220 resultados para Pak Wanso


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Although epidemiological studies suggest that type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) increases the risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD), the biological basis of this relationship is not well understood. The aim of this study was to examine the genetic comorbidity between the 2 disorders and to investigate whether genetic liability to T2DM, estimated by a genotype risk scores based on T2DM associated loci, is associated with increased risk of LOAD. This study was performed in 2 stages. In stage 1, we combined genotypes for the top 15 T2DM-associated polymorphisms drawn from approximately 3000 individuals (1349 cases and 1351 control subjects) with extracted and/or imputed data from 6 genome-wide studies (>10,000 individuals; 4507 cases, 2183 controls, 4989 population controls) to form a genotype risk score and examined if this was associated with increased LOAD risk in a combined meta-analysis. In stage 2, we investigated the association of LOAD with an expanded T2DM score made of 45 well-established variants drawn from the 6 genome-wide studies. Results were combined in a meta-analysis. Both stage 1 and stage 2 T2DM risk scores were not associated with LOAD risk (odds ratio = 0.988; 95% confidence interval, 0.972-1.004; p = 0.144 and odds ratio = 0.993; 95% confidence interval, 0.983-1.003; p = 0.149 per allele, respectively). Contrary to expectation, genotype risk scores based on established T2DM candidates were not associated with increased risk of LOAD. The observed epidemiological associations between T2DM and LOAD could therefore be a consequence of secondary disease processes, pleiotropic mechanisms, and/or common environmental risk factors. Future work should focus on well-characterized longitudinal cohorts with extensive phenotypic and genetic data relevant to both LOAD and T2DM.


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Cation exchange chromatography (CEX) is a well established strategy for the characterization of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The optimization of mobile phase conditions is well described in the literature, but there is a lack of information about CEX stationary phases for the analysis of therapeutic proteins. The aim of this study was to compare five state-of-the-art CEX stationary phases based on the retention, selectivity and resolving power achieved in pH- and salt-gradient modes, with various therapeutic mAbs and their variants. The Sepax Antibodix WCX-NP3, Thermo MAbPac SCX-10 RS, YMC BioPro SP-F, Waters Protein-Pak Hi Res SP and Agilent Bio mAb NP1.7 SS were considered in this study. In terms of retention, the YMC Bio Pro SP-F material was the less retentive one, while the Agilent Bio mAb NP1.7 SS provides the highest retention. Regarding the selectivity achieved between the main mAbs isoforms and their variants, the Thermo MabPac SCX column generally gave the highest selectivity. Finally, it was hard to rank columns in term of kinetic performance since their performance is strongly solute (mAb) and elution mode (pH or salt gradient) dependent. However, the highest resolution--in most cases--was observed on the strong cation exchanger YMC Bio Pro SP-F material.


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Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in sports, usually causing damage to the lateral ligaments. Recurrence has as usual result permanent instability, and thus loss of proprioception. This fact, together with residual symptoms, is what is known as chronic ankle instability, CAI, or FAI, if it is functional. This problem tries to be solved by improving musculoskeletal stability and proprioception by the application of bandages and performing exercises. The aim of this study has been to review articles (meta-analisis, systematic reviews and revisions) published in 2009-2015 in PubMed, Medline, ENFISPO and BUCea, using keywords such as “sprain instability”, “sprain proprioception”, “chronic ankle instability”. Evidence affirms that there does exist decreased proprioception in patients who suffer from CAI. Rehabilitation exercise regimen is indicated as a treatment because it generates a subjective improvement reported by the patient, and the application of bandages works like a sprain prevention method limiting the range of motion, reducing joint instability and increasing confidence during exercise. As podiatrists we should recommend proprioception exercises to all athletes in a preventive way, and those with CAI or FAI, as a rehabilitation programme, together with the application of bandages. However, further studies should be generated focusing on ways of improving proprioception, and on the exercise patterns that provide the maximum benefit.


