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Sparfloxacin, a third generation fluoroquinolone derivative, is a potent antibacterial agent active against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms including Streptococcus pneuinoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin resistant S. aureus, Legionella spp., Mycoplasina spp., Chlamydia spp. and Mycobacterium spp. A drawback of fluoroquinolones is their photoreactivity. Sparfloxacin has been studied in terms of therapeutic activities. However, there are few published of analytical methods being applied to sparfloxacin. The aim in this study was to determine the photodegradation products of sparfloxacin, when submitted to UV light, and to characterize two of these products, designated SPAX-PDP1 and SPAX-PDP2. An accelerated study of stability in methanol solution was carried out by exposing a solution of sparfloxacin to UV light (peak wavelength 290 nm) for 36 hours at room temperature. The products were analyzed by NMR spectrophotometry, IR spectrometry and mass spectrophotometry. The results suggest that the products isolated here could be used to estimate the degradation of sparfloxacin in a stability study. However, the low activity exhibited by UV-irradiated sparfloxacin is a source of concern that demands further investigation of the mechanism of its photodegradation mechanism.


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The methanolic extract of leaves from Byrsonima crassa, a Brazilian medicinal plant, was analyzed by CC and HPLC. Four constituents were isolated and identified as quercetin, methyl gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate and quercetin-3-O-(2″-galloyl)-α-L-arabinopyranoside. The methanolic and hydromethanolic extract, as well as fractions, were evaluated regarding their possible antimicrobial activity using in vitro methods. Results showed that both extracts and fractions exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against all tested strains.


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High-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) is a leading method for the fast separation of natural products from plants. It was used for the preparative isolation of two flavone monoglucosides present in the capitula of Eriocaulon ligulatum (Veil.) L.B.Smith (Eriocaulaceae). This species, known locally as botão-dourado, is exported to Europe, Japan and North America as an ornamental species, constituting an important source of income for the local population of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The solvent system, optimized in tests prior to the HSCCC run, consisted of the two phases of the mixture ethyl acetate: n-propanol: water (140:8:80, v/v/v), which led to the successful separation of 6-methoxyluteolin-7-O-β-D-allopyranoside and 6-methoxyapigenin-7-O-β-D-allopyranoside in only 3 hours. The two flavonoids were identified by NMR (1-D and 2-D) and ESI-MS, comparing their spectra with published data.


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Sparfloxacin, a third-generation fluoroquinolone, is a potent antibacterial agent against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, for example Streptococcus pneumonias, Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-resistant strains), Legionella spp., Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp. and Mycobacterium spp. This compound has been submitted to thermal analysis and the results are presented here. The DSC curve of sparfloxacin has an endothermic peak that indicates a melting point at 276.5 °C. The DTA curve of the sample in synthetic air shows two exothermic peaks, at 341.6 and 579.2 °C, attributed to compound decomposition. In the TG curve, the loss of mass can be seen to occur in two steps between 285.5 and 645.3 °C. The DTA curve obtained in a nitrogen atmosphere shows an exothermic peak, with decomposition of sparfloxacin at 340.0 °C; from the corresponding TG plot, the loss of mass starts at 254.4 °C.


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Alginate is one the materials most employed in practice to make dental impressions. Substances like zinc, cadmium and lead silicate, which are included in several alginate brands with the aim of improving their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, are a source of serious concern as regards their toxicity. The most serious chronic effect of oral exposure to cadmium is renal toxicity. Assimilation of lead has deleterious effects on the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system, cardiovascular system, central and peripheral nervous systems, kidneys, immune system, and reproductive system. Chronic oral exposures to zinc have resulted in hypochromic and microcyte anemia in some individuals. The aim of the present study was to measure the cadmium, lead and zinc contents of seven brands of alginate for dental use on sale in Brazil. The samples were weighed and placed in the Teflon cups of a closed-system microwave oven. Aqua regia (4mL concentrated HCI:HNO3, 3:1 v/v) and hydrofluoric acid (2mL concentrated HF) were added to the samples, which were then subjected to heating. The samples were then cooled to room temperature and diluted to 25 mL in deionized water in a volumetric glass flask. The samples were diluted in duplicate and analyzed against a reagent blank. The analyses were performed in an atomic absorption flame spectrophotometer. Neither lead nor cadmium was detected. Zinc contents ranged from 0.001% to 1.36% by weight. The alginates exhibited low contents of the metals under study and gave no cause for concern regarding toxicity; even so, it is advisable to monitor potentially toxic materials continually and to analyze their plasmatic levels in the professionals working with them.


