operating on the lakes, hence the need to strengthen them through capacity building. It is recommended that Government should work jointly with the beach committees and fishing community in a participatory way to eliminate the use of destructive fishing practices and control the other environment degrading activities.
Lake Kyoga at the time of Worthington Survey (Worthington, 1929) was fished by only natives around it. The fishing gears consisted of locally made basket traps, hooks and seine nets made out of papyrus. Fishing was mainly during the dry season as in wet season, the fishers would revert to crop growing. During 1937 to 1950s Oreochromis variabilis, oreochromis esculentus (Ngege) and Protopterus aethiopicus (Mamba) were the most important commercial fish species and contributed over 95% to the total landings until early 1950s when their proportions started to change as a result of changes in fishing techniques. The tilapiines' were then being caught using mainly basket traps and P.aethiopicus was caught in hooks prior to the mid 1950s.
Lake Victoria had a multi-species fishery dominated until the 1970s by the tilapiine and the haplochromine cichlids (Kudhongania and Cordone, 1974). From about 1930 to 1960, the fisheries of Lake Victoria were managed by controlling the mesh size of gill nets. Gill nets of stretched mesh sizes less than 127 mm (5 inches) were prohibited as they cropped immature Oreochromis esculentus (Ngege), the most important commercial species on the lake (Graham, 1929). The catch per night in the legal 127 mm mesh nets was over 30 fish of O. esculentus prior to 1921 but dropped to 6 and 1.5 fish in 1928 and 1954, respectively, (Beauchamp, 1955), indicating overfishing of the stocks. The overall aim of the survey was to determine the available fish stocks being harvested by the gill net fishery. The specific objectives included the determination of the species composition and catch levels. Gill nets of mesh sizes from 25.4 mm (1 inch) to 228.6 mm (9 inches) were used.
A quitosana é produzida através de uma desacetilação alcalina da quitina, a qual é encontrada em exoesqueleto de crustáceos, parede celular de fungos e materiais biológicos. Calcula-se que os resíduos de camarão apresentam de 5 a 7% do seu peso total na forma de quitina, sugerindo que estes sejam utilizados para obtenção do biopolímero. Os processos para obtenção destes biopolímeros consiste nas seguintes etapas: desmineralização, desproteinização e desodorização, obtendo-se assim, a quitina úmida. Após seca, passa por uma desacetilação química para a conversão em quitosana úmida, sendo purificada e posteriormente seca. A quitosana, por apresentar grupamentos amino livres em sua estrutura, é uma molécula capaz de formar complexos estáveis com cátions metálicos. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi obter quitina a partir de resíduos de camarão (Penaeus brasiliensis) com posterior produção de quitosana, e avaliar sua capacidade de complexação com íons Fe3+, em solução. A quitosana produzida foi caracterizada através do grau de desacetiliação e da massa molecular viscosimétrica, Para caracterização estrutural das amostras de quitosana, utilizaram-se espectrometria de infravermelho e espectrofotometria UV-Visível, bem como para o complexo formado de quitosana e ferro. Para analisar a eficiência da remoção deste íon, foram feitas análises em espectrometria de absorção atômica em chama e em espectrofotometria UV-Visível. Uma análise estatística foi realizada para avaliar a percentagem de remoção do íon ferro das soluções, sendo utilizado um planejamento fatorial em dois níveis, tendo como variáveis independentes o pH do meio, a quantidade de quitosana adicionada, a granulometria da mesma e o tempo de reação. A quitosana apresentou grau de desacetilação de 87±2% e massa molecular viscosimétrica de 196±4kDa, sendo esses valores, comparáveis à quitosana disponível comercialmente. Na melhor região de trabalho definida pela análise estatística, obteve-se uma remoção máxima de 85 % do íon ferro das soluções.
The cercospora leaf spot, caused by Cercospora abelmoschi Ellis and Everhart, is quite common in okra culture. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of aqueous extracts of neem ( Azadirachta indica A. Juss), citronella ( Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle), eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus grandis L.), ecolife®, A. indica oil and fungicide cercobin 700 PM® in control of cercospora leaf spot on okra in greenhouse. The extracts and neem oil were tested in concentration 10%, the fungicide cercobin 700PM® in dose 2.5 g.l-1, applied 10 days after pathogen inoculation by leaf spray and the citric biomass extract ecolife® in concentration 5.0 ml.l-1, applied 10 days before pathogen inoculation. All treatments, except ecolife®, were effective in controlling cercospora leaf spot and may be recommended as alternatives in agroecological systems.
Vibrio pathogens are causative agents of mid-culture outbreaks, and early mortality syndrome and secondary aetiology of most dreadful viral outbreaks in shrimp aquaculture. Among the pathogenic vibrios group, Vibrio alginolyticus and V. harveyi are considered as the most significant ones in the grow-out ponds of giant black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon in India. Use of antibiotics was banned in many countries due to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains and accumulation of residual antibiotics in harvested shrimp. There is an urgent need to consider the use of alternative antibiotics for the control of vibriosis in shrimp aquaculture. Biofilm formation is a pathogenic and/or establishment mechanism of Vibrio spp. This study aims to develop novel safe antibiofilm and/ or antiadhesive process using PHB to contain vibrios outbreaks in shrimp aquaculture.