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Turku sijaitsee Lounais-Suomessa ja sen maaperän kerrostuminen on tapahtunut pää-asiassa viimeisen Veiksel-jäätiköitymisen loppuvaiheessa ja sen jälkeen. Jäätikön pe-rääntymisen jälkeen Yoldiameren, Ancylusjärven ja Litorinameren aikana kerrostui pak-suja savikoita, jotka ovat tasoittaneet maisemaa. Kerrostumiseen vaikuttivat jäätikön sulamisvedet, maankohoaminen, veden pinnan korkeusvaihtelut ja suolapitoisuuden vaihtelut. Savinen maaperä tuo haasteita niin rakennusten, väylien kuin yhdyskuntatekniikankin rakentamiseen. Tähän mennessä Turun maaperää on tutkittu tapauskohtaisesti mm. tiettyjen suunnittelu- tai kaavoitushankkeiden yhteydessä. Laajamittaisempi maaperä-kerrosten ja niiden ominaisuuksien tutkimus tältä alueelta on puuttunut. Pohjatutkimus-tietoa löytyy valtavasti. Tutkimuksen keskeisimpinä tuloksina havaittiin, että saven paksuudet vaihtelevat erit-täin pienipiirteisesti, mikä saattaa johtua alla olevasta kallioperästä. Paksuimmat kohdat ovat nauhamaisia tai pistemäisiä. Savet ovat pääosin pehmeitä, vesipitoisia, humuspi-toisia ja sensitiivisiä. Suurin osa savesta on kerrostunut Yoldiameren ja Ancylusjärven aikana ja on rakeisuudeltaan lihavaa savea. Edellä mainittujen savien päällä esiintyy ohuempi humuspitoisemman saven kerros, joka on kerrostunut Litorinameren aikana. Sulfidisavien esiintyminen on myös todennäköistä. Yoldia/Ancylussavien sekä Litorina-savien välissä esiintyvä epäjatkuvuuspinta näyttää ulottuvan ainakin Myllysillalta Koroi-siiin saakka varsin samalla korkeudella ja on merkittävä tekijä savikerrostumien synty-historian määrittelyssä. Epäjatkuvuuspinnasta merkkinä ovat mm. samanlaiset ohuet hiekkakerrokset samoilla korkeuksilla. Maaperä on koostumukseltaan varsin kerroksel-lista, hienorakeiset ja karkeammat kerrokset vaihtelevat. Nämä edellä mainitut seikat ovat tärkeitä ottaa huomioon niin kaavoituksessa, suunnitteluvaiheessa kuin rakennet-taessa.


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Entrepreneurship attracts people with high job satisfaction and financial independence. Unfortunately, being deceived by this image, people do not pay attention to side effects of entrepreneurship. This ignorance usually turns into devastating results for entrepreneur’s health and venture performance. Therefore, it is required to seek ways to avoid these situations. The interest of the study lies in understanding of stress influence on international entrepreneurs by considering stress as a negative side effect of international entrepreneurship. To cover the concept of entrepreneurial stress completely, the study was divided into three section presented by following research questions: 1. What are the antecedents of entrepreneurial stress? 2. What are the consequences of entrepreneurial stress? 3. What coping strategies are applied to address entrepreneurial stress? Systematic literature review has been chosen as scientific approach to answer above questions due to the reason that it enables to minimise inconsistencies of both concepts of international entrepreneurship and stress. This method has afforded an opportunity to distinguish such stress causes as role conflict, overload, and ambiguity. Additionally, the study has covered the notion of stress moderators. The author argues that entrepreneurial traits, venture environment, and social support can have influence on degree of stress perception. Further, it has been proven that unaddressed stress could lead to reduction of entrepreneur’s psychological and physiological health. It should be taken into consideration that degree of both job satisfaction and performance would depend on the level of perceived stress. The last part of study emphasises the coping strategies. The author argues that it is important for an international entrepreneur to comprehend his or her and others’ emotions in order to overcome negative consequences of stress. In addition, the author suggests that an international entrepreneur needs to practise job sharing to reduce the amount of work to be completed. Moreover, it is believed that job sharing can help to overcome work-family conflict that prevails among entrepreneurs. The author anticipates that results of study can be beneficial for entrepreneurs who aim to achieve great results.


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Cocoa ( Theobroma cacao L. ) is an important allogamous tropical tree crop, whose centre of diversity is considered to be in Central America. Dry cocoa beans from five cocoa clones, and their intercrossed hybrids were analysed based on the variation of alkaloids and polyphenolic compounds contents, in order to gain insights on the heterosis and broad-sense heritability. Polyphenols and alkaloids were analysed at 280 nm by HPLC, using a Photodiode Array Detector (PDA); while anthocyanins were separated with the SEP-PAK Vac 6cc 1000 mg (waters) column and measured at 520 nm with a PDA. Dry cocoa beans displayed high content of purine alkaloids (2.1 and 8.8 mg g-1 for caffein and theobromine, respectively), and polyphenols (25 and 2978 µg g-1 for catechin and epicatechin, respectively). Among the five cocoa clones, SNK16 was the highest in purine alkaloid (caffein and theobromin) and flavanol (catechin and epicatechin); while T79/467 possessed the greatest quantity of cyanidin-3-galactoside and cyanidin-3-arabinoside. From all the parameters studied, anthocyanins (Cyanidin-3-galactoside and cyanidin-3-arabinoside) exhibited the highest level of heterosis. Parental genotypes SNK16 and T79/467 showed good aptitudes for the combination of characters because their reciprocal hybrids F5 and F9, distinguished themselves by better levels of mid-parent heterosis values. Besides, the heritability value in strict sense of this Cyanidin-3-galactoside was very high. Absence of significant difference between genotypes, coming from reciprocal crossbreeding for Cyanidin-3-galactoside, suggests that this character in cocoa would be nuclear contrary to purine alkaloids and flavan-3-ols, where their transmission to offsprings can be stated as cytoplasmic.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2016.


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Baking fun es una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de snacks saludables para niños. Sabemos que el momento de la comida no es fácil para los padres, y más aun cuando quieren alimentar con frutas y verduras a los más pequeños. Es por esto que nuestros snacks, a diferencia de los snacks tradicionales buscan combinar lo saludable con lo divertido, para que puedan alimentar balanceadamente a sus hijos mientras ellos se divierten y disfrutan nuestros snacks.


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OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to establish a Colombian smoothed centile charts and LMS tables for tríceps, subscapular and sum tríceps+subscapular skinfolds; appropriate cut-offs were selected using receiver operating characteristic analysis based in a populationbased sample of schoolchildren in Bogota, Colombia and to compare them with international studies. METHODS: A total of 9 618 children and adolescents attending public schools in Bogota, Colombia (55.7% girls; age range of 9–17.9 years). Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, triceps and subscapular skinfold measurements were obtained using standardized methods. We have calculated tríceps+subscapular skinfold (T+SS) sum. Smoothed percentile curves for triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness were derived by the LMS method. Receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC) analyses were used to evaluate the optimal cut-off point of tríceps, subscapular and sum tríceps+subscapular skinfolds for overweight and obesity based on the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) definitions. Data were compared with international studies. RESULTS: Subscapular, triceps skinfolds and T+SS were significantly higher in girls than in boys (P <0.001). The median values for triceps, subscapular as well as T+SS skinfold thickness increased in a sex-specific pattern with age. The ROC analysis showed that subscapular, triceps skinfolds and T+SS have a high discrimination power in the identification of overweight and obesity in the sample population in this study. Based on the raw non-adjusted data, we found that Colombian boys and girls had high triceps and subscapular skinfolds values than their counterparts from Spain, UK, German and US. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide sex- and age-specific normative reference standards for the triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness values in a large, population-based sample of 3 schoolchildren and adolescents from an Latin-American population. By providing LMS tables for Latin-American people based on Colombian reference data, we hope to provide quantitative tools for the study of obesity and its complications.


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Las representaciones sociales son una construcción de significados que las personas otorgan a un objeto en este caso el tratamiento oncológico. En el mundo, el cáncer es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia y sus tratamientos suelen generar numerosos efectos secundarios, pero a la vez es el recurso médico disponible para controlar la enfermedad. Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo analizar las representaciones sociales del tratamiento oncológico en población colombiana. Participaron voluntariamente 20 personas seleccionadas por conveniencia. Se realizaron entrevistas abiertas y se analizaron los resultados a través del análisis temático y se interpretaron con base en la teoría de las representaciones sociales. Los resultados indicaron que las personas representan el tratamiento oncológico convencional, predominantemente como quimioterapia, generadores de sufrimiento, miedo, alto costo físico, emocional y económico; así como una apuesta en la que la ganancia puede ser la prolongación de la vida o la remisión. Se discuten los resultados y sus implicaciones.