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This study was carried out in order to identify the interactions that occur most often between prescribed drugs as they are taken by elderly patients attending municipal public health centers in the city of Jaú, São Paulo State, Brazil. It is known that older people frequently have to live with chronic health problems, which oblige them to use the health service a great deal and to consume large quantities of medicines. When concomitant diseases are present, and polytherapy is being applied, the likelihood of adverse reactions and interactions between drugs increases. The population under study consisted of 148 persons aged 65 or more who frequented the pharmacy at the Núcleo de Gestão Assistencial (Municipal Health Centre, NGA25) in Jaú, between August and December 2004. Data were collected from medical prescriptions, the independent variables being the age and sex of the patient. For each patient, the pharmacological classes of drugs taken and drug-drug interactions were recorded. It was found that the mean numbers of drugs consumed were 3.8 among women and 3.9 among men. In terms of age, the highest number of drugs (4.2) was used in the group aged 75 to 84 years. The most frequently prescribed classes, in decreasing order, were: antihypertensives, 25.0%, heart drugs, 15.5%, diuretics, and anti-diabetic drugs, 10.7%. It was concluded that the classes most involved in drug-drug interactions were heart drugs, diuretics and antihypertensives. The most problematic active constituents were digoxin, amiodarone, frusemide, captopril, propranolol and nifedipine.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas spp. and the prevalence of bacterial samples isolated from horizontal surfaces surrounding wash-basins used by dentists in several adjoined consulting-rooms, at points next to and at a distance from the basin, before and after surgical procedures. Our results showed a high percentage of Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli; 34.66% were Staphylococcus spp. and 30.12% were non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli among which Pseudomonas spp. (40.90%) was the commonest genus. Analysis of the susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas spp. isolates by determining the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 14 antibiotics showed a great variation among the strains and high rates of resistance to cefazolin, ceftazidime and aztreonan. Of the 14 antibiotics tested, 59.03% were found to be active against all the environmental isolates. Strains were resistant to aztreonan (62.82%), while susceptibility to third generation cephalosporins was variable.


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To evaluate the reproductive performance and the development of their offspring on rat pregnancy. Wistar pregnant rats were gavaged with 0 mg/kg wb/day (control group, n = 20) and 166.5 mg/kg/day of a mixture of vitamin C, hesperidin and piperidol (experimental group, n = 20) during the organogenic period (from day 5 to 14 of pregnancy; positive vaginal smear = day 0). The female rats were killed on day 21 of pregnancy. The number of implantations, resorptions (dead embryos), and live/dead fetuses were counted for the analysis of the postimplantation loss rates. There was neither alteration in maternal reproductive performance, but it was verified an increase of the number of fetuses presenting dilated urether, hydronephrosis, and reduced ossification of skull due to the treatment of female rats with a mixture of vitamin C, hesperidin and piperidol, these abnormalities were considered transitory and may not interfere on offspring development. It was not verified other type of major malformation neither the appearance of fetuses presenting atrophy of upper limbs that it could be associated to use of this drug.


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Polymeric nanoparticles have received great attention as potential controlled drug delivery systems. Biodegradable polymers has been extensively used in the development of these drug carriers, and the polyesters such as polylactic acid, polyglycolic acid and their copolymers as poly-lactide-co- glycolide are the most used, considering its biocompatibility and biodegradability. Thermal analysis techniques have been used for pharmaceutical substances for more than 30 years and are routine methods for screening drug-excipient interactions. The aim of this work is to use thermal analysis to characterize PLGA nanoparticles containing a hydrophobic drug, praziquantel. The results show that the drug is in an amorphous state or in disordered crystalline phase of molecular dispersion in the PLGA polymeric matrix and that the microencapsulation process did not interfere with the chemical structure of the polymer, mantaining the structural drug integrity.


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The number of studies of genotoxic activity of medicinal plants has been growing alongside with their increasing therapeutic use and scientific interest in proving their effectiveness for a variety of pharmacological purposes. This reflects the fact that many of the plants used by great numbers of people, in spite of their proven pharmacological value, can also cause harmful changes in the DNA. The risks are greater when alternative treatments are applied in an uncontrolled way, without due attention to correct botanical identification, to the part of the plant that should to be used and to the method of preparation and administration. In this review, aspects of the mutagenic activity of some medicinal plants are discussed.


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Y. enterocolitica is a human invasive enteropathogen which causes a number of intestinal and extraintestinal clinical symptoms of various degrees of severity, ranging from mild gastroenteritis to mesenteric lymphadenitis, which mimics appendicitis and in rare cases can evolve to septicemia. Infection by Y. enterocolitica can also lead to post-infection immunological sequelae including arthritis, erythema nodosum and glomerulonephritis. Pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strains have traditionally been linked to specific biotypes and serogroups and associated to a variety of phenotypic characteristics related to virulence. Molecular genetics studies have pointed to the importance of the pYV virulence plasmid, which encodes various virulence genes, as well that of specific chromosomal virulence genes, in determining the pathogenesis of this bacterium. Intestinal infections by Y. enterocolitica are mostly self-limiting and usually do not need an antibiotic treatment. The occurrence of this microorganism is not as frequently described in Brazil as it is in other countries, such as Japan, USA and many European countries. This review focuses on the general characteristics, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, virulence characteristics, treatment and antibiotic susceptibility of Yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated in Brazil and around the world.


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In this work, a micellar system of benzathine penicillin G (BPG) in sodium deoxycholate (NaDC) was developed and evaluated physicochemically. The solubility profile of the drug in water and buffer solutions at various pH was determined, as well as its n-octanol/water partition coefficient. The Critical Micellar Concentration of NaDC and its ability to incorporate BPG were also assessed. The study was carried out at low and high ionic strength which was adjusted by the addition of sodium chloride. The results demonstrated the ability of the micellar system to incorporate BPG, as well as to increase its apparent solubility in water. The enhancement of the solubility of BPG by the presence of NaDC micelles could be analyzed quantitatively within the framework of the pseudo-phase model. Concentration analysis showed that the micellar system could attain up to 90% incorporation of BPG. The incorporated drug is expected to exhibit improved stability, since the antibiotic enclosed in the hydrophobic core of micelles is rather shielded from the aqueous external environment.


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Starches and modified starch derivations are used as carriers in the spray drying processing where apparent density is an important characteristic and should be controlled in dehydrated products for pharmaceutical use. In Brazil, the commercial starches are made from corn and cassava, but there are others with potential for extraction. The canna and taro starches were selected because they represent the extremes of granule size and thus allow the effect of this size on the apparent density of spray dried products to be tested. For comparison, commercial cassava and corn starches which are used in spray-drying and have granules of intermediate size, were also tested. The spray-drying process was carried out with a LabPlant SD 04 Spray Dryer, operating at a pressure of 6 lb/in2, air of 7,6 mL/minute, and 1 cm atomizing nozzle. The air inlet temperature was set at 200°C this model does not allow regulating outlet temperature. The spray-dryer products had boldo leaf extract as base, using the four starches as carrier. The dry product was evaluated for humidity, water activity (Aw), granulometry and apparent density. The results showed that the size of the particles, which was a consequence of the size of the starch granules, influenced the apparent density of the spray dried products, which as higher (694, 27 g/mL) for the canna starch and lower (456, 13 g/mL) for taro starch. Corn and cassava starches showed very close and intermediate values, 521,51 and 58,48 g/mL, which also represent the standard range of starch granule size.


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The main causes of illness and consequent death in patients affected by Diabetes Mellitus are the long-term complications. Depression can make it harder to control the level of glucose in the blood, as well as intensifying and worsening the clinical complications, thus reducing the quality of life. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in Public Health Clinic in Presidente Prudente (SP) in patients enrolled in the Hiper-Dia Program. From October 2003 to July 2004, a descriptive survey was carried out. Data were obtained from doctor's records of 50 diabetes patients and also their answers to a specific questionnaire. The majority of the patients were female, had not completed elementary school, with a family income below five minimum wages, a nationally-defined amount related to the poverty line. It was observed that 24% of the patients had depression and 76% never followed a controlled diet. Pharmacological treatment was prescribed for 82% of the patients. Twenty-eight patients were receiving psyicological treatment, together with oral hypoglycemic agents. The glycated hemoglobin was measured in 68%. The association between depression and submission to treatment was not significant. No statistical association was found between the psychologically assisted patient's group and glucose control (p= 0.40), diet control (p= 0.37) and physical activities (p= 0.77). It was concluded that 24% patients had depression and the majority not under diet control, but 82% were under pharmacological treatment.


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As arterial hypertension can be diagnosed by different methods, among which are the traditional auscultatory instrument and the automated oscillometric monitor, the aim of this study was to compare the performance of these instruments, to evaluate the reliability of the digital oscillometer. The sample consisted of 40 patients under dental treatment, whose blood pressure measurements were recorded. The measurements of systolic and diastolic blood pressures were evaluated in terms of their intraclass correlation coefficients (r). For systolic blood pressure, an excellent level of agreement was found between the instruments, with r=0.93, and for diastolic blood pressure, there was a good level of agreement (r=0.75). It was concluded, from the excellent agreement for systolic blood pressure, that the oscillometric monitor can be recommended for the monitoring of the variations of that pressure in the same individual, while the good agreement obtained in the determination of the diastolic blood pressure indicates that the oscillometric method is reliable. However, new studies need to be carried out for a better understanding of the disagreements that can occur in the diastolic pressure